The Genius Above Elites

By UnderHocide

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"Every journey has a meaning, we shouldn't give up just because all of us are unequal. Otherwise we might jus... More

Vol.1 Prologue
Vol 1 Chapter 1.1
Vol 1 Chapter 1.2
Vol 1 Chapter 1.3
Vol 1 Chapter 2.1
Vol 1 Chapter 2.2
Vol 1 Chapter 2.3
Vol 1 Chapter 3.1
Vol 1 Chapter 3.2
Vol 1 Chapter 3.3
Vol 1 Chapter 4.1
Vol 1 Chapter 4.2
Vol 1 Chapter 4.3
Vol 1 Chapter 4.4
Vol 1 Chapter 4.5
Vol 1 Chapter 5.1
Vol 1 Chapter 5.2
Vol 1 Chapter 5.3
Vol 1 Chapter 6.1
Vol 1 Chapter 6.2
Vol 1 Chapter 6.9 (Solaris 🍋)
Vol 1 Chapter 7.1
Vol 1 Chapter 7.2
Vol 1 Chapter 7.3
Vol 1 Chapter 8.1
Vol 1 Chapter 8.2
Vol 1 Chapter 8.3
Vol 1 Chapter 9.1
Vol 1 Chapter 9.2
Vol 1 Epilogue
Akasuki Masaki - SS
Kurenai Rayla - SS
Sugihara Solaris - SS
Kaneko Masako - SS
Vol 2 Prologue
Vol 2 Chapter 1.1
Vol 2 Chapter 1.2
Vol 2 Chapter 1.3
Vol 2 Chapter 2.1
Vol 2 Chapter 2.2
Vol 2 Chapter 2.3
Vol 2 Chapter 3.1
Vol 2 Chapter 3.2
Vol 2 Chapter 3.3
Vol 2 Chapter 4.1
Vol 2 Chapter 4.2
Vol 2 Chapter 4.3 (Rayla 🍋)
Vol 2 Chapter 4.4
Vol 2 Epilogue
Akasuki Masaki - SS (2)
Kurenai Rayla - SS (2)
Sugihara Solaris - SS (2)
Vol 3 Prologue
Vol 3 Chapter 1.1
Vol 3 Chapter 1.2
Vol 3 Chapter 1.3
Vol 3 Chapter 2.1
Vol 3 Chapter 2.2
Vol 3 Chapter 2.3
Vol 3 Chapter 3.1
Vol 3 Chapter 3.2
Vol 3 Chapter 3.3
Vol 3 Chapter 3.4
Vol 3 Chapter 4.1
Vol 3 Chapter 4.222222222222?
Vol 3 Chapter 4.1
Vol 3 Chapter 4.2
Vol 3 Chapter 4.3 (??? 🍋)
Vol 3 Chapter 4.4
Vol 3 Chapter 5.1
Vol 3 Chapter 5.2
Vol 3 Chapter 5.3
Vol 3 Chapter 6.1
Vol 3 Chapter 6.2
Vol 3 Chapter 6.3
Vol 3 Epilogue
Vol 4 Chapter Prologue
Vol 4 Chapter 1.1
Vol 4 Chapter 1.2
Vol 4 Chapter 1.3
Vol 4 Chapter 2.1
Vol 4 Chapter 2.2
Vol 4 Chapter 2.3
Vol 4 Chapter 3.1
Vol 4 Chapter 3.2
Vol 4 Chapter 3.3 (Rayla 🍋)
Vol 4 Chapter 4.1
Vol 4 Chapter 4.2
Vol 4 Chapter 4.3455555555555555?
Vol 4 Chapter 4.1
Vol 4 Chapter 4.2
Vol 4 Chapter 4.3
Vol 4 Chapter 5.1
Vol 4 Chapter 5.2
Vol 4 Chapter 5.3
Vol 4 Chapter 5.4
Vol 4 Chapter 6.1
Vol 4 Chapter 6.2
Vol 4 Chapter 6.3 (Rayla 🍋)
Vol 4 Epilogue
Vol 5 Prologue
Vol 5 Chapter 1.1

Kaneko Masako - SS (2)

165 6 0
By UnderHocide

Strange sensations




"The hell! Who the fuck is singing the theme song to the movie Armegeddon first thing in the morning?!"

