The Genius Above Elites

By UnderHocide

72.9K 2.1K 354

"Every journey has a meaning, we shouldn't give up just because all of us are unequal. Otherwise we might jus... More

Vol.1 Prologue
Vol 1 Chapter 1.1
Vol 1 Chapter 1.2
Vol 1 Chapter 1.3
Vol 1 Chapter 2.1
Vol 1 Chapter 2.2
Vol 1 Chapter 2.3
Vol 1 Chapter 3.1
Vol 1 Chapter 3.2
Vol 1 Chapter 3.3
Vol 1 Chapter 4.1
Vol 1 Chapter 4.2
Vol 1 Chapter 4.3
Vol 1 Chapter 4.4
Vol 1 Chapter 4.5
Vol 1 Chapter 5.1
Vol 1 Chapter 5.2
Vol 1 Chapter 5.3
Vol 1 Chapter 6.1
Vol 1 Chapter 6.2
Vol 1 Chapter 6.9 (Solaris ๐Ÿ‹)
Vol 1 Chapter 7.1
Vol 1 Chapter 7.2
Vol 1 Chapter 7.3
Vol 1 Chapter 8.1
Vol 1 Chapter 8.2
Vol 1 Chapter 8.3
Vol 1 Chapter 9.1
Vol 1 Chapter 9.2
Vol 1 Epilogue
Akasuki Masaki - SS
Kurenai Rayla - SS
Sugihara Solaris - SS
Kaneko Masako - SS
Vol 2 Prologue
Vol 2 Chapter 1.1
Vol 2 Chapter 1.2
Vol 2 Chapter 1.3
Vol 2 Chapter 2.1
Vol 2 Chapter 2.2
Vol 2 Chapter 2.3
Vol 2 Chapter 3.1
Vol 2 Chapter 3.2
Vol 2 Chapter 3.3
Vol 2 Chapter 4.1
Vol 2 Chapter 4.2
Vol 2 Chapter 4.3 (Rayla ๐Ÿ‹)
Vol 2 Chapter 4.4
Vol 2 Epilogue
Akasuki Masaki - SS (2)
Kurenai Rayla - SS (2)
Sugihara Solaris - SS (2)
Kaneko Masako - SS (2)
Vol 3 Prologue
Vol 3 Chapter 1.2
Vol 3 Chapter 1.3
Vol 3 Chapter 2.1
Vol 3 Chapter 2.2
Vol 3 Chapter 2.3
Vol 3 Chapter 3.1
Vol 3 Chapter 3.2
Vol 3 Chapter 3.3
Vol 3 Chapter 3.4
Vol 3 Chapter 4.1
Vol 3 Chapter 4.222222222222?
Vol 3 Chapter 4.1
Vol 3 Chapter 4.2
Vol 3 Chapter 4.3 (??? ๐Ÿ‹)
Vol 3 Chapter 4.4
Vol 3 Chapter 5.1
Vol 3 Chapter 5.2
Vol 3 Chapter 5.3
Vol 3 Chapter 6.1
Vol 3 Chapter 6.2
Vol 3 Chapter 6.3
Vol 3 Epilogue
Vol 4 Chapter Prologue
Vol 4 Chapter 1.1
Vol 4 Chapter 1.2
Vol 4 Chapter 1.3
Vol 4 Chapter 2.1
Vol 4 Chapter 2.2
Vol 4 Chapter 2.3
Vol 4 Chapter 3.1
Vol 4 Chapter 3.2
Vol 4 Chapter 3.3 (Rayla ๐Ÿ‹)
Vol 4 Chapter 4.1
Vol 4 Chapter 4.2
Vol 4 Chapter 4.3455555555555555?
Vol 4 Chapter 4.1
Vol 4 Chapter 4.2
Vol 4 Chapter 4.3
Vol 4 Chapter 5.1
Vol 4 Chapter 5.2
Vol 4 Chapter 5.3
Vol 4 Chapter 5.4
Vol 4 Chapter 6.1
Vol 4 Chapter 6.2
Vol 4 Chapter 6.3 (Rayla ๐Ÿ‹)
Vol 4 Epilogue
Vol 5 Prologue
Vol 5 Chapter 1.1

Vol 3 Chapter 1.1

276 5 0
By UnderHocide

The boundaries of 'good' and 'evil'

Episode 0; Akasuki Masaki

A never changing eternal blue sea connecting with the infinite sky. The air here is perfectly fresh. We're in the midst of the Pacific Ocean, so there's no sign of any midsummer heat since the gentle sea breeze kissing against my warm body. oceanic paradise. Forget the heat now I just feel cold thanks to the ocean breeze, I'm better at handling the cold compared to the blazing heat so I'm completely fine with all this.

