By CrescentRWBY

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"Why I want to be a hero...? What kind of hero I want to be...? I... I... I'm not sure myself... I don't know... More

Chapter 1 (S1)
Chapter 2
Sleeping Kuuga
Chapter 3
Kuuga and Jiro
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (S2)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
not a chapter
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (S3)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
New chapter?
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thanks for 2k
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Sayo: "Yoohoo!
💞Save The World With Love!💞
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 1🎞
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 2🎞
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 3🎞
Zero: Q&A and Feedback section
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 4🎞
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (S4)
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Announcement (important)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Gear check!
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 (S5)
Surprise! (Special Chapter)
Status update (not a chapter)
How original
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Not a chapter update
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
In All of Our Hearts
Competitive Bowling (Zero OVA)
Chapter 68
Photo issues (not a chapter)
Chapter 69
Father's Day Special Chapter
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Plans and Curiosity
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 1
Advanced happy new year
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 2
New Art
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 3
Meet the characters
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 4
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 5
Chapter 74

Chapter 49

445 22 3
By CrescentRWBY

(A/N: Another special chapter in it's own way! Gotta love-hate Kuuga!)


The scene opens up inside the TDL with Kuuga, Kirishima, Sayo, Izuku, Tsuyu, and Uraraka climbing a rocky wall.

Jiro: "The movements of the work study group are especially sharp."

Bakugo: "They figured something out while outside! Hey what'd you figure out?! Tell me!"

Kirishima: "Sorry, I can't!"

Kuuga: "Shut up, Jeanist Hair!"


A flashback is seen with the said students and the Big Three gathered around a table while Aizawa stood in front of them.

Aizawa: "That said, apart from the Big Three, and maybe even Kiriu, who are at least as strong as the pros, and possibly Aisaka might join whether she likes to or not, the rest of you probably won't have big parts to play. Asui, Uraraka, Kirishima. You three aren't here of your own volition, what would you like to do?"

Uraraka: "Mr.- I mean, Eraser Head! After hearing that, I can't say I'm not going to help!"

Tsuyu: "If you aren't going to say we can't do it, then I would like to help!"

Amajiki: "Since the heroes had you participate in the meeting, I think they have recognized the first years' abilities. In fact, I saw firsthand how a first year could shine much brighter than me."

Nejire: "You start going off on that whenever you get the chance."

Kirishima: "If I can help that girl with my power even a little, then I'll do it, Eraser Head!"

Aizawa: "It's fine as long as you understand. Our goal this time is only to rescue the girl, Eri. We won't step in further than that. It is the opinion of the police and Nighteye that the League of Villains and the Shie Hassaikai are not in a partnership, so the chances are low that the League will be involved in this time's raid. But in case they're wrong, and the League ends up involved, then you guys are out."

Everyone: "Roger!"

Aizawa: "But in the case of Kiriu and Aisaka, you two exercise the same authority as a full member of the Arcane Hero Agency, which has less restrictions, you are still able to operate even if the others are pulled out. With that, Kiriu, you are in charge of your classmates involved. If you see any members of the League, pull them out immediately."

Kuuga: "I understand, Eraser Head."

Aizawa: "Kiriu will act as your class rep in the raid, listen to what he has to say when I'm not around."

Everyone: "Yes, sir!"


Kuuga is seen walking to the cafeteria when he encounters Jiro waiting for him at the entrance.

Jiro: "Kiriu."

Kuuga: "What?"

Jiro walks towards him and playfully punches his arm, but he doesn't react.

Jiro: (mockingly) "What's with you today? Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?"

Kuuga: "Nothing. I'm fine. Move."

Jiro: "Something happened in your work study? You've been colder than usual."

Kuuga: "I'm… fine."

Kuuga looks down and grits his teeth a bit.

Jiro: "You know you can talk about what you're going through-!"

Kuuga: "I said I'm fine!"

Jiro stops as her eyes widen a bit from his raised and colder voice.

Kuuga: "If I say I'm fine. I'm fine, Jiro. Leave me alone… Get out of my way…"

Kuuga looks down and brushes past her and makes his way inside the cafeteria.

Kuuga: "Sorry… But you're annoying…."

Jiro sadly glances at a guitar keychain in her hand as she puts it in her pocket and enters the cafeteria, seeing Kuuga sitting alone, not bothering to eat.

Jiro: (mutters) "He's just going through something… it'll pass…"

Jiro conditions herself as she goes to grab her food and a small tear falls from her eye.


Arcane is seen exiting an abandoned warehouse along with some cloaked heroes while holding a phone up to her ear.

Arcane: "Gran Torino, my end is empty. I have no leads, half on the list are checked out."

She puts her phone down and looks at the small army of cloaked heroes in front of her.

Arcane: "Let us advance on the other locations."


The specific students taking part of the rescue operations remained tense for two more days as the scene opens to late at night inside the 1-A alliance where Kuuga is seen sitting on his bed, staring intensely at the ground. His phone suddenly went on as he received a message. He picks the phone up and opens the message. He closed his eyes before opening it, revealing his purple eyes are glowing slightly.

