The Genius Above Elites

By UnderHocide

75.1K 2.1K 355

"Every journey has a meaning, we shouldn't give up just because all of us are unequal. Otherwise we might jus... More

Vol.1 Prologue
Vol 1 Chapter 1.1
Vol 1 Chapter 1.2
Vol 1 Chapter 1.3
Vol 1 Chapter 2.1
Vol 1 Chapter 2.2
Vol 1 Chapter 2.3
Vol 1 Chapter 3.1
Vol 1 Chapter 3.2
Vol 1 Chapter 3.3
Vol 1 Chapter 4.1
Vol 1 Chapter 4.2
Vol 1 Chapter 4.3
Vol 1 Chapter 4.4
Vol 1 Chapter 4.5
Vol 1 Chapter 5.1
Vol 1 Chapter 5.2
Vol 1 Chapter 5.3
Vol 1 Chapter 6.1
Vol 1 Chapter 6.2
Vol 1 Chapter 6.9 (Solaris 🍋)
Vol 1 Chapter 7.1
Vol 1 Chapter 7.2
Vol 1 Chapter 7.3
Vol 1 Chapter 8.1
Vol 1 Chapter 8.2
Vol 1 Chapter 8.3
Vol 1 Chapter 9.1
Vol 1 Chapter 9.2
Vol 1 Epilogue
Akasuki Masaki - SS
Kurenai Rayla - SS
Sugihara Solaris - SS
Kaneko Masako - SS
Vol 2 Prologue
Vol 2 Chapter 1.1
Vol 2 Chapter 1.2
Vol 2 Chapter 1.3
Vol 2 Chapter 2.1
Vol 2 Chapter 2.2
Vol 2 Chapter 2.3
Vol 2 Chapter 3.1
Vol 2 Chapter 3.2
Vol 2 Chapter 3.3
Vol 2 Chapter 4.1
Vol 2 Chapter 4.2
Vol 2 Chapter 4.3 (Rayla 🍋)
Vol 2 Chapter 4.4
Vol 2 Epilogue
Akasuki Masaki - SS (2)
Kurenai Rayla - SS (2)
Kaneko Masako - SS (2)
Vol 3 Prologue
Vol 3 Chapter 1.1
Vol 3 Chapter 1.2
Vol 3 Chapter 1.3
Vol 3 Chapter 2.1
Vol 3 Chapter 2.2
Vol 3 Chapter 2.3
Vol 3 Chapter 3.1
Vol 3 Chapter 3.2
Vol 3 Chapter 3.3
Vol 3 Chapter 3.4
Vol 3 Chapter 4.1
Vol 3 Chapter 4.222222222222?
Vol 3 Chapter 4.1
Vol 3 Chapter 4.2
Vol 3 Chapter 4.3 (??? 🍋)
Vol 3 Chapter 4.4
Vol 3 Chapter 5.1
Vol 3 Chapter 5.2
Vol 3 Chapter 5.3
Vol 3 Chapter 6.1
Vol 3 Chapter 6.2
Vol 3 Chapter 6.3
Vol 3 Epilogue
Vol 4 Chapter Prologue
Vol 4 Chapter 1.1
Vol 4 Chapter 1.2
Vol 4 Chapter 1.3
Vol 4 Chapter 2.1
Vol 4 Chapter 2.2
Vol 4 Chapter 2.3
Vol 4 Chapter 3.1
Vol 4 Chapter 3.2
Vol 4 Chapter 3.3 (Rayla 🍋)
Vol 4 Chapter 4.1
Vol 4 Chapter 4.2
Vol 4 Chapter 4.3455555555555555?
Vol 4 Chapter 4.1
Vol 4 Chapter 4.2
Vol 4 Chapter 4.3
Vol 4 Chapter 5.1
Vol 4 Chapter 5.2
Vol 4 Chapter 5.3
Vol 4 Chapter 5.4
Vol 4 Chapter 6.1
Vol 4 Chapter 6.2
Vol 4 Chapter 6.3 (Rayla 🍋)
Vol 4 Epilogue
Vol 5 Prologue
Vol 5 Chapter 1.1

Sugihara Solaris - SS (2)

184 7 0
By UnderHocide

Never melting


"Mother fucking god can that thing just shut? I've been hearing it ever since coming out of that white room..." I mutter under my breathe while staring at the penguin plushie in Soranyan's hands.

There should be a few days left before the start of our vacation, the one they promised us when the midterms began about a month ago. I hadn't really focused on it too much especially when I'm trying to hang out with a few friends, we don't talk about the Sakura incident and the Sudou incident around here!

It's been about a day since I went to check on the kendo club and played with Ray-chan in my room, and now I'm outside hanging out with Soranyan since she's the one who phoned me up when I had nothing to do. I was planning to spend my day playing games again, specifically eroge from Ray-chan who somehow snuck some in without the cameras catching. She's ain't a ninja for nothing I guess.

I want to become a man....a real man who jacks off to porn, I mean I don't have a fetish that I know of yet but I believe I'll find my calling eventually after enough eroge. Who knows, maybe I'll even start pumping the hoes to one of them.

"Nii-san, you have a dirty grin on your face. You aren't thinking of anything dirty are you?"

