The Passion Rose (Clockwork x...

By LazyFoxz

8.8K 172 160

Since this is my first fanfiction, it might be bad. But I hope you enjoy it! <3 and I will most likely mak... More

~*Chapter 2*~
~*Chapter 3*~
~*Chapter 4*~
~*Chapter 5*~
~*Chapter 6*~
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

~*Chapter 1*~

1.6K 25 42
By LazyFoxz

By the way, H/C = Hair color(so you don't get confused)

"Cut!" Everyone darted their eyes to the director, exhausted. "We had a splendid practice this afternoon but sadly we have to go home for it is 10:20. Good night everyone!"

I walked quickly to my raven colored bag and pulled out my water bottle. I hastily twisted open the cap and chugged my water. It was a long day and I was already tired at the start, practice was busy, too, for we have a show next week on Thursday.

I put my half empty water bottle back to its original spot and put the bag over my shoulder. I walked out the door of my school theater, and walked to the bus stop. Not many people were there, a few of my peers and a man with brunette untamed hair with a black mask on.

I didn't get a look at all of his appearances, I didn't want to make him think I was staring, so I ignored him and waited for the bus to arrive. The bus came in 5 minutes and one by one we all entered the blue and white bus through the skinny rectangular door.

We all sat down and the brunette sat next to me, I just looked out the window watching the colorful trees, buildings, and signs pass by. I felt somebody staring at me, I tried my best to make myself think it is just me but I couldn't.

I could tell it was the brunette. Is he just looking out the window? Should I ask him what's wrong? All these thoughts were swirling through my head until the bus stopped at a halt. I was finally at my stop.

I rushed off the bus, but so did the brunette. Shit... Maybe he is going the other way, so I speed walked the way to my house. But I felt like somebody was watching me. I turned around, yet the brunette was nowhere to be found.

I assumed it is just me this time and walked the 2 or 3 blocks to my house. On my way there I still felt like somebody was watching me, the only comfort I had was the mini me in my head telling me it is just me.

??? POV

Is this the one Boss wanted? She is an 18 year old and a senior in high school I believe, I heard she does theater and self defense classes, why does he think she could be a potential proxy? She has pretty H/C hair... okay I'm getting sidetracked. I followed her home but I was out of sight so she wouldn't see me, when she finally got to her house I tried to look out the window to see if I could find a way to sneak in but of course, she has her blinds and curtains down.

I guess I have to break a random window and see how it works out I guess. I picked out a random window and held my axe up and broke it, and I quickly climbed in to find her.


What was that? I was in my room reading Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix (where are my Harry Potter fans at 😏) and I heard a window crash in my Living Room.

My parents let me have the choice to live alone after I turned 18, but since I'm still in high school they visit twice a week and help with rent. I didn't know if I should check it out or stay put. So I did the smart thing and stayed put.

I grabbed my phone and locked my bedroom door. I was about to tap the call button until I saw an axe through my bedroom door. I was frozen in shock and I didn't know what to do, other then hide under my bed.

Before I knew it the man broke in. The first thing he did was look under the bed, and forcefully pull me out by my arm aggresively. The man put his hand over my mouth and did a 'shh' signal with his other hand. He grabbed something from his hoodie pocket quickly and put it over my mouth. Before I passed out, it felt like a rag. So I will safely assume he chloroformed me.

I gently closed my eyes, the man's orange goggles and mask that looks like a robotic smile was the last thing I saw before I fell in a deep world of darkness.

— Time skip —


I woke up on a comfortable white bed with white sheets covering my body. I knew I wasn't on my bed and I became startled from the start, I sat up and rubbed the top of my head trying to remember what happened last night.

I then looked around the room, the room seems to be a medical room, next to the bed
we're shelves of medicine and other varieties. Next to it was a longish table able to hold a person sitting on it, in front of that table was a little rolly chair thing.

I was the only person in the what it seems medical room, but I could still hear voices from outside the door. I tried my best to make out what they were saying but I just couldn't. It seems they are arguing about something?

???? POV
"What was the reason using that much chloroform, Rogers? I told you a bunch of times, you only need two sprays on the rag. Why did you use 5??" I said tapping my left arm with my right hand.

"I mean, at least I got the job done?? I captured her, she is alive why are you complaining?" Toby answered, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I know- I know you did capture her, good job on that, but Boss wants her captured healthy and alive. I don't think he wants her overdosed on chloroform." I explained my tapping speeding up.

Why does Toby have to act like an asshole all the time. "I mean, she isn't overdosed on chloroform? Why are you complaining?"

I did a tired sigh and my tapping slowly stopped. "Go hang out with Clockwork, I am going to take care of her. Just... get out of my face AND sight."

I turned to the door of the medical room, Toby's footsteps slowly fading away as he heads his way to Clockwork's bedroom. I don't even want to know what those two are up to.


I heard the sound of the door open from the room I am in. A man with a blue mask with what looks like black liquid oozing from the eye sockets entered the room.

He looked at me and seemed surprised, I wasn't so sure because of his mask. "Oh, well it looks like you are awake. How do you feel?"
It took me a few seconds to answer. "I feel okay."

"That's good, I guess I have to take you to Boss's office now then, Come on." I stood up and walked up to the strange man, it's not like I have much of a choice, do I? And why is he taking me to "Boss"?

He opened the medical room door for me and I exited, he exited after me and we walked down the hall together. There was an array of doors, some had writing on the doors. Some looked like names and some I didn't bother reading, others had strange carvings.

While we were walking to the so called "Boss's" office the man tried to start conversation. "So, what's your name?" I could tell he was looking at me through his mask. "My name is Y/n, yours?"

"The names Eyeless Jack, you could call me EJ or Jack whichever you prefer." I did a slight smile not knowing what to say next. We went up stairs until finally we reached a big red door.

Jack knocked 3 times and opened the door when he heard a "Come in" from a man with a deep voice. We both entered and what I saw was shocking.

Sitting on a big red chair, there was a pale white man in a tuxedo, when he turned around he had no face. No nose, ears, mouth, nothing. But somehow he can talk and hear fine.

"So you must be Y/n L/n, correct?" The man said putting his arms together, he sounded very proper and for some reason that was the thing that scared me the most. All I could do was nod.

"Jack you may leave." The man said quickly, turning his head to Jack in a fast manner. Jack nodded and went his way up to the door, before he left he took a quick glance at me and disappeared when I heard a door close.

I turned back to the scary man with a tuxedo, trying to figure out what he wants. All I want to do is go home and finish my book. "The reason I brought you here today is because I think you could help me with something."

He did a sudden pause and I think he was trying to wait for an answer out of me."What do you need help with?" I answered grabbing ahold of my left arm and rubbing it gently.

"I want you to become a proxy, being a proxy means killing chosen people for the Operator or doing tasks for him. If you don't kill the chosen people you will get into deep, deep trouble."

What, is this man crazy? Why would I murder anybody? But he is pretty much asking so I think I can decline, right? As if he could read my thoughts he added "And if you say no, you will be killed."

Now that isn't fair. I guess I have no choice then. "I guess I accept, then.." He got up from his red fancy chair, and I just realized how fucking tall he is. "Very well, then."

After a few seconds, I became extremely dizzy. Everything was spinning and before I could grab ahold of my head, I passed out.

Why do I keep passing out?

1692 words

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