By CrescentRWBY

80.5K 2.6K 1.3K

"Why I want to be a hero...? What kind of hero I want to be...? I... I... I'm not sure myself... I don't know... More

Chapter 1 (S1)
Chapter 2
Sleeping Kuuga
Chapter 3
Kuuga and Jiro
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (S2)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
not a chapter
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (S3)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
New chapter?
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thanks for 2k
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Sayo: "Yoohoo!
💞Save The World With Love!💞
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 1🎞
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 2🎞
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 3🎞
Zero: Q&A and Feedback section
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 4🎞
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (S4)
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Announcement (important)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Gear check!
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 (S5)
Surprise! (Special Chapter)
Status update (not a chapter)
How original
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Not a chapter update
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
In All of Our Hearts
Competitive Bowling (Zero OVA)
Chapter 68
Photo issues (not a chapter)
Chapter 69
Father's Day Special Chapter
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Plans and Curiosity
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 1
Advanced happy new year
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 2
New Art
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 3
Meet the characters
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 4
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 5
Chapter 74

Chapter 41

571 25 18
By CrescentRWBY

The scene opens up inside the MHA radio studio with Sayo, Annya, and Kuuga wearing medical outfits.

Kuuga: "Damn… you still read this crap of a book? You have bad taste! Like the amount of readers this book has is declining faster than 9.8m/s²."

Annya smacks Kuuga's head, making him stop speaking.

Annya: "We're aware, Kuuga, don't be rude. Don't say such a thing when Author-san is around, we have to motivate him, there are barely 30 people that still support Crescent's attempt on the BNHA book! Our life and story is on the line and we should still present it because people still read it! (Looks at you) Y-You guys are human… right…?"

Kuuga: "I didn't understand a single word you said."

Sayo: (coughs nervously) "Yay! The movie is finally over! I just hope Author-san recovers from the virus and hopefully it's just a mis-diagnosis!"

Annya: (nods) "Agreement. I want him to recover as soon as possible. Even with the small number of readers, there are still readers waiting for him. The first movie was nice, though, the details… ugh, I love it."

Kuuga: "I hope he recovers, not that I care or what, let's just hope the readers find out what clues the author left in the movie on what's going to happen to me in the future… I hate that fate…"

Sayo: "It's dramatic! Don't you want the first ship to sail?"

Kuuga: "I don't know!"

Annya: "You have the main character's energy, Kuuga, you'll be fine."

Kuuga: "I hate you two… let's get this chapter started already!"

Sayo: "Plus Ultra!"

Annya: "That was sudden, Sayo, not yet… Everyone, please wear a mask at all times, White power isn't real."

Kuuga: "I don't think we have a lot of American viewers here."

Annya: "We don't know the nationality of the readers here… at least that's what Author-san says."

Sayo: "Probably Asian? Oooo! Maybe Europeans!"

Kuuga: "He probably knows, he's not telling us. Crescent!"

Sayo: "Ssh! He's still resting! He's very sick, Kiriu!"

Kuuga: "Doesn't matter right now. I know that man's stronger than what he says to the public, probably eating something fancy right now."

CrescentRWBY: (unseen) "I'm choking on my own blood right now and I forgot the direction my story is going to…"

Annya: "Sounds hot."

Kuuga: "What?"

Sayo: "Huh?"

Annya: "N-Nothing! Cut the broadcast! Shoto shouldn't hear that! Cut! Cut! Plus Ultra everyone!"


Previously… (My writing is a bit rusty so this chapter might suck a lot)

Mera: (speaker) "There has been a large-scale terrorist-attack by villains."

Izuku: "Everyone, the scenario for the exercises…!"

Shindo: "Seriously?"

Examinee 1: "Hey, look!"

They look at the distance to see Gang Orca and Arcane standing by the hole in the wall along with their sidekicks.

Arcane: "Rescuing and fighting!"

Gang Orca: "Can you do everything at the same time?"

Izuku: "Gang Orca…! Arcane…!"

Kuuga: "What's the old-lady doing here?!"

Mera is seen watching from the windows.

Mera: (mentally) "During the League of Villains search-and-destroy operation in Camino Ward, they're heroes who were called out alongside Endeavor and Best Jeanist. They're strong, you know. He's currently at number ten and she's currently number sixteen! By the way, he's third in the ranking of heroes who look like villains! And she's one of the important pillars in the hero society with less restrictions from the government!"

Both Gang Orca and Arcane's sidekicks began running towards the first aid station.

Sketcher: "Get them!"