"Why of course I am! I was only thinking of my dear twin sister naked, nothing special!" Man I can spout bullshit often, it's nothing to be proud of to talk about sexual jokes like this in public with my twin sister, about my twin sister of all people.

"Siscon, do you wish for your porn stash to be leaked to the rest of the world and have your social standing crumble before your eyes? I don't mind you fantasizing about my body, but please do so in a place people can't see."

I sure can act like a siscon sometimes but I AM one! I've just about embraced the idea of becoming a man with a twin sister complex by now from the amount of times I've been teased by it. Ask and I will agree to it!

Besides it's not entirely my fault. If I'm a siscon then Soranyan is a hardcore brocon, she did have fun with little Wienner down there with her tits. I'm also convinced my sadistic nature also runs through her blood as she would likely enjoy tormenting me.

"I know about your stash of eroge Ray-chan gave you, Nii-san. They all have one thing in common......women of the same age with black hair!"

"W-w-what do you mean?! I haven't got a clue what you're talking about sister dearest! Coincidental bias can sure be a scary thing huh? Haha!"

"You also listen to Maria Bishop every night before heading to bed."

"Ack!" She knows everything...everything I've hid from my parents and the rest of my friends aside from Iris and Ray-chan, she knows my preference too....

"S-so want to get some ice-cream?! I heard there's a pretty nice ice-cream shop nearby and it just so happens they have a new flavour!"

I quickly spring off in a direction as Soranyan pouts before following behind me, keeping up with my speed while holding Sora-chan in her hands. Wherever she goes she always brings that darn penguin of hers now, I've even heard she brings that with her in class and hugs it during lessons.

She really loves that thing with all the passion in her heart, naturally when it comes to penguin-like objects or animals, she'll always have a strange obsession towards that certain thing. Her original room back at home is filled with nothing but cyan and penguins, even her pillows are basically penguin shaped along with the rim of her bed. It's more childish than it is cute, she even tends to speak 'pengujn language' from time to time, a form of language humans cannot hear apperantly.

Absolute bullshit, I know. However as her twin brother, it makes me feel bad whenever I even have the thought of telling her off her hobbies. She loves penguins, so what? I have a strange obsession over girls with black hair, it's practically the same if you think of it that way.

"Sweet! Seems like we're the first two here!" Upon seeing the shop just started opening, I kick my feet slightly harder to increase my speed as I hear Soranyan do the exact same if not more since she goes past me in a gist of wind. She must be excited for ice-cream.

"Ten scoops of chocolate chips please!" Wha-?! Ten scoops?!

"Hang on! You seriously need to consider before you act, a-are you sure with going ten right now...?"

"'re right. Alright, a scoop of each and every flavour you have!" That's like 15!

I've nearly lost my appetite at the sight of this woman's bottomless stomach, she can eat a whole elephant for herself and probably still have room for a full sized alligator. She eats a ton of calories each day so I'm questioning how she hasn't blew all her points yet, and also how she's still thin unless all that weight went to her tits.

Speaking of food, Soranyan also happens to have a bit of a sweet tooth. She has to eat at least one sweet each hour or she'll go limp and flop on the ground, even a little bit of candy is enough to get her energized for the next hour so she tends to bring a can of sweets with her everywhere.

"D-don't listen to her miss! We'll each have....uhhh the new one, strawberry coconut please!"

"Right away!" The kind lady immediately goes to get us our ice-cream. All the while I sense a bigger pout from Soranyan, if she eats that much her figure could get messed up, along with the floor if she drops it all so a single or two scoops should be enough, but for her shake I'll go with two.

"Oi kid! What the hell do ya think you're doing here, eh?"

"Hmm?" I turn my gaze towards the voice of a man, likely a senpai staring down onto his classmate.

They're both holding pieces if paper, upon closer inspection they seem to be notes from their lessons. A classic case of bullying, I don't need to listen to know what's going on with those two.

That situation reminds of the time I first met Sudou, something similar like that happened with me right? Unfortunately for that glasses-senpai, no one like me is around to protect him from that jackass so he's having a real hard time looking like some 'nerd'. I never understood bullies personally but I have an idea where they're coming from. Either way this isn't something I can watch from the sidelines, wonder when I took up this persona.

"No, this doesn't bring me any benefit. I should just leave it be." I mutter to myself before taking the ice-cream I had ordered earlier from the lady. Boeing my head in gratitude, I begin to walk away while licking at my ice-cream.

"You didn't step in? That's a first, Nii-san."

Soranyan walks next to me, doing the same motion as me while holding onto Sora-chan.

"Dunno what went on in my brain just now. A sharp sensation told me to not step in just now, perhaps it's fate telling me I can't change the course of time?" No, that wasn't it.

When that scene was presented to me, I felt hurt for some reason. I haven't done anything, I haven't done anything wrong by stepping in right?

"Go away, you fucking bitch! Why can't you just leave me alone because I'm not some rich boy?! I'd rather starve than receive food from your sorry ass!"

That voice wasn't it? It echoed through my mind just now and sent a sharp sensation through my brain, it hurt my very soul but I haven't any idea why.

That couldn't have been me, I've been born into a rich family for as long as I can remember, besides I don't think I'm that violent if I am violent at all. But nothing is impossible after seeing Kujou and that room....those pictures, are they related to this? Are they perhaps some sort of fragment of my memory?

I wonder........what am I thinking...?

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