Blackstar's Exile 3#

By readingbookgirl22

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Betrayed, Exiled, Alone. Blackfoot is now a Rouge fighting for survival. He stands alone only to be with a fe... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Exiled
Chapter 2: I'm So Sorry
Chapter 3: Exploring
Chapter 4: Fight For Leadership
Chapter 5: Saphire
Chapter 6: New Home
Chapter 7: Kits
Chapter 8: I Need To See Her!
Chapter 9: My Son And Daughter
Chapter 11: looking For A Home
Chapter 12: Love
Chapter 13: Nice Vist... Not!
Chapter 14: Revenge part 1
Chapter 15: Revenge part 2
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter 17: BloodClan
Chapter 18: Getting Clawface Back
Chapter 19: Grieving
Chapter 20: Scourge
Chapter 21: Blind
Chapter 22: Tigerclaw
Chapter 23: We're In!
Chapter 24: Battle Training
Chapter 25: The Attack
Chapter 26: Trouble
Chapter 27: Sickness
Chapter 28: Coming Back To The Clan
Chapter 29: Guess Who?
Chapter 30: Mowgli Comes Home
Chapter 31: Brother
Chapter 32: The New Leader
Chapter 33: Nine Lives
Authors Note:

Chapter 10: Romana

178 2 0
By readingbookgirl22

Blackfoot's POV

I was in a great mood for the entire week. I got to see my mate and my kits. I was the happest cat alive!

Tangleburr and Clawface even noticed my happinest.

"Why are you so happy?" Clawface asked.

I grinned, "Last night I snuck out and went to ShadowClan" I whispered.

"What!?" They were shocked.

"Russetfur met with me and she brought my kits!"

I told them about Ratkit and Snowkit. I also told them about my little Frostykit who was safe in StarClan.

I headed out for my usual morning stroll. The sun was just rising, the sky was a beautiful pick-orange with little cloud.

I walked past princess house and strangly she wasn't there again.

I wonder where she is?

I went down my usual path, when I heard a strange sound.

I perked my ears to listen, it sounded like a whine. I walked towards the sound until it led me to a old Twoleg house.

By the looks of it, it was abandoned.

The whines were louder now and seemed to be coming from under a bush.

I leped down and peered under the bush. Two big brown eyes looked at me. As my eyes adjusted to the dark of the bush I could finally see what was there.

It was a dog.

Startled I jumped back and got into a fighting position. My hackles raised, fur bristling and claws unsheathed.

The dog slowly walked out and looked at me. It was brown-and-white with floppy ears, long fur, pink collar and it was small.

It is pretty small, I could beat this thing I thought snarling.

The dog looked at me then slowly walked over to me.

I gave a warning growl but it kept on walking. Finally when it reached me I thought it would attack, but it just laid on my paws and closed it's eyes.

I was shocked.

A dog that wouldn't attack? And it was laying on me. I sniffed it's scent and immediately knew it was a female, and it was only a baby.

What do I do now?

I moved away from the dog and she whimpered.

"Shut up" I growled.

She whined and began following me.

"No!" I snarled and she stopped.

I gave her a hard stare a she ran to my paws.

"I think she likes you" a deep female voice said.

I turned around, Mandi was sitting on the fence chuckling, "Can you get her off me?" I hissed.

Mandi jumped down, "You should take her home with you Storm" she said.

"My friends would kill me if I brought a dog home."

"The twoleg who lived here left her to die, don't you have a heart?" She growled.

I sighed, I did have a heart, and half of it was telling me to take care of this little dog.

Mandi looked at the dog's collar "Her name is Romana."

I raised a brow as the dog looked at Mandi at the sound of her name, "How did you know that?"

She put her paw on her own collar, "The reason some of us wear collars are because if we get lost, Twolegs can look at our collar and bring us back home."

"I never knew that" I said quite shocked.

She smiled, "They also tell are names."

I made a 'oh' and looked at the dog.

She seemed happy cuddled up against me, "Alright, I'll bring her home with me."

I grabbed it's scruff and suprisingly, she wasn't heavy, She hasn't eaten for a while.

Mandi hopped back onto the fence, "If you need more Dog advice you know where I live."

"Thanks" I mumbled under it's scruff, "Wait what's a baby dog called?"

She chuckled, "It's called a puppy."

The moment I got to our den, my heart pounded like crazy, I was praying to StarClan the others would be on my side.

I walked in and dropped the puppy at my paws. Tangleburr was the first to noticed.

"Blackfoot why do you have a dog with you?"

That got everyone's attention, Clawface, Stumpytail and Boulder all looked at me and Brokenstar had a evil grin on his face.

"Uh I found her, so I…"

"So you brought a mutt back here and put us all in danger" Brokenstar snarled.

I wouldn't let myself be beat by Brokenstar, "She's only a baby! She won't harm anyone, and I'll find a Twoleg for her in the next few days!"

Clawface and Stumpytail gave nervous glances while Tangleburr looked at the puppy thoughtfully.

Then Boulder stood up, "She can stay for a few days I suppose."

Everyone looked at him, "Yeah she can, I'll help you look for a home for her" Tangleburr grinned and gave the puppy a gentle lick on the ear.

She barked and nuzzled her.

"She likes you" I chuckled.

"Are you all insane?! It's a DOG!" Brokenstar snarled in rage.

"If you don't like her, find somewhere else to live!" Tangleburr growled.

Brokenstar spat but laid down, "If it comes anywhere a near me I'll tear it to pieces!"

Boulder came over and gave the little puppy a pat on the head, she liked that.

"What should we call her?" Stumpytail asked.

"I think the one Kittypet said her name was Romana" I said.

"Alright, Romana" Tangleburr smiled and the dog barked.


I know Blackfoot would never do this in the books but this is my story. I wanted to show Blackfoot's caring and fatherly loving side that we never see. And what better way to show it then to have him raise a puppy. Romana is a very old OC from an old story I wrote once. Her name came from Fell by David Clement Davies. If you've read the book Alina mother (A.K.A The Queen) her name is Romana. So that's where the name comes from.
Mandi and Romana belong to me. Warriors belongs to Erin Hunter

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