Kuuga: "It's time."


Kuuga exits the elevator, seeing Kirishima, Izuku, Uraraka, Tsuyu, and Sayo standing near each other in the dark common area with their phones on.

Kirishima: "Did you all get the message?"

Uraraka: (nods) "Yeah."

Tsuyu: "We did."

Sayo: "Yup."

Kuuga: "Affirmative."

Izuku: "The day we move."


Kuuga is seen plating everyone's food in the morning.

Kuuga: "Everyone. The food is ready."

Kirishima was the first to go to the kitchen counter, the two shared eye contact for a bit before continuing on with their business.

Kuuga: (mentally) "This might be my last cooking until I finish the mission…"


After the unusual breakfast and a train ride with the student rescue team and Aizawa, they arrived at the meeting spot where everyone was discussing the mission.

Arcane: "How lovely…"

Rock Lock: "Huh?! The Eri girl is in their stronghold?"

Fat Gum: "By stronghold, you mean…"

Ryukyu: "The residence of the head of the Hassaikai…"

Rock Lock: "What, so our investigations were for nothing?"

Nighteye: "No, we were able to get new information, as well."

Fat Gum: "How were you able to confirm this?"

Nighteye brought out a pink box with the label "Gung-Ho! Glitter Squad 10!" On the label.

Nighteye: "A member of the Hassaikai went to a nearby department store the other day and bought playthings aimed at young girls."

Arcane: "It's sparkling a lot…"

Rock Lock: (sweatdrops) "Huh? What the heck…?"

Fat Gum: "Maybe he just likes things like that! There are all types in this world, Nighteye! Anyway, why did you buy on, too?"

Nighteye: "No, he said something that no one who has that sort of hobby would say."

A flashback of Nighteye doing his thing is seen before going back to the present.

Rock Lock: "You ended up using Foresight anyway?!"

Nighteye: "I believe I said I would use it once we narrowed it down so that we could be sure."

Fat Gum: "Anyway, this means it's been decided, right?"

Centipeder: "We know for sure when they'll be there thanks to our stakeouts."

Bubble Girl: "We also worked with the police to get a warrant. All that's left…"

Fat Gum: " to get in there!"

Bubble Girl: "He took my line!"

Uraraka: "Deku."

Izuku turns around to see Uraraka, Tsuyu, Kirishima, Kuuga, and Sayo looking at him.

Mirio: "Midoriya."

Mirio took a deep breath before hyping himself up.

Mirio: "Let's do this! We're gonna do it!"

Izuku: "What's with those moves?!"

Mirio: "We're gonna do it! We're gonna do it! We're gonna do it! We're gonna do it! We're gonna do it! We're gonna do it! Let's do this!"

Arcane: "Someone's excited."

They all went their own way and changed into their hero costumes. Kuuga is seen closing his locker, patting his coat down and puts the black scarf around him and pulling it up to cover half his face. He looks down at his left wrist, seeing the temperature watch  Hatsume made for him turn on and show 20° on it.

Kuuga: (mentally) "Show everyone the true value of Zero…"

Kuuga exits his changing room and enters the meeting room, seeing everyone inside.

Nighteye: "Now, let us go!"


It's 8 a.m and everyone is seen in front of a police station with dozens of officers and heroes gathering and getting ready. The chief of police is seen briefing everyone.

Chief: "After Nighteye used foresight on the Hassaikai member, we discovered the existence of undocumented underground facilities at the head of the Hassaikai's residence. We were able to confirm that the girl we are trying to rescue is being held in one of the rooms there. Although we are unable to uncover the entire underground layout, the path the man took is the shortest route to our target, and it's the best intel we could have for searching the Hassaikai's expansive stronghold. However, if we head there, if they use their quirks freely on us, it would make the search difficult. So, we have made a list to the best of our knowledge of quirks registered to Hassaikai members. Please memorize the list."

An officer began handing out papers to the heroes.

Hero 1: "It's nice to be able to just pull this out, huh?"

Chief: "We don't want to give them time to hide, so we want to identify and apprehend all the members as quickly as possible."

Kirishima: "Things are moving fast now, huh?"

Amajiki: "You're energetic for how early this is…"

Sayo: "I'm feeling tense!"

Uraraka: "I'm getting nervous."

Tsuyu: "From detective work to cooperation with the police… There's so much I don't know."

Nejire: "Right? Isn't it mysterious?"

Ryukyu: "Yeah, schools don't really teach you much about things like this. I had a hard time when I first started."

Kirishima: "All the pros are calm. Even Kiriu is calm."

Kuuga: "I've conditioned myself for this operation… and I've been cold to someone lately…"

Kirishima: "Huh?"

Kuuga looks down.

