Avalon Isn't What It Used To...

By A_L_untold

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My mother says my endless curiosity and my need to venture is a curse. Though, I know she only says that beca... More

Chapter 1: Avalon to Otherworld
Chapter 2: Stupid Squirrels
Chapter 3: Fae-Ri
Chapter 4: What are 'Shoes'
Chapter 5: Ori-gon?
Chapter 6: Coin
Chapter 7: 2 Months
Chapter 8: The limb
Chapter 9: Grounded
Chapter 10: Grounded
Chapter 11: Moss
Chapter 12: 6 months
Chapter 13: Countdown
Chapter 14: Dancing Hearts
Chapter 15: Too Small
Chapter 16: I Missed You
Chapter 17: Broken Promises
Chapter 18: Secrets
Chapter 19: Recalling the First
Chapter 20: I love you
Chapter 21: Heaven
Chapter 22: Returned
Chapter 23: Consecration
Chapter 24: Sweetheart
Chapter 25: Twitterpated
Chapter 26: Intertwining Worlds
Chapter 27: Coming Clean
Chapter 28: More like, Peter Pan.
Chapter 30: Rob
Chapter 31: Thanksgiving
Chapter 32: The Great Christmas Mage
Chapter 33: Trapped
Chapter 34: Tripped into the Past
Chapter 35: Emotional
Chapter 36: Shrunk
Chapter 37: The Dress
Chapter 38: Meeting Maya
Chapter 39: Vows
Epilogue: 2 Years Later

Chapter 29: Alm

245 6 2
By A_L_untold

Three weeks had passed since Owen and I had dinner with Mark and Meeks. I didn't think my heart could be more pleased until I saw how Owen blended seamlessly with the different areas of my life. He had joked around with Meeks and got along really well with Mark. Mark looked ecstatic when he and Owen found they had some common interests. Meeks told me a few days later that they had enjoyed themselves so much that 'we should make it a common event'.

Rob had slowly made jokes here and there about me being a 'fairy', which I would comment on truthfully. He'd just laugh and ask Owen, who would nonchalantly say "it's true", or "that's what she told me". There were times I could feel Rob was genuinely concerned for Owen, and I was pleasantly surprised when my fae empathy felt his concern for me. Even my ears weren't enough to convince him, and said they 'weren't pointy enough and it's a common birth defect'. 

Maybe we put it off, or maybe we just couldn't find the right time, but Owen and I hadn't said explained any further on my Faedom.

Owen had mentioned to me that he was going to leave early in the morning for the ever-elusive task he called 'fishing'. So, I woke in the late morning to a vast and empty bed. Just as the day we had met, I still didn't understand what this human term meant. I, however, did remember that it meant he would most likely be out with Shae.

I stretched with a yawn and didn't need much coaxing to get up to start my day. Especially since Owen conveniently forgot to take me with him earlier this morning—or even wake me for that matter. I huffed and rubbed my eyes as I floated over to the dresser.

I told him I wanted to go, I complained to myself as I landed next to my pile of clothes. He had tried to explain it to me, with terms like 'rod', 'reel', 'leader', 'Bass', and all different variations of 'Bait'. To be candid, I was so enraptured by his enthusiasm that I forgot to pay attention to his explanations. Anyway, I couldn't be too disappointed that he didn't wake me, seeing as I felt bouncy with rejuvenation. I pulled off my, or Owens, shirt that I had shrunken weeks ago—that refused to give back to him—and pulled on my onesie before I wrapped my lavender dress around myself. I turned towards the window and noticed a Ri-sized cup of tea on the other side of the dresser with a large horizontal folded yellow paper behind it that read: "Morning" followed by a symbol of some sort.

I huffed a gratefully, as I picked up cup of tea and warmed it with my finger as I scrutinized the symbol.

A half-circle below two vertical dashes... Huh. I wonder what it means. My head tilted to the side before I lifted the warmed tea to my lips. After a few minutes I dropped my inquiries and gulped down half of the tea before setting the cup down to brush out my mangled mess of golden-brown hair.

I needed to cut it. It was getting too long for me to manage at this point. When I first left Avalon, its length went just below my shoulder blades. Now? Now it was halfway down my back. After brushing it thoroughly I braded it back, tying it off with the spidersilk I had wrapped around my wrist for just such occasion. And I tied it right above where I wanted to cut it.

I flew out the window and towards my willow, zipping around the tree just before the dirt path. By the position of the star, I could tell it was nearly high noon and I was pleased to see that my speculation was correct as I dove down low to fly through the tall pale green grass towards the human holding a pole next to Shae at the pond.

I whipped around Shae discreetly, entering my old living space through my scout entrance.

Shae Creaked.

"G'morning Shae", I whispered as I landed on the mossy floor. I pulled my braid to the side as I made my way to my chest to look for my fae-blade.

Shae vibrated lightly.

"Oh, Right", I giggled quietly, and whispered my correction. "Well then, Good-Midday Shae".

After a second of digging, I located the blade, and carefully cut through my hair just below where I had tied it off.

"That feels so much better", I mumbled to myself as I stretched my neck. The hair in my hand burst with blue and then orange Fae-flames before they both swiftly vanished. I turned around and glanced up at my balcony entrance. 

I ducked with a giggle and crept up onto the small terrace. I peeked over the ledge to see Owen standing just outside of Shae's canopy holding the pole's grip patiently.

"How's he doing"? I whispered, not yet willing to disturb his peace.

Shae creaked.

I perked up slightly, "Really? Why do you say that"?

She creaked in reply, telling me that he hasn't caught anything.

O-oh. Is that what 'fishing' is? Catching fish? Most creatures call it 'hunting'. 

"Hm", I hummed and stood up from my crouch. I flew off my balcony and through Shae's hanging foliage before slowly descending besides Owen. I glanced at him curiously mid-descent before matching his focused sight on the large pond.

"Catch anything"? I giggled, wondering if he knew this pond was fish-less. 

Owen jumped with a sharp inhale, which startled me as well. "Shit", he cursed before chuckling off the surprise.

I covered my laugh with my fingers, "Sorry! I thought you knew"! His eyes followed me as I landed on his shoulder.

"I did", he peered at me with playful eyes and a chuckle before returning his attention to the pond, "I just didn't think you were right next to me".

I could feel him stiffen beneath my feet out of habit, his body suddenly aware of my weight and balance—or lack there of. However, by now I knew to keep my wings at the ready. I lowered myself to a sit, and slowly felt his posture relax in response.

"And no", he said quietly as I watched him rotate the lever a few times which seemed to pull in the cord, "I haven't caught anything yet".

