Foreign Lands (BC X HxH)

By xXHeriotzaXx

257K 8.8K 2.7K

Killua woke up in what he thought was a village. It looked to be far out in the country, and something almost... More

1 Where the fuck am I?
2 Magical Uno
3 Storytime
4 A bird and anxiety
5 Weird ass eyeshadow and a journey begins.
6 fan-fucking-tastic
7 The Exam begins
8 Zoldyck VS Numuli
9 The Black Bulls
10 Lazy ass baptism
11 Nero's secret
12 The tour
13 Lupe, Simia, and Ursa
14 First mission
15 Amateur
16 Vanessa VS Killua
17 Sealed away
18 Sushi and children
19 The truth
20 Lullaby
21 The choice was made
22 Almost there
23 Proof and the truth
25 Things are starting to look up
26 Fuck
27 Marie vs Alluka
28 The definition of fun
29 Royalty?
30 The 2nd mission
31 Poisonous memories
32 The queen
33 Explanation
34 Heat overload
35 The first
36 Lupe Vs Ursa. oh, Simia's there too
37 The real nightmare
38 The witch's forest
39 Betrayal and the horrifying truth
40 Forgiveness
41 The interview
42 Visitors
43 Get on my level bitch
44 Stupidity, Chaos, and a new mission
45 Killua's past pt.1
46 Killua's past pt.2
47 Killua's past pt.3
48 Killua's past pt.4
49 Killua's past pt.5
50 Trauma
51 The art of gambling
52 Public humiliation and another appearance
53 A gay tries flirting with a girl
54 More children

24 Gon!

4.9K 194 48
By xXHeriotzaXx

Killua was sitting on the branch of a tree, half heartedly chewing on a cooked fish. He'd been in this forest for days, and it was getting lonely. Without Nero....without....Gon. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. Damn it, why'd she have to undo that seal? I can't stop-I- He was crying again. Thankfully he'd brought his bag so he had all his things, but Gon's scent had disappeared from his plush and he had run out of chocolate. The person who had filled the gap in his heart, was no longer there. Without anything to distract from his pain, it just pressed down more. Sure his back hurt, the tendons in his legs were torn and he couldn't walk very well right now, but that wasn't the pain that bothered him. It was the pain of being alone. Alone and away from distractions.

I need to go back. If he went back to the hideout, at least there would be someone to talk to. He'd have people around him to draw his attention away from his dark thoughts. Loneliness was suffocating for him, it only made the dark thoughts arise without a single thing to rip his mind away from them. He wiped his eyes, it had been 4 days. Killua grabbed his concealer and mirror out of his bag, he always brought them with him. He applied it to his face and made it look like he had gotten sleep and hadn't been digging his nails in to his own skin. The pain only distracted him for a moment, and it didn't do much. Next he added some eyeliner, it made him feel more like himself. He also made sure to wash his clothing and hair so it looked like he'd taken a shower and actually been somewhere instead of camped out in a forest.

His eyes went up to the sun, by its arc in the sky he estimated it to be about noon. Everyone should be in the dining hall by now. So he started walking. He had traveled quite a ways away to avoid the squad at first, but gradually he realized that he actually needed company. A few years ago, being alone wouldn't have bothered him. He'd been alone all his life, and thought he always would be. But then he met Gon, and light had come to his previously dark and colorless life. And then...his light was gone, and the darkness felt hollow and unwelcoming after it returned. Once he experienced the euphoria of happiness...he could never go back to being without it again. He needed it. He would live for it, kill for it. Die for it.

He thought he heard the fluttering of wings and looked up, glancing around. "Nero?" silence. Killua sighed, of course it wasn't Nero. Why would she even talk to me now? She knows about me being a cold blooded murderer, He thought bitterly. Killua neared the hideout, so he put on his monotone expression and slipped his hands in his pockets. I know they told me a few weeks, but if I act like I'm fine they wouldn't know the difference. There must have been some sort of lethal spell or something on those cursed spikes as well, because the wounds took forever to close. They'd only recently closed up, and the internal damage wasn't healed yet. He'd stolen a few bandages from a town and replaced them as well before he had started walking. He would look clean and healed up, like he just hadn't gotten the opportunity to remove the bandages yet.

He paused in front of the door, then took a breath. Alright. Killua opened the door, and as soon as he did he was swarmed with people. Like they were all waiting- "Your back!", "Finally!", "You were gone so long!", "Welcome back Kiddo!", "Mumble mumble mumble", "Your all healed up now! Let's fight!", "Hey man! Glad to see your finally better-" Killua unleashed a small amount of bloodlust, the majority of the squad that was there stopped talking and took a step back. "You guys are loud" He said, voice monotone. Suddenly he heard a whizzing sound and caught a knife between two fingers. A few people yelped or shouted in alarm but he kept his monotone expression on. "I'm not in the mo-" His breath hitched as he caught sight of who had thrown it. It...what-how- GON! Killua's monotone expression crashed and he shoved everybody out of his way. "GON!" He cried, tears stinging the corners of his eyes.

