Journey through the Grand Can...

By Raffesia

227K 17.6K 7.4K

❎Do Not Read before reading the 1st book of the series.❎ Drisana has started her journey to Indraprasth. Afte... More

Prologue & Casts
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Clearing concepts
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
For the Haters of Subhadra-Karna Pair
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
💖💖💖 Special Shot 💖💖💖
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Stroms in the Making
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
💖💔💖 Special Shot 💖💔💖
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 35

2.4K 240 162
By Raffesia

This is where it dropped to 67 again. Target 80 votes. I will unlock the next chapter as soon as it hits the mark. 😊

In Indraprasth:

Rasika was searching for an opportunity to mix the poison to the two Princes food. Gandharraj had instructed her to mix it in some sweet item. Because Vrikodar liked sweets most. And he had also forbade to mix it into the regular meals. As Bheem would become alert and stop eating if the poison worked on someone else before he ate sufficient amount. Her main target was killing Bheem, Gandharraj had said. He didn't care if Sahdev got saved. But Bheem had to be removed at any cost.

It hadn't been at all easy to enter the Palace for her. For entire three weeks, she had kept watch on the Palace in the guise of an old woman. Following the maids coming and going from the Palace, talking with them making excuses. And finally it all paid off when she came to know about that maid Shalini. Just one small drop of poison had been enough to make her severely ill. She didn't suspect anything as Rasika had previously befriended her and expressed her desire to work in the palace. So, Shalini agreed when she wanted to come and work in Shalini's place to use this chance to get a permanent job.

The entire royal kitchen of Indraprasth was permeated with the heavenly smell of Kheer. The smell even travelled outside the kitchen. Rasika and two other maids were outside, a little far from the kitchen area near the well. All the dirty dishes, large cauldrons, pitchers, ladles etc. got carried to the well from the back door of the kitchen all day long and their duty was to clean them. Rasika had peaked inside the kitchen a few times from far.

"Rajkumari Valandhara has made Kheer again!" Said one maid inhaling deeply.

"Even the smell is enough to make someone hungry." The other one commented.

"Yes! No wonder Rajkumar Bheem married her. Her handmade food is no less than amrit (honeydew). I still remember the tastes of her foods that was served in Deepavali. I remember it so vividly, like I just ate it." Said the first maid.

"But everyone has already had lunch long before. Why she made Kheer at this time? For dinner?" Rasika asked in between.

"No. Rajkumar Bheem feels hungry after his practice sessions. So, snacks are getting prepared for him. The Kheer is part of that only." The second maid replied.

"Oh! So, it's only for him?" Rasika asked again. "I mean no one else will eat with him? He will eat all of it alone?" She asked pretending to be surprised.

"Nothing like that. Rajkumari Valandhara sends everyone their fair share when they're around. But right now, no other Rajkumars are present. So, it'll get sent for only Rajkumar Bheem and Rajkumar Sahdev." The maid replied smiling at her. "And you won't be so surprised if you see Rajkumar Bheem eat. Finishing the whole cauldron is a matter of just a few moments for him." The maids started laughing saying so. Rasika joined them too finding a perfect opportunity to complete her task as after lunch there was barely anyone inside the kitchen.


"What are you doing here?" A dasi asked frowning at Rasika who was moving the ladle on the cauldron of Kheer.

"I thought there's a smell of something burning. So, I was just checking the Kheer." Rasika replied innocently.

"Nothing is burning. I checked it just before going around to get the vegetables for dinner. And who are you by the way?" Asked the maid still frowning.

"I'm new here. Just joined a few days before. My duty is to clean the dishes near the well." Rasika said pointing in that way with a smile.

"Don't you know that it's forbidden to come inside the kitchen unnecessarily? And your duty is near the well. Then what are you doing inside?"

"I just came to put the clean dishes inside. The other maids already left and I thought the dishes will get dirty if I left them outside. That's why." Rasika replied meekly.