I stop the CD I had going on while I'd been doing a handstand in front of the TV out of boredom. A classic Sunday, I rarely ever had the chance to do yoga and I never thought it's gotten easier ever since I last did it three years back.

Man have times changed! My living environment has as well, I've totally forgotten the fact that I'm now living inside a dorm room and there's literally people in the rooms next door. On top of that I was shouting at the top of my lungs so no matter how thick these walls are, people could definitely hear my singing voice from the other side.

"Ah, namaste friend. What is the matter? Are you lost?"

"You're the one who's lost. What the heck's this CD? Maria Bishop....? Wow, you rarely ever see them in CD form sold in shops and stuff- Wait! You were singing a completely different song from this! Why are you doing a handstand in front of your fucking TV anyway?!"

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry. Please forgive me, as you can see.... I'm currently doing yoga!" I bow my head while still upside down in front of her.

"Hah.... Next time I'll huck you and that CD into a coffin. So, did something happen?"

Kane is in casual wear instead of a student uniform for once. A red and black hoodie over her also red and black striped shirt, that hoodie of hers also has cute red cat ears. Those shorts of hers is a dark red and on top of that she's wearing a nice pair of boots for some reason, oh don't forget about the choker around her neck!

"I was engraving a powerful sermon into my body to denounce the fear and agitation within me. This is how I calm myself down for a long time. Listening to Maria Bishop while shouting a different song at the top of my lungs like a maniac."

"Isn't yoga supposed to be calm...? Also why are you doing this first thing in the morning anyway? I was seriously asleep you know?"

Yes but truthfully it works the other way for me, sure sometimes I can work within a calm and quiet environment but most of the time I need some form of loud sound to get me going. Within music and shouting I could probably stay like this for a good five hours or so, but with all that my time would sky rocket to ten easily!

"What are afraid of anyway? Didn't think you were the type of person to be Sunday-phobic or something."

"I love Sundays actually, but I woke up around 4 and couldn't sleep again. So I got bored, then I thought of doing yoga and well, this is the result." I've been doing this for about three hours now so I should probably stop.

I flip myself over and stretch a bit. Thanks to this I may not even have the need to work out for today, but I'll go later just in case.

"But you said you were afraid, what's that all about?"

"Ah that, well I'm afraid of a certain childhood friend. You see she's living above us right now so I'm scared that she'll come zipping down asking for sex or something. Real Heroine if you ask me."

I tell her everything that's happened for the past few days from my kendo match with Masaki, to the time I played games with Ray-chan inside my room and finally that one time I went to buy ice-cream with Soranyan.

"That marune hair chick? Yeah I know her, her nickname's 'Heroine'?"

"Skip the jokes, I know that random nickname sounds like 'erotic' in Japanese."

"Is she erotic?"

"Definitely! That smoking hot bod of hers is something most men would drool over, including me if she wasn't the type to constantly make sexual jokes like how she does."

Kane lights up her cigarette with a flick. This is technically a none smoking dorm but whatever, she won't get in trouble if no one reports this. Besides she's strangely good at finding places and time to smoke.

She doesn't seem to be leaving any time soon so she just takes a seat on my bed to get more comfortable.

"Got an ashtray? And something to drink, please."

"You're pretty much acting like you own the place huh? How fast did you come down here anyway, the girls' dorms should start a floor above right?"

She sprawls out, turns on the TV and even demands a drink from me. I'm quite used to this sort of behavior already, she would often yawn from time to time and go to scratch an area down her shirt.

I would often get a glimpse of her collarbone, and it is undeniably sexy... She may be making herself at home more than Ray-chan and that's saying a lot. Oh well, I get her a Lamune to drink, then grab the cup I used to rinse my mouth so she could use it as an ashtray.

