Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √

By themiko2

60.5K 2.3K 1.3K

After Mon-El is sent away and Barry is trapped in the Speed Force, Iris and Kara only have had each other for... More

girl of steel
it's just another night, and i'm staring at the moon
i saw a shooting star and thought of you
i sang a lullaby by the waterside and knew
if you were here, i'd sing to you
far from the tree
you're on the other side
as the skyline splits in two
the faithful
but i can see the stars from america
wake up
i wonder, do you see them too?
the flash reborn
so open your eyes and see
the way our horizons meet
mixed signals
and all of the lights will lead
into the night with me
luck to be a lady
and i know these scars will bleed
but both of our hearts believe
elongated journey into night
all the stars will guide us home
i can hear your heart
girls night out
boys night out
on the radio beat
when harry met harry
they're playing 'chasing cars'
and i thought of us
therefore i am
back to the time
crisis on earth-x : PART ONE
you were lying next to me
i looked across and fell in love
crisis on earth-x: PART TWO
evil doppelgängers
heroes vs nazis
crisis on earth-x: PART THREE
so i took your hand
back through lamp-lit streets
crisis on earth-x : PART FOUR
the calm after the firestorm
the danvers-allen union
and knew everything led back to you
can you see the stars over amsterdam?
legion of superheroes
hear the song my heart is beating to?
so open your eyes and see
don't run
the way our horizons meet
and all of the lights will lead
the trail of the flash
into the night with me
and I know these scars will bleed
fort rozz
but both of our hearts believe
all of these stars will guide us home
the elongated knight rises
i can see the stars from america
all of the stars
for good
when your legs don't work
like they used to before
both sides now
and I can't sweep you off of your feet
will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
honey, I shrunk team superflash
will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?
and, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70
true colors
and, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23
and I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
subject 9
maybe just the touch of a hand
I fall in love with you every single day
enter flashtime
and I just wanna tell you I am
so, honey, now
run, kara, run
take me into your loving arms
kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
null and annoyed
place your head on my beating heart
i'm thinking out loud
schott through the heart
maybe we found love
right where we are
in search of lost time
when my hair's all gone
and my memory fades
of two minds
and the crowds don't remember my name
when my hands don't play the strings the same way
I know you will still
love me the same
lose yourself
cause, honey, your soul could never
grow old, it's evergreen
fury rogue
baby, your smile's forever in my mind
in memory
therefore she is
I'm thinking 'bout how
people fall in love in mysterious ways
harry and the harrisons
maybe it's all part of a plan
I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
shelter from the storm
hoping that you'll understand
take me into your loving arms
think fast
kiss me under the light
of a thousand stars
we are superflash
place your head
on my beating heart
the fanatical
maybe we found love
right where we are
dark side of the moon
take me into your loving arms
not kansas
kiss me under the light
of a thousand stars
make it reign
place your head
on my beating heart
battles lost and won
I'm thinking outloud
maybe we found love right where we are
the start of a new beginning
Iris and Mon-El quotes
𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔

miles away from seeing you

464 21 5
By themiko2

"Winn," Kara said as she walked into the lab at the DEO. "I need you to run a scan on a BetaHedron signature."

But Winn looked back at her confused. "What's that?" He asked. "A Beta- what?"

"It's like the Omegahedron that powered Fort Rozz, only smaller," Kara said.

"Oh, that makes sense," Winn said before he got up with his tablet.

"So, on Krypton, we used BetaHedrons to power probes that scientists would send out into space that can contain Kryptonian artifacts like this one, embedded with information like our history, religion, so other worlds would learn our culture," Kara explained as the two headed out of the lab and down the stairs.

"Oh, yeah. On Earth, we had that too. The Voyager probe," Winn said.

"Well, the Kryptonian probe must've landed on Earth and this obelisk was in it. And Coville had it," Kara said.

"Okay. So, you're saying that Coville has an unlimited power supply, with absolutely no idea what it's capable of?" Winn asked.

"Yeah," Kara said.

"Right. Okay," Winn said before he looked back at his tablet. "Oh, hey! I found it. Look at that." He then pulled up what he found onto the screens as he, Kara and then Alex walked up to them. "Whoa, guys, this is bad."

"It's degrading. If someone doesn't stabilize that, that's gonna breach. That's gonna be enough to take out an entire city block," Alex said.