Mera: (speaker) "Villains have appeared and started their pursuit! Hero candidates at the scene should continue their rescue efforts while also suppressing the villains."

Gang Orca and Arcane walk side-by side as their sidekicks run past them.

Gang Orca: "What'll you do?"

Arcane: "Fight or protect? Help or run? What'll you do, heroes?!"


The sidekicks continue to run towards the evacuation sites.

Shindo: "Get everyone to safety!"

Shindo began charging towards the villains.

Izuku: "Shindo?!"

Shindo: "Towards the back! Get them as far away from the villains as possible!"

Izuku: "R-Right!"

Shindo: "I'll keep hammering away at them with tremors at one-second intervals!"

Shindo crouches down and shakes up the ground, attacking Gang Orca's sidekicks.

Shindo: "I won't let them get close!"

Kuuga: "Idiot! Watch out!"

Gang Orca appeared in front of Shindo and used his ultrasonic wave attack on the examinee, paralyzing him.

Kuuga: "Tch…! Damn it! Anyone with combat-focused quirks, get to fighting and hold the villains off! Leave the evacuations for the ones with medical, transport, or rescuing- focused quirks!"

Kuuga runs off.

Izuku: "K-Kiriu?!"

Annya: "He's right, we need to make use of everyone's quirks in the right position."

Annya chases after Kuuga as everyone continues to evacuate the injured.

Kuuga charges towards Gang Orca but he ends up running into a mist barrier.

Kuuga: "I forgot she existed-"

Arcane: "Don't you forget your own mother now."

Black mist held him by the legs and threw him into some rubble.

Annya: "Kuuga!"

Arcane notices her presence.

Arcane: "Hello there, missy."

Two of her sidekicks appeared behind her and charged towards Annya.

Parapet: "You're mine, Hero!"

Annya directs her shadow spears towards the two heroes but Parapet blocks the spears with his energy barriers and throws it at Annya, pushing her back with a little sting.

Parapet: "Feroch!"

Feroch: "Okay!"

Feroch runs ahead, covering his limbs with concrete, metal, and wood and proceeds to engage in hand-to-hand-combat with Annya.

Feroch: "Die!"

Feroch goes for her face but the examiner blocks the punch and manages to kick him off and retreat to a more open space.

Parapet: "She's leading us away, let's play along, the others can take care of the evacuating."

Feroch: "Yeah, let's go!"


The scene changes to Kuuga crawling out of the rubble he got thrown into.

Kuuga: "Are you trying to kill me, huh?!"

He looks up to see Arcane standing a few feet in front of him.

Arcane: "It's all to make a very good simulation."

Before he could respond, he suddenly got flashed, blinding him and suddenly gets drop kicked by Arcane's boots before being kicked by the chin and kicked back into the rubble.

Arcane: "Thanks for the assist, Flash Bang."

Flash Bang is seen at the side, nodding at her before shadow spikes emerge from under the hero, injuring the flashing hero a bit.

Annya: "Kuuga! Are you okay?"

Annya manages to roll out of the way and grab Kuuga on top of the rubble and carry him to a safer area.

Kuuga: "Let go of me, I was just getting up!"

Annya: "They were preparing to execute you!"

Annya stops and puts Kuuga on the ground near Gang Orca's location, where Todoroki is freezing up some sidekicks from both Gang Orca and Arcane.

Kuuga: (spits out blood) "They're doing a good job here, but mom has more experienced heroes in her cards."

Todoroki continues to attack Gang Orca with his ice but the hero doesn't have a problem in deflecting it.

Gang Orca: "An attack like this is nothing!"

Todoroki: "As expected of the number ten hero. Kiriu! The other hero."

Kuuga: "I'll handle the old woman!"

Kuuga runs to another direction, followed by Annya and makes a mist cage against Arcane, who is now standing alone.

Arcane: "I see, Kuuga, trying to hold me up here? I'm not willing to play that game. Superiority."

The mist engaging her suddenly went under her control and attacks Kuuga.

Kuuga: "Sovereignty!"

Kuuga tackles the controlled mist and pushes it towards Arcane, who is surprised from the sudden loss of control from the mist, she gets pushed back a far distance away due to the force of the push.

Kuuga: "This will be a battle of endurance with the civilians on the line."

The wind around them starts to pick up as they look up to see Inasa hovering above everyone.

Todoroki: "Wind…"

Inasa: "Blow away…!"

Inasa directs the wind at Gang Orca and his goons, successfully blowing away most of his numbers. On the other hand, amethyst crystals launch some of Arcane's sidekick's back.