"Are you trying to catch a fish"? I leaned forward a bit in attempts to see his eyes. Though, it didn't make much of a difference in my view of his jaw and facial profile.

"Yeah. I had Bass put in here a few years ago", he said glancing at me with a smile.

My eyes grew wide, "Oh, I see". I gripped his shirt below me as he pulled the rest of the cord in and drew back the pole before swinging it back towards the pond sending the cord shooting across it. We remained silent for a few minutes before I finally decided to speak up.

"Uhm, Owen? I don't think you're going to catch any fish". I said leadingly. His body stiffened again as his head leaned towards me a minuscule amount. 

"Why"? He asked in a low and serious intonation. His eyes seemed focused on the water, or the pole, as he waited for my response. 

I bit my lip and smiled guiltily when he looked up to me, questioning my silence. His brow raised in annoyance, though his eyes shone with curiosity.

I gave him a toothy apologetic grin. "I may or may not have had Meeks relocate..them...".

He sighed solemnly, his face turning back towards the clear and rippling waters of the pond as he wound in the cord.

"I'm sorry! When I was staying out here, I didn't want any fish to attack me"!

"I get it", he said lowly, seemingly defeated. But I could tell he was irritated; it wasn't hard to feel with the mating vow. When the cord was wound in completely, my wings lifted me off his shoulder as he sat down, setting the pole beside him.

"I'll help Meeks refill it"! I said quickly as I dropped to eye-level and hovered in front of him. I could feel his disappointment, and I didn't want to be the source of it. "I'll fix it. I promise"!

He drug his palm down his face and shook his head. "It's fine, really". His eyes locked onto me dotingly, as I landed atop his bent knee.

"No, it's not! You're crushed! I can feel it. I don't need to swim or wash here anymore anyway. Meeks will help me fill it up with the fish. What do you call them"?

"Bass, and I'm not crushed," he chuckled. "And you use the pond to go back and forth to Avalon. I don't want fish trying to eat you just because you want to see your parents", he chuckled again with understanding. "I can always fish somewhere else".

"I don't want you to fish somewhere else", I whined and crossed my arms in complaint. "I can handle the fish, and Meeks would likely scare them off anyhow".

He peered at me in good-humoured silence for a few moments, tempted by my words. "Fine", he said quickly, a thankful grin growing slowly across his lips. 

"And I wouldn't say almost drowning counts as swimming", he added sarcastically.

My light expression fell into a playful glower. "It's fortunate you're dashingly handsome, darling", I matched his tone. "Or that sarcastic tongue of yours would grow dull pret-ty quickly". I snickered, placing my hands on my hips. 

He looked down his nose at me with half-lidded eyes as he spoke with a suggestive grin, "You love my tongue". 

I giggled deeply as my peering grin quickly stretched into a confessing smile. He chuckled, amused with my reaction and his own comic relief before his gaze settled on me more sincerely. 

"So, you'd swim here often"? His eyes gestured to the pond. 

"I did". I briefly glanced back at the pond with fondness, before returning my eyes to his. "Before I met you my adventures here were... fairly uninteresting".  

Suddenly, a jolt of movement sent me plummeting off Owens knee, only for my wings to catch me in a hover.  He had jumped up from his seated position and was now... Stripping off his clothing?

I cackled loudly, "What  in fae's light are you doing"? I flew into the air above him, watching him curiously as he stripped down to his form fitting undershorts.

"Well," he shrugged spiritedly as he entered the water. "If you're going to fill it back up, we might as well get one last swim out of it".

My smile was hard to contain as I laughed at him wading deeper into pond, leaving a trail of murky water rippling behind him. I began to unwrap my dress slowly as he made his way to the deepest part of the pond. Admittedly, it took me a few seconds to tear my eyes away from the muscled detail of his back.

I flew to the rock I used to star-bathe on and tossed my dress onto it. When I turned back to face him, I noticed the water went up to his stomach at the ponds deepest point. I watched him lower himself into the water as I flew to join him, stopping in a hover above him. He looked up at me with a visible and welcomed chill, the water now just below his shoulders.

"Okay, but don't kill me", I said playfully. The memory of nearly drowning from one of Meek's waves flashed through my mind. He huffed a smile in playful invitation. I sucked in a deep breath as my wings disappeared, and I plunged feet first into the water in front of him with a reflexive squeal.

The cold water stung my body before its temperature felt refreshing. When I opened my eyes, I was met with a wall of flesh about 6 inches in front of me, that I recognised as Owen's chest. I kicked hard and pulled myself back up to the surface towards the large water-distorted smile. I broke through the surface, taking in a fresh breath of air.  I made to wipe the wet hair that had escaped my braid out of my face--

My brief startled scream was immediately drowned out by water when something pulled me under the surface. But the fingers that had pulled me under released my ankle just as fast, and I pushed off of them to bring me back to the surface.

I realized he hadn't pull me under very far seeing as I broke through the surface quickly, gasping for air; more so out of surprise than lack of breath. "REALLY"! I yelled as my arm splashed around, desperate to brush the loose strands of wet hair out of my face again.

I flung large wave of water at him with Fae-magic.

He ducked but allowed the small wave to crash over his head with a grin. He chuckled deeply and wiped the water out of his eyes with one hand as he sank in deeper to where the water covered his lips.

I swam a few strokes closer, hoping to meet said lips, but it was then I noticed he was slowly getting further from me.

I paused with a gleaming smile as I watched him create more distance between us. Out of curiosity, I stayed put and treaded along the small waves created by his retreating body. After about 5 feet, he submerged completely only to stand up out of the water at his full height. After wiping his face, he shook his head intently, releasing the water that had been trapped in his hair. Which then laid across his forehead in small intricate curls.

I ducked half my face into the water to hide my flush. I had seen him in a lot of salacious situations since we had mated. But the sunlight and water commingled on his skin in a way that melted my very being, especially since my eyes were drawn to streams of glimmering water that seemed to alluringly trickle down his abs. I returned my head fully above water, my arms taking over for my exhausted legs. I finally looked up to face, only to be met with a shrewd grin and a cocky brow.

"Oh-p", I ducked my face back into the water. He totally caught me, that's not at all embarrassing.

He inched closer, submerging himself slowly as he did so. His grin warping into a bright toothy smile. I however, turned and attempted to swim away if only to escape that playfully amorous look. After only seconds of swimming away from him, cold water rose from beneath me, and I was suddenly laying in a shallow pool in Owens cupped palms. Vertigo crippled me as Owen swiftly lifted me further from the water and closer to his face. I dizzily flipped onto my back with a splash and a chortle, my eyes meeting the dark brown orbs that seemed bring my world back into focus. 