"He knows what it's capable of. He was willing to burn down a building for one recruit. Imagine how many recruits he'd get with a bomb. I'm going to the Community Center to find him," Kara said before she started to walk away.

"Kara?" Winn asked and Kara looked back at him. "The BetaHedron's not there."

"Then where is it?" Kara asked.

Skies of National City

Zooming through the air, Supergirl headed towards the National City Stadium, where a hokey game was in place. "I'm almost to the stadium. You're sure that is where it is?" She asked into comms.

"Yes. And I checked attendance. The stadium is at full capacity. That is fifteen-thousand people."

"Alex, you have ten minutes before the BetaHedron breaches. You need to get everybody out of that stadium right now."

National City Stadium

Supergirl flew into the basement of the stadium, to see Coville and his followers praying before the BetaHedron. "Coville," Supergirl said and Coville opened his eyes.

"Our prayers have been answered," he said before getting up while Supergirl landed on her feet.

"Whatever you did to the BetaHedron, to the have to stop it now!" She commanded.

"Don't you see the beauty? The same vessel that delivered Rao's word to Earth has now become an instrument for destruction. To give you the chance to deliver thousands to our ranks? A test to reaffirm to yourself what Rao sees in you," Coville told her.

"But Rao is peaceful. Rao would never ask his followers to endanger other people. What you're doing is an insult to Him," Supergirl said sternly.

"What we're doing is in service of Him. And in service of you," Coville said but Supergirl scoffed before she started to walk up to the BetaHedron.

"Winn, you're going to have to tell me how to shut it down-" she started but then froze as a wave of pain washed over her. She gasped before falling down to the ground while green veins covered her body. Olivia, who was nearby, gasped, and looked down at her.

"What's wrong with her?" She asked.

"Don't worry, this is all part of Rao's plan," Coville said as Supergirl breathed heavily.

"Winn — Winn!" Supergirl called out desperately.

"Supergirl, what's happening?"

"It's...Kryptonite — Kryptonite," she muttered.

"Alex, something went wrong."

"Yeah, I heard. We need to stop this game." After a long moment of silence, Alex came back on comms. "You're gonna have to shut that thing down. We won't get everybody out in time. Repeat, we will not evacuate in time."

Supergirl heavily eyed the BetaHedron as green was covering all over her. "We are all going to die," she said before looking back at Coville. "You need to shut it down."

"You said she would save us. That she would save everybody," Olivia said.

"And she will," Coville said before he walked over to them, and kneeled down before the hero. "Those people up there, they need to be awoken. Only you can do that." Supergirl then glanced around the ground, to find a small piece of metal. She grabbed it and pulled open her palm. "You are the one to deliver Rao's light upon all of us."

The girl panted as she sat up and eyed Coville. "Don't you see?" She asked before she held out her palm towards him, which had a cut of blood. "I am no God."

"No," Coville muttered, as the people around them began to panic. They got up and started to run out of the basement as Supergirl looked as if she were to pass out. "Wait, stop." He then looked back at the hero. "I believed in you."

"Please," She begged and Coville turned towards the BetaHedron. He pressed a button on it, but it didn't stop it. It just powered it.

"That was supposed to turn it off. It's not turning off," Coville said.

"Winn!" Supergirl called out in comms.

Suddenly, Alex walked into the basement, and pulled a gun out on Coville. "Hey! Get away from the probe and down on the ground!" Alex yelled as Coville stood up, his hands out in surrender.

"I'm just trying to help," he said.

"Now!" Alex yelled and Coville did as he was told while Alex ran over to the hero. "Supergirl."

"In...Inside. Inside," she called, pointing at the BetaHedron. Alex got up again, put her gun away, and headed around the BetaHedron. She saw that the Kryptonite was in a small container, so she opened up the force it was behind, and pulled it out.

"They put Kryptonian soil samples on the probe. It's laced with kryptonite," Alex said into comms.

"Get it away from her!" Alex, then threw the container far away, causing the veins on Supergirl slowly fading away. "Alex. Supergirl. The BetaHedron is about to breach."

Alex ran back over to the hero, though she was still weak. "You have to fly that thing out of here," Alex said.

"I can't. I can't," Supergirl mumbled.

"Alex, you and Supergirl need to get out of there right now!"