Kuuga: "Jiro… I've wronged her… I raised my voice at her… I'm guilty of it…"

Kirishima: "You should fix that with her, man…"

Kuuga: "I know… that's why I might give her an answer after this…"

Kirishima: "Answer?"

Kuuga: "Yeah. She had a talk with me about her feelings for me and I told her I'll think about it. Maybe I can think about it during the operation…"

Kirishima: "That plan… is so manly!"

Kirishima clenches his fist and tears up a bit.

Kuuga: "Let's finish this operation in one piece, Kirishima."

Kuuga raises his left hand and offers a fist bump. Kirishima had a surprised look before it changed to a grin before accepting the gesture.

Kirishima: "Of course, Kiriubro!"

Their fists connected as the label "Manly!" Appears behind them. They released their fists as Kuuga kept his poker face through that moment. Izuku approaches them.

Izuku: "Hey, I haven't seen Gran Torino all morning… I wonder where he is."

Nighteye: "Apparently, he cannot come anymore."

Izuku: "Huh?!"

Chief: "It looks like the League, which Tsukauchi is keeping an eye on is on the move. But well, we have enough people, too, so it should not impede us."

Izuku: "I see…"

Kirishima: (grins) "Maybe we can catch the Hassaikai and the League of Villains all at once!"

Izuku: "Yeah! All right."

Aizawa: "Hey."

Izuku: "Mr-raser Head!"

Aizawa: "I will move with the Nighteye Agency. Do you understand what that means?"

Izuku: "Yes, sir!"

Kuuga: "I'll keep everyone in watch, Eraser Head."

Chief: "Heroes! Things might get a little violent. If you see even a hint of suspicious behavior or resistance, please deal with it immediately!"

Fat Gum brings out a small bag and hands it to Amajiki.

Fat Gum: "Tamaki, eat this. It's swordfish."

Amajiki: "Why swordfish…? Thanks, I'll be sure to eat it."

Arcane: "Kuuga, catch."

Arcane tosses Kuuga a small bottle, seeing the content to be an eyedrop.

Kuuga: "I already have some."

Arcane: (smirks) "You might need more."

Arcane's purple eyes glow a bit as black mist swirls around her arm.

Kuuga: "Whatever…"

Chief: "We're up against gangsters who have survived until now. Don't let your guard down and carry out your respective tasks."

The chief salutes, followed by the rest of the police force.

Chief: "We will commence the operation at 08:30! All hands, move out!"

Arcane: "I'll get some of my heroes to surround a fixed perimeter!"


08:30 a.m arrived and the police and heroes are now seen right in front of the Hassaikai residence.

Arcane: "I have my heroes on patrol in the nearby areas."

Chief: "Once they've read the warrant, charge in! I'm counting on everyone to move swiftly."

Rock Lock: "He keeps saying the same thing over and over. It's like he doesn't trust us."

Fat Gum: "You know that's not what he means. Stop being mean."

Rock Lock: "In the first place, these yakuza guys are living secretly in the shadows. If they see all the heroes and police, they might just curl up on themselves."

Before the chief of police can press the doorbell, a big, muscular yakuza member with a plague doctor's mask covering his head, green pants, and gauntlets, bursts through the gate from the inside. Surprising everyone. Some police officers flew in the air but Izuku and Aizawa managed to catch the officers in time.

Rikiya: "What do you want? Bringing all these people in the morning…"

Rock Lock: "Hey, wait! Hang on a second! Did they already notice us?"

Hero: "Forget about that, let's just all hold them back together!"

The hero unsheathes a sword.

Rikiya: "I feel a little more awake now. Jeez…"

Ryukyu: "Get back!"

Rikiya: "What do you people want?!"

The villain goes for a punch but Ryukyu activates her quirk and turns into a dragon and blocks the attack for everyone.

Ryukyu: "Anyway, we shouldn't split up our forces here. Ryukyu Agency will take care of him. The rest of you go now, while you have the chance!"

Nejire looks at Uraraka and Tsuyu.

Nejire: "Let's go support Ryukyu!"

Uraraka: "Right!"

Fat Gum: "Okay! Everyone, quickly, quickly!"

Arcane: "Let's go!"

Kuuga: "Let's go, Yūrei!"

Sayo: "Right!"

The rest ran inside while the chief of police is seen running in while holding up a warrant.

Chief: "It's heroes and the police! We have a warrant to search your premises on suspicion of the manufacture and sale of illegal drugs!"

Yakuza 1: "A search warrant?"

Yakuza 2: "Who cares?!"

A hassaikai member suddenly manipulated a nearby bush and began firing bullets made from grass. The police officers raised their riot shields and some heroes began tackling the members.

Kasegari Man: "Stop resisting!"

Some heroes and officers continue running.

Rock Lock: "There was that big guy, too… Are none of them scared?"

Fat Gum: "Use the shortest route to get to the target!"

Mirio: "Midoriya, let's go!"

Izuku: "Right!"

Kuuga: (mentally) "Let's get this done…"


2,405 Words

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