My Sunflower My Universe//(Co...

By psturbain

63.6K 3.1K 260

18+ *Mature Content * "...Alone you are powerful, but together you are unstoppable..." (There are some unexp... More

The Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
, Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 13

1.2K 69 0
By psturbain

" What is a Pufai?" I can hear Type chuckling next to me. Glad he was amused because I wasn't.

I balled my fist under the table digging my nails into my hand trying to calm down when I saw a girl walking towards us smiling at Champ. He waived at her to our table, and she gave him a quick nod acknowledging him.

She was on the petite side, pretty, long dark brown hair, caramel skin, small waist and a big bright smile. I looked over at Type and he hadn't stopped looking at her from the  moment she came into view.

He scooted off of my grasp, pushed himself off of the booth's sofa, getting up to receive Pufai.  My heart sank, I felt rejected. I was the only rude one who was still sitting down. The closer she got, the more I was losing control as if I was in the brink of shifting if that was possible.

My body was heating up and I was trying everything I could to stay calm. But when I looked at his face looking at her, I then realized he found her attractive. He was smiling at her with stars in his eyes. He should only be looking at ME this way. DANM it he is MINE!

I suddenly rose up from my seat, he quickly looked at me with a question mark on his face.

"I... I suddenly remembered I had an important meeting to go too"

He knew my schedule for the day so I couldn't stand there too long before he realized I was lying. Before saying another word, or listened to anything he had to say I rushed out of the room brushing pass by the Pufai whom had just reached the table.

I opened my car door and slid inside. Maybe I should have stayed?... No, I wouldn't have made it if I stayed.

I bang my head a couple of times on steering wheel. I looked over at the window where they were sitting. From where I was parked I could still see their table clearly.

Champ had gotten up and left them alone to chat. He was smiling and nodding to her. This was torture. I started the car and headed back home.

Once I reached home, I snapped back. I had no idea how I got here. Almost as if I drove on autopilot. I stepped out of the car and slammed the door close... Ugh...didn't mean to do that.

Taking a deep breath in, I walked towards the front door, opened it, took my shoes off and dropped my keys, wallet and phone... Somewhere.

I was still pretty out of it. A shower might help.

30mn later, I was still in the shower. Letting the water massage my body, trying to relax. What I really wanted was Type to be in here with me. Just the thought of the water washing over his naked body started getting me hot. I could feel me getting hard. It was time to get out of here.

"I'm tired of jerking off thinking about him, I want... No... I NEED the real thing. I need to stop playing it safe and make a move already. The worst that could happen is him rejecting me"

"are you ready to die though, because once he rejects you, you know you will die of heartbreak."

"I have to try, I can't take it anymore."
Oh great, I'm talking to myself again. I face-palmed me. Those are the moments where I miss Tul the most. He'd know what to do, of course if he was there he'd probably snatch Type out of there and come home to fuck him all night.

I pray you are  still in there somewhere Tul, I will find a way to get home. I must.

I took a towel and dried my hair and just slips on a short and head downstairs to the kitchen.

I didn't even get to order any food yet at the restaurant, but I lost my appetite for the night. I found a half bottle wine and decided to make it my dinner. Maybe at the bottom of the bottle I'll find a way to approach him.


Type POV

I don't like the way Tharn suddenly left. Went to the bathroom to call him but he didn't pick up the phone. He ALWAYS picks up my calls.

He did say he was dizzy, maybe he wasn't lying. I know he didn't have any other meetings today so why did he say that?

I heard someone calling my name snapping me out of my thoughts. It was Champ.

"Type... TYPE!"

"Mmm... What is it?"

"Pufai asked you a question, where were you just now?"

"Oh I am sorry Pufai, I was just thinking of a client that I forgot to send a prescription to for his dog."

That lie came out a little too quickly.

"Oh it's OK, she says with that soft sweet voice of hers. You must be very stressed. Champ told of all the volunteer work you have been doing besides working at your clinic. It's very impressive" she says with a smile.

A little embarrassed I answered:

"Don't listen to every thing Champ says, it's not that impressive" i tell her with a wink.

Why the hell did I just wink at her.
She is blushing. So she liked the winking. Noted.

She was cute. I could see why Champ thought we could be a good match...I wonder what Tharn's type was? He has never been on a date neither. His business partner Max tried to set him up once , but he swiftly refused. He was dead serious about that and Max never tried again.

"Pufai, I am really sorry but I need to go and check on something important. I wished Champ didn't just surprised me like that and gave me a chance to properly set a time for you" I said sending a death glare at Champ who smiled back with no shame. He was proud of himself.

" I think he thought you would refuse" she said with a shy smile.

I put my hand to my chest feigning shocked and outrage.

"How I could I possibly refuse such a beautiful woman!?"

She laughed at my silliness but blushed nonetheless.

"Well then, if that's the case here is my number, she said with a sudden seductive voice, I'll be waiting for your call. She grabbed a pen in her purse, took my hand and wrote her number down.

I mean, she could have just asked for my phone and added it there but hey I'm cool with old school style as well.

I paid for the bill, she came in her car so I didn't have to worry about dropping her off, and Champ can go to hell. Although Pufai was cute, I don't like blind dates. Tonight I was really looking forward to just drink and hang out with my buddies not spend a night trying to be in my best behavior in order to impress a girl. I need to go check on Tharn. I said my goodbyes and left.

I quickly drove home worrying about Tharn. I don't know what happened to him tonight, he didn't look OK leaving the restaurant. It's only been two hours since he left but I had that uneasy feeling that he wasn't well and needed me there.

I am a little full of myself tonight, why would he need me there?...sigh
Nevertheless, I'm here so... better check on him.

Once I got through the front door, I heard the TV coming out of the living room. Took my shoes off, and quickly headed there to see if he was OK.

I was not prepared for the scene in front of me.

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