"I wasn't staring"! I shouted and was sent into a fit of grumbling giggles as I stumbled to the edge of his cupped palms and launched myself back into the water.  I quickly returned to the surface and attempted to swim away again as I heard his endearing chuckle follow behind me. 

"Gawking was more like it", he quipped. He let me swim 'away' for about 2 minutes before he scooped me from the water again. This time, with only one hand.

He laughed softly as I adjusted myself to sit in the middle of his palm.  I looked up at him to see a boastful yet equally humble half grin.  I matched his growing smile with a soft adoring grin of my own. I huffed as I leaned into the digits behind me and sprawled out, dangling one leg off his palm. I chuckled tiredly as I looked around, taking in this different point of view, only moving my head to glance around since my limbs were utterly fatigued.

"I'm sorry about the fish", I puffed. He shrugged proudly as he lowered us back into the pond, allowing water to flow across the hand that remained beneath me to support my obviously exhausted limbs. I lazily drug my arms back and forth across the surface of the water that flowed around my partially submerged body. 

"Meh", he said impishly, "Who needs fish when you can catch a Fairy".

I sighed melodically in defense, "Your size give's you and advantage". My tone both happily accepting and also devaluing his victory. I looked up to the large handsome face not 12 inches above me with a look that encouraged a competitive response.

"I'm sure you'd be really good at Hide'n Go-seek", he said, dodging my invitation.

My attention perked, "What's that"?

"It's a game where people hide and then one person has to find them, first to be found is the next seeker", he said with smile, as he stood from the water again. My body effortlessly relaxed into his hand as the water fell away from me. He waded through the water, walking us toward Shae and my starbathing rock.

"Oh. In Avalon we called that find-the-hidden". I said, my body unmoving and limp. "And you're right," I laughed in agreement. "I am very  good at that game. Marv could never find me, and he was my  size".

"How will I ever  stand a chance"? He said with charming sarcasm. In seconds we made it to my rock, and he lowered me down allowing me to slowly climb out of his palm. I laid down and sprawled out again, my legs shaking with weariness. I watched Owen sit down in the water beside my rock and lean forward onto his bent knees.

He looked out at the pond, and I closed my eyes to soak up the heat of the star. As my body began to warm and dry, I listened to the different bird songs, the sound of the slight breeze blowing through Shae's branches behind us, and the sloshing sound that emanated from the water with every miniscule movement Owen made. Out of all the sounds, the one I found that lulled me most, was the audible breaths of my human. After some time—my closest guess would have to be around 10 minutes—Owen's voice broke through the sounds of the afternoon.

"Hey babe".

"M-yeah"? My was tone blissful and lax, my eyes still protected from the suns light behind closed lids.

"This is definitely too early to actually  discuss, but I'm curious", He started.

"Oh, do tell me". I teased, both amused and intrigued with his opening statement.

"How exactly will it...", the silence of his pause was broken by the sound of sloshing water. "How do we have kids"?

My eyes flung open, and I quickly propped myself up on my elbows looking over at him with staggered features. He laughed silently at my reaction, and quickly elaborated.

"How does that whole situation work? And what exactly is the process for the Fae"?

My mouth opened in contemplation, "U-uh, Well".

I sat up, releasing a harsh breath as I turned to face him. "For the Fae, it isn't that easy to have kids, and by that I mean: It's not easy to get pregnant. It happens the same way it does for humans, it's just that—from what I've learned—the Fae can't reproduce as often or as easily as humans can".

He listened intently and nodded, though his concentration contorted his features, "So.. what? Fae aren't fertile or something"?

"No," I giggled. "We live a long time, and we are creatures in tune with magic, as well as our realm. Our bodies don't reproduce often to remain in balance with our world... Imagine if we could  have as many children as you humans can". I burst out into laughter before verbalizing the thought, "Just think of how many children a Fae could have in 500 years".

His eyes brightened as he laughed; Our giggles slowly abating the discomfort of the topic.

"A lot", he chuckled deeply. "So how long would you be pregnant than? For human women, its normally 9 months", he added.

I grinned. "Oh, Owen. YOU  are going to be the one that get's pregnant". I bit my lip in an effort to hold a straight face. I couldn't help myself! Don't tell me you wouldn't have done the same! His eyes widened and his smile vanished, as I felt his panic grow steadily with every silent second.

"I'M KIDDING"! I shouted instantly and collapsed onto my back rolling in laughter. He released a sharp breath as he reluctantly joined me, laughing softly. Though he was more than likely laughing at me, not my witticism. I sighed, and continued with a pitchy voice, still weak from laughter. 

"It's about a 15 to 16 months, but seeing as our child would be half human, I think it would be safe to assume my gestational period would fall somewhere in between".

He smiled blithely before he looked out at the calmed waters of the pond. That look of contentment faded as fast as it appeared when he turned back to me with another question, "And do the Fae have doctors for the birth? Would you have to go back to Avalon"?

I shook my head as his worry bounced around my stomach. I smiled reassuringly, "Yes we have healers, and Midwives. But no, I would not have to go back to Avalon. Don't worry". I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them as I laid my head down atop my knees facing him.

"My mother was a midwife for 650 years, and I'm sure she would come here if I asked her to".

I could tell he was still bothered by more uncertainties as his eyes drifted back and forth. Then his eyes landed on me and his questions seemed to calm. The corner of his lips curled up into a tender grin before he exhaled the rest of his tension.

"Come on", he grumbled out as he stood up from the water, walking towards his pile of clothing, "Let's go back". I stood up and moseyed up the rock to grab my dress and proceeded to wrap it around myself as I watched him dress on the shore. My wings lit up behind me as he grabbed his pole and I flew towards him as he pick up the adjacent box.

"See you later Shae", He shouted behind him, and I waved farewell to my willow.

The next few days seemed to pass quickly, and I realized that I had basically moved in with Owen without even discussing it with him. When I mentioned it to him, he said I should move whatever I wanted here since he 'wouldn't want it any other way'. At that point, I decided to go back to Avalon for a brief visit. I wanted to check on my father's progress and also to gather what little belongings I had left in Avalon. I didn't need my maps, but I did take my washing and fragrance oils, seeing as, I really missed those. I also packed my reflection glass and spell tomes, as well as another blanket. I hung out with my brother as much as his schedule would allow, but my mother and I decided it best for me to leave before he grew more agitated about details I was leaving out.

I left late in the evening on day 3 and decided to call Meeks to the Lake in Summertide instead of having her meet me out at sea—which was an hour flight. And I was itching to get back to Owen. Summertide Lake was considerably larger than the pond, but just deep enough for Meeks to stay completely submerged without difficulty. Though I will note, I would never  call her to the Lake during starlight hours; the water is far too clear for that.