"Man....long ago since I've been on a boat? 2, 3 years?" It doesn't matter how long it's been, enjoying this moment of bliss while it lasted is important here. The view from the 'special seats' is exceedingly gorgeous.

"This view is incredible! I'm honestly super moved right now!"

A group of girls led by Karuizawa Kei comes out from the ship's cabin. She points out the expansive ocean, not forgetting to leave a radiant smile on her face.

"Seriously, the scenery here is just spectacular!"

Kushida, leading another group of girls is also present. Usually Karuizawa is tasked with the job of leading the girls who are more proactive while Kushida typically takes care of the shy girls such as Sakura and the others like Mii-chan.

After the multiple hardships we've been through, it's only natural this summer vacation would welcome us with open arms. The Advanced Nurturing High School of Tokyo arranged an extravagant two-week vacation for the first year students, a cruise on a luxury liner no less.

"Thank you, king! We can only experience this wonderful scenery because of your brilliant guidance!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about this shit." I mutter underneath my breath while turning towards the group of men behind me, with a few exceptions such as Sudou, Ayanokouji, Hirata and Miyake leaning against the wall having a chat. I wish I could be them...

Next to me is my assistant, Akasuki Masak. She's taking in the scenery of the beautiful blue ocean, as if she's in a state of inner peace as she stares off. I wonder what she's thinking while doing this.

After the whole farce with class-D and the Sakura incident, Masaki thought it would be a good idea if she stays around me a bit more than usual. Usually I wouldn't mind if she goes to hang out with her friends, I mean that's what I want for her but I can let it slide for once I guess.

After everything, most of the boys in the class started to address me as 'king' while the people of class-D sees me as the 'Tentateur Serpant'. Because of this, it's been much harder to hang out with my friends after class since the guys have some sort of attraction to me now, if I don't do anything about I might as well become bisexual than find myself a girlfriend.

"Sugihara-sama, shouldn't you be commanding them now?" Ah yeah, I'm just staring down at them and now the girls are giving me glances, expecting something.

"Yeah yeah....." I take in a deep breath, preparing my incoming speech as I face the group of boys in front of me.

"Men! Do you know the reason I've brought the class this far in the first place? Would you like to know my reason for leading us this far instead of giving up on the lot of you?!"

"Please tell us, king!" They group shouts in unison as a reply.

"The women...."

I take a quick glance away at the girls off to the side as an indication before turning back to the boys. They seemed to have caught my drift and nods as if acknowledging my reason. All the while I feel a hint of disgust from Masaki, nothing new though.

"The reason I've carried you boys this far is to sneak a peak at the beautifully sexy women in our class! I'm certain most if not all of you start jacking the pumpkin right after returning to your dorm rooms, do you not?!"


"Then this right here, is even more material to masturbate with! Think about it, Kushida's luxurious chest, Horikita's thick ass thighs, Karuizawa's silky smooth skin- BWEEEEHHHH!"


Before I could finish my statement, my jaw is struck by a fist from Kane who has an excruciatingly disgusted and infuriated facial expression. She must have heard me after she was done with her smoking for the day.

This ship has a smoking section at the back for employees and certain people, apperantly Kane has completely authorization to go there if she pleases and start smoking whenever she wants to. I gave her permission, and in return she had me keep that a secret from everyone which of course I did for her shake.

"What the fuck was that about?! I was just giving encouragement to my fellow followers-- aagh!"

"Shut up, dumbass! What kind of class leader encourages the men to peak on the girls, idiot, pervert, stinky old man!"

"I'm not old ya hag- uwah!" Kane continues to stop on my body as my fellow men watch in horror.

Not all girls are pathetic and defenseless, girls can get pretty muscly too given if they're determined with their workout routines. This lady, Kaneko Masako, is quite the strong woman and is actually inflicting pain on me with her strong stomps.

It hurts, much more than I expected but I shouldn't complain too much. After all I'm the complete dumbass here as she said, still that uppercat seriously did hurt, even more than the men who attacked Sakura and Ayanokouji!

"Tch, make another joke like take again and I'll bust your nuts open."

"D-don't.....I need my sack for baby asking you know?"

"Like hell I care!" Kane growls at me before quickly walking off with an irritated face.

Ah, I kinda pissed her off this time, huhh? Despite that I'm sure we're still incredibly close friends to each other, she's just a bit of a tsundere and is pretty sensitive to sex jokes. Still she's a girl, girls usually get disgusted with men over the dumbest things anyway.

