A Deal in Disguise

By sleepytinker__

2.7M 101K 19.9K

Looking straight in my eyes he said "I didn't like the way he was staring at you." I bit my lips "And how was... More

CHAPTER 13: "Don't leave."
CHAPTER 18: 2 down, 4 more to go...
CHAPTER 19: "Don't involve yourself in this mess"
CHAPTER 20: "Sometime it's the situation to be blamed"
CHAPTER 21: "Spain it is then."
CHAPTER 22: "It'll be fun babygirl."
CHAPTER 23: Or is it wrong because you love Olivia?
CHAPTER 24: And it's now too late to stop
CHAPTER 25: "Do you regret last night?"
CHAPTER 26: I can't get him, even if I try
CHAPTER 27: It's like he doesn't care about me anymore
CHAPTER 28: How will I stop him?
CHAPTER 29: "Every story has two sides"
CHAPTER 30: "You should hate me for whatever I have done"
CHAPTER 31: "Trust is earned, Rafael."
CHAPTER 32: He is Vincent for me.
CHAPTER 33: I want to sleep peacefully
CHAPTER 34 : "Just know one thing I can never hate you."
CHAPTER 35 : "She is a Martinez now not a Cameron"
CHAPTER 36 : "I fucking love you, Hazel Martinez."
CHAPTER 37 : "She's the only thing that keeps me sane."
CHAPTER 38 : "A betrayal in the mafia cannot be forgiven."
CHAPTER 39 : "But I wanted you both in my life."
CHAPTER 40 : "Just stay."


65.9K 2.6K 369
By sleepytinker__


I woke up in the morning just to find Rafael still sleeping beside me.

Well last night he made some rules for me and some of them he reminded me again also asking me to note them down properly.

Getting up from the bed I made my way to the washroom, doing my morning business changing my clothes I made my way downstairs. When I entered the kitchen, I didn't see anyone so I thought why not make the breakfast.

When I was halfway preparing the breakfast a woman entered the kitchen, she looked in her early fifties maybe. Her eyes widened when she saw me. She came inside making her way towards me.

"Who are you? What are you doing in the kitchen? Jesus Christ! Am I fired and I don't know anything about it?" She started bombarding me with questions.

I waited for her to calm down then when she finally stopped talking, I cleared my throat and said "Hey, I am Hazel-"

But before I could complete my sentence she started again "Oh hey Hazel, I am Deborah you can call me Deb. But that's another thing did you get my job? Rafael didn't inform me anything about it and not even that old man."

"Oh no. No. No. You are getting it wrong. You still have your job."

She sighed in relief then again straightened her posture "So are you my assistant? When did that old man became so kind-hearted? That too for me?"

I chuckled "Can you please calm down a bit? I am not your assistant though I would love to help you whenever you want."

"Then who are you?"

"Rafael's wife." I said finally.

Her eyes widened in shock "Who's wife?"


"Rafael? You mean the one lives here?"

I nodded.

Of course the one who lives here that's why I am here.

She took sometime to cope up from the shock. She pinched herself in the arm checking if it was a dream or not.

"Jesus! It's true then. You are his wife."

I nodded again a bit awkwardly.

"This is unbelievable." She then placed me in front of herself holding my arm, taking her time to scan my face she spoke again "You are so beautiful. I didn't know that boring boy has such pretty choice."

I gave her a sweet smile trying to act normal but inside I was happy af.

Oh Sweet Jesus! She too agreed I am pretty. It's just that jerk husband of mine who doesn't believe it.

"So when did you guys get married?"

"Oh it's just yesterday."

"I see. Tell me everything, for how long did you both date?"

Okay. She is getting too excited to know about my boring life.

"We didn't date. It's an arranged marriage."

"Oh dear. I thought it would be something exciting but anyways I think you can make that boring child's life a bit interesting pulling him off his work." She rolled her eyes.

I giggled.

"By the way let me warn you about few things." I faced her curiously. "This house is surrounded by a lot of bitchy maids so be careful don't be too sweet to everyone."


"Yeah. Show your bitchy mode to them if they act bitchy."

"Done. By the way can I call you Deby?" I asked.


I nodded excitedly "Yeah. It sounds cute."

She thought for sometime then repeated the name "Deby? Of course you can, that name sounds more exciting than Deb."

"I know right. And you can call me Haze."

After serving the breakfast on the dining table, Deborah asked the other maids to call Rafael and his Dad. Rafael was the first one to come down, he was already dressed in his suit, when he saw me in the kitchen, he made his way towards me.

He stood beside me I looked at him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I was preparing the breakfast. No one was here when I came so I thought I should make it."

He sighed "Hazel, I have maids for some reason. You don't have to do all this."

I bit my lips looking down.

I want to do it. I love cooking.

"Are you listening to me?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Rafael." Came a voice from behind, I turned back to see Deborah. She made her way towards us "Already missing your wife so much?"

Rafael smiled "How can I not?"

"Aww... that's so cute. I never thought I would ever see this side of yours."

"I hope you have met her properly." Rafael asked.

"Ah yes and I felt she's too sweet."

Rafael nodded.

"And beautiful too." Deby completed her sentence.

Rafael turned to me looking straight in my eyes he replied "She is... really beautiful."

Wait a sec, did he just call me beautiful!?

Oh Sweet Jesus!!

Deborah then went out of the kitchen to the dining table serving the breakfast.

"She might be too much talkative at times." He commented.

"She's nice. I like her." I replied.

He looked at me with raised brows "You do?"

"Yeah I like to talk too but never had anyone to listen to me. I feel like she'll listen to all my talks since you are so boring."

Rafael smirked "Boring?"