Murasaki: "These annoying pests!"

Annya: "Suisho…"

Inasa: "A villain attack? You guys have prepared some pretty hot developments!"

Inasa and Todoroki make eye contact as the other glares while the other stares in shock. Murasaki notices Annya looking at him with a sad look but he clenches his fist and starts to shake.

Murasaki: "The hell are you looking at? Go help in the damn the first-aiders and impress your stupid old man. Get out of here before I make you."

Sayo suddenly arrived and landed between Kuuga and Annya.

Sayo: "Sayo is ready for battle!"

Sayo notices Arcane walking towards the fight along with her sidekicks.

Sayo: "Ms. Arcane is here?!"

Kuuga: "Yeah. We need to intercept her before she gets close. Let's go!"

Sayo: "Okay!"

Kuuga runs to the open along with Sayo but Annya remains frozen, staring at Murasaki.

Murasaki: "Stay out of my way!"

Murasaki turns around and charges towards Arcane's sidekicks.

Annya: "Please, just listen to me!"

Annya looks down and runs to fight Arcane's sidekicks, assisting Kuuga and Sayo in the battle.

Murasaki: "What are you doing here, you bitch?!"

Annya: "I'm helping you!"

Kuuga: "Hey, you two stop fighting one another! There's a much more important fight right now!"

Kuuga is seen kicking Arcane's face and ducks from an attempted surprise attack from Flash Bang.

Sayo: "Yeah! What he said!"

Sayo simply punches one of the cloaked sidekicks in the head as she floats above it.

Sayo: "Bad villain!"


The scene changes to Todoroki looking down as Gang Orca prepares for the two.

Todoroki: "Why don't you go help with evacuating the first-aid station? That works with your quirk, right? I'll take care of this, like how the other can take care of the other villain."

Inasa ignores and increases the wind pressure around him while Todoroki raises his left arm.

Gang Orca: (mentally) "Here they come."

Todoroki and Inasa launched their attacks at the same time towards Gang Orca but the wind and fire neglected each other and changed directions.

Sidekick 1: "Huh? What're they aiming at?"

Inasa: "Why'd you use your flames?! The heat makes the wind rise!"

Todoroki: "Because the ice was blocked earlier! Didn't you do that on purpose? Your wind blew away my flames!"


Kuuga noticed from the distance the argument being made.

Kuuga: "Hopeless…"

Kuuga notices the situation between Murasaki and Annya increasing as they fight off the sidekicks.

Kuuga: "Aisaka, we need to do this quickly and stop those two."

Sayo: "Okay!"

Kuuga and Sayo suddenly got flashed by a light but Kuuga got a wall up, blocking a kick from Flash Bang.

Murasaki is seen launching a cloaked hero away.

Murasaki: "The longer I see you, the more I want to tear you apart!"

Annya is seen controlling the cloaked heroes with her shadows like a puppet as she ignores Murasaki.

Murasaki: "Ignoring me, huh?! That's it!"

Murasaki launches some of his amethyst crystals towards Annya, surprising her and confusing the cloaked heroes near her.

Cloaked hero 1: "Did he just?"

Cloaked hero 2: "Looks like it."

Annya got up, noticing the crystals behind her and the approaching Murasaki.

Annya: "Oh no."

Annya quickly got up and dodged more amethyst crystals.

Annya: "I just want to have a talk!"

Murasaki: "Get back here, you bastard!"

Murasaki gave chase after Annya with crystals while Annya defended with Shadows.

Sayo: "Um, Kiriu?"

Sayo pulls on Kuuga's sleeve and notices the Shiketsu student chasing Annya.

Kuuga: (deadpans) "We can't do anything about it, we need to hold our ground."

Sayo: "Okay! Ghost Army! Spooky spook!"

Sayo summoned hundreds of ghosts and began attacking the cloaked heroes.

Kuuga: "Let's go! Zero!"

Black mist surrounded one of the cloaked heroes and quickly eliminated the hero.

Arcane: "They have new moves, huh? Pretty dangerous. Since the other two have turned against each other, we just have to work on Kuuga and Aisaka, but her army of ghosts… is troublesome. That Shiketsu student will fail along with that girl… having their childish fights at a time like this… how incompetent. Get the Cement Guns provided for us."

Flash Bang: "On it! Prepare the guns!"

The cloaked heroes raised the lower parts of their cloaks, showcasing the restraining tool.