I slowly crawl up from the floor, using the railing next to me to lift myself up and lean there while panting. It's been about a few days so I'm sure everyone's grown comfortable here already, I for one am despite recently being beat up by a certain classmate.

I had yet to check in with Ray-chan and Soranyan but they should be fine, knowing them they're enjoying this just as much as I am which is a good thing.

"Sugihara-sama, look over there!" Masaki points in the direction of a crowd of men surrounding a single girl.

"A celebrity? No, a cosplayer by the looks of things." Upon closer inspection, you could clearly tell the girl isn't from our school since she's not wearing a school uniform.

On this ship there are two sections, the 'V.I.P deck' for us students and obviously the regular deck for other people. Naturally anyone could visit both decks if they so desire, it's just that you're prohibited from entering any of the rooms, us students have the authority to enter rooms as we please thanks to our school. Otherwise we wouldn't be allowed in the V.I.P rooms anyway.

Nonetheless, that girl's being taken advantage of just because she's wearing a slightly revealing cosplay. The guys of my class also seem to be drooling over that girl, she seems around the same age as me so that's more a reason for people my age to be eyeing her.

"Aren't you going to help her?"

"I'm thinking of it, there's an itchy sensation screaming at me to do so." It's hard to get a good look at her face because of the wave of paparazzi. For all I know it could be someone I've hung out with before and if that's the case I need to help her. Even if I don't know the girl, I should just advance forwards.

"To hell with it. At most I'll only get in mild trouble for interefering in this affair, I'm sure Chabashira-sensei will understand."

I stretch for a bit, loosening my stiff shoulders before approaching the crowd surrounding the girl.

"Oi, quit mobbing that innocent girl and get your ass to taking pictures of something else." I can feel every gaze that was focused on the girl now turned towards me. It's not a good feeling, can't help but think I've dug a hole for myself now.

"Eh? Who are you, and why should we listen to you?"

"Oh I'm her boyfriend. Anyhow, I'll be taking her now."

While they're paralyzed by my words, I quickly budge them aside and pull the girl out of the mob of boys and towards my class.

Chabashira-sensei said to avoid contact with strangers as much as possible but  she didn't say we couldn't put ourselves in any issues with strangers when the time calls for it. Besides, I have a ton of witnesses here in the form of my classmates so I'll be safe.

"W-what....tch, who knew this girl already had a boyfriend."

"Right? Ugh...." Slowly but surely the group of men begins to dispatch in search of something else to take photos of. They definitely still have those other photos of this girl, but it's impossible to tell photographers to delete pictures they're satisfied with.

I let out a heavy sigh before letting go of the girl's hand and walking back to the rails next to Masaki.

"You did a good job, Sugihara-sama!"

"You think- uwah!"

"King, you bastard! How dare you get such a cute girl as your girlfriend?! Tell us, when did that happen?!" Yamauchi and Ike begin to shake me by my collar as they speak.

I was prepared for this really so there's no need to hide the truth. Seriously though, I understand why they're so confused as I've never seen such a cosplayer at our school either.

"Umm, we're not really partners." Before I could speak up, the girl opens her motuh and lets those words come out her mouth.

Both boys let go of me as I cough lightly, Masaki helps me to recover slightly and hands me a bottle of water to which I gulp down in almost an instant.

"Could you repeat that?"

"Like she said, we're not really partners nor do we each other. I just used that excuse to get her out of there as quickly as possible."

I couldn't get a good look at the girl earlier because of the shit that went on, but she's a cutie. A girl with waist length blonde hair with nice blue eyes, her body is also a pretty alluring one too. Not too busty, not too flat, just the right size actually which I like.

An announcement suddenly comes over the PA speakers.

"We will disembark in
thirty minutes. Please assemble on the deck. All students should have changed into their jerseys. Make sure to check your designated bag and your luggage, and do not forget your cell phone. Please keep all other personal items in your room. There is a possibility that you will not be able to visit the bathroom for some time, so please do so now."

"Huh, seems like that private beach is close now...." Yeah, not only we're riding on a cruise ship, but we're also being transported to a private beach for whatever reason.

Nothing less of suspicious but it could just be some sort activity for us to do. I mean they wouldn't be telling us to wear our jerseys for no reason, right?

"We best be going now."

"O-oh, yeah. Sorry for the trouble!" The girl bows in apology as I nod before walking off with the rest of my class.

That was a strange turn of events, didn't think I'd encounter a group of men taking pictures of a cute girl on a cruise ship of all places.

Still, why did she look familiar to me....? Her eyes tell me she had the same thought, have we....perhaps met before?

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