"Before I answer your question, you sure I can use this? Also as for the Lamune, people still buy this shit, huh?"

"Cigarette ashes are apperantly sterile, so why not? As for the Lamune, I keep a stock of it in my room in case I get tired."

She nods at me. She can act like some delinquent but there's no denying she is still a girl, a cute one at that. She's pretty familiar with Lamune which means she's drank this before, after she opened it with just a finger.

"Now to answer your question, not sure if you've noticed but my room is just right next to yours pal." Huh?

This is the boys dorm, so obviously it's expected that only men would be living on this floor.

As far as I know, Kane is still definitely a girl unless I missed something, is she lying or something?

"I can see that confused look, I filed a complaint to staff and apperantly they organized the rooms wrong and I ended up at the end of the hall near your room."

I had also found it strange why the person next door would often come out later than most but I didn't think it would be my problem since they could just be a person from another class. Also yeah, my room is the second to last at the end of the hall so the stairs are close from where I live, I also happen to often use those stairs for working out.

Still the staff members organized the rooms wrong? I've encountered that sort of problem before in a hotel but from what I know that sort of thing rarely ever happens. If it were a hotel, once you complain about it you could easily move over to your designated room but this is a school with tons of students. Unless one female student drops out, I don't see a way Kane could move at all even after someone's dropped out since she must have bought shit for her room already. It'd be troublesome to move and I'm sure she knew that, I'm sure she understands if a man sees her she'll be questioned for sure which is why she always comes late to class.

"Well that explains a whole lot. Ah, so the person. Banging on the wall to shut me up was you?"

"Obviously, you and your twin sister are always so loud. So can I stay here until 10? Don't want anyone seeing me in your room, also don't tell anyone about this or else I snap that neck of yours."

"Do whatever you want I guess." It's nice to have her around.

She's a level headed girl and also puts me in my place whenever I do something weird. She's also pretty cute, the only down side is how she basically acts as if this room is her house or something. Man am I lucky to have her as my neighbor, I'm sure she thinks the exact same with me. If it were any other guy  I'm sure she would have been almost too cautious everyday.

"....I'm starved. Got any food?"

"Check the bag, I think I bought some the other day." I point towards a certain bag on the table I had yet to open.

"What's this, chicken-flavored ramen? Looks tasty."

I bought ten or so ramen packages the other day but five of them were already long gone thanks to Soranyan and Ray-chan coming over to eat. Losing yet another has made me feel pretty desolate.

".....What's this?" Kane grabs something from the bottom of the bag.

"Huh?!" Red.... Cylindrical....


"Why is that in there?!" I quickly check the receipt from the day before.

'TENKA' is in my list of purchases. I hadn't noticed since I never check these damn things but Soranyan must have snuck it in when I told her to go buy something random!

".....Is that one of those whatchamacallits? That men use when they jack it?" She asks me with concerned expression as I slowly nod.


"I-it's unused, I swear!" I catch it as she throws it at me with a disgusted glare.

I don't recall buying this so it must have been Soranyan. A prank she came up with on the spot, no wonder she took so long with her purchase. God, she could have at least dropped the punchline that day!

"Well, whatever. I heard dudes have shoved random shit up their ass to get off, too. This is perfectly healthy in comparison. Though I think it's a bad idea to rely on this kinda thing when you're still young. This is something some old shit bag would use."

"Y-you're really off base here. I didn't buy this!"

"Be quiet, sit on the ground and whimper while I watch TV." Unconsciously I do as she says and begin to whimper while I'm on the floor like a dog.

Damn it. I wasn't able to shift her mindset about this. Let's just hope she won't spread rumors about this around the school, still she doesn't seem completely grossed out or anything. It's like she expected something like this coming in.

Man, it's nice have an understanding friend huh? I'm really beginning to like Kane.....why does my heart get all fluttery when I'm around her? Also there's this air around her that tells me I know her from somewhere, another one of those huh? These memories are really messing with my head, maybe it's because we're fellow Maria Bishop lovers.....yeah hopefully.

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