FELLOWSHIP || Ateez Fanfiction

By Poicatari

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In the strange, magical world of Wolkmaar the young captain Hongjoong and his new crew, Seonghwa, a man from... More

Intro: The crew and Wolkmaar
Chapter One: Halt in Kroosborg
Chapter Two: Treasure Hunt
Chapter Three: Run Away
Chapter Four: Caring
Chapter Five: Storm
Chapter Six: The Clairvoyant
Chapter Seven: Kruslfaesd
Chapter Eight: Into The Unknown
Chapter Nine: Snowfall
Chapter Ten: Ispaledts
Chapter Eleven: Burglary
Chapter Twelve: Falling
Chapter Thirteen: New Friends
Chapter Fourteen: Deceived
Chapter Fifteen: Investigation
Chapter Sixteen: Alone
Chapter Seventeen: Family
Chapter Eighteen: Decayed
Chapter Nineteen: Chased
Chapter Twenty One: Unwelcome
Chapter Twenty Two: Nervous
Chapter Twenty Three: Spooked
Chapter Twenty Four: Trapped
Chapter Twenty Five: Kidnapped
Chapter Twenty Six: Enamored
Chapter Twenty Seven: Blinded
Chapter Twenty Eight: Coel Wajasi
Chapter Twenty Nine: Brotherly Love
500 Reads Special
Chapter Thirty: Information
Chapter Thirty One: Training
Chapter Thirty Two: Temple
Chapter Thirty Three: Through Wind and Storm
Chapter Thirty Four: Undiscovered Lands
Chapter Thirty Five: Foreign Island
Chapter Thirty Six: Split Up
Chapter Thirty Seven: Regret
Chapter Thirty Eight: Ungrateful
Chapter Thirty Nine: Going Back
Chapter Forty: The Border To Darkness
1000 Reads Special
Chapter Forty One: Memories
Chapter Forty Two: Trying To Escape
Chapter Forty Three: Rebellion
Chapter Forty Four: Inside The Dungeon
Chapter Forty Five: Hide and Rest
Chapter Forty Six: Exploring Nekra Cueda
Chapter Forty Seven: Set Me Free
Chapter Forty Eight: Into The Jungle
Chapter Forty Nine: Old Letter
Chapter Fifty: Dugang
Chapter Fifty One: House Number 666
Chapter Fifty Two: Just Imagine
Chapter Fifty Three: Wolkmaar History Lesson
Chapter Fifty Four: Rivalry
Chapter Fifty Five: Clueless

Chapter Twenty: Faisnvild

44 3 3
By Poicatari

Mingi POV
I walk onto the main deck with Jongho, whose leg is already doing a lot better. It is a bit rainy today but otherwise it has been slowly getting warmer over the past few days.
Today we are going to reach Faisnvild.
I am so exited to see my parents again.
"I see that you're in a especially good mood today.", Jongho comments.
I giggle and hug him. He blushes slightly.
"What are your parents like?", he asks.
"They are very laid back and hard working. We aren't the richest family but they always tried to make my wishes come true."
"That's nice."

"Hey, I can see the island!", Seonghwa, who is on the main mast, shouts. San nods.
"We're almost there!", I exclaim and bounce up and down.
"I will inform the captain.", Jongho states. I run to the front of the ship.
At the moment you can only see the outlines of the island. As we get closer I slowly start to see all the fields and fruit trees and then finally also the village.
Suddenly someone hugs me from behind.
"We're home!", Yunho shouts.
We gather on the deck and leave the ship together. I smile brightly as we walk down the path between the cornfields. All the happy memories come back to my mind.

12 years ago
My family and I are waiting for Yunho's family. I hold on tightly to my mothers hand while she holds a big picnic basket in her other hand.
Then Yunho's family gets out of their house. Miss Faersbelt waves at us. Yunho runs towards me and hugs me.
"Why are you so happy to see me? We just saw each other this morning.", I ask him.
"I am always happy to see you."
We cross the bridge to get to the other side of the river where we sit down in the shade of a giant tree. We put two big blankets together and our parents put the food in the middle.
"You need to try my mothers salad.", Yunho says.
"My mom's meat is the best.", I argue.
"I will try that too."

After eating we play with our brothers in the grass. We observe the ants and put things in their way that they have to walk over. Then my brother shows us how to whistle loudly. Of course Yunho gets it right on the first try. I try it several times but it doesn't work. Then we try to climb up the tree but mom notices it and forbids it.
We stay there until the sun has set. Then we go home again.