Inasa: "You're the one who did it on purpose to keep me from getting all the glory!"

Todoroki: "Huh? Why would I do that?!"

Inasa: "Why wouldn't you? I mean, you're the son of that Endeavor!"

Todoroki: (grits teeth) "What the hell's been wrong with you this whole time?! My old man has nothing to do with it-"

Todoroki suddenly got shot by a cement gun at the shoulder.

Gang Orca: "Cement Gun! It'll harden up real fast and make it hard for you to move. This is outrageous! I can't believe you two would start arguing here like the other two."

Gang Orca's sidekicks began firing their cement guns at the two,Todoroki raised an Ice shield while Inasa weaved through it.

Inasa: "What do you mean, it has nothing to do with him? It definitely does! To me, heroes are passionate! With their passionate hearts, they bring hope and inspiration to people! Their passion comes through!"

A short flashback is seen with a child Inasa raising a writing board at Endeavor, who just smacks it away.

Endeavor: "You're in the way. Don't get in my way."

The child Inasa is seen trembling on the ground.

Inasa: "That's why it was a shock! Because nothing came through in those eyes except a cold, cold anger!"

Another flashback is seen in the front gates of U.A. with past Inasa approaching past Todoroki from behind.

Inasa: "And then at the entrance exam, I saw you, and I knew who you were immediately. Because you…"

Past Todoroki: "You're in the way."

Inasa: "... Had the exact same eyes!"

Todoroki: "The same…? That's ridiculous."

The cement guns continue to fire at Todoroki's ice wall.

Todoroki: "I'm not the same as him. (Mentally) That's enough. Stop listening to him. What it comes down to is that he's an Endeavor hater. Focus on the test… Don't lose your cool.You've already overcome your relationship with the old man. No… There's still some hate towards him… This is no good… Focus on the test!"


An energy wall forms in front of Annya as she stops, turning around and is now face to face with Murasaki.

Murasaki: "How convenient for them to corner you, come here so I can beat you up-!"

Murasaki suddenly got shot by a cement gun at the back, making him drop to the ground.

Murasaki: "What the hell is this?!"

Cement substances also made their way towards Annya, who didn't get lucky.

Feroch: "The two kids are caught."

The heroes then turn their attention to Kuuga and Sayo, the other weaving towards cover while the ghost continues to punch the first cloaked hero she sees.

Kuuga: "I thought Gang Orca only had those!"

Sayo: "At least they're focusing on us! I love being the center of attention!"

Sayo punches another hero while Kuuga got up and pushes dozens of the cloaked heroes back.

Kuuga: "Sovereignty! Their numbers are slowly decreasing! Mom isn't in sight… We need to get Kuroishi and the Shiketsu idiot now!"

Sayo: (nods) "Okay!"

Kuuga and Sayo jumped back from the barrage of concrete shot at them and grabbed the two examinees behind some rubble.

Annya: "Kuuga?"

Kuuga: "Shut up!"

Kuuga destroyed the cement on her body with his mist and went over to Murasaki.

Murasaki: "Don't you dare touch me!"

Kuuga: "You shut up as well, I'd rather drink my own blood then be around your filthy personality right now. Aisaka, try to keep mom's heroes in place! I'll deal with these two bastards acting like kids."

Sayo: "Got it!"

Murasaki: "Don't call me a kid!"

Kuuga: "Stop acting like one. We're gonna fail the exam if this keeps up."


Gang Orca: "What are you doing with a villain in front of you?"

Inasa: "You and your dad are the only heroes I won't accept no matter what! The end!"

Inasa launched a wind attack towards Gang Orca but Todoroki directed the fire at the same direction, making both elements repel each other again and not hit anything.

Inasa: "Again?! You really are…"

Todoroki notices the flames going towards Shindo.

Todoroki: "The wind's sending the flames…!"

Izuku appeared out of nowhere and managed to grab Shindo to safety.

Izuku: (annoyed) "What… are you doing?!"


Inasa: (narrating) "I've never been afraid of anything, ever since I was a kid."

A younger Inasa is seen grabbing a live cockroach from the ground, freaking out the students around him.

Younger Inasa: "Oh, it's so fast and cool! I like this bug!"

The scene changes to an unidentified hero fighting a villain mid-air while a young Inasa cheers for it.

Inasa: (narrating) "I liked anything and everything. That's why, the minute I knew what a hero was, I was fired up. Tackling crises in front of them with everything they had- That passion! That's why I didn't like that hero. Just that hero… with those eyes that seemed to hate something far ahead of him. He was the only thing that I hated."

