Carlac- A Luxsoka Fanfic

By Rainbow-Rocker

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After Ahsoka and Lux discover that they are bound by a prophecy known as a Legat the two friends relationship... More

Chapter 1: Persuasion
Chapter 2: Peace Talks
Chapter 3: Rescue
Chapter 4: Conflict
Chapter 5: Frustration
Chapter 6: Infiltrating
Chapter 7: Betrothed
Chapter 8: Healing
Chapter 9: Promises, Promises
Chapter 10: Terrorists
Chapter 11: Fighting Talk
Chapter 12: Crash Landing
Chapter 14: Past, Present and Future
Chapter 15: Home Free
Chapter 16: Family Lost, Family Found
Chapter 17: Tensions Rising
Chapter 18: 'Till Death Do Us Part
Chapter 19: Padawan Old and New
Chapter 20: Don't Worry, We'll See Each Other Again
Chapter 21: Welcome Home
Chapter 22: Danger
Chapter 23: Worry
Chapter 24: The Plan
Chapter 25: Light, Dark, Balance, Peace
Chapter 26: Love or Liability?
Chapter 27: Love Fruit
Chapter 28: Threat
Chapter 29: Master Gone
Chapter 30: The Bounty Hunter
Chapter 31: Grieving Jedi
Chapter 32: A Criminal
Chapter 33: Information
Chapter 34: Division
Chapter 35: The Truth

Chapter 13: Ice Cold

92 2 0
By Rainbow-Rocker

"Sir, the ship was destroyed. It exploded into millions of pieces of shrapnel and despite all the escape pods ejecting most were destroyed." Bo Katan and Pre Vizla were leading a pack of soldiers into the deep snow where Lux's ship had once been. It was true that it was now simply scattered around them in broken, sharp remnants of metal but Vizla refused to believe that their enemies were gone until they discovered their bodies. The snow was getting worryingly deeper as a storm moved it's way in and two other scout teams had already searched the area but their leader was not letting up.

He turned to her, a scowl growing ever more on his face. "Exactly: Most of the escape pods were destroyed. That means that there could still be one out there with the droid, Senator and Jedi in it. Keep searching!" Death Watch pressed on, heading into the forest as the storm began to really pick up.


Beneath the Mandalorian terrorists in a deep, dark ice cave; Ahsoka, Lux and R2 were coming around. The frozen entrance to the cave was broken because the escape pod had crashed through it but thankfully the entrance was concealed by dense trees from Death Watch. The escape pod was now just a smouldering wreckage and Lux's cut had widened and deepened in the crash. R2's fuel tank had been hit and was leaking at a worrying rate while Ahsoka had twisted her ankle. The trio wasn't in perfect shape but all of them were conscious. "'Soka? How's your ankle?" Lux asked her as he crawled over to her, pulling her onto his lap.

Ahsoka shifted her weight a little and winced. "Still sore, but my main worry is that cut living on your face. I wouldn't even call it a cut now more like someone tried to dissect you. We really need to heal that or else the blood loss could be too great! Plus, R2's fuel is depleting and if we don't fix that leak and recharge him then soon it will just be you and me." Ahsoka began to shake and buried her head into the crook of Lux's neck. Lux wrapped his arms around her and gasped at what he felt.

"Ahsoka! You're freezing! Here take my jacket." Lux unzipped his vest and wrapped it around her arms, warming her up. His vest was slightly stained with blood from his wound but Ahsoka was simply touched that Lux cared enough to risk his own freezing.

Zipping it up so it covered her body and allowed it to warm her body up, Ahsoka looked around and then picked up a small ice cube from the ground. "Here," Ahsoka whispered, pressing the ice cube to his head. It had started to burn and it caused Lux to groan but the sudden coolness of the ice helped with that and Lux smiled at her as he took control of the cube and let Ahsoka assess the situation. "That should help for a bit but I meant it when I said that you needed medical attention, perhaps now more than before. R2, where are you?" Ahsoka called out to the blue droid and was pleased to see him rolling, albeit slowly, around some ice pillars and into view. "There you are buddy, how are you? Anything else in need of repairs?" Ahsoka leaned forward and patted her friend while he helped to levitate her ankle.