We reach the street where our parents live.
"Whose parents are we going to visit first?", Seonghwa asks.
"Let's go to yours first, Yunho.", I say.
Yunho knocks on the door of his house. After a half minute the door opens. His brother is standing in doorway with his eyes wide open in shock.
"Brother!", he shouts and hugs Yunho.
Yunho's parents come to the door and a smile lights up on their face as they see their son. They hug for quite some time before they turn to us.
"Who are your friends? I only know Mingi and the captain.", his mom asks.
"They are also part of the crew. We picked them up on our way."
"Come in.", Mister Faersbelt says.
We enter their house. The room is almost to small for everyone.
"I'm sorry that we don't have much space."
"Maybe we should go outside to talk.", Yunho's brother suggests.
"It's a bit rainy outside though."
"It's okay. We don't mind that it is a bit cramped.", Wooyoung affirms.
"Please sit down.", Miss Faersbelt says.
Some of the others sit down at the table but since there isn't enough space, San, Seonghwa, Yeosang and me sit down on the stairs.
"Do your parents know that you are here, Mingi?"
"Not yet. We will visit them later."
"How come that you are visiting us?", Yunho's dad asks.
"We were in the area and the two really missed their home.", Hongjoong answers.
"Ah, okay. From where did you come?"
"From Schaepli and we are visiting Faidehoi next.", San tells.
"Oh, okay. That's a weird route."
"Are you all from Waerglunt?", Yunho's mom asks.
"We are all from different countries.", Jongho replies.
"Interesting. Actually we totally forgot to ask your names, sorry."
"No problem. I am Jongho."
"I'm Seonghwa."
"I'm Yeosang."
"I am San."
"So how have you been? Tell us everything."

We talk a bit more before we decide to go to my parents. I am very nervous as I stand in front of the door to our house.
"Don't you want to knock?", Seonghwa asks.
"Ah, yes."
Just as I am about to knock the door gets pushed open. I stumble backwards and almost fall on my butt but Jongho and Yeosang catch me.
"Oh, sorry I...", my dad mumbles before he realizes that it is me.
We hug.
"Are these your crewmates?", he asks.
"Yes. This Yeosang, Seonghwa, Jongho, Wooyoung, San and you already know Yunho and Hongjoong.", I explain.
"Nice to meet you. Your mom and your brother are inside. I have to quickly get the new seeds from Mr. Faeldpau. I will be back soon."
We go inside the house.
"I am going to meet Kirsli.", I hear my brother shout and seconds later he comes down the stairs. He stops in his tracks as soon as he sees me.
"Never mind, Mingi is here.", he shouts again and runs towards me.
We do our special handshake and go into the living room. Shortly after mom comes in.

We talk for quite a while. Later dad joins us. It feels nice to be with them again. Our home just feels so cozy and everything is so calm on Faisnvild. Especially after the last few weeks, it's a very welcome change. Of course I also missed them and to be honest I also missed the farm life. I know I wanted to explore the world and go on adventures but after experiencing it I don't know if I don't prefer the more simple lifestyle. Maybe because adventuring makes me anxious?

"We want to show our friends the island. So we would go out for a walk now since it has stopped raining. But I think we will come back later.", I say.
"Of course, darling. Show them all the beautiful places on the island. But like always don't go into the forest once it gets dark. You know it can be a little bit dangerous there.", mom says.
"Yes, mom. Don't worry about me."
"I will take care of him like always.", Yunho says.
"Thanks for always protecting our son, Yunho. We are really glad that he has a friend like you.", dad utters.
We leave my house and walk over the bridge.
"Here grow a lot of fruit trees. Mostly apple, plum and cherry trees.", Yunho explains.
"Do your families own any of them?", Yeosang asks.
"Yunho's familiy owns a few cherry trees and several fields but my family only owns a corn field, a wheat field and a few chickens.", I answer.
We move on to the forest. It is still as creepy as I remember it.Well it would have been surprising if it changed a lot in a half year. Water is dripping down from the trees and the ground is very soft and muddy. I take in the refreshing scent of the rain and the conifers.
"Look over there is a treasure chest!", Yeosang exclaims and points at a chest between the trees. We walk to the chest and open it. Inside of it are leather belts.
"These are nice.", Jongho says.
Since we don't have any backpacks with us our youngest carries them in his hands.
After a while we reach the end of the forest and stand close to the edge.
Not far from here should be the cave where we found our lucky coins. I put my hand into my pocket and pull out the old coin.
"You just thought of it too, it seems.", Yunho comments. He also has his coin in his hand. I nod.
"It would be kind of fun to go there again."
"Go where?", the captain asks.
"The cave that we explored when we were children.", I reply.
"Oh, that sounds fun, let's go there.", San says.
"But we don't have any light.", Seonghwa remarks.
"I actually have some matches in my pocket. We can take a few branches with us and light them.", Hongjoong mentions.
"Okay. Let's go there. Which way?", Wooyoung asks.
"Left.", I state.