The scene changes to another flashback inside the practical examination for the recommended students for U.A. High School with Present Mic standing in front of Todoroki, Juzo Honenuki, Inasa, Kuuga, and two other unidentified examinees in their tracksuits.

Present Mic: "Okay, the written test of the recommendation exam is over! Next is the practical exam, and the last will be the interview! You'll go six at a time for the practical. Go to the exam location when your number's called! The exam will be a 3-kilometer race. But it's a course that you won't be able to finish if you just run. Use your quirks freely to reach the finish line!"

Inasa looks at Kuuga, who is standing on his left.

Inasa: "It sounds fun, right? I'm Inasa Yoarashi! Nice to meet you!"

Kuuga: (yawns) "I hate this…"

Inasa: (mentally) "The best hero school in Japan…"

An alarm sounded, signifying all of them to start and are now hurrying to the finish.

Inasa: (mentally) "The most passionate high school life in Japan is waiting for me!"

Suddenly, a barrage of ice passed him from his right and a black blur passed him on the left, witnessing Todoroki and Kuuga have a drag race.

Inasa: (mentally) "Making a path of ice to move! He's fast! Is this mist? It seems fast as well! Pretty efficient!"

Inasa suddenly remembers Todoroki's eyes of hatred.

Inasa: (mentally) "I really didn't like his eyes, but his abilities are super hot! Both of them will probably be accepted. I failed to make friends with the other one… Well, if I used this chance to make friends with him, maybe his eyes won't bother me anymore!"

Inasa suddenly turned into a tornado and passed Todoroki and Kuuga just before the line.

Present Mic: (unseen) "By a hair! Number 41 finishes first!"

Present Mic is seen looking at his device with a shocked expression.

Present Mic: (mentally) "And it's three minutes faster than the average for a normal year!"

Inasa is seen cheering and standing between Todoroki and Kuuga.

Inasa: "All right! I won! But who knows what'll happen next time! (Looks at Todoroki) You're amazing! Are you Endeavor's kid or something? That's amazing!"

Todoroki: "Shut up. I just have to pass this test. I wasn't competing with you or anything."

Inasa: (mentally) "He's not looking."

Todoroki: "You're in the way."

Inasa gained a shocked look.

Inasa: (mentally) "It's like he hates something… far ahead of him…"

Kuuga appeared behind him and lazilly poked his shoulder.

Inasa: "H-Huh?"

Kuuga: "You said your name to me earlier… (yawns) I'm Kuuga Kiriu. I'll see you in U.A…."

Kuuga lazilly waves at him and walks away before the scene fades back to Izuku annoyingly yelling at them while carrying Shindo.

Izuku: (annoyed) "What… are you doing?!"

Both Todoroki and Inasa stare in shock as Izuku lands into a wall.

Todoroki: (mentally) "A quirk using wind… That's right… he was in my way… It was him… I'm sure of it… Why didn't I remember him right away? He's so loud and obnoxious… I didn't really see him… In order to reject that bastard… I couldn't think about anything else…"

A flashback shows Todoroki in the sports festival standing in front of Endeavor and walking past him.

Todoroki: (mentally) "... I forgot about you. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing… Whether it is correct or not… I just let it go without knowing for sure… Is this where it comes back? My past… and my blood…"

Flames began appearing on his left arm.

Todoroki: (mentally) "I just can't bury it and forget about it, huh?"

Gang Orca: "First…"

Todoroki took a step back in surprise.

Gang Orca: "... I'll take care of the wind that's in the way!"

Gang Orca launches an Ultrasonic wave attack at Inasa, successfully hitting him in the air.

Sidekick 1: "Yes! It's a teamwork play between us and the boss! I'll harden up the examinees nice and solid!"


Murasaki surrounds himself with some amethyst crystals, stopping Kuuga from getting the cement off him.

Kuuga: "What kind of AoT crap is this?! Forget him, we'll lose more points at this rate if he keeps it up! Let's go, Aisaka, Kuroishi! We need to hold our ground!"

Kuuga got up and began fighting the cloaked heroes as Sayo followed shortly, Annya glanced sadly at Murasaki before joining the battle.

Annya: (mentally) "After what happened… I'm going to fail… he's going to fail… Kuuga and Sayo might fail because I just didn't leave… stupid… stupid…"

Annya smacks a group of cloaked heroes away while Kuuga finds himself fighting Arcane once again as Murasaki watches in the distance with his face being more annoyed than before.