"See you soon Mimi"! I yelled as I dashed from the puddle in her hand with my stuffed bag in hand. I had spent nearly 3 full days in Avalon and wondered how long I had been gone. I could tell it was early morning, but how long I was gone was unknown to me. "I'll be back Shae"! I waved to my willow as I made haste back to my human.

I landed on the sill and ducked through the slightly open window, and there he was, his body sleepily askew on the bed. I flew to the dresser to change into a clean dress, but all my folded clothes where gone. My back straightened and my head drew back in question as I twirled around.

"What"? I whispered. I spun around again. Then my eyes found it. Above the first shelf was a new and large hole in the wall.

Not a hole, I corrected myself, a new room. I flew over to it, covering my mouth in surprise as I floated closer to it. It was a Fae-sized room, with a table, chairs, a new chest, a wooden pole, with my dresses hung on Fae sized 'hangers'.

I turned back to face my sleeping human with a pouted lip. He made me my own 'closet'! Owens God, I love him so much!

I quickly landed inside and dropped my bag to inspect my new room. I pulled my silver-dress off the wooden pole, straps hanging on the metal wire that looked like a smaller—rougher—version of Owens.

I giggled when the realization hit me. He had to have made these himself, I thought.

The image of him trying to manipulate the wire made me laugh as I changed into my silver dress, nearly tripping as I did so. I made my way over to the items decorating my new clothing room. The chest was heavier than the one the mage, Santa, had brought me.

Ah, Metal. I opened it to see that a soft and deep blue material lined its interior. Too eager to bother with the 10 steps it would have taken me, I fluttered over to the table next. It was simple rectangular wooden table, the color of chestnut. And had two matching chairs. I quickly pulled out the chair and sat down with an excited snicker, as my feet tapped the floor excitedly. I turned back towards Owen with a smile that reached ear to pointed ear. I flew out of the room and twisted the chain around my finger before I crawled into the bed next to him.

I softly rested my cheek on his shoulder and gently hugged his arm. He began to stir and turned, wrapping his other arm around me. I giggled when he pulled me close and nuzzled into me.

I kissed him softly and leaned my forehead to his. "I love you," I whispered, "and thank you, it's incredible".

A tired smile slowly grew across his lips as I waited for him to wake up. He moaned tiredly and cleared his throat, as he scooted lower, snuggling closer and tucking his head under my chin.

"Mm—How was it", he mumbled groggily as I hugged his sleepy form; his warm breath tickling my chest.

I ran my fingers through his grown-out wavy locks and spoke softly, "It was great. My dad's healing sessions have been effective".

"M-he's good"? He mumbled again, less groggy than before.

"Yeah", I said contemplatively, my volume gently returning its normal decibel. "I guess his nightmares are less frequent".

He nodded awkwardly under my chin, and I giggled in response. I was holding him like he normally holds me, and I adored it. I hoped he felt as secure in my arms as I felt in his.

"Did you miss me"? I asked teasingly.

He replied with another awkward nod. I pulled back to see his face and watched him grin contentedly.

"How long was I gone"? I asked, setting my chin atop his fluffy waves.

"Too long", he said. All sleepiness in his voice had faded, his tone alerting me that he was now fully awake.

I pulled my head back to look down at him again. "Do you want me to start the coffee"?

He looked up at me with smiling eyes, "No". He said and hopped up with a yawn, "Stay here, and I'll bring you some breakfast in bed".

I gave him an expression that gently declined the offer, but he returned it with an expression that told me not to move. I laughed as he excitedly, animatedly, crawled across me on the bed and scurried down the stairs to prepare breakfast.

I stretched on the bed and looked up to my new closet with pride. Owen's efforts sending my stomach into a fit a whirls. I heard some commotion downstairs, and stretched again, my hearing momentarily hindered by my contentment.

"Woah, woah. Hold on kid,", I heard Owen say from downstairs, I sat up in the bed with a curious ear. I could hear him talking but I couldn't quite make out his words as he spoke softly.

"Ri"? He called out for me, "Can you fly  down here please"?

Fly down? Fly? Does he not want me this size anymore? Maybe its Rob?   I wondered if he was finally introducing me for what I am. Quickly, I took of my ring, and flew downstairs. As I floated into the kitchen, I only saw Owen half turned towards me, his worried expression immediately alerting me that something was wrong.

"What is it", I floated closer, as I noticed a small head peak around Owen.

"ALM! HOW DID YOU GET HERE!" I darted over to him nearly tackling him. "Are you hurt"? I asked him as my eyes scanned his body. I grabbed his face to look, moving it from side to side to inspect it.

He pulled his face away from my grasp, "This  is your mate"? His voice filled with contemptuous confusion.

"Yes". I said matter-of-factly with a tone that noted my offense. "Now, how in the world did you get here"!

"I followed you and the mer...and when I crawled out of the water... I saw a willow and it said its name was Shae".

I rolled my eyes and quickly pulled him into a fierce hug. "For Fae's sake Alm", I said before pulling away, "and did Shae tell you to come here"?

"Yes... Shae said you now lived with the human that lives here".

I sighed in relief.  "Thank the Fae you listened", I said taking a step back. "Mom and Dad are going to be furious when they find out". I glowered at him before looking behind me and up at Owen. He just crossed his arms and dropped his head, leaning back against the counter across from us.

"When they find out about me? What about when they find out about this"! He gestured at Owen, glancing up at him skeptically. My head dropped and my eyes looked at the counter beneath me as shook my head, trying to find my next words carefully.

"By the Fae". He spoke again softly, "Am I the last to know"? 

My eyes quickly returned to his. "Alm, Why would you follow me into the water"? I asked maternally stern, trying to change the subject.

He crossed his arms and scoffed, "Well, no one would tell me anything. So, I decided to find out myself".

I shook my head disappointedly with fury in my eyes. He continued, "So far, I know you're friends with a mer that can travel to other realms without a gate, and you are mated to a human".

Owens God... I can't be mad at him... I thought, and took a deep breath as my rage diminished into understanding. 

"Owen", I said turning around trying to soften my demeanor, "This is my brother Alm. And Alm, this is Owen.. My human". I introduced them.

Owen gestured a nod and a small wave with his arms crossed, his kind smile showing signs slight discomfort. Which I too slowly realised, was likely due to his lack of clothing; Owen was only in his shorts. Alm mimicked his movements, returning the awkward wave.

 I looked to Owen, "Will you give us a minute"?

His posture tensed, "I'm just going to get dressed and go set up the bar..."

I smiled in dismay, "Alright, go set up".

"Okay," he said before turning towards and then running up the stairs. 