"Okay. But don't touch anything again when you come inside. Just keep the clean dishes and leave. Everyone has been given separate tasks and it's better to stick to our work." The maid said sternly and Rasika left nodding.

In Anga:

Maharaj Sarangadhwaja frowned at Maharani Subhadra. She had not only welcomed him warmly, but treated him with utmost respect that should be shown to a guest. It surprised him that this woman who was the little sister of his enemy showed not an ounce of dislike or disrespect towards him even knowing full well that he was joining forces to attack Dwarka. Even her own husband would be forced to raise arm against her brother, but she showed not the least amount of worry regarding it. Not only that, but she also saved his life yesterday when his health worsened due to an allergic reaction to soybean. If she hadn't thought to give him the red clover mixture immediately, he wouldn't have survived till the physician arrived.

"How are you feeling now?" Angraj Karna asked politely. They were in the sitting room of the guest chambers where Maharaj Sarangadhwaja was staying. Karna had come to see him and Subhadra accompanied.

"I'm much better now." Maharaj Sarangadhwaja replied.

"I apologise to you Pandya Naresh. I didn't know you will fall sick. I should have been careful about the food." Subhadra apologised sincerely.

"No, Maharani Subhadra. It's not your fault. Even I wasn't aware that I can fall sick due to some food item. In fact I should thank you. If it wasn't for you, my condition would have worsened. Thank you." Maharaj Sarangadhwaja replied.

"There's no need for that. I will pray for your fast recovery." Subhadra said smiling gently.

"Strange. You know that I'm going to attack Dwarka soon. Still you're giving me best wishes. Why is that?"

"Because my bhrata Krishna says, until someone makes a mistake, he shouldn't be blamed for that and everyone deserves an opportunity to correct their thoughts and actions till the end. You're planning to attack Dwarka, but you haven't yet. Why should I make the mistake of behaving rudely with you then?" Subhadra replied. Karna smiled at her with warmth.
"And my bhrata Krishna also says, realisation is greater than punishment. So, I will pray for you to realise the faults in your ways, not for your punishment." Subhadra added.

Karna and Subhadra left him to rest then, but his mind was far from rest.


"Mata?" Karna called gently as he found Kunti sitting in  her chamber.

"Come Putra." Kunti said smiling at him.

"Sthira told me you're not eating properly since a few days. Why is that Mata?" Karna asked after sitting beside her.

"It's nothing. Subhadra worries unnecessarily." Kunti replied brushing off his concerns.

"Is it Sthira or you? You're worried about something. I can tell that too." Karna said again.

Kunti hesitated thinking either she should share her troubles or not. Since a few days, she was feeling very restless. A ominous feeling surrounded her. She felt like there was some danger around her sons. She saw a very bad dream a few nights ago too. It shook her to the core. She saw Bheem, Arjun, Nakul and Sahdev fading gradually into darkness and Yudhisthir falling into a dark abyss. She was searching Karna desperately for help. But couldn't find him in the dark and only heard his voice which kept getting far and far. This nightmare had been on her mind making her sick with worry. Was there really some danger or was it just because she was away, she felt worried? She didn't want to worry Karna telling him about her foreboding feeling. But as he sat there holding her hand gently and asking what was wrong, she couldn't resist telling him.

"I feel like there's some danger stepping towards your brothers. I don't know why but I'm just unable to shake off this foreboding feeling." Kunti said helplessly. "Maybe I am just worrying for nothing."

"Mata." Karna called softly. "You're our mother and it is your right to worry for us. But don't worry so much that you fall sick yourself. Specially, when your sons are strong and courageous. They're capable of facing and defeating any dangers. I do trust them. Don't you?"

Kunti nodded her head in reply.

"Then don't worry so much. They will be fine. And why don't you send a letter to them? They'll be very happy to hear from you. I'm sure. They're also missing you." Karna suggested with a smile.

"You're saying right, putra. I will do that." Kunti replied feeling a little better after the talk.


