Morning Love. (George Weasley)

By mischief_managed0104

663K 14.6K 26K

~"I am completely and utterly devoted to you." His eyes still on me, brushing more hair from my face and tuck... More

Hi guys!


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By mischief_managed0104

Arabella's POV

A few hours and plenty of drinks later, I was completely in my element.

With Cedric and Katie's pathetic antics shoved to the back of my mind, I was able to have the absolute best time; whether I was dancing with Hermione or playing drinking games with the twins or catching up with a few of my other friends.

However, Fred and George's bartending meant my drinks were only getting stronger, and my sensible and level-headedness was slowly heading out the door as a result.

The common room was dimly lit, filled to the brim with intoxicated students drinking and dancing and getting off with one another. I found myself in the midst of a cramped group of dancers, my back pushed George as we moved in-sync with the music.

My hand had reached up to wrap around the back of his neck, giving myself more stability as I subtly moved up and down against him with his hands on my waist almost guiding me. Fred had Angelina in a similar position, his arms wrapped around her with his head deep in the crook of her neck as they danced.

I could barely see the rest of those around me, apart from the recognisable silhouettes of Hermione and Ron whose arms were wrapped around one another and they danced and laughed amongst themselves. My brother was no doubt already hammered and off talking to the paintings on the walls as per.

The song changed, going from a slower to a faster and livelier vibe. Everybody began to move at a more upbeat pace, George spinning me to face him. My eyes fluttered as I grinned up at him, letting my body take control over the music.

George watched with a smirk on his face, his drunk eyes burning into every inch of my body. He took his left hand in mine, raising it high and allowing me to dance around him playfully. He bit the inside of his cheek to prevent his growing smile, looking down hungrily at me as I moved.

In a sudden movement, George crouched and hoisted me up with him. I gasped with a giggle, feeling him spin me around and raise me onto what seemed like a platform of some kind. I looked down at me feet, instantly realising he had placed me on one of the tables.

I stared down at him with a confused but amused face, "Why am I up here?"

"Keep dancing darling," he encouraged with another smirk, "I just wanna show off how insane you look right now."

I felt my already rosy cheeks blush harder, using George's words as a boost of confidence to continue swaying and moving to the music.

A few of my friends cheered, further incenting me to dance with more passion, moving my hands across my body as I swung my hips back and forth whilst lowering my body down, only to swing myself back up again.

I looked down to notice Angelina cheering me on whilst Fred whistled with his fingers as he handed up a bottle of liquor.

I immediately brought the bottle to my lips, a chanting beginning around the room of "Drink, drink, drink," as I swallowed the fiery substance. I finally pulled the bottle away, earning a cheer from the group around me.

I raised the bottle in the air with a smile, hearing George's voice shout, "that's my girl!" which caused my grin to widen.

Before I could continue dancing, George's large hands reached around my thighs and again hoisted me up and over his shoulder. I gasped suddenly, holding on tighter to the neck of the bottle.

"Okay that's enough, I want you all to myself now," I faintly heard George say over the music blasting. I laughed in response, hanging over his shoulder effortlessly as I watched us head for the stairs up to the dorm rooms.

George had just reached the staircase when a familiar infuriating voice stopped us in our tracks, "you're not leaving already, are you?"

My limp head shot up, looking straight across to Katie, raised brow as he sat back on the sofa with her adoring boyfriend beside her. She brought her cup to her lips, attempting to hide her cocky smile.

I tapped George, causing him to gently set me down on the ground again; I stumbled slightly due the amount I'd already drank but quickly gained stability.

"So what if we were?" I questioned, looking around noticing the larger group coming to sit around the sofas and chairs.

"You can't leave yet," she spoke enthusiastically, "we were just about to play a game!"

I looked up at George to see what he thought, both of us noticing our friends and many others had already began gathering round to join in on the game. He looked down at me and shrugged, indicating it was my decision whether we stayed or not.

In all honestly I was rather looking forward to sneaking off upstairs with George, but I was a huge fan of games, especially when there was drinking involved. Also, I didn't want Katie to think we were running from the situation, if anything staying to play would give me a chance to get back at them the same way they had been trying to get at us for the past few weeks.

"Okay, why not." I grinned, "It'll be fun."

I took George's hand and led him into the circle of people, sitting us inbetween Angelina and Ron. The rest of the group were here, apart from Ginny who was most likely babysitting my drunken baby brother. A few others were playing too, growing the circle to aid the game.

"What are we playing?" Fred asked, taking a swig of his drink.

"I thought we could play a classic, truth or dare." Katie beamed, "but with a twist."

"When anyone picks truth, they have to take a sip of this Veritaserum." Cedric took over, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small bottle of the potion.

"Where you nicked that from Diggory?" Seamus asked, who came and squeezed in beside Dean.

"My dad had it in one of his cabinets- don't worry- it's not as strong as the real stuff, wears off pretty quickly."

Normally, using a bit of truth potion in a friendly game would sound like a lot of fun to me, but I was definitely questioning the couple's intentions with bringing the potion into the game, was there a motive behind it?