We gather a few dry branches on the way and reach the small path that leads to the cave.
"It's down there.", Yunho says and points at the cave entrance. San takes a few steps forward and looks over the edge.
"Holy ****! Maybe we should explore somewhere else.", he exclaims.
"That looks dangerous. I think I feel a bit dizzy.", Seonghwa adds.
"Well Mingi also did it even though he is coward.", Yunho says.
"Hey, don't call me coward.", I utter.
Yunho giggles and hugs me.
"Ehm, where did Wooyoung and Yeosang go?", Jongho asks.
"GUYS, ARE YOU COMING?!", Wooyoung screams, he is already standing in front of the cave.
Yeosang is halfway there and looks back at us.
"Oh, where we not supposed to go yet?", he asks.
"No, no, it's okay.", our captain says.
We follow after them. I cling onto Yunho's arm while a shivery San clings onto my arm while a whiny Seonghwa clings onto San's and Hongjoong's arm and we very slowly walk to the cave entrance. So slow that Jongho just squeezes past us because he can't wait any longer.
We finally stand in front of the cave where Wooyoung is looking at us very annoyed.
"You couldn't take any longer could you.", he comments.
"It was very dangerous.", Seonghwa states.
"No, you're just a scaredy cat."
"Don't be so mean, Wooyoung.", San scolds him.
"I'm not mean. I am just saying the truth. You're not better by the way."
"At least I'm not mean like you."
"I'm just saying the truth live with it."
Oh, here they go again. Of course they have to bicker again.
"Stop fighting. Just be more patient, Wooyoung. We weren't in a rush. And you know that Wooyoung is very straight forward and can a bit rude sometimes but you know he doesn't mean it like that, San. Let's explore this cave now.", Hongjoong says and lights one of the branches.
The two turn away from each other and sulk for a bit before San hugs Wooyoung from behind and they make up.

We go inside the cave. Even with our improvised torch it is still pretty dark and scary on the inside.
"I can barely see anything.", Yunho says.
"Really? I think I can see pretty well.", Yeosang says.
"How?", San asks.
"It's not that dark once your eyes get used to it. Maybe you guys just have bad eye sight.", Wooyoung comments.
"I don't have bad eye sight. My vision is perfect."
"In the dark, I mean."
There they go again. Today seems to be an especially bad day for them.
"It's not so much that our eye sight is bad but you two are just more used to seeing in the dark. The eyes of the people in the Nekra Kingdom adapted to the darkness of the islands. That's why you see better in the dark. But it also means that your eyes will react more sensitive to bright sunshine.", Jongho explains.
"That makes sense. My eyes often hurt and it was sometimes a bit harder to see on sunny days.", Yeosang remarks.
"And that was with the less intense fall and winter sun. Once we reach Wajasi you two might get a problem."
"Wow, that so interesting. That's why Yeosang easily spotted the paintings on the cave wall in Pfryspungt and you're so smart.", San utters.
"It's basic biology.", Seonghwa states.
"What's biology?"
"I forgot that you never went to school, never mind."
"You have to teach me these things someday."
We walk through the cave and get to the big room again.
"Oh there is a chest!", Wooyoung shouts.
"Where?", Hongjoong asks.
"Just go straight.", Yeosang says. We go forwards until the rest of us sees the chest.
Hongjoong opens the chest and finds a compass and a piece of paper inside of it. He unfolds the piece of paper but it's hard to see anything.
"It is a map of Wajasi.", Yeosang says.
"I will take a closer look at it later and a second compass is always useful.", Hongjoong states.