I turned back to Alm with a glare and mulled over my next words carefully. But before I could reprimand him further, disgraceful thudding noises emanated from the second floor, making Alm and I flinch. We both looked towards stairs in confusion, and I winced at another disconcerting thump before watching my frantically dressed mate quickly descend the stairs. 

My lips folded into a straight line as our eyes followed the obviously nervous human walk quickly towards the door. 

"I'll.. be back before opening", Owen said stiffly. And we watched him exit promptly, running a palm down his face anxiously as he walked past the windows towards his truck. 

That poor man, I thought as Alm turned to face me.

"He does seem nice...HUGE, but nice",  Alm pulled his lips back into grin, unable to abate his amusement from the rattled scene that was Owen.

I shook my head trying to hold back a smile, "Dammit Alm".

I flew over to the cupboard and pulled it open, grabbing two small cups that I had gotten for Christmas. I floated down to cup of tea that Owen was making me before he asked me to come down. I dunked both cups and filled them with warm tea, before returning to my brother.

"Alright," I said as I landed before handing him the cup. "I'll tell you everything, but you do know I'll have to take you back home, right? Today".

He took a sip after inspecting the cup. "Why can't I just stay here with you"? His voice pleading.

"Because it's dangerous here".

"Okay mom", he looked at me skeptically.

"Oh no-no", my tone scolded him for making light of the situation. "Mom was more than accurate about the dangers here".

"Humans don't seem that bad", he shrugged pointedly.

"Firstly, Owen doesn't count... Majority of humans are not  like him, and there are 50 times more humans than Fae Alm... And humans aren't the only danger here.  There's otherlanders and animals that eat us, and harsh weather like you've never experienced".

His posture stiffened as he listened intently, my tone assuring him that I wasn't exaggerating.

"Well," he adjusted his stance, "then why do you stay"? His tone held more concern than doubt.

"Because..." I hesitated and let out a breath before continuing. "For a number of reasons: For Me, Avalon is too strict and too small. I needed more freedom then it gave me, and this place gave me that freedom, and then I met Owen and became friends".

"But you're more than friends, Ri—"

"—yes well, we started as friends", I said sharply not really feeling the need to discuss feelings. He laughed knowing my discomfort with that.

"But how did you meet the mer"?

"I met Meeks when I was apprenticing with the seafaring Fae. Her father is one of the Mer traders with Avalon, and we met when I was about your age, and became close friends".

"and.. is... is—"

"—her father," I cut him off and held up a hand knowing his confusion, "was teaching her the way of the bargain, and we both snuck off to meet each other—like we normally did since we had met—and we both heard a weird ringing. When we followed it, and saw a rift in the water and we went through it".

"Why"? He questioned my sanity.

"I don't know Alm! Why did you follow us"? I rebutted and he nodded silently.

"Sorry", he mouthed. I brushed it off and continued.

"Anyway, we were transported to a realm, that had been rendered to myth due to its secrecy. Where we both were presented with gifts from the Drui king". I said, leaving out the details of the attack we had encountered there that lead to us receiving said gifts.


I held up a hand, "Yes, he is extremely kind, as are all who are allowed to stay there...", I breathed sharply trying to explain it, "Meeks was given a tiara that allows her to create her own gateways to where-ever she wants. I was gifted this necklace", I placed a hand over the chain.

"YOU CANNOT REPEAT ANY OF THIS ALM"! I shouted and he nodded with wide and curious eyes, "this chain allows me to shift... into a human, or a mer, or.. I'm not sure really—"

"—Show me", Alm said with eager eyes.

"Right now"? Well, I don't blame him, I would have said the same....

He nodded eagerly, "Right now". I took a deep breath and floated backwards off the counter and wrapped the chain around my finger. I looked down at him to see that he'd fallen back in astonishment.

"RI"! He yelled, "Your huge"!

I nodded with a smile, and grabbed the large cup of tea and put it in the 'mercrowave'... ... 'microwave'... and pressed the button that Owen showed me.

I turned back to see Alm leaning over curious as to what I was doing. "Any-w-way", I giggled at his curiosity, now fully comprehending how similar we were. He smiled up at me, and I couldn't help but feel even more love for Owen for being willing to love me even if I couldn't change sizes.... I definitely preferred being the smaller creature rather than the larger.

I let out a breathy chuckle and continued, "They allowed us to come and go as we pleased as long as it stayed a secret", I emphasized that he could not tell a soul, "and Meeks and I apprenticed with a few mages who taught us druid magic, and....celestial magic".

I saw his small eyes grow wider, as the beep told me to take out the hot tea. I placed the cup a foot away from him and took off my ring. I grabbed my small cup and refilled it before joining him back on the counter in Fae form.

"Celestial magic, Ri"?

I nodded, "One night, Meeks came to pick me up and take me there for training, we got caught, and—"

"—that's when you got in trouble for sneaking a Mer into Avalon"!

"Yes" I chuckled, "I couldn't practice the magic fully, I felt like I couldn't come and go freely because I had to go through the gate... and the Mages Grove is a secret, it's not like I could tell anyone".

"Well, then why are you telling me now"?

I sighed, "Because I was recently made a keeper, a guardian of the realm, since I was blessed with celestial magic".

"WAIT", he paused, and I nodded in response knowing he was following me correctly.

"Are you saying you're celestial"? He voice grew in volume.

"I.... am"...

"For the love of fae", he whispered in shock, "And does the human know"?

"Owen," I corrected him, "Yes.. when I rescued Dad, Owen helped me find him".

"So, I knew when you brought Dad ba-ack... ... is that mom was upset? Was it because of Owen"?

I chuckled, "Partially. Dad was being held captive by a Dark-Drui and when I rescued him Owen tried to help me. I used celestial magic to banish the druid... and then save Owen".

He nodded with a squint, not fully following me.

"It almost killed me", I clarified. 

"A-a-h-h, human, drui, almost dying. No wonder mom was so mad. W-ait, when you came back to Avalon... you were fine".

"Well I had spent 2 weeks being healed by the mages".

His face scrunched in confusion, but I spoke before he asked the question.

"There is no time variance there... It's like time here doesn't move when I'm there".

His jaw was lax following what I was saying. I grinned shamefully, "and I left Avalon after only a few days because of the time difference... Owen didn't know I was okay, or even alive".

He pouted his lips is reaction to that, but then lightened his expression, "I'm glad you talk about me with him".

It was my turn to be confused and I tilted my head nonverbally asking him to elaborate.

"Earlier I came in through that window", he pointed his thumb behind him at the crack in the kitchen window. "Well, I thought he was going to kill me, and he laughed and asked if I was Alm. And that's when he called for you".