I nodded "Deby said that you are too boring so I only have Dad and her to listen to me."

He rolled his eyes "You'll get to know soon how boring I really am? Join us for breakfast."

Saying that he took his seat, I took my seat at the dining table and waited for Dad to come. Few minutes later Dad joined us.

"Good morning." I greeted him.

"Good morning dear." He smiled then looked at Rafael "Morning to you too."

"Morning Dad."

"Deborah my breakfast." Dad yelled. Deborah came out of the kitchen and served Dad's breakfast. He said all excited "Let me introduce you to my daughter-in-law."

"Woah. Woah. Old man control your feelings. I have already met your daughter-in-law." She said.

I giggled.

"Oh have you? Now you have to agree my son has a great choice." Dad said with a proud smile plastered on his lips.

Deborah rolled her eyes "Yeah son and father are so different." Saying that she went back to the kitchen.

"What did she say?" Dad asked in disbelief. "This woman always insults me." Dad then looked at Rafael scanning him he asked "Where you going?"

"Work." Rafael replied.


"What do you mean why? I have work."

"You just got married yesterday, what's so early in going office? Take few days off. Have some fun with your wife."

Rafael shook his head "I can't Dad, it's important."

Dad sighed "I don't know when will you understand. You are married now do you realize that?"

Rafael didn't reply, he just got up from his seat without having the whole breakfast. Wearing his suit jacket he said "I don't know when will you let me have my whole breakfast." With that he left.

I looked at the way Rafael went totally confused. He just left without finishing the breakfast.

Deborah's voice came from the kitchen "Oh don't worry dear they always fight in the morning. The old man never lets Rafael have his full breakfast."

They are so complicated.

"I didn't say anything. He just always gets irritated even when I open my mouth." Dad argued angrily.

I focussed back on my breakfast.

"Sorry dear he is always like that." Dad apologized.

"You don't have to apologise. It's fine. In fact it's better than my house environment." I commented.

Yeah I think my house, well where I used to live before I got married is the most boring place in this world. At least here they talk to each other, I used to get my breakfast in my room and no one used to join me in the dinner table too.

"So Haze what do you do? I mean tell me something about yourself." Dad asked changing the topic.

"Me, I write books. I mean romantic novels."

"That's great. So that means I can find you in google too."

I smiled widely "Yep. I always search myself on google I think you too should try searching me sometime."

"Oh I'll definitely do that." Dad then stopped laughing he became a bit serious "Tell me one thing, are you happy with this marriage?"

My smile too faded "What does that mean?"

"You married Rafael because of some deal he made with your Uncle, is there love in this marriage?"

A light smile made it's way on my lips again "For now there is no love but I think I am going to try to give this marriage a chance. I do believe that love can happen even after marriage so there is nothing wrong in hoping."

Dad smiled "Oh dear you are really precious. I would advice not to lose hope. But I am going to warn you too. Rafael is not the person to open himself in front of you, he can't express himself. You don't know what he thinks, it's like he wears a mask outside. You might face some complications or more specifically heartbreaks. But don't give up on him Haze, my son needs someone in his life be that someone."

I nodded "I'll try my best Dad."

"Anyways tell me something about your family."

"My family, okay so my Mom and Dad died when I was 14, it's my brother who looked after me and he is the best brother anyone could have. Then I have my Uncle and his son living with us, you saw them at the wedding. That's it. That's my family."

"You have a brother? He wasn't at the wedding, was he?"

"No he had some work I haven't seen him for a long time. He stays out of the country."

"I see. Well now you have us too don't be sad."

I gave him a sad smile.

The whole day went by me wandering around the house appreciating its beauty. In the afternoon I spent time watching TV with Dad making fun of some shows he was playing on the TV.

Honestly speaking I am really liking it. Now I have people to talk to me, not like I was earlier when I didn't have anyone to speak to, not even a friend whom I could share my happiness and sadness with. And the most important thing I do not feel like a zombie anymore.

In the evening I called Simon but his phone was switched off sighing I went back watching my Netflix series.

After sometime I decided to make a note of the rules Rafael asked me to follow.

1. No going out without his permission.

2. Not asking too many questions.

3. Not to invade in his private space, that is his oh-so-dear-study.

4. Not to roll to his side while sleeping. No touching him in his language taking advantage of him in his sleep.

5. Taking care of myself properly.

I think I can follow these. I mean I am used to follow worse rules than these. I don't know why he added the last one I mean I always take care of myself.

Pasting the paper on the closet's door. I went back watching my series.

Dad informed me that Rafael would be late at night so we must have our dinner, after dinner I went back to my room. Finally Rafael returned, he said he has already ate his dinner. Changing into sweats he laid on the bed beside me, I turned towards him.

"Are you always this late?" I asked curiously.

"No not always."

I nodded. "You know Dad and I had a lot of fun today while watching TV."

He hummed.

"He even told me many things about you, that you used to fight with him always whenever he would talk about your marriage that you used to get all pissy pissy."

He didn't reply but me, I kept talking.

"And yes I love your house. I was wandering around today in the morning and in the evening too I went to the terrace, it looks so beautiful in the evening."

Rafael then turned his face to me "You done?"

My brows furrowed.

"I need to sleep Hazel. I don't want to know what did you do all day, I really don't have any interest in knowing about it."

I bit my lips.

"So now sleep and let others sleep." He said turning to his side.

I turned to my side.

I don't talk so much usually but that was when I used to stay alone in my room with no one but just my teddy bear to listen to me.

Stupid Haze. Why did you have to talk so much?

Just go to sleep. No one is interested in knowing what you did all day.

I closed my eyes trying to drift to my dreamland.

Rude ass.



Happy reading!!

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