reaching you || oikawa tooru...

By Kitsuniie

57.5K 1.5K 527

"One day. I'll reach you." Oikawa gazed lovingly at the girl and made a silent promise to himself. Never once... More



2.6K 90 22
By Kitsuniie

┌─────── ∘°∘♡∘°∘ ───────┐

I love you,

because you are simply you.

└─────── °∘∘♡∘∘° ───────┘




"Dude, you're pretty out of it after our last competition. Is it because you're sad?" Matsukawa and the two other third years, Hanamaki and of course, Iwaizumi, were gathered around Oikawa's desk.

They didn't have anything to do anymore, their volleyball careers in high school had finally come to an end after being defeated by Karasuno in the Spring Tournament. Not to mention, graduation was quite near, and they would soon be applying for college, leaving past their high school days.

But now, they still had time to spend time together as third years. So, they decided to make the best out of it. After exams ended, the four had gotten closer than ever. There were sleepovers, karaoke nights, study nights ( surprisingly ), late-night talks till three in the morning. They had already done everything.

Not for Oikawa though. The past few months, all he could think of was you. You, who was running in his mind for days, for weeks, for months, really couldn't give him a break. Because these teeny-tiny little feelings that he once called them had now grown into real feelings.

Which meant he wanted your relationship with him to be more than just friends. Yet, the cocky, fearless, bold Oikawa Tooru was nowhere near confident when he was around you.

"Hello? Earth to Oikawa? Our dear volleyball captain?" Hanamaki waved his hand in front of Oikawa's face but gained no reaction. Iwaizumi sighed upon seeing the state his friend was in. Obviously, he knew what was going on in his mind. They had been friends forever anyway, it was natural to know what the other was thinking about.

Iwaizumi said, "Shittykawa's in love with L/N. How many months has it been? I think it has been going on since the starting of this year." He acted like he was thinking out loud, but in reality, he was just saying that to tease his friend. He couldn't let go of a great chance to make fun of Oikawa.

"IWA-CHAN! SHHH, DON'T SAY THAT!" Oikawa's eyes widened to the size of saucers as he grabbed onto his best friend's collar, shaking him side to side. Since they were talking in Oikawa's class, he was afraid that you would accidentally overhear their conversation.

Then, Oikawa would turn into an embarrassing little bean because he wasn't even prepared to confess to you at all. Not to mention, he also just recently discovered his feelings, so he had a little doubt in himself.

"I'm not in love, you dummies!" Oikawa released a huff, shooting glares at his friends. But none of them took him seriously. Actually, they never even took him seriously... Unless they were playing volleyball on the court!

Matsukawa shook his head and sent a harsh pat on Oikawa's back, almost causing him to choke on his saliva. "Stop denying it, Oikawa. We can clearly see how you look at her. You know, the..."

"Goooooogly eyes~" The two jokesters, Matsukawa and Hanamaki sang in unison, enjoying their time teasing their flustered captain. Gosh, if Oikawa had a volleyball right now, he would have already sent a ball to their grinning faces.

But then, his lord and saviour, Iwaizumi Hajime stepped up, "Stop teasing him." Oikawa's eyes glistened as if tears were forming in his eyes. When Oikawa was about to thank Iwaizumi for his sacrifice and help, the noiret stated, "He just doesn't want to accept the fact that he's in love and he doesn't know what to do about it."

Oikawa decided that right now was the best time to give up on life, because honestly, why not!?

"I hate you all. Go back to your classrooms! I don't want to see you guys anymore!" Oikawa buried his head in his arms, not wanting to speak a word since his friends were going to tease him anyway. But this scene was rather familiar... Oikawa tried to recall by digging up his old memories.

Then, he remembered. It was that day. He was so tired due to volleyball practice that he ended up falling asleep in the classroom. However, when he woke up and turned his head, he didn't expect to see a pair of beautiful (e/c) eyes staring right at him. Till now, whenever Oikawa thought of that, he would end up being super flustered, although it was probably months ago.