George noticed my eyeing the bottle cautiously, squeezing my hand gently with his to drag my attention away from it and onto him. I gazed up at him, his calming smile immediately having the same calming effect on me.

"Okay, come on then, let's play!" Blaise spoke up, become eager to play.

"Okay," Katie replied, looking all around the circle seeming as though she was unsure of who to pick. However, unsurprisingly her eyes lingered on me.

"Truth or dare Arabella?" she spoke innocently, to which I replied truth. I wanted to start of simple, and get into some dares later on in the game.

Cedric in result reached across, handing me the bottle of Veritaserum, his fingers grazing over my hand purposefully as he did. Gross.

I pulled the cork from the top, slowly taking a sip of the potion. Katie watched in amusement, before coming out with her question.

"What's your biggest fear?" she asked.

"Big open bodied of water, I'm terrified of drowning." I answered quickly, the potion practically doing the talking for me.

"Oh merlin, yeah!" Fred snorted with laughter, "I remember when we took a trip on the boat for Percy's birthday and you were a wreck the entire time."

George snickered under his breath as I shot Fred a playful glare, holding in a laugh when thinking back to it. It was funny now looking back on it, me crouched on the ground with my knees tightly against my chest whilst Fred and George tried desperately to make me feel better.

"Interesting." Katie spoke, her mind seeming to linger on my answer.

"Quick George, asked her another question before the potion wears off!" Ron suggested from around the circle.

"Shit erm- how good am I in bed?" George shouted out desperately, a laugh immediately coming from Fred.

"Fuck, you're amazing in bed," my words ran away with me, "honestly you make me feel so-"

I slapped my hand over my mouth in embarrassment, feeling my cheeks glow red as everyone around chuckled and laughed at my honesty. George smirked proudly, sending Cedric a cheeky wink from across the circle as his face had turned sour at my answer.

Once I had felt the powers of the truth serum wear off quite quickly, I removed my hand from my mouth and instead slapped George arm with it. "You're an idiot."

"An idiot who's amazing in bed." He teased, bringing me closer into him to place a gentle kiss on my exposed neck.

"Okay Belle you ask someone now." Ang smiled, taking the potion bottle from me.

"Hmm," I pretended to think hard on who to chose, "I think I'm going to chose my good friend Fred Weasley.

"Of course," he rolled his eyes, "give me a dare."

"I dare you to take a shot-"

"A shot? Is that it-"

"-out of George's belly button."

Fred's face dropped, everyone laughing around him. George patted Fred on the back with a chuckle, "Come on bro."

George shuffled forward, giving him enough room to lay back. He lifted his shirt, his toned torso on display. I bit back a grin, remembering how much I wanted to be alone with him right now.

Katie picked up a bottle of liquor from the side and coming to crouch beside George. I raised my brow in confusion, unsure of what she was doing.

Suddenly, she placed her left hand onto his naked chest as she leant over to pour the alcohol into his bellybutton. I mean I'm not surprised she took it upon herself to do it, but I was more surprised she thought what she was doing was going unnoticed.

With his bellybutton leaking full on alcohol, Katie stopped pouring, but did not remove her hand from him. Instead, she placed the bottle to the side and took her thumb, sliding it across the side of his torso to stop the spilling liquid from dripping.

She brought the thumb to her lips, sucking the liquid from it before locking eyes with me, looking rather pleased with herself.

I scoffed, shaking my head with laughter at her behaviour. Cedric didn't even seem fazed, watching her almost happy with what she was doing, looking back and forth between George and I to see our reactions.

"Katie get off." George ordered, lifting his head up to throw her a stern look.

"I was just cleaning you up." She replied innocently, her menacing eyes fluttering down at him.

"You heard him Katie, back the fuck up." I spoke plainly, leaning closer towards her. I tried to keep my cool, taking deeper breaths to prevent getting hot-headed.

"I'm moving, chill." She scowled, shuffling back in her spot beside Cedric.

Those around us watched confused, except Hermione who shot me a look seeming to ask 'are you okay?'

I smiled back reassuringly, leaning out the way as Fred had now shuffled alongside his brother to complete his dare. Fred shook his head at me playfully, before letting out a sigh and leaning down towards his twin brother's bellybutton.

Everyone cheered and laughed as Fred sucked the liquor from George, who was squirming and laughing on the floor. Fred shot up victorious, wiping his mouth furiously to remove any excess from his lips.

I applauded him, smiling at him mischievously as he took his place back in the circle. George put his shirt back down, rising and coming to sit beside me once more.

The game continued, many truths and dares being fired around the circle. Many light-hearted secrets came out, many drunken kisses were had and many extreme dares were completed.

It was now Cedric's turn to ask someone, and his wandering eyes seem to land immediately on me. I noticed his lips curl up in a subtle smirk, parting his lips to ask me, "truth or dare Belle?"

"Dare." I replied bluntly.

