another stupid hate song

By swaggymf7

26.7K 900 899

harry is 21 and louis is 23. they are music students in manchester. niall, who is harry's best friend, hangs... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 25

605 22 17
By swaggymf7

It was now 8 p.m, and Harry and Louis were up, heading toward the lift to have dinner.

Louis had woken up from his nap with Harry lying on top of him, head on Louis' chest and playing some game on his phone.

"Oh, you awake" Harry had asked, looking up to Louis when he shifted

"Yeah" Louis had replied

And then they decided to go have dinner in town. They were in California, might as well enjoy every second and go out while they could.

Harry's limping had kind of stopped. It sometimes hurt but he had told Louis he was fine with a reassuring grin.

"I didn't realize we were so close to the beach!" Harry said excitedly when they left the hotel, heading downtown

The hotel was facing the sea. It was truly beautiful, but not as much as Harry with his face brightened that way. He looked like a child who saw a panda for the first time. It was what Louis' sisters were like when they saw a panda at the zoo many years ago.

Harry was as bright as the sun that was now setting, just because he saw the beach. It was cute but probably a bit of an overreaction, because he had seen the sea before, but Louis didn't really care and just smiled back at him.

"Yeah, you were trying so hard to hide your limping that you didn't pay attention. We even see it from our bedroom"

It was weird saying 'their bedroom' but they were in a hotel, in the same room, so that was basically their room. Still weird. Sounded like something more than fucking was between them, which wasn't, right?

Harry's smile brightened even more, his dimple popping like crazy "We really see it?"

Louis couldn't help but smile as wide, making his eyes crinkle "Yeah, we do"

"Where are we eating?" Harry asked, walking with his hands in his pockets and his shoulder sometimes bumping against Louis'

"Um. I didn't really think about that" he shrugged, then looked at the beach "We can take something somewhere and eat on the beach if you'd like"

"Yeah! I'd love to" he said

If Harry could, he'd probably smile wider, but as he was already smiling like crazy, it was probably impossible. Harry really got excited over really small things, but that was incredible to witness.

They walked and talked about nothing special. They talked about a puppy they just saw, Louis literally melting and wanting to kidnap it, because the puppy was so cute. Harry had held him back -physically- so he wouldn't dognap any doggy, as cute as it was, tonight.

Harry had confessed being more of a cat person, and Louis had laughed at him.

"What are you laughing at?" he had frowned

"Yoy can't be serious, cats are ungrateful as fuck, Haz. You can't trust them, but you can trust a little puppy. A dog loves you and a cat just sleeps and eats"

"Hey, that's not true. I had a cat, she was a softie. She cuddled me all the time, and I love cuddles"

"You sure do, Curly. You cuddle up to me every single night"

This comment had earned him a jab on the top of the head, and a Harry with reddened cheeks.

They found a pizzeria shortly after and decided to order here. Louis went in and leaned against the counter

"Hi! What can I get you?"

"Hello! I'd like a pepperonI pizza and he'll take a veggie one" Louis said, smiling at the guy and pointing his thumb to Harry behind him.

The guy smiled back and then scribbled their order on a paper before telling them the pizzas would be ready in half an hour.

"Let's go to the shop nearby while it's cooking" Louis said, already heading out.

Harry followed him and asked "Will we have enough time?"

Louis rolled his eyes, pushing the door and letting the californian breeze brush his face.

"Yes Harold. Now come on, we're losing time" he said

They entered the nearest souvenir shop. Louis looked through the postcards, wanting to send one to his sisters and his mum, while Harry was walking through the alleys.

At some point, after Louis chose a card saying 'Hi from California!' he wandered in the shop, stopping in one of the alleys, grinning at a thought he was having as he saw one of the items before him.

Louis felt two big hands resting on his waist and then a mouth next to his ear

"Is that a kink of yours?" Harry whispered

Louis looked to the side and saw Harry look at what Louis was looking at.

"Maybe it is. Would you wear one for me?" Louis asked

One of Harry's hand left Louis' waist to grab one of the lace thong

"Hum, why not" he said

Louis huffed a laugh, not believing him. Harry took his hands off Louis' waist to start digging into the box which contained the thongs.

"What are you looking for?"

"A purple one"

Louis' brows shot up

"Really?" he asked incredulously

"Found one" he said with grin, taking a lilac lace underwear from the box "Let's go pay and take our pizzas"

Harry headed to the cashier while Louis just stood in the alley for several seconds. Harry was hot.

He ended up following him, paying for his postcards and meeting him outside.

"Come on I'm hungry" he said, walking toward the pizzeria

Once they arrived, the pizzas were ready. Louis insisted on paying and then they were off to the beach, sitting in the sand in no time.