Sayo: "They're durable!"

Kuuga: "They become harder to fight!"

Annya: "These heroes are on a different level!"

Cloaked hero 1: "Huh? We aren't even trying, kids, try harder than that, hero!"

The cloaked hero manages to kick Annya in the gut.

Sayo: "Annya!"

Sayo flew in and grabbed Annya, saving her from the attacks.

Annya: (coughs) "This is too hard…"

Sayo: "I'm starting to feel tired…"

Annya: "I'm sorry…"

Sayo: "Hm?"

Annya: "I… I just want him to know that I didn't choose to live with… now you guys might fail because of me…"

Annya glances at Kuuga, who just got punched in the face by Arcane but counter-attacked with a fist made out of mist.

Annya: "He's still going…"

Arcane: "You've been training well."

Kuuga: "Shut up…"

The crystal around Murasaki began to crack a bit.

Murasaki: (mentally) "I need to blow some steam…"

Sayo: "We need to help-!"

Annya: "We need to help effectively… we need a plan to help him… we need to think of our point of action…"

Sayo: "O-Okay…"

Annya: (mentally) "Kuuga, please hold out for us…"


Inasa is seen falling from the sky after getting hit by Gang Orca's quirk.

Inasa: (mentally) "Oh, no! My control's…!"

Todoroki: "Hey-!"

Gang Orca grabs Todoroki.

Gang Orca: "You reap what you sow."

Gang Orca uses his quirk on Todoroki, immobilizing him and Inasa but the air begins to rise around the Pro Hero and his sidekicks.

Gang Orca: "There was some distance between us, so it wasn't as effective, huh?"

The sidekicks began running on a different location.

Sidekick 1: "While the boss is at it and lady Arcane is doing the distraction as planned, let's go mess up the evacuation shelter!"

Sidekick 2: "All right!"

Todoroki: (mentally) "Shit…"

Inasa "Damn it…"

They both remembered Izuku's annoyed voice.

Izuku: (mentally) "What… are you doing?!"

Inasa, Todoroki: (mentally) "Seriously!"

Inasa: (mentally) "I've become what I hated."

Todoroki: (mentally) "The things I did in the past caused this situation… I…"

Inasa, Todoroki: (mentally) "...have to fix this!"


Kuuga starts to get surrounded by more cloaked heroes.

Arcane: "You're doing pretty well fighting alone, but in this situation, that wall you made can only go so far… (looks at her side) get the others to assist Gang Orca on shackling up the evacuation shelter, we'll handle the heroes here."

Some of the cloaked heroes began changing direction and towards the evacuating but a wall of mist stopped them and suddenly spikes emerged from it, continuously pushing the cloaked heroes back.

Kuuga: "Sovereignty!"

A mist barrier smacked the heroes away from him as his eyes began to bleed.

Kuuga: "No one's going past me… I am the wall who will fight until they evacuate!"

Some heroes tried to fight back but were attacked by ghosts and shadows.

Sayo: (waving) "Hello, Ms. Arcane!"

Annya: "I may not be that much anymore, but allow me to assist! I need to make up for my mistake!"

Arcane narrows her eyes and removes her shades.

Arcane: (mentally) "Their fighting spirit is good… It's still unfortunate, Ms. Kuroishi… but the damage is already done… but let's see how you make up for it."

Kuuga: "We keep them at bay here! There should be others who can intercept Gang Orca's goons. I believe the evacuation is going smoothly. We should keep it consistent."

Annya: "Okay. I'll do my best."

The crack on Murasaki's crystals increased.

Murasaki: (mutters) "Damn it all…"


Gang Orca lets Todoroki go, making him drop to the ground.

Gang Orca: (mentally) "Now… Shall I take down that wind-user and go help those guys?"

Todoroki: (mentally) "Competing with each other in vain… We're not compatible at all… And we've got zero teamwork… There's no way we could beat a top hero like this. If you feel the same way I do…"

Todoroki remembers Inasa's words.

Inasa: (mentally) "The heat makes the wind rise!"

Fire suddenly erupts from his left side.

Todoroki: (mentally) "From the bottom… scoop it out!"

Inasa shakingly raises his head.

Inasa: (mentally) "I'm so numb that I can't put any strength in it… But… I have to do this!"

Inasa activates his quirk and aims it at the fire and goes for Gang Orca.

Todoroki: (mentally) "With fire…"

Inasa: (mentally) "...and wind…"

Todoroki, Inasa: "...we'll trap you!"