He knew he was in love. But he didn't want to openly admit it to his friends, not even Iwaizumi. He wanted to keep his feelings toward you a secret.

It was funny, actually. Because Oikawa had plenty of ex-girlfriends. The sporty type, the girly type, the occult club type etc... He had been through it all! But none of them stayed, because of his so-called 'obsession' towards bALLs-

Nonetheless, when he got to know you more, he was stunned. You were so understanding, so kind, so nice. Oikawa even doubted that you were human, but an alien. Of course, he didn't reveal his thoughts to you, since that would be super weird. But, really. Out of all girls in his class, school, the entire world. He never expected to fall for you, yet be head over heels.

He was an idiot for not noticing that. That he fell so deep into the hole that it couldn't even be called puppy love, nor a crush. It was more than that, he knew that.

But, there was one thing holding him back from confessing.

Did you hold the same feelings towards him as well?

────── ∘°∘♡∘°∘ ──────

Meanwhile, Oikawa didn't know, that behind those doors, you were having a whispering conversation with your friend Mitsuri. It was the same topic as what the boys were discussing. The topic of love for a certain someone, just behind these doors.

"So what you're saying is that you feel super giddy-giddy around Oikawa, and your heart goes boom boom all the time when he smiles at you. You also said you want to be there for him all the time." She said all of that in one breath, so she had to take a breathing break before continuing, "Yet you say he's just a friend to you? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? A FRIEND-"

You clamped your hand on Mitsuri's mouth, preventing any screams from escaping her mouth. You didn't want to risk Oikawa or any of his friends hearing her shouts. She squirmed, attempting to pull your hand away from her mouth, but since kids, you were always much stronger than the girl.

Retrieving your hand, you placed your index finger on your mouth, telling her to shush it down, "Shh, Mitsuri! You can't say it that loudly, gosh!"

"No no no, we gotta talk about your logic, Y/N!" Mitsuri took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down because she would begin screaming again if she didn't. After doing that, she continued, "Stop denying it, Y/N. I can see it clearly in your eyes that you're very much in love!"

You averted your gaze away from her, staring at the floor. With hesitance, you spoke, "Okay, maybe I am... I don't really know, to be honest."

"Alright, listen here, Y/N. Do you enjoy Oikawa's company?" Mitsuri asked.

You nodded.

"Do you suddenly feel happy around Oikawa because of no reason?" Mitsuri questioned you.

Again, you nodded.

"Do you want to spend more time with Oikawa?"

"Do you feel safe around Oikawa?"

"Does your heart beat fast when he's around you?"

You nodded to all of those questions.

"Do you... Really want to stay as friends with Oikawa?"

You stiffened, freezing on the spot for a moment to process your feelings. Then, your eyes widened as you looked in the eyes of Mitsuri, who was still patiently waiting for your answer. That moment, a jolt of realisation suddenly awakened in you.

"No... I don't want to..."

You wanted to be more than friends with Oikawa Tooru.

────── ∘°∘♡∘°∘ ──────

The Sun was shining, clouds were floating above. It was summer. As well as the last day of school for all third-years. On this memorable day, people were snapping pictures together, talking like everlasting friends, embracing each other with tight hugs while sobbing.

Mitsuri waved her hand with a huge bright smile. She shouted out loud, "I'll see you this weekend, Y/N! Don't forget, TEXT MEEEEEEE!" Her legs launched her up in the air. Seeing her jump, you let out an uncontrollable laugh. Sometimes, she was unintentionally funny, and you would be cackling on the floor without her even realising what was wrong.

"Alright, goodbye Mitsuri!" You returned her smile and watched as she slowly walked back home, disappearing in the distance, her shadow following suit.

In just a blink of an eye, a year had already gone by, so many things had happened. You reunited with Mitsuri, your long lost friend. You met Oikawa Tooru, the school's popular boy, and became good friends with him. You made friends in your class. You aced your presentations, quizzes, tests.

It had been... A long but great journey.

Standing behind a tree, you took a deep breath of the breezy air surrounding you. This tree you were leaning next to was a special tree. Students usually confessed here, since the environment was covered with a blanket of nature, colourful flowers, green grass. And so, as time passed, it soon turned into a popular place of confession.