"I dare you to kiss a boy around this circle for 5 seconds... and it can't be George." He smirked, leaning back against the sofa.

"I'm not doing that." I shook her head in refusal. As much as I knew George trusted me and knew it would never mean anything, I couldn't stand the thought of letting him watch me kiss someone who isn't him.

"You have to Belle, it's your dare. Either that or you forfeit." Katie shrugged her shoulders with a smile, clearly loving watching me squirm.

I looked around the circle, there were a few boys around but none of them I ever could imagine locking lips with, and I didn't want to do anything to upset George.

Then, I felt George lean down into my ear, "darling just do it, I won't be mad."

"Are you sure?" I looked to him nervously.

"I'm sure," he came closer to whisper in my ear, "remember, play them at their own game."

He winked at me subtly, tapping my back and sending me off to complete my dare. Everyone cheered encouragingly, wondering who I was going to pick. In all honesty I was wondering that too.

I looked over at Hermione and Ron; I could never kiss Ron. For one, gross. And two, Hermione was my best friend and whether she minded or not I couldn't do that to her. Dean and Seamus sat beside them, and again it felt weird to kiss them considering they were Harry's friends, even if it was a drunken dare.

I quickly ruled out everyone around the circle until it came down to two more boys: Cedric and Fred.

Maybe this was Cedric's plan all along, doing the process of elimination and knowing I potentially have to chose him. Imagine how smug he would feel knowing that he had got me to kiss him whilst my boyfriend who had once threatened him to stay away from me watched across the circle.

Then I had a thought, a risky thought, but a thought that would have an amazing payoff if it's received well. My impulsiveness mixed with the alcohol in my system decided to just go for it.

I crawled across the circle, heading straight for my target: Cedric.

As I inched closer to him, his eyes began widening more and more, surprised I was heading his way. People watched in suspense as I reached Diggory, crouched in front of him.

He tilted his head to look past me, seeming to flash a grin at George who was watching in agony. He looked back to mean, eager filled eyes as I leant forward towards him.

I tilted closer, my lips almost touching his skin, before turning to side with a smile.

"In your fucking dream's Diggory." I spoke plainly, watching his smug face fall and turn white.

Everyone gasped and snorted with laughter, watching me in disbelief as I moved away from Cedric and headed towards none other than Fred Weasley.

He stared at me with a playful grin, realising what my plan was all along and loving it.

I sat infront of Fred feeling quite unsure, of course we were the best of friends and this would mean nothing more than a drunken kiss between friends in the morning, but I didn't know how George would feel to see it.

I looked over at George one more time for reassurance, seeming rather pleased with my previous actions towards Cedric. He shrugged his shoulders with a drunken grin, "go for it."

"Let's do this baby!" Fred clapped his hands together jokingly, everyone else cheering us on.

My face screwed up slightly, almost about to give in when Fred's large hard came on to grab the sides on my face pulling me in and squashing his lips to mine.

Cheers and wolf whistled erupted; my eyes screwed shut as I felt Fred's lips move against mine. Naturally, my lips move against his in return for what felt like the longest 5 seconds of my life.

I finally came up from the kiss, taking a breath of air and slowly peeling my eyes open to look at Fred. He stared at me, eyes open slightly almost seeming in shock that we actually went through with it.

Whilst kissing Fred I had been thinking of George the entire time, and how much more natural his hands felt on my face and how much better his lips moulded into mine than Fred's ever could have.

I shuffled back into the circle, feeling guilty as I sat beside George.

"I'm sorry," I frowned, looking up to see his reaction.

He seemed to have a stern but confused look on his face, like he was upset to have seen but also unsure of how it made him feel. He assured me it was 'okay' before staring back into the circle.

I then looked to Angelina, instantly remembering her and Fred situation. I looked shocked to her, mouthing 'i'm so sorry'. She shook her head with a smile, mouthing back 'no worries' and giggling at the expression on my face.

"I mean that shouldn't really count, considering Fred and George and kind of the same person, but whatever it's done." Katie bitched, "I wanna ask George now."

"Of course you do." I muttered under my breath.

"Truth." George said, taking the potion bottle from the middle.

"Well I have a few questions so drink up." She smiled.

"You can only ask one question Katie, that's how the game works." Hermione stated, her arm wrapped around Ron who had seemed to have slowly passed out onto her shoulder.

"Well they're all linked so it still basically counts as like one question- so shush, know-it-all." She slurred, Hermione glaring back at her but choosing to keep quiet.

George looked unsure, before going for it and swallowing a big mouthful or Veritaserum.

Surely this couldn't end well.


Hi darlings!! I'm back.

I won't bore you with the details but there's a post on my profile talking about the time I had off, but apologies for the extreme delay on updates. 

Apologies also if there are any grammar or spelling errors, I was so eager to get this chapter out for you.

Reminder I have a tiktok, @mischiefmanaged0104 . Follow for reminders of chapter updates and any questions answered you guys may want to ask <3 I'm also open to suggestions.

Thank you for your patience, love ya:)

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