I laughed, "Huh. Well of course I talk about you. All the time", I said walking up to him and wrapped my arm around his neck and tousling his hair, "I missed you".

We both laughed as he unwrapped my arm playfully pushing me away. "But really, Ri", he said fixing his hair, "why didn't you tell me"?

I peered at him, "So you wouldn't do something thoughtless, like follow me through a portal." I smiled and relaxed my expression, "Alm, no one knows about the Mages Grove, or Meeks, or my celestiality... and very few know about Owen".

"Very few? Who else knows"?

"Well, I told Marv", I shrugged casually.

"Ouch" he grimaced, my face immediately questioning his reaction.

"Marv is nearly in-love with you".

I knew it...

I didn't actually; There were times that I had speculated he was, but we had grown up together, so I just figured it was my own inept ability to process feelings. I rolled my eyes in a sigh.

"Well, that's not my fault. And he doesn't know I mated him so, don't mention it", I said grabbing his empty cup and setting them over on the windowsill above the 'sink'.

"Come on", I said, and gestured for him to follow. I watched fly to join me as I backed out the crack of the window.

"ARE WE LEAVING"? He whined as he followed me outside.

"Not yet", I laughed, "First we need to go thank Shae and then maybe  I'll take you to the bar".

I flew off towards Shae as he shouted after me, "What in Fae's light does that mean"?

We raced over to the willow, and I was pleased to find he had gotten stronger and faster. As we made it to shae, we flew inside my apartment.

"Very nice", I nodded approvingly at his improved agility and speed.

He shrugged, "You still got better w-a-y faster".

"No, I don't think so Alm", I started skeptically. "Remember, I spent a lot of time training in a realm apart from time".

His eyes brightened with gratitude, my compliment now holding more weight. Shae vibrated as I touched her wall. "Shae, I cannot thank you enough for guiding my brother".

We sat with her for an hour or two on her mossy floor, all three of us talking and catching up. Shae was ecstatic to be able to meet Alm, and contrariwise. Alm and Shae got along so well, that Alm even told her that he'd send her messages about his apprenticing in the mines and his daily life. We said brief goodbyes when it came time for me to take Alm to see the bar, and I lead slowly so he could fly beside me.

"So," I began as we glided casually through the clearing, "Otherworld rule number 1: Always keep your wings at the ready. Number 2: DO NOT approach humans... the rumors about them are true—"

"—besides my new brother of course", he teased.

"Right" I chuckled, " 3: always keep close to cover--the canopy, bushes... stay out of humans line of sight... 4: DO NOT GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT ME"!

He nodded in acceptance, knowing that I knew how to survive here and wouldn't be able to explain every survival skill to him during our flight. We flew through the canopy of the woods, and he studied me carefully as I remained alert to any security risks. Though admittedly, I was more cautious and alert than normal with my brothers safety on the line.

We landed on the limb high above the bar where Alden the squirrel gave me an entrance.

"Risks here: Falcons, eagles, hawks..", I said and then pointed down at the bar, "Risks there: humans, Alden, hold-overs".

He laughed questioningly, "hold-overs"?

"Yes", I chuckled, "here they are called bars, in Avalon we call them socials".

"A-h-h", he said with a smile and lifted brows. I paused, though he didn't know why.

"Owen," I said, my internal voice femininely calling to him with my heart, "I brought Alm here, is it safe"?

"Yes, I'll open the front door", his cheerful deep voice softly rang in my heart.

I looked at Alm, who was questioning me with scrunched face. And then his face relaxed with his mouth gaping in realisation that the Calling  still worked with human mates.

"Come on", I playfully backhanded his shoulder and then dove down whipping around the building with Alm close behind. We saw Owen standing there looking around making sure there was no one to view our entrance. He smiled when he saw us and closed the door behind us locking us in.

"Ri, you do know he has to be of age to be in here", he laughed noting my brothers young face.

Alm scrunched his face not able to follow Owens words, but I retorted quickly. "Firstly, those rules only apply to humans, Secondly, he's 456". I chuckled as we landed on the counter beside the open 'binder'.     Must be 'book-keeping' day.

"I'm sorry if I scared you earlier Alm", Owen said genuinely as he pulled out the Honeywine and straw to funnel it into my cup. Normally, it would be too early for us to drink. I didn't understand just how much anxiety my brothers surprise caused this morning until I saw Owen's glass of Whiskey.

"A-h don't worry about it", he waved to Owen as he slowly spun around, eyes scanning the alien room.  "I'm sorry for",  Alm gave a lengthy pause before he looked up at Owen and continued. 

"Well, I don't think I scared  you this morning, but.. ya'know", Alm not-so-delicately mentioned Owens inelegant departure from the house. 

Owen huffed a silent laugh with a self-deprecating nod before he dipped the wine filled straw into my empty cup, "I was caught off-guard to say the least, not my finest moment".  Alm grinned sportively and continued his examinations of the room. 

Owen handed me the cup and silently gestured to me, asking if he should make Alm a cup. I shook my head, gesturing that he could share mine. Especially since this was the only Ri-sized cup in the bar. Though, knowing Owen, he was taking a mental note to buy more.

"So, this  is a human social", Alm said curiously.

Owen leaned against the bar with wide spread arms. "Yep", he answered Alm looking around proudly. I took a big gulp of the honeywine as I walked closer to Alm to hand him the cup.

"Here", I said, and he took the cup with a smile. 

"So, is this what you guys do all day? Hang out with Shae and set up for Socials"? He took a sip of the wine and turned back to us.

"Basically" I answered, "Work at the bar, chores, sometimes go into town".

"Sounds kind of bland for you, Ri", Alm noted.

Owen blurted out a laugh, "Nothing is bland when it comes to Ri. Everything with her is an escapade, which means everything for me is a headache of worry".

I shot Owen a playfully disapproving grin.

"Now that  sounds normal",  Alm chuckled and took another sip of wine.

"So, what's the plan then"? Owen questioned me, nodding towards Alm.

"The plan is," I answered, "I call for Meeks to take us back".

Alm scoffed with a disgruntled shrug, "You don't have to escort me".

"O-h, but I do baby brother", I said pointing at him with a playful smirk, "not for your sake but for mine. Or I will never hear the end of it".

"Yeah I know," he rolled his eyes, "it sucks I have to leave.... But I least I got to meet you". He looked at up at my human.

Owen smiled kindly, "Well if your parents allow it, you're always welcome to visit".

I smiled contently as I observed my tender Owen and my baby brother talk.

"I can"? Alm asked with excitement.

"Of course", Owen scoffed kindly, "We have plenty of room. Even if your parents wanted to come, their welcome too".     He said 'we'... I love when he says 'we'.

