Thing Of The Past |Dabi x Rea...

By WolfKali

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He promised to never make her cry, he promised to protect her, he promised he would be there for her. And... More

A/N IK its annoying but please-
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

2.1K 77 11
By WolfKali

Eventually Dabi did catch up with Toga, he rushed towards her and grabbed her arm, knife still in hand. "Huh? Dabi?" Toga looks up at him. "Toga..." Dabi's voice was deep and menacing. "You hurt Y/n...and I'll kill freckled brat you like so much..." The color drained in Toga's face. "Not Izuku-Kun!!" She begged. "Then stop what you're doing. Now." Dabi demanded. Toga pouts but nods, causing Dabi to let her go. "What am I going to tell Shiggy?" She asks. "Fuck if I know. Just say you did it." Dabi shrugs. "And he'll believe that?" 

"I won't bring Y/n up again, that should fool that shit head enough. Now go away." Dabi walks past her, towards Y/n's home. "Dabi? You have a lot of nerve to tell me what to do..." Toga mutters, making Dabi stop. "Huh?" Dabi scowls. "You threatened me too, why don't I just cut you up along with her?" Toga points her knife towards him. 'Tsk! Damn brat...' Dabi turns around. "You know how you feel about that freckled brat?" He asked. "His name is Izuku!" Toga huffs. "Whatever. The way you feel about the same way I feel about Y/n, no, more than that. That's why I can't let you or anyone else hurt her. Got it?" 

Toga stood there in silence for a minute before lowering her knife. "Is that so? You must really like her then." Toga smiles as she sighs. "Fine, I won't cut her up. But you owe me for this!" Toga tells him before walking away. Dabi silently thanked her before approaching the rear of the home, as usual, Y/n's bedroom lights were on. He quietly made his way to the window he used to go through, her curtains were closed, but there was just enough room peaking through to see the inside.

He crouched down and looked through, inside Y/n was on her bed. Upon closer examination, he saw that she was talking the phone. Dabi raised an eyebrow, who was she talking to? Her boss? No, Y/n never smiled like that when she talked to her boss. Who was it? 

Inside, Y/n was laughing again at something odd or funny that the person on the other line told her. "Can't you take anything seriously?" She asked. "What can I say?" Said the other person. "In tense situations, it's better to try and laugh it out and have some fun." Y/n hummed in response. "Well, I can't blame you. You're hunting down a very dangerous person. Be safe for me ok? You're the first real friend I've had in a while, and I'd hate it if you were hurt or worse..."

"Ah cheer up kid. I'm not going nowhere." Y/n's heart fluttered at those words. She smiled before speaking again. "Yeah, I know. Good luck Hawks." 

"Thanks kid and remember, it's Keigo to you. I better get going. Got a lot of work ahead of me." 

"Ok, goodnight Keigo." Y/n says softly. "Night kid." 

Y/n sighs as she hangs up. She fall back into her bed, grinning ear to ear. This all seemed too real to be true, she was friends with a pro hero. And not just any pro hero, she was friends with Hawks! But...she felt like it was more than that, to her at least. Like before she still wasn't sure how to handle these new feelings. Then she remembered that Hawks wasn't Dabi but...he also wasn't Touya...

"You wouldn't mind it, right Touya?" Y/n whispered. No one could replace him, but she needed someone to fill the void in her heart he left behind all those years ago. Hawks might just be that person. She thought Dabi could at first, but she was quickly proven wrong when he started to leave her alone for so long. She sighed once again before reaching over and turning off her lights.

"Damn it." Dabi whispered. He sank down and leaned back against the wall of the house. Whoever she was talking to, they sure seemed to have made her happy. "Good for them..." Yeah right, like Dabi could accept that. But it wasn't his place to intervene in her life. It never was. Even back then, he should have talked himself out of seeing her as much as he did. He knew things would go wrong and they have. 

In the end, it was better this way. Y/n was happy, and really Dabi couldn't ask for much more than that. But still, he couldn't ignore the ache in his chest whenever he thought about someone else making her smile like that, when it should have been him all along...

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