Lovenotfound (A Georgenotfoun...

By xal1na

2.9K 35 7

Finding and not finding love with George. -------------------------------------------------------------- 23... More

Chapter 1 - Losing everything
Chapter 2 - A new beginning
Chapter 3 - an unexpected DM
Chapter 4 - Drunk & Dirt(y)
Chapter 5 - red as a pumpkin
Chapter 6 - Breakdown and Breakout
Chapter 7 - twitch con
Chapter 8 - developing feelings?
Chapter 9 - Love or Host?
Chapter 10 - She chose love
Chapter 11 - Partying and popping off
Chapter 12 - And my heart stopped for a moment...
Chapter 13 - hand holding (non sexual tho)

Chapter 14 - A DREAM comes true

75 1 0
By xal1na

I frantically tried to write aresponse to Tricia but just got the notification that she blocked me.Calling her also didn't work. Why does everything in my life getsruined so fast? In just 24 hours I managed to ruin two relationships.But was it really my fault? Why did Dream say it like that?

Obviously Tricia wouldmisunderstand it. Since I couldn't reach her, I just wanted to get myanger and sadness out. So I did the next best thing and wrote anangry message to Dream:

Why did you do this to me? Youdoxed me in front of a whole stream. My girlfriend (if I can stillcall her that) blocked me. I just want you to know that you justruined my life, dickhead.

I saw that he read the messageimmediately and started typing:

"No problem. 2/2 now"

This fucking idiot. What did heeven mean by that?

"What are you talking about?"I responded.

As a response I received adiscord call from Dream. Unsure what to do next, I picked-up.

"Hello?", I asked.

"Youdeserved it! You can't get two hot people liking you, that's justunfair!" Dream screamed at me. "No, it's unfair to me that youruin my life and all my relationships just because you feel like it'sa funny joke..." I tried so stay calm but I could barely hold myanger in.

"It'snot a joke to me! You just come here, waltzing into George's lifeand acting like you deserve the world. I was there for him for yearsand you just ruined everything for me." "Dude, what is yourproblem?! Why would that change anything about your friendship withhim?" "Are you really that dense? I don't want to be just hisfriend." And in that moment the coin finally dropped. He didn'tdox me because he wanted to be funny, he was just jealous. He likedGeorge the way I did, and he didn't mean to ruin my relationship withTricia. He wanted me to hate George for telling him. It was ironicthat he reached the exact opposite of it. Tricia hated me, there wasno way of saving what Dream had destroyed. And when I thought aboutit, was I even sad about it or did he just open a door for me. A doorfor me and George? I wasn't good in long distance relationships, andTricia wasn't good at it either. Maybe it was the best for us tosplit up because she deserved more than this. She deserved a personthat is actually there in person and there was no chance I would moveto America soon. I was happy here in Brighton. We wouldn't work outeventually. She was not my forever and I surely wasn't hers.

"ButGeorge doesn't even like me? Why are you so angry at me?", I askedhim.

"I'mnot angry at you, I hate you! I always dreamed of a relationship withGeorge and I just tried to ruin your chances with him. If I couldn'tget him nobirdie should", he admitted everything I already figuredout.

"Iforced him to keep the door closed when you where in front of itafter your pick-up lines in the stream, you know. I never wanted tostream with you in the first place... Because he likes you so much..."My heart dropped and I felt like the world was spinning. Georgedidn't hate me, he actually liked me. I ended the discord callimmediately, I can't take care of Dream right now. Even though Ifelt dizzy I started sprinting out of the door. George actually likedme. HE LIKED ME! I ignored the fact that I was out of breath quickly.I ran to his house and knocked on the door: "GEORGE! GEORGE! Openthe door!"

I wasn'tprepared for him to actually open the door. And especially not thathe opened the door so fast. He was looking at me like he didn'texpect me to show up.

"What areyou doing here", he asked quietly in a cute British accent.

I couldn'tanswer immediately because I was still out of breath from running tohim but as soon I could found my voice I said: "Dream told meeverything"

"everything?",he asked and raised his eyebrows.

I noddedawkwardly as a response.

"And whyare you here now? Don't you have a relationship to fix?"

"I do",I said and kissed him passionately. It took him a moment to respondto my kiss because I think I overwhelmed him a little bit. Iimmediately stopped and backed off.

"I'msorry. I just kinda like you, Baby", I blushed.

"It'sokay. I like you back", he smiled and pulled me into a big hug. "Iliked you from the very first moment", he mumbled into my hair.

"me too,I was just too stupid to realize that you were all I want", I saidquietly and looked up, into his eyes. His face came closer, and thistime the kiss was perfect. Everything was perfect. And I felt like Ifinally found my place in this world. Here in Brighton with George,Niki, and Wilbur. Here was my home, and now I finally could feel ittoo. 


This is the end of the beautiful Georgenotfound fanfiction. i hope you enjoyed it. Consider following me (there will be more fanfictions in the future)

You can also find me on twitter: xal1nana
Instagram: notxal1na
youtube/twitch: xal1na

I would love to see you guys somewhere. And I write my fanfictions in my streams so it's worth a try :D

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