After finally gathering your balls together, you decided that this day, today, you were going to say the words straight from your heart to Oikawa. Of course, you, as a hopeless romantic, decided on this place because... You believed in the rumour that whoever confessed under this tree, their love would last for an eternity.

It was a dumb rumour. And the chances that Oikawa would return your feelings was low. So, you had no idea why you were doing here as well. But, for the sake of love, you would do anything!

No, you totally weren't trying to reassure yourself.

Soon, a few minutes had passed by like the gentle wind while you were trying to calm your pounding heart. Time and tide really waited for no man. "Okay, I'm going to do it. I am going to do it..." You gave yourself a few words of encouragement before whipping out your phone to text Oikawa.

5:20 P.M

Kawakawa :D

YOU: Hi, Oikawaaaaa

YOU: pls meet me at the tree behind
the school ty

YOU: ps ur handsome

YOU: k bye



You exhaled a heavy sigh, leaning your back on the rough wood. Your head looked upwards, staring at the magnificent scenery above. The sky looked more like an artistic masterpiece rather than reality.

What the heck was love doing to you?

────── ∘°∘♡∘°∘ ──────

Meanwhile... "Coach, can I please go now?" Oikawa raised his hand. He was at his fifth attempt at trying to convince to let him go early. However, every single damn time, his coach just shuts him off with a swipe of his hand.

Again, his coach shook his head and said, "No, this is a very important speech and you all must listen, because this is the last day of school, and I have no other time to tell this to the team." The response caused Oikawa to whine and bury his head in his legs with a very evident pout on his lips.

Thirty minutes had already passed by as the clock hung on the wall ticked. Oikawa wondered. were you still waiting for him? One side of him hoped you weren't because it was near six, and it was dangerous outside. But one side of him held onto a hope that you were still waiting because he already had a gist of the situation.

That you were going to confess to him.

He was neither dumb nor clueless. Obviously, he had heard rumours about the tree before. Some of his fans even invited him there before, but he always had to reject them, and see their tears roll down their cheeks. As much as he hated seeing that, he had no other choice.

Anyway, Oikawa's volleyball coach was busy giving out an emotional speech to the team, specifically the third years since they were leaving soon. Oikawa groaned silently when their coach kept on going and going without stopping. He really appreciated his coach's words, but he wanted to meet you right now, hold you in his arms-

"And we, of course, have to be grateful to our wonderful captain, Oikawa Tooru. He has brought so many opportunities to Aoba Johsai. A round of applause to our hard-working captain, please!" The noise of loud clapping snapped Oikawa out of his daydreams.

A puzzled expression was evident on his face, but it quickly switched to a smiling one. Although he didn't know what was happening nor why the heck everyone was suddenly clapping and looking at him, he acted as he knew. To be honest, since the beginning of the speech, he never even paid attention.

"Ahaha... Thank you!" Oikawa bashfully exclaimed.

This didn't go unnoticed by his best friend for life. "L/N texted you?" Iwaizumi raised a brow while trying to keep his voice low to prevent the coach from hearing their conversation. Thank goodness the coach was too busy being emotional.

Oikawa nodded, side-eyeing Iwaizumi, indirectly asking him how did he know. As if Iwaizumi could read his gaze, he answered, "I peeked your phone just then." Oikawa's expression dropped, morphing into one that held horror. Oh no, oh no, he forgot that Iwaizumi knew the password to his phone.

"Shittykawa, I only saw the notifications, so calm the fuck down," Hearing that, relief flooded Oikawa's heart. He didn't want Iwaizumi to see the pictures of you in his gallery, nor did he want Iwaizumi to see the cringy text messages between you and him. He even shared some of his deepest and darkest secrets with you.

Oikawa whispered, "Y/N told me to meet her." He raised his brows twice, indicating something. Iwaizumi's eyes widened in the slightest, knowing what he meant. His thoughts immediately took a 360 degree from 'Coach's speech is so emotional, I can't cry.' to 'Oh fucking finally, my ship is sailing.'