They ate in silence, just watching the waves crashing on the sand, tickling their bare feet. When they finished eating, they stayed there. Louis had his head on his knees and his arms around his legs

"Today was a great day" Harry said, looking forward

Louis turned to him. He stopped breathing for a minute. Harry was leaning on his arms, his head tilted upward and eyes closed. The moon's light embraced perfectly the lines of his profile, his cheekbones seemed even sharper than usual, the kind that could slice Louis' heart in half.

"Yeah" he said on an exhale

Harry opened his eyes and turned with a smile to Louis

"Thanks for the pizza"

"No worries" Louis smiled back and looked at his feet

"Do you want to listen to some music?" Harry asked after a bit of silence

"Yeah, why not" he shrugged

Harry scooted closer to Louis and gave him one of his earbuds. They plugged them and then Harry put on one of his playlists. The first song to come up was Ribs by Lorde. This song made Louis feel a weird way, not bad at all. Just... he didn't know. it made him feel. Just feel.

Harry was so close Louis could feel his body resonate as Harry hummed along the song. Louis turned his head to take a proper look at him. He was stunning. Eyes closed, moving his head to the beat, and Louis couldn't do anything except admire him. The way his hair was moving with the wind and the way he swung his head, curls bouncing and falling on his broad shoulders, the way his lips twitched as the song went on, the way he sounded when he started singing the lyrics, sending shivers down Louis' spine.

Everything about Harry was so pretty that Louis really wondered if he was real. Louis wanted to poke his cheek, making sure he was not just a fragment of his imagination, but the way Harry seemed to have forgotten everything around him and being in his own world stopped him from doing so. He just watched, as this was all temporary.

One day they'd have to stop this little thing between them. Not because Louis would want to -probably not that- but because Harry found someone else, or just got bored. Sooner rather than later, Harry would get bored of Louis. It was just a matter of time, really, so he enjoyed the time while it lasted.

Sadly, the song came to an end, and so did Harry's singing. Harry opened his eyes and looked Louis' way, smiling lightly as he caught him watching.

"How long have you been staring?" he asked

"Too long, probably" Louis blushed, looking back to the sea

Louis couldn't see it because he closed his eyes but he could feel Harry's eyes boring into his skull.

"You have incredibly long eyelashes" Harry said

Louis opened his eyes and turned to him. Harry was indeed watching him closely, literally. He had moved closer, their faces now being inches from each other's, almost so close that he could feel every breath he took.

"Really?" he asked dumbly


Louis was wondering what the point of saying that was. Not that it bothered him, but just... it just proved that Harry was watching him, and he didn't know how to react about that.

Harry's eyes were still watching him, intently staring in Louis' own like he was trying to read into his soul, trying to know what he was thinking about at the moment. It was somehow disturbing because Louis felt like he was really reading in him like an open book. However he couldn't really care as Louis was probably looking the same, getting lost inside those hypnotic green eyes.

They were so close that Louis could just move an inch closer and their lips would touch.

Harry's phone vibrated, stopping the music that Louis didn't pay attention to and tearing them both from... whatever this was.

"Sorry" he said, leaning back and reaching for his phone in his pocket. He frowned at the screen and unplugged the earphones, getting up

"It's my sister, I'll be back" he said, anticipating Louis' question

He got up and walked a bit further so Louis wouldn't hear. Louis just sat there, thinking about his own sisters.

Phoebe and Daisy had their dance representation on the 21st and Louis wouldn't even be back to see it. He was sad about it, but he had asked them to record so he could watch it later with them. It hit him that it would be the first time he'd miss one of their representations... a wave of nostalgia ran through him. His sisters were growing up and time went by so quickly.

If there was one good thing about not being able to go, it would be that he didn't have to see his dad. Louis wasn't able to talk to him for now, and probably not soon. He knew one day he'd have to, and it wasn't that he didn't want to, he just wasn't ready to tell him how bad his words had hurt him because his dad was probably not ready to listen.

"Hey, sorry" Harry said, sitting back next to Louis "Gem asked me if I had arrived. I forgot to text her"

"No problem" Louis smiled "We should probably head back to the hotel. It's getting late"

Harry nodded and they both got up. They walked in silence, probably both a bit tired from the trip.

"The jet lag is killing me" Harry said once he opened their room's door

"Yeah, me too"

Harry took his shoes off and jumped on the bed, head buried in the mattress.

"That's my bed, harold" Louis said

"Not anymore" he mumbled

Louis rolled his eyes and went to the bathroom. There was a bathtub, a shower in the corner of the room, two sinks and a toilet.