Subhadra came inside the meeting chamber of Karna to find him engrossed in some parchments. A frown automatically marred her face. This man! God knew what happened to him at nights. He remembered all his works at nights. He would have this or that excuse and come to their bedchamber only after or near midnight. Didn't he know that it's a sin to work at nights instead of romancing with his wife?!

'Foolish me! Does he even know what romancing means?' Subhadra thought sarcastically.

"Vrisha? What are you doing?" Subhadra asked coming closer.

"I'm working. But what are you doing here?" Karna asked without removing his eyes from the parchments.

"Me? Normally the people of Anga sleep at this hour. Normally you work at this hour. And I hunt you in the palace at this hour. Normally." Subhadra replied.

"Why do you keep hunting me when you know I must be busy in work? At this hour normally." Karna asked humorously.

"Because at this hour the only place you should be, is our bedchamber normally." Subhadra replied crossing her arms.

"I will come after finishing the work." Karna said smiling at her.

"No. I know your work will only get finished after midnight. I am not going without you tonight." Subhadra said stubbornly.

"Okay. Then I'll finish this work tomorrow afternoon." Karna said and proceeded to fold the parchments. But Subhadra looked unsure. His afternoons were already claimed by her. They used to spend the afternoons by either going for walks, visiting the village, playing games or simply lazing around their chambers.

"Why at afternoon? Why not in the morning?" Subhadra asked frowning.

"Then what about the practice sessions and court sessions?" Karna asked back arching his brows.

"You can look at it after lunch too."

"Then who will talk to the delegates or ministers or the guests?

"Before dinner---?"

"Round of the Training ground?"

"And after dinner you spend some time with Mata." Subhadra said with a pout.

"Yes. So? Should I do this now or at the afternoon?" Karna asked again.

"This is not fair Vrisha. Why don't you keep someone to do some of the works?" Subhadra asked sulking. Karna blinked at her and then started laughing.

"Good idea. I should appoint a king to do the King's duties." He said after controlling his laughter.

"How will this work? If you keep working like this, how will my kids come?" Subhadra whined in frustration.

"Sthira! Don't speak so loudly. Someone might hear." Karna said in mortification.

"Who will hear? There's no one except you and you're not listening to me." Subhadra said whining again.

"I'm listening only Sthira." Karna replied.

"When have you listened? Instead of romancing with me, you're working at this hour."

"Don't talk about that. It's embarrassing."

"What's embarrassing in talking to my husband about romance? And you should be the one talking to me about this, but look at my fate, I have to remind you that."

"Patience Sthira. Patience."

"Patience doesn't bring kids. Impatience does."

"What has gotten into you tonight!?" Karna asked with a red face.

"Let me tell you." Subhadra took hold of his hand and dragged him to the balcony. "Look."

"What? There's nothing." Karna said in confusion looking at the garden of the Palace.

"There is Vrisha. Look closely." Subhadra emphasised. And when he still looked confused, Subhadra turned his face upwards.
"Look, how bright the moon is shining with all its beauty and grandeur. Feel this gentle breeze. It even smells sweet. It seems like the wind is kissing the trees and whispering sweet nothings to them. Who would want to be away from one's beloved on such a night?"

Karna turned his eyes to his beloved to find her eyes closed feeling the soft breeze as the moon bathed her in its illuminating silver glow. He remembered the first time when he met her. It was a night similar to this. The moon was shining just as brightly. And she was standing there. The moonlight enhancing her innocence and pure beauty. The night breeze was touching her sensuous skin and playing with her hair strands.

Karna frowned slightly and then quickly removed her sirovastra and opened her hair from its confinement.

"What are you doing? Someone might see." Subhadra said trying to re-tie her hair. But Karna stopped holding her hand and pulled her to him suddenly. Subhadra's eyes became wide as she fell on his chest.