Kuuga, Sayo, and Annya are seen fighting the cloaked heroes when suddenly purple crystals begin attacking the heroes.

Sketcher: "The crystal guy is back again!"

Arcane: (mentally) "Finally came to your senses, huh, hero?"

Kuuga: "Finally you're acting, Shiketsu idiot!"

Murasaki: "Shut up before I attack you!"

Murasaki proceeds to launch the heroes near him while Kuuga punches Arcane right on the face.

Kuuga: "What's got you all distracted, villain?"

Sayo: "Hey, look!"

Sayo points at a distance to see fire and wind caging Gang Orca.

Kuuga: "Appears they did it! We should do the same here!"

Murasaki: "I don't take orders from you, damn U.A.!"

Kuuga, Sayo, and Annya stood alongside each other, ready to keep Arcane in place.

Arcane: (mentally) "They're doing a good job, now. Their chemistry is dangerous… At this point, both sides will be successful in keeping us in place. We have no choice but to force our way through… nice strategy… nice recovery… but it won't compensate enough for the mistake earlier, Kuroishi, Takara… all your powers combined and used together, makes an unbreakable wall… not bad, not bad..."

Flash Bang: "They're doing a good job in holding us, if we go all out, we might be able to break through, but injure them a lot."

Arcane: "We won't do that, we keep it to the same scenario. Neither are attacking, we keep our guard up since they have theirs up. (Mentally) In my eyes, those two passed my standards… but not for them…"

Murasaki looked behind him and made a high amethyst crystal wall.

Murasaki: "No one's going through, bastards!"

Kuuga: "Yeah."

Kuuga coughed a bit before black mist began flowing around him.

Annya: "They'll be under my shadow…"

Shadow spears began to hover around her back.

Sayo: "You're gonna need the ghost T.V show to stop me and my army!"

Sayo summoned multiple ghosts around her as she gained a smug look.

Cloaked hero: "We're pinned!"

Feroch: "The ghosts are bad news… now this… these heroes are tough, not in numbers but their personal strength."

Parapet: "We have to fight!"

Most of the heroes charged towards them but were eaten alive by Sayo's ghost army.

Cloaked hero 1: "There's too much!"

Cloaked hero 2: "That quirk is overkill!"

Some tried to flank…

Kuuga: "Left flank!"

Annya: "I'm on it! Seven hundred spears!"

Shadow spears began hitting the feet of the flanking heroes, making them drop.

Cloaked hero 3: "We're not letting you stop us, heroes!"

Crystals suddenly took over their path and surrounded them completely like a box.

Murasaki: "Stop with your dramatic battle cries!"

Kuuga: "Zero… stage 2."

Black mist surrounded a small group of cloaked heroes and suffocated and poked them with his mist, it dissipated, revealing all the affected heroes knocked unconscious. His eyes began bursting with blood.

Kuuga: "I can still see!"


Gang Orca finds himself standing inside a wind and fire prison.

Gang Orca: (mentally) "Even though he didn't move his body…! His power and accuracy have decreased, but the paralysis didn't have enough effect. He's able to just barely control his quirk. On the other hand, Todoroki, who can't move at all, is covering for Yoarashi's lack of strength by adding his flames… This won't make their foolishness disappear… but it's not bad… The ground gets packed down after a storm. They realized their mistake, and they're trying to make up for it. I don't dislike that kind of struggle."

Gang Orca's sidekicks noticed Gang Orca's situation.

Sidekick 1: "Hey, behind you!"

Sidekick 2: "The boss is trapped by a spiral of flame!"

Sidekick 3: "Isn't this bad? The boss is like an orca, so he's super weak to drying out! Forget the wind! Stop the flames!"

They aimed their cement guns at Todoroki and began firing but he made a wall of ice, protecting him from the projecticles.

Sidekicks: "What?!"

Todoroki: (mentally) "Simultaneous activation of left and right… If I can't move… then it doesn't matter!"

Sidekick 4: "Should we go back and help?"

Sidekick 5: "No, wait!"

Izuku suddenly appeared and kicked one of the sidekicks on the head.

Izuku: (mentally) "Smash…! Defeat the villains!"

The sidekicks began shooting their cement guns at Izuku.

Sidekick 1: "Shoot! Shoot!"

A tail suddenly grabbed one of the sidekicks guns.

Ojiro: "I'll borrow this!"

Ojiro began pointing and shooting the cement gun at the sidekicks, giving them their own medicine.

Izuku: "Ojiro!"