We make our way back to the entrance.
"I thought it would be bigger.", San utters.
"I remembered it to be bigger too. But it's probably because we were so small back then.", Yunho tells.
I am glad to be outside again. That cave is still frightening to me.
Actually we still need to go up that scary path again.
We very slowly go back to where the forest path ended. It is already getting dark so we need to quickly get to the other side of it.
Hongjoong studies the map while we walk.
"That's interesting. I don't think I have this part of Wajasi on my map.
But there are a lot of ruins marked on the islands. Maybe we can find the key there."
Ruins that sounds like we could potentially loose our lives again. Is finding the treasure really worth it?
Lately I have been feeling like it isn't.
I have been kind of scared about what is out there and that one of us might get hurt or even die.
I have been scared ever since we met that assassin in the bar. The ruin that we visited with the other adventurers and then Jongho being shot increased that fear even more to the point that I don't even know if I want to do this anymore.

We reach the house of my family again.
"We are back!", I annouce.
"Great. We are actually going to eat dinner with the Faersbelts. You can go over there already. Your dad and your brother are already there. I'll come over in a few minutes.", mom says.
We go to Yunho's house and eat our dinner there. Some of us have to sit on the stairs again but doesn't matter. We still have fun. Dad even brought his self made beer with him. It fascinating how much a small guy like Wooyoung can drink without even getting tipsy. On the other hand our even smaller captain got tipsy after one beer.
Then it is time to go to sleep.
"I will sleep at my parents house tonight.", I say to Hongjoong.
"Okay... we will get you.... someday... or something like that.", he answers but he is a bit drunk.
"I will also sleep here.", Yunho adds.
Seonghwa, Jongho and Wooyoung take our slightly drunk friends by the arm and say goodnight to us.

I sleep in my old bedroom tonight. I toss and turn as I try to fall asleep but too many thoughts are in my head.
I really loved how peaceful it was today, apart from walking down a path with the edge of the island less than a half meter away from us and the scary cave, and I feel a lot better after today. But the thought of continuing our dangerous journey makes me feel anxious. I am not sure if I really want to continue this journey but I still want to be together with my friends. I also still want to see the world and go on adventures. But I am just so scared of what could happen. I know that I probably shouldn't think so negative but I just can't bring myself to be more positive. I think I should just stay here. The thought of leaving the others and being separated from Yunho for the first time in my life brings tears to my eyes.
Slowly I cry myself to sleep.

The next morning I try to act like nothing is bothering me but I still feel anxious about going with the others today.
"I am going on a walk.", I say to my parents.
I walk through the village and meet some old friends with which I talk for a bit. Then I down to the river. I watch some dragonflies as they fly around above the water.
Maybe I can just stay right here for bit. Maybe my crew will just forget to get me then. I don't want to disappoint them by saying that I am to scared to come with them. On the other hand I really want to come with them. Why do I have to be such a coward!

Someone sits down next to me.
"Here you are! Are you looking around for the last time before we go?", Yunho asks.
"I... I am not sure if I will go with you.", I admit.
"Feeling anxious again?"
"Yes. Being haunted by the Nekra Kingdom made me really worried if we are going to make it to the treasure alive."
"So you don't want to go on adventures anymore and see all the different countries?"
"I do. I am just scared. I don't want anyone to get hurt or die. Here it is so peaceful and safe. I don't need to worry about much."
"But would you feel happy living here as a farmer? Being an adventurer comes with a risk but it's also fun and exciting. We have learned a lot of things and made a lot of friends. Besides that I believe as long as we are together, we can get through everything."
"I don't think I would be happy. But adventuring makes me anxious. I don't know what I want anymore...
I would love to think that we can make it through everything together. There is just this voice that keeps on saying that we are all going to die."
"Don't listen to it. I think you should do what makes you happy. Even if it means that you need to face your fears. It's how we grow as a person, by facing our fears and overcoming our struggles. Don't hide away on this island."
I nod. He is right, hiding here will make me feel even worse. I need to learn to overcome my fears. Just like today when I walked down that scary path and explored the dark cave. I was scared but I did it and we got rewarded in the end. Maybe it will be like that too if I take courage and go out adventuring with my friends again.

We go back to our parents's houses. The others are waiting for us there.
"We almost thought you that wanted to stay here.", Hongjoong jokes.
We say goodbye to our parents and go back on board of the ship.
Let's go and find all of the keys!

Authors Note:
I am writing while I am on the train to my vacation destination. I am super excited for the comeback and the new album. I voted for Deja Vu because I thought the concept was more interesting but I love both songs and choreographies. Actually song-wise I might like Eternal Sunshine very slightly more.

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