By FranciscoJoseAlonso

447 48 4

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UCW High Impact Intro (Women)
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UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #4
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #5
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #6
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #7
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #8
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SAO's Sinon and Leafa vs Wicked Twister's Nagi and Shoka

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By FranciscoJoseAlonso

Week 1:

*We see the Wicked Twisters (Nagi and Shoka) entering the ring and grabbing a pair of mics*

Nagi: Well, hello everyone, my name is Nagi.

Shoka: And my name is Shoka and us together are known as the Wicked Twisters.

Nagi: Anyways, we didn't come to waste time but to call out a team in hopes of getting a huge victory and the team in question is SAO's Leafa and Sinon so if you may ladies, come here.

*Leafa and Sinon come down to the ring to a positive reaction like the Wicked Twisters did albeit SAO's is louder than the one for the Wicked Twisters*

Sinon: Well i'll be damned, people want a match against us despite us just beating a fake second coming team.

Leafa: I mean Sinon, think about it, not everyone will see Wendy and Mirajane as fakers after just one loss and i think the Wicked Twisters are a pair of them.

Shoka: Now geniuses hold on right there. We actually agree with you on Wendy and Mirajane being fakers, however that is not why we want a match against you two.

Nagi: The reason we want a match is because of how you both have a victory  right now and thus are closer to getting a title shot than us.
And we thought simply that should we beat you then we'd get faster to a Women's Tag Team Title shot because rather than just beat a team whom lost, we'd be defeating a team who is coming off a victory and that is double the worth in the run for a title shot.

Sinon: Okay then, we don't have a problem facing you both.
However, are you sure you are ready for us?.

Leafa: Like you both said, we are coming off a victory and this is your debut match so we don't know if this is a good idea.

Shoka: Then why don't we put it to the test?.

Sinon: I guess you're suggesting what i think you are suggesting.

Nagi: Yep, on the course of the next two weeks it will be me vs you next week. And the week before the tag team match, it will be Shoka vs Leafa.

Leafa: Fine by me.

Sinon: Likewise, however we want to add a special condition, should neither of you win against either of us, then the match is off. Do you accept the terms?.

*Shoka and Nagi look at each other before nodding and then shaking hands with Leafa and Sinon*

Week 2:

Sinon vs Nagi:

The story behind the match was simply how Nagi and Sinon were evenly matched and thus in a back and forth match not just due to their styles (Sinon was a technical wrestler while Nagi was a high-flyer) matching each other well but also their intelligences as Nagi was able to read Sinon sometimes on what she was gonna try to do and Sinon was able to improvise based off what Nagi tried to do at some points.
In the end, Sinon trapped Nagi in a Crucifix Choke (essentially she raised her like she was gonna go for a Crucifix Powerbomb only to choke her rather than powerbomb her) and forced her to submit to win the match cleanly.

After the match, we see how Leafa and Shoka stare down each other as rhe former wishes Shoka luck and the latter tells Leafa that luck is for losers and she was gonna be a winner next week and then at the tag team match as well.

Week 3:

Shoka must win to force a tag team match next week, Shoka vs Leafa:

The story of the match was how Shoka essentially tried to grapple down Leafa at the legs so that she couldn't use her strength advantage so well and to be fair it worked pretty well as while the match was slow it did cause that it went from being controlled 70/30 by Leafa to being controlled 60/40 by Shoka.
That said, something that Shoka did not expect was for Leafa to switch from strength to strikes and this caused the match to go back into Leafa's favor albeit 60/40 since while her kendoka training did help her hands gain strength and thus make her strikes hurt...Shoka knew that Leafa was not exactly well leg wise and thus striked the legs to stop Leafa from regaining the big lead she had before albeit it did not mean Leafa didn't have the advantage as when her strikes hit, they hit really hard.
In the end, Leafa put Shoka on a headlock and was about to punch her face in over and over again in hopes of a victory....only for Shoka to escape in time to grab the arm and armdrag Leafa  who (due to the impulse of the blow) ended falling on her head and then Shoka rolled her up to get the clean victory.

After the match, we see how Sinon helps Leafa up as she's trying to process what happened and Shoka repeats her luck is for losers line as she says that next week the Wicked Twisters were gonna walk out victorious.

Week 4:

Prior to the match, we see how SAO and the Wicked Twisters get interviewed (with the WT going first and then SAO) and this is what they say:

Shoka: Well, we proved that SAO ain't invincible last week with my victory and i'd say that thanks to that we will prove that SAO are not invincible one more time when we beat them.

Nagi: You shall wait till the match to find out what we are talking about.

Leafa: Well, needless to say things didn't go my way last week. However, Shoka, i will get my win back in this match because you may be able to beat one of us in singles matches, but in tag team matches it's another different story.

Sinon: Because separated we are good, but together we can't lose and ask Wendy and Mirajane that and they will tell you we beat them.

Leafa: Also, just like you have a surprise, we have one too which will not change how people react to us but let's just say it will guarantee we will win.
Because if facing me last week got you the match, then a changed me should get rid of that weakness and make us unstoppable again.

SAO's Sinon and Leafa vs Wicked Twister's Nagi and Shoka:

The story behind the match circled about the surprises that SAO and the WT brought up since the Wicked Twisters used a bluff tactic as it wasn't a surprise per say but moreso them just working on Leafa's legs and neck as they knew they had to be damaged after the match last week AND keeping her away from Sinon so they could gain a lead and win the match with not that much trouble which worked pretty well as Leafa could only force the match into a back and forth state even with her strikes coming into play.
That said, SAO's secret also was a bluff that was used just so Shoka made mistakes and Leafa could tag her in to turn the match around and control it 60/40 and even 70/30 when Nagi had to calm down Shoka who was making mistakes because of trying to shut down the match faster than before the SAO secret bluff came into play and Sinon would take advantage of it.
In the end, Leafa connected a Headlock Driver on Shoka and covered her to get the clean victory.

After the match, we see how both teams shake hands respectfully as Leafa goes to grab a mic and says that she and Sinon accept Shoka and Nagi were good competition even if they didn't win.
However, the "new Leafa" secret wasn't a lie as she'd explain what she meant by it:

Leafa: Well, as you know, there's some sayings that say that once one hits rock bottom they can only go up and i'd say i technically did do that since i lost to Shoka but then beat her this week.
This essentially made me think "What if me and Sinon helped do that with the tag teams?"

Sinon: What she's saying is that she has accepted the truth of Shoka beating her and then her getting her win back as a revelation.

Leafa: Come on Sinon, i was doing it so cool.

Sinon: Sorry but you weren't getting to the point. Anyways, what we are gonna do is make people hit rock bottom by defeating them so that they may then get back up by themselves and that's what Leafa meant a by a new herself, the old Leafa did help people but not by defeating them but by protecting them.

Leafa: So, yeah, this may not look like the best course of action but trust us, this new me and this new idea for us will help the Women's Tag Team division in the end.
Thank you for listening to us and we hope to see the teams we help get better and win.

*The segment ends with a confused crowd as they don't know whether to cheer or boo what Sinon and Leafa said as while helping the division was good...were SAO truly that selfless or just lying?*

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