"Killua!" He crashed into him, wrapping his arms around him in a hug and clutching at his back. "G-Gon! How- I- I-" Killua couldn't form words. G-Gon's here. He's right here. He sobbed into Gon's shoulder, it completely slipped his mind that the entire squad was pretty much there. "Killua, why are you so sad? I was only gone for a month!" Killua scoffed, pulling back and wiping his eyes. "An entire fucking month, across the ocean, with nobody who's even heard of where I'm from!" Gon blinked. "Wait we're across the ocean?" He brought his hand down hard on the back of Gon's head. "Moron!" Gon hit him too. "Asshole!" He let out a fake gasp. "Oh the betrayal!" Gon giggled and held his hands out wiggling his fingers. "C'mere so I can hug you!" Killua yelped, dodging. "Hell no!" Gon grinned and leapt at him, Killua bolted to the side and ducked under the table.

"No! Get the fuck away from me!" as much as he missed Gon, he knew what was coming if he'd get caught. He'd be tackled and Gon wouldn't let go until he surrendered, or until he hit him hard enough. He shot out from under the table and ducked under an attempt at grabbing him, then heard a shout. "GET BACK HERE!" Gon yelled. He lost focus and tripped, then rolled as Gon nearly came down on top of him. "Ack!" He scowled, and Gon blinked. "How the heck did you trip?" Killua blinked. "Oh yeah I fell off a cliff a few days ago-" Gon snorted, then tried to cover his snickering. "SHUT UP!" He flushed. "I'm sorry, you what? You fell off a cliff?" He scrambled to his feet and crossed his arms with a huff "Stop laughing at me!" Gon cleared his throat, then pointed. "How the hell did you fall off cliff? Did you really lose focus long enough for someone to push you?" Then he chuckled. "Or did you jump?" He growled. "I-"

"Even if you fell off a cliff, you shouldn't be in pain anymore. You can land from high places" Killua scowled. "There was a pit of spikes at the bottom-" Gon snorted. "how exactly does that make a difference 'Killua the invincible?' " He sputtered for a moment. "Excuse me?" He rolled his eyes. "You could have just used Ko-" He growled. "I did! But they were magic spikes and cut through my defense like paper!" Gon blinked. "Then you could have-" He sighed. "The cliff was too deep and I didn't realize that there were fucking spikes until I was halfway down." Killua admitted. "Then-" Killua shot him a glare. "STOP ASKING QUESTIONS!" He took a deep breath as Gon subsided with a grumble. "The spikes were cursed so that healing goes slow, and they can't be healed by recovery magic." Gon blinked, then shoved him. He shot Gon a glare as he stumbled slightly. "The hell was-" Gon's eyes narrowed slightly. "Your still in pain aren't you"

Killua blinked. "I fell off a very tall cliff and landed in a pt full of cursed spikes, the hell do you think?" he thought for a moment. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad would you say it hurts?" Killua snorted. "Gimme a scale to go off of" Gon hummed for a moment. "1 is you got stabbed, 10 is human dartboard" Killua laughed. "When it happened? Dartboard, definitely. But now?" He shrugged. "Maybe feels like I got stabbed a few times, I think that'd be like a 3 by your weird ass scale" Gon blinked. "Why are your legs so wobbly then?" He sighed. "Well I got skewered like a kebab, even if I can tolerate the pain it still doesn't negate the fact some of the spikes had stabbed through to the other side. The left leg's the worst, but I mean I can still walk just fine. I just can't you know, deal with your bullshit for a few days"

Gon huffed. "Hey!" Killua smirked. "you know-" He was interrupted by someone yelling. "WHAT THE HELL!" He and Gon both blinked, then turned their heads at the same time to see Magna looked very deeply unnerved. "Something wrong?" He asked. Gon poked him. "Maybe he's weirded out because your showing emotions and not acting all depressed" Magna sweatdropped. "How the hell do you guys just joke about how you nearly died?" Gon snorted, then started giggling. Killua tried to hide his laughter, the entire squad was either unnerved or confused as hell. "Imagine Killua dying by falling off a cliff-" He smacked Gon. "I'm not that careless!" He snickered. "Then why were you skewered like a kebab?" He shot Gon a glare. "It was me or the kid!" Gon blinked. "Oh, yaknow that makes more sense. I'm actually not surprised now" 

1562 words

To be continued...

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