"Get away from me," Supergirl muttered suddenly and Alex stared at her confused. "Quick, get away." She stumbled as she stood up, but with her last energy until she would pass out, she used her laser heat vision onto the ground. She used it until the ground was deep enough for the BetaHedron to go in, without hurting anyone. She stumbled back to the ground as Alex eyed her. "Now! Now! Push it in. Push it in," she said and Alex ran over to the BetaHedron while the hero slowly passed out.


"Get over here," Alex said to Coville who stared at her. "Come here!" He got up and ran over to her. "Help me push." The two together pushed the BetaHedron into the hole Supergirl provided for them, not a moment later, they ducked to the ground as it exploded.

National City Prison

The next day, Coville was brought into the visiting room, where he found Kara sitting behind a phone booth. "Are they treating you well?" Kara asked once the two of them picked up the phone.

"Oh, yes, thank you," Coville said.

"I have to ask...Are you going to tell anybody who I am?" Kara asked.

"Hmm. I know you gave me a name at the rec center. But honestly, I can't even remember it. That's not who you are," Coville said.

"You don't know who I am at all," Kara said.

"Oh, I know that even Gods can lose their way. When I looked into your eyes that night on the plane, you were clear and free. But now, your eyes are clouded with doubt and loss. You're at a crossroads. And I finally understand Rao's will for me. To help you on your journey. To bring you back to clarity of purpose. Back to balance. Back to peace. This isn't my prison. This is my salvation. And so I will continue to pray to you...But I will also pray for you," Coville explained before he smiled while Kara just stared at him oddly. He put the phone up before he got up, and escorted back into the prison.

National City Elementary School

That night, in the auditorium, Lena, Iris, Kara and Alex all walked up to four empty seats next to Sam, while a group of Supergirls danced on stage. "You guys came!" Sam whispered as they all sat down.

"Yeah, we said we would!" Lena whispered and Sam smiled. "Ruby's got a lot of cool aunts."

"I know," Sam said, and Iris smiled before she leaned over to Kara.

"Look at that. They're not worshiping you. They're inspired by you," Iris said and Kara smiled.

Once the dance was over, everyone cheered and applauded. "And now, please welcome Ruby Arias." Ruby came on stage in a dress while a piano started to play.

"Come with me...And you'll be...In a world of pure imagination...Take a look...And you'll see...Into your imagination...There is no Life I know...To compare with your imagination...Living there You'll be free...If you truly wish...To be."

They all cheered and applauded, all except Alex. She suddenly got up, clearly upset about something, and she ran off out of the auditorium.


Alex walked out into the hallway, breathing heavily as she tried to calm herself down. But Kara ran in after her. "Alex. Alex, what's wrong? What is it?" Kara asked and Alex slowly looked back at her.

"Um...Maggie doesn't want to have kids," Alex said.

"I thought that was something you guys decided together,"'Kara said.

"No, it," Alex said before she sighed. "I agreed because it's what she wanted."

"Okay. Uh...Okay, you guys will figure it out," Kara said.

"Maggie's not gonna change her mind. The only way that we're gonna work through it is if I let it go. And I've tried, Kara. I...I love her so much that it hurts, and I convinced myself that living a life with her, it was enough. But watching Ruby...I want all the experiences that Mom had with us. You know, I want to take my kid camping and I wanna show her the constellations. I want to teach her how to read, how to throw a punch, and how to make cheesy valentines. And I want to hold her when she has a bad dream, and I wanna tell her that the world's a better place because she's in it," Alex explained as she slowly started to break into tears. Kara nodded as tears formed in her own eyes as well. "I want all of it." She then started sobbing as the realization hit her. "I want to be a mom — What am I going to do?" Not a moment later, Kara pulled her into a hug while she continued to sob heavily.


"Though we go forth alone,"

"Our soul unites us under Rao's gladsome rays,"

"We're never lost,"

"Never afraid for we shrink not under the Sun of Righteousness,"

"Rao binds us to those we love,"

"He gives us strength when we have none,"

"And in the darkest places,"

"He guides us,"

"For Rao sees all,"

"Feels all,"

"His love eternal,"

"Rao, protect us,"

"So that we might protect others,"

"And we shall rise,"

"A fire in His heart,"

"Burning and Free."

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