But he didn't say that. That would be out of character for Iwaizumi Hajime.

"No worries, just go. I got your back," Iwaizumi said. The brunet was shocked for a while because of Iwaizumi's rare kindness. He was willing to help him for once? Did the Gods finally decide to bless Oikawa on this very fine day?

In total silence, the two shared a nod. An agreement, actually.

All of a sudden, Oikawa stood up. Everyone including the coach eyed him confusingly. The boy smiled like a dork, staying silent for a while. Then, he blasted out of the court in full sonic speed, yelling a "BYE-BYE COACH!"

Stunned, speechless, the definition of confused. Everyone had no idea what just happened. Why did their captain suddenly run away? Did something happen?

But then, Iwaizumi out of nowhere, said, "He went to shit."

────── ∘°∘♡∘°∘ ──────

You took a look at your phone, checking the time once again. It was already six. No matter how many times you texted Oikawa, your messages weren't read. The sky was slowly turning dark, you had to get home soon. But you didn't want to. Your legs weren't obeying you, nor was your heart.

You wanted to stay here and wait for him. No matter how long it took, you would always stay in this spot. It was so damn obvious that you turned into a lovesick fool for a guy named Oikawa Tooru. Yet, you were stubborn to admit it.

At first, you were confident that he would meet up with you, 'cause he replied to your texts. However, one by one, as one minute passed by, another followed, you had gotten more and more impatient. Maybe, the rumours were right, that Oikawa always stood up to everyone who dared to confess to him. Maybe, your hopes were too high, and now you were only hurting your poor heart.

Once again, you lifted your head. The brunet boy was not in sight. Not even a single shadow could be seen, but the shadow of the huge tree that loomed over you.

"Well... Time to head back home, I guess," You said to yourself, and turned your back against the tree, about to leave. But before you left, you looked back at the beautiful sakura tree that stood tall, with its cherry-coloured petals dancing in the direction of the wind. It was beautiful, but today, it wasn't as beautiful as it seemed.

And so, you left.

But your footsteps were leisure and slow. You were hesitating to leave.

This was your last day of school. If you left, that meant that everything was over. You wouldn't be able to say your final farewell to Oikawa Tooru.

Dandelions were so ethereal, blowing along with the wind that played such soft gentle songs. Dandelions were like human hearts. So delicate, so fragile. One touch and it would land on your palm. One blow was all it took for the feathers of the beautiful flower to be blown away, and take flight.

Exactly. Now you knew, hearts were fragile too, like dandelions. With one little touch, even a slight brush. Hearts could break.

And your heart was breaking silently inside. You didn't want to go. Not so fast. Even if there was a chance Oikawa would break your heart, you wanted to tell him these words. You wanted to tell him what you had been feeling for the past few months.

That time he made way for you because so many of your classmates were crowding you. He showed kindness to you.

That day he discussed the project with you in his room. You found out he had a big interest in aliens, and even had an alien-themed bedroom.

That evening, the two of you walked back home. You admired his love for volleyball. It was rare to find someone who would sacrifice that much just for their hobby and interest.

That gloomy day, you watched him get defeated by the crows. He cried, and you cried alongside him. It meant so much to him, but he lost. But to you, it didn't matter. He did his best already.

Today, was the day when all would come to an end. You stood beneath a tree for minutes, waiting for him. Even the slightest footsteps couldn't be heard.

It was okay.

The sky suddenly turned dark and gloomy, and the clouds were a shade of dark grey. Then, the raindrops that resembled needles poured down like a waterfall. You didn't even have enough time to react, and it was already raining cats and dogs.

You, who stood underneath the mess, gazed up at the grey sky, a flurry of rain stinging your face. Your hair was damp along with your uniform which was soaking and clinging onto your skin. It seemed like the sky was agreeing with you for the first time.

It wasn't okay.


Once again, Oikawa Tooru called out your name.

But this time, he sounded more desperate than ever.

As if he was trying to reach you.

────── ∘°∘♡∘°∘ ──────


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