"There's no one here, is there?" Karna stated staring at her with a mischievous smile playing on his lips. Subhadra lowered her gaze noticing the fervour in his eyes. A ferocious blush covered her cheeks in red.
"Has my beloved lost all her boldness now?" He whispered in her ear lowering his face. A shiver ran through her as she felt his hot breaths caressing her face.

"I-- anyone can ---come at anytime--- here." Subhadra said stammering nervously.

"Who will dare to come inside without permission when the King is alone with his Queen?" Karna asked nuzzling the side of her face.

"B-- but---" She stammered being unable to complete the thought as her senses were overwhelmed with his closeness.

"Okay. If you have objection, then let me get back to the parchments." He whispered in her ear placing a kiss on her earlobe. It took Subhadra some moments to comprehend what he said. Here, Karna had already left her and turned to go back to the chamber.

"No!!!" Subhadra screamed and halting him by holding his hand, hugged him tightly. "What objection will I have? I have no objection." Subhadra said shaking her head.

She realised what she did a moment too late as she felt Karna's body shaking with laughter. He too wrapped his arms around her and held tightly. Subhadra remained like that long after his laughter died down, feeling too embarrassed to leave the secure hold she was in. Karna understood it and gently lifted her face placing his finger under her chin. Subhadra's eyes fell on his passion filled ones. He stared at her and got drunk in her allure. His face moved towards her lips that was calling to him, inviting him to claim them. Subhadra closed her eyes as she felt their lips meeting in a passionate, but soft kiss.


Under the waters of Bhagirathi.....

Arjun was as usual meditating in the river on his Lord, Sankarashiv. Takshak eyed him with hatred and malice. His men (snakemen?) had surrounded Arjun, so he couldn't escape. They were at a distance as not to tip him of their presence. Arjun, unsuspecting of the upcoming danger, kept meditating. On the other hand, Nagkanya Uloopi who was watching the handsome prince from far, noticed the Nagas surrounding him. Her eyes went to Takshak Naga and she understood he was planning to attack Arjun.

After being assured everything was at place, Takshak signalled his men to charge at Arjun. They were going to attack as ordered, but before they could reach Arjun, a vortex surrounded him. The waters became restless and a unseen force hurled them far. Takshak who also felt the violent force and lost his balance for a while, turned to the direction of the vortex to find it empty. Everything was calm and there was no sign of Arjun.

He released a loud roar of anger and frustration as Arjun had escaped his clutches somehow. But who had helped him this time?

On the other side, Arjun felt a force pulling him deeper into the waters. The force was so violent and sudden that he couldn't even grasp what was happening. And then before he could react at all, he felt a pressure on his head and fell into unconsciousness.


Somewhere between Panchal and Indraprasth....

"Stay alert. They will be here in a day or two ." The chief of the assassins of Huna tribe ordered. They were ready for the troupe. It was a forest area but not surrounded by trees densely. Each and every weapons, starting from their arrows to the knives, everything was dipped in deadly poisons. Just one scratch and the victim would die a terrible death.

They were hidden in three groups. The first group would attack hiding behind the tree branches. The sudden rain of arrows on the troupe, would force them to retreat to safety with the women. Then if the Rajkumar retreated too with those leaving his soldiers to fight, then the second group would attack from behind. The soldiers would get disoriented and confused by this. And when they remained busy in defending the front and rear, the third group hidden in bushes and forest floor would attack solely the Rajkumar and kill him. But if the Rajkumar remained with the soldiers in front to fight instead of retreating, then also he would face death. Nothing much. They just needed to inflict a single scratch by the knife or the arrows thrown. And Rajkumar Nakul would become nothing but a memory to his loved ones.



So, Arjun is close to his second child's mother...😈😈😈

Wanna ask me if Arjun is going to marry Uloopi?

Ask away....

'How will I know! Only Arjun can answer that...'😉

Want a face claim for Uloopi?


Who can be a Nagkanya better than Mouni Roy! 😂😂😂

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