Alm's smile brightened further, "How soon can I come visit"?

"Anytime you want, you're her brother", he nodded towards me, "so long as your parents allow it, I don't have an issue with it". 

"I definitely want to visit", Alm said assuredly. 

  "Good", Owen said with a strong nod. 

But, only I had noticed the humble victorious grin growing across his lips. Was that what he was so anxious about this morning? Not wanting to scare off my brother? Or maybe wanting to win him over?  I thought and giggled internally.

"By the way... How did  you know I was her brother"?

"Oh", Owen chuckled deeply, "Well, first you threatened  me and then said 'I can protect myself'." Owen chuckled again standing up straight, shaking his head with a keen smile. "A threat and a statement of strength? If I didn't catch that resemblance than she probably chose the wrong mate".

Both Owen and Alm looked over at me with a smile, but Alm raised his lip scrutinizing my grin, "U-h, What's the matter with you"?

I glanced back and forth between the boys with a smile and triumphantly placed my hands on my hips, "I am so happy right now".

Owen tilted his head giving me a gentle adoring grin, whilst Alm rolled his eyes. Owen didn't move his eyes from me for a few seconds before his expression changed when a thought popped into his head, "Hey if you're going to see Meeks, do you want to ask if she and Mark want to come to dinner next week"?

"Oh! Yes. Thank you for reminding me", I said and then looked over at Alm who occupied his gaze with the same bar trinkets that had also once required my analyzations.

We talked for another hour, about Avalon and Earth. Alm told Owen about his apprenticeship in the mines, and answered Owens questions about it. Owen asked about how my parents were as well. I let them conversate and to get to know each other better and only chimed in to make necessary corrections.

Not before long, Owen looked down at the 'clock' on his wrist and sighed, "Well, Rob is going to be here in about 5 minutes".

I huffed out a breath and looked over at my brother who had polished off the wine 20 minutes ago, but was still holding the empty mug. "Come on Alm, time to leave", I said as he handed me the small cup.

"Do you see that Dark square bottle right there", I asked pointing at the top shelf near the ceiling.

"Yeah", he nodded.

"There's a space to the rafters right behind it. I'll meet you back there in a second". I glided up as Owen and I watched Alm fly up behind it. When Owen turned back to me, I was hovering just below his eye level about 12 inches in front of him. I held out the empty cup, which he took from me with a smile.

"I'll see you at home", he whispered with a loving grin. I flew to his cheek and kissed him before I flew up behind the bottle and climbed into the rafters. I squeezed through the wood panels and found my brother waiting right behind them with his arms crossed, shaking his head.

"...what", I asked monotonously.


"Oh, leave me alone", I growled, rolling my eyes as I turned to lead him to our exit and I could hear him chuckle behind me. He strolled behind me when we made it to the exit, and a familiar sound rumbled nearby.

"What is that" he whispered.

"Shh, do as I do. Stick close, and stay quiet", I told him before I crawled out of the whole and onto the roof. I helped pull him up, and I flew low to the roof and then crept towards the edge. Alm followed my every movement. We crawled up to see Owen's friend shut off his truck, and hop out. He was singing something to himself as he meandered his way to the door. I crawled out further to see if I could see him.

When he tried to open the door, it didn't budge. "Honey, I'm home"! He said knocking on the door. I bit my fist to hold back a giggle and looked at Alm, who was less entertained. Owen opened the door to let him in and the door closed behind them, muffling their voices.

"Come on", I softly backhanded my brothers shoulder again and I took off towards the house with Alm at my heel. We flew around the house and through the open window. Alm landed on the counter as I hovered by the 'fridge' wrapping my finger in the chain.

"W-hat are you doing", Alm asked, surely wondering why I was human sized. I opened the fridge and pulled out bowl of diced fruit.

"Making you lunch", I said grabbing the board and knife. I cut off small pieces of the melons and oranges before returning the bowl to the fridge and rinsing off the knife.

"Eat", I gestured to the board as I put the knife back, and then removed my ring.

"Does the chain only work for you"? He asked with a full mouth as I landed next to him picking up a slice of melon.

"No," I said, "I don't believe so. And I think it's why I was asked to never mention it to anyone...". I gave him fierce eye contact to reiterate that it's a highly protected secret.

He swallowed before looking at me, "So-o, can--" 

"--Absolutely not", I cut him off before he could ask if he could try it. I smiled at my slice of melon before taking a bite.

He nodded and we both ate in silence. When we finished, it was time to take him back home, and he followed me back to Shae.

We greeted her and gave a prolonged goodbye seeing as, Alm would not be back anytime soon if my mother had any say on matter. I called out to Meeks using our mystic bond, and not a minute later she emerged from the water.

"Who is that", she asked intrigued as she swam up to us. 

"Meeks, Alm. Alm, Meeks", I introduced them with a gesturing hand. 

"Hi Alm! Ri's little brother...who is in this realm... why"? She asked as my brother waved shyly.

I laughed breathily, "He followed me to the lake to meet you and dove in after us when you portaled us here".

She smiled with pride, "A fellow adventurer I see. I do hope you know how dangerous that can be".

He shrugged with a grin as we both looked at him with smiles. Meeks changed the subject, "OH, I have to tell you! I completed my apprenticeship with Lhorwey".

My face brightened, "That's amazing! So, your water magic is..."

"Nearly posiedal". She winked coolly. 

Poseidal: adj/adv- the mer-term used to describe something that is as powerful or angry as poseiden.

"Oof--I'd really hate to see what happens to the next mer that stirs up your waters", I chuckled, "Actually! You and Mark should come over to Owens for dinner, and we can celebrate! How about the next week"?

She smirked impressed with the invitation that she guessed came from Owen. "I'd love that", she said, and her expression changed with the subject, "To Avalon then? I have to return to the caverns before anyone notices". 

"Ready Alm"? I looked to my brother who seemed like he was analyzing me harshly. 

He nodded, "Yep", and flew a short distance above us. I followed suit as Meeks swam deeper into the pond.

Alm followed me as I followed Meeks, and waited.

"When do we dive in"? He whispered to me as we hovered above her.

"I'll tell you" I whispered back as we watched the water around meeks start to swirl around her. The water glowed bright blue and she suberdged under the water.

I saw her go fully under, "Now" I said loudly grabbing my brothers hand as we flew down into the glowing swirl of liquid. I kicked, and kicked hard, pulling us through the bright blue funnel of water, towards the mahogany hand that lay in a circle of darker water surrounded by a bright blue halo. As we broke through the portal, the temperature warmed immediately, and I closed my eyes as to not feel the sting of the salty sea water. I quickly spun around, changing direction, yanking my brother in the opposite direction of which we previously swam. 