R2 ran a systems check and reported back. Lux heard Ahsoka sigh and kissed the tip of her back lek. "I'm no droid expert but that doesn't sound good. At all. At least your transmitter is working, couldn't we get a signal and call for help?" He asked, rummaging around for another ice cube to use.

Ahsoka turned to her bleeding friend and held out her hand for an ice cube as well. That would probably sooth her swelling ankle. "Not quite, R2's short-range transmitter is functioning but his long-range one is toast. Plus, you're running low on fuel aren't you, little guy, which means that it probably won't be enough to reach the surface. So bottom line, we're stuck here. Until Death Watch finds us that is." Ahsoka punched a mound of snow in frustration and Lux sighed with guilt. While the plan to blow up his ship and leave in an escape pod had been Ahsoka's idea; they wouldn't be anywhere near this planet if he hadn't gone stupid and made a deal with the devil's minions. "Hey Lux," Ahsoka called out, breaking his thoughts of self-loathing. "Why did you make a deal with Death Watch to begin with? I know they said that they could help you get revenge on Dooku but they don't seem like the people who help others just for the sake of it. They could've confirmed his location themselves so why did they need you?" It was a fair question but one Lux had hoped Ahsoka would never ask.

He contributed a punch to the unfortunate snow mound and looked her in the eye. "You were never meant to be there but they wanted information on you and your Master. The Jedi Council basically and they saw their opportunity in me. I would never have betrayed you by revealing anything but they said that they would consider leaving the Jedi alone if I helped them. I wanted to help you and make life easier and so I thought that if I killed an enemy of the Jedi then my Separatist beginnings would be forgotten which meant that society and you especially might like me more. It was a stupid, stupid reason but I was afraid that you would fully forget me and I would be left alone. You are a fighter, a warrior who defends good and justice whereas I was from the enemy, a posh, rich kid who can't even protect himself. I thought that you would get bored and realise that the Council was right all along. Death Watch played on my fears of losing you and my anger in the Jedi, the Republic. My paranoia was fuelled when you said I wasn't a fighter and easily disarmed me. When you acted as though I was stupid, I snapped. I feared that the Council had taken control of you again and made you believe all those close-minded views about me and I wanted to break that and disillusion you from their lies!" Lux stopped to catch his breath and sighed when he saw the surprise registered on her face. "I know that they don't brainwash you and I know that I was out of order yelling at you like that. I honestly feel terrible about it but I'm a wreck and sometimes I feel like you're the only one who doesn't see me as a loser or a disaster. It's ridiculous really, but I can't help it." Lux's head fell forward against the back of her head as one arm wrapped itself around her waist, the other keeping the ice in position.

Ahsoka was silent for a moment but she didn't regret asking. Lux had needed to get that off of his chest for a long time. "Hey Luxy, it's okay," She breathed against him. "You aren't the only one who feels that way about the Jedi and I'm pleased that you told me. I hate the thought of you feeling like that or those monsters taking advantage of you! But Lux I promise you that I will never, ever forget about you or get bored with our friendship. We're best friends, often something more and I meant what I said: I would be devastated if you died." Ahsoka lifted his head from behind her and turned around so they were facing each other and kissed him with as much passion and love she could muster. Lux returned the kiss just as eagerly and soon both teens felt like a roaring flame had engulfed them. Breaking apart, their breaths took a moment to recover bit when they did the saw a glowing, yellow light pulsating from the side. R2 had gone searching for something to warm themselves up and found these beautiful Sun Crystals hidden in the cave. They emitted warmth and light which would hopefully see them through the night. "Well done R2." Ahsoka whispered as sleep began to take hold and she felt asleep on Lux's chest. Lux soon followed as R2 laid the crystals around them and shut down. They would come up with a plan later.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Pinch, punch, first of the month! I really wish that it wasn't September as that means school will start soon but I will probably get three or so chapters in before I return. Don't fret though, I will still probably update every two days. Bye, bye.

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