Louis undressed and turned the shower on, not climbing in immediately and waiting for the water to heat up. As he waited, he brushed his teeth and then, judging the water hot enough, he climbed in. There were little bottles of shampoo and bodywash from the hotel exposed in front of him, and next to that was a watermelon shampoo.

Louis giggled, did Harry really use watermelon shampoo? It was funny. It was the kind of shampoo his little sisters used. Of course, Louis decided to use it.

Louis heard noises from the room but didn't question it. It was probably Harry undoing his luggage or most likely jumping on the bed like it was a freaking trampoline.

Once washed, he got out and wrapped one of the towels around his waist. He left the bathroom and stopped dead in his track

"Harry Edward Styles, did you just move the entire hotel room so your bed faces the window?"

"Yup. I also took your bed so I now have a giant one" he smiled innocently to Louis

Louis huffed and walked to him

"I'm sure you did that so I have no other choice but to cuddle you at night" Louis deadpanned

"Damn, you understood my plan" he joked

"Not very subtle, Harold" Louis added, sitting on the edge of the bed "It's a good spot, though"

"Yeah. We have a great view, better take advantage of it" he shrugged, looking through the window

"You're right, for once" Louis said, taking a pair of boxers from his suitcase

"I'm always-" Harry started but stopped abruptly when Louis dropped his towel and put his boxers on.

Louis turned to Harry to see him staring at his ass

"What were you saying, Harold?" Louis said with a smirk

"Uh no idea" he replied, looking back up at Louis

"That's what I thought" he said, walking toward the bed "Move away, You're taking all the space"

Harry rolled his eyes and moved to make room for Louis. He then got up from the bed and undressed. Totally undressed, like nothing, not even a pair of briefs. Nothing.

Louis was staring, he was sure Harry did that only to tease him or whatever.

"You aren't going to sleep naked, are you?"

"I am" he said, sliding under the covers

"Oh lord" Louis said

"Does it bother you, babycakes?" he asked

"Not at all sweetcheeks" Louis replied "Stay on your side of the bed"

Louis turned his back to Harry

"Hey you said we'd cuddle"

Louis couldn't see him but he knew for a fact that Harry was pouting.

"Never said that"

"You did" he argued

"Nope. I said you wanted me to, not that I would"

"Fine" he said and Louis felt the mattress dip next to him

"Stop pouting" Louis mumbled

"How the hell do you know I'm pouting"

"I just do" Louis rolled his eyes and turned around "C'mere, idiot"

Louis held his arms open for him to come inside. Harry watched him for a second and then sighed and wrapped his arms around Louis, head on his chest.

"Happy now?" Louis asked, cuddling him back

"Yeah" Harry replied

"I can feel your cock on my thigh, it's really disturbing"

Harry laughed "Poor guy"

Louis rolled his eyes and started playing with Harry's curls, because he loved his curls. Right then, for absolutely not specific reason, he remembered something he needed to ask Harry.

"Can I ask you a question?" Louis asked

"Yes" he replied

"Why did you pay someone to have sex with you?"

Harry stiffened and tensed up in his arms.

"Why d'you want to know?"

"I- I'm curious, because you're gorgeous and have every guy and even women attracted to you, and I guess I wonder why you'd do that"


"You don't have to tell me. Sorry I was out of line" Louis said eventually after a long beat of silence

Harry surprisingly relaxed and he sighed.

"No, it's okay. It's just that it's kind of a sensitive subject"


"It was last year, I was with Seth and then- fuck it's so embarrassing" he shook his head "He wanted to try something and it involved someone else"

Louis had an idea of where this was going, and he didn't really like that.

"And so, um. He asked me to, like, call someone to do a threesome" he whispered, clearly embarrassed "And I did, because I was stupidly in love with him, but I didn't really want to. I didn't tell him so but. Yeah"

"And you paid for something he wanted to do?"

"Yes" he admitted

"Did you like it, at least?"

"Nope, I couldn't even do it. I had paid her so-"

Louis sat up and widened his eyes.


"-I ended up watching them fuck"

"What the hell?! He knew you were gay why did he-"

"He's a selfish fucker" he said

"He didn't deserve you, Harry" Louis finally sighed

Harry looked at him with pursed lips "Yeah, I guess he didn't"

"He really deserves a punch in the face, and in the balls" Louis said

Harry let out a laugh and he shook his head

"Yup, he really does" he yawned "Let's go to sleep, now"

Louis lied back down and Harry settled on his chest

"You could have at least wore a pair of boxers" Louis said

"Said the one who walked naked in my flat"

Louis chuckled "Yeah, okay"

"Good night"

"Good night, Haz"


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