I pulled my brother up to the surface of the Avalonian Sea, and he gasped for air. The water fell away as Meeks lifted us out of the water while my novice brother, coughed out a decent amount of sea water. I quickly grabbed him beneath his armpits, immediately taking flight and carrying him to shore before any flyer-bys could take notice.  

I looked back towards the water as Alm knelt on the sand coughing. "I'll call when I'm ready"? I spoke to Meeks telepathically.

"And I'll come when I'm ready". She replied, and I could here her internal laughter before I felt her disappearance from the realm. I patted my brothers back as he continued his coughing fit, and helped him up to a stand on the shore. 

"You alright", I asked, patiently waiting for him to catch his breath. But he yanked his arm out of my grip. 

"I'm fine", he said sourly with one final cough, "You don't have to coddle me". 

"Okay", I nodded and back off a bit before we both took off towards Summertide. 

 The flight home was unbearably silent, and I couldn't shake the feeling that he was upset. I watched him fly next to me as we headed to the magnolia, and he seemed deeply distracted. When we got to the magnolia and landed on the terrace, I stopped him by grabbing his shoulder before he could go inside.

"Hey," I said trying to appeal to him, "What's bothering you"?

He looked at me with an expression similar to the one he had at the pond, "You're my best friend". Lovely words they were, but his tone was filled with sorrow.

"And you're mine—"

"—No, you're my best friend, my sister.... And I feel like I don't even know you".

My brows creased, "What do you mean"?

"I mean," he whispered, "friends with a mer, mated to a human, apprentice to the drui, granted cel—that power", He looked around so make sure no one was listening. "You've had all these other lives and I never knew".

"Well, no one did", I said matter-of-factly. 

He huffed with a grimace, giving me a look I knew all too well. It was a look I used to give my mother when I felt she couldn't understand me; and it pierced my heart being on the receiving end.  

"I know you've outgrown Avalon, Ri, but now I feel like you've outgrown me too". He wrenched his shoulder from my hand and walked inside towards his room. 

My mom popped up off the sitting cushion in relief, with a pitchy shout, "Where have you been"! 

He didn't answer, so my mother followed him to his room. I walked inside catching my father's eye. "Well, that'd be the answer to that question", he chuckled before walking towards me with slowly opening arms.

"Hey dad", I said walking into him for a brief embrace. We could hear my mother frantically yelling at my brother in the background, more than likely due to his lack of response.

"He followed me to the Otherworld," I shrugged. "I did yell at him, but... I mean, I can't really  be mad when I've been more reckless then he has".

My dad gave me nod as he looked down the hall. "Oh don't I understand that position well", he stilled briefly before looking back to me. "We both know I'm to blame for all your  more reckless characteristics". 

Before I could comment, his eyes widened in realisation, "Did he meet Owen"? He asked avidly. 

"Yeah", I chuckled, amused with his enthusiasm. "They got a long better than I thought they would. It--u-uhh--warmed the heart, I guess". 

"Careful now", he released a loud laugh, "You almost let your feelings out".

"You're funny", I chided before giggling a bit myself. I couldn't help but wonder how he knew how bad I was with emotions since he was absent for most of my youngling years. Maybe mom talks about me more that I thought?

"WHAT, IN ALL THAT IS FAE, HAPPENED"? My mom asked loudly walking up to us. Both my father and jumped, giving her our full attention. 

"Hi-i mom", I greeted her, but her face told me she would not allow me to make light of this. Though, she did embrace me in a swift hug regardless of her fury.

"I guess he was upset that he we weren't telling him anything, and so he followed me... to the Otherworld", I cautiously mumbled out the last bit. 

She let out a breath in frustration and shouted, "Am I the only sane  Fae in this family"?

My dad shook his head assuring her she wasn't, but I, on the other wing, nodded. My dad and I glanced at each other and couldn't help but grin, internally laughing at our opposite reactions.

"Well, did anything happen"? My mom asked harshly. 

"No" I breathed out the word returning to a more earnest disposition. "No mom, he was fine and knew exactly where to find me since Shae was right there when he got out of the water. And then was with me the remainder of the time".

"And"?  She demanded with wide eyes. My eyes darted back and forth, unaware of answer she was looking for. 

 "A-a-nd... he met Owen"?  I said her eyes glued to me, "a-nd I told him everything, and fed him lunch, and then brought him back here".       Oh, she is not to be trifled with today, I noted mentally. 

"Dear, he's obviously fine", my dad added.

"Well then you  tell me why he looks so upset Kesh"!  She glared at him. 

I raised a finger reluctantly, grabbing my moms attention. "He's upset because he feels like he doesn't know me, and  that I've outgrown him. His words, not mine".

Relief washed across her face, "So nothing happened".

"Not really... he even commented how my life there seemed too boring for me".

"Oh good", she relaxed with a small smile of relief before her tone changed quickly. "How did he react to Owen"? She asked eagerly.

"Fine", I said coolly, "They got along really well, and Owen even mentioned that you guys are welcome to visit anytime".

"Sounds pleasant", My dad chirped, before my mother could respond. "Don't you agree, sweetling"?

She looked at my father with her lips raised repugnantly, astounded with how he could think she'd agree. Did I understand her reaction? Yes. Did I still take offense to it? Also, Yes. 

"Let me put it this way mom: I really want you to meet him someday... and bringing him here will get this whole family banished".

"You wouldn't do that" she laughed, but my expression remained stoic and silent. "Ri-ae-ya Marshley, you would not", she said aghast.

I grinned mischievously, utterly please with the picture I just painted her, before I walked up to her and kissed her cheek. "I love you mom", I sang and turned to hug my dad farewell.

"We will visit soon", my dad said as I walked back out to the terrace and took off towards the shore. I called to Meeks when I got there, who said she'd be there momentarily. She dropped me off at the pond and told me she and Mark will be free Thursday night before she disappeared under the water. 

It was dark. I didn't know how much time had passed, or how far into the night it was. So, flew back to Owens carefully and quickly. I flew through the bedroom window, as saw he was fast asleep on the bed. It was a couple hours past noon when we left for Avalon, and I looked over at the 'clock' that said '3:00 am'. I grabbed my blanket from the night stand and landed on the mattress next to my sleeping human. Dispersing my wings for the night, I dropped the blanket and walked along the mattress closer to Owen.

"Owen", I said gently. "Owen", I repeated, patting his hand. His breathing deepened and he slowly opened his eyes. He looked down at me and barley smiled.

"You're back", he said still partially asleep, "How was i-". He couldn't even finish the sentence. I just smiled, and turned back towards my blanket. I plopped myself down, covered my body, and faced Owen to fall asleep.

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