Ojiro: "All the injured have been evacuated! Kiriu has the other group in bay! Reinforcements will be here soon!"


Mera is seen looking at his laptop, observing the progress of the examinees.

Mera: (mentally) "The rescue of the H.U.C., who were on standby… They just have three people left before they're done… The test will end at that point. Do your best to hold them off until then. I can sleep soon…!"


Kuuga noticed in the distance the other examinees supporting Izuku with Gang Orca's sidekicks.

Kuuga: "Everything's going smooth here and there. Let's keep it up."

Sayo: "I have a trick in mind! What a spirit can really do!"

Sayo flies towards an unsuspecting hero and enters his body (Lenny) and takes control of the body.

Cloaked hero 4: "I-I can't move! Bwoah-!"

The cloaked hero's body suddenly starts to move and begins attacking his comrades.

Cloaked hero 4: "Watch out!"

Cloaked hero 5: "What are you doing?!"

Flash Bang: "Did she just possess the body…?"

Arcane: "Our situation is bad… they're doing a good job… they caught us off guard."


Ashido and Tokoyami are seen joining Izuku and Ojiro in the fight.

Ashido: "Ojiro! Midoriya!"

Tokoyami: "We're here to help!"

The sidekicks continue to fire their cement guns.

Sidekick 1: "Mow them all down at once! Freeze them all in place!"

Tsuyu: "Kero!"

A long tongue suddenly smacked a group of sidekicks, revealing Tsuyu getting out of her camouflage.

Izuku: "Asui- I mean, Tsu! When'd you get there?!"

Tsuyu: "I polished up my frog skills and finally reached a level I could use in combat- Camouflage! It's my new move."

Ojiro: "Asui! Are you done with the search and rescue already?"

Tsuyu: "Pretty much. Ribbit! Look out!"

Ojiro looks behind him to see multiple sidekicks jumping towards him but a barrage of hair suddenly attacks them, revealing Mora standing by the side with his hair flowing around.

Ojiro: "Shiketsu High School!"

Mora: "I sent Inasa and Mora here, but it's a disgrace on the Shiketsu name for there to be so many left!"

Mora begins to have his hair more aggressively.

Ojiro: "So strong!"

Tsuyu: "Yes!"

Tokoyami: "Let's go, too!"


Gang Orca is seen standing still inside his wind-flame prison, pouring water over his body.

Gang Orca: (mentally) "A hot wind prison of flame and wind, huh? It's a good idea. A normal villain would give up, cry, and beg for forgiveness. But what if they didn't? After playing a hand, you need to already be planning the next one."

Gang Orca used his Ultrasonic to clear himself from the flames and wind.

Gang Orca: "Well? What's next?"

Todoroki: "Nothing."

Gang Orca goes to grab Todoroki but Izuku jumps towards him and goes for a kick.

Izuku: "Please get away from those two!"

Gang Orca raises his arms, blocking the kick with success.

Gang Orca: (mentally) "Midoriya!"

Inasa and Todoroki stare in shock.

Todoroki: (mentally) "You're… always…"

An alarm sounded, getting everyone's attention.

Mera: (speaker) "Um, at this moment, all the H.U.C. who were deployed have been rescued from the danger zone. It may seem arbitrary,  but with this, all the provisional licensing exam procedures have been completed."

Kuuga is seen lowering his guard as he catches his breath.

Kuuga: "It's done…?"

Mera: (speaker) "After we tally the scores, we will announce the scores here. Those who were injured should go to the infirmary. The rest of you should change and then stand by."

Kuuga sighs in relief as blood continues to drip down from his eye.

Kuuga: (sighs) "Good grief…"

Arcane: "Kuuga!"

Arcane ran towards him and hugged him with small tears going out of her eyes.

Arcane: "Good work! Sorry about the damage I did!"

Kuuga: (deadpan) "You went from trying to kill me to full on mom-mode…"

Arcane: "It was part of the acting!"


The examinees in their school uniform are standing in front of a stage with Mera on it.

Mera: "Okay… Everyone, thanks for all your hard work… Now, I will announce the results, but before that, I will tell you about the scoring system. Between those of us at the Heroes Public Safety Commission and H.U.C, we had a two-fold demerit system we used while watching you. In other words, we were evaluating you on how few mistakes you made in a crisis situation. Anyway, the names of those who passed are listed in syllabary order. Please check the list keeping those words in mind."

Kuuga stares sternly at the screen presented and suddenly gains a look of relief while Annya gains a shocked expression.


5,903 Words

Yes, I'm still alive. Bye.

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