By oreommeow

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BEYOND A SERVANT - Royal.Servant.Secrets When Prince Maxisismillian Xaview Mattew have given up his life afte... More

Hello again!!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - A month later
Chapter 20 - 3 weeks later
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 13

302 17 0
By oreommeow

The words in the books became unreadable, the word was so jumbled up that Max could not understand what it was saying. His punishment for not doing his work as told was to work in his father's chamber. King Matthew had enough of him being lazy and not doing what he should do that he made a decision to treat Max like a kid since Max was behaving like one.

Max rolled his eyes for the fiftieth time and looked at Butler James who was serving King Matthew and showed Butler James a sad face which Butler James knew what it was for something that he always fell for.

"James, don't you even cover for him!" said King Matthew as he looked at his monitor screen.

"But your majesty, his highness is a grown man I believe with time he will change!" said Butler James. King Matthew looked at Butler James and breathe out,

"Max if you keep disturbing James, I will order him not to come in the chamber anymore!" said King Mattew sternly. Max sigh, stood up, walk over to his father, and begged him,

"Ah...this is stupid!! I have been reading for the last 5 hours...I cannot take it anymore!!"

"That's not my problem! You act like a kid, then I treat you like a kid!!"

"I promised...if you.."

"Sit down Max...what time is the Professor coming?" asked King Matthew to James.

"In 20 minutes your majesty!" replied Butler James.

"Wait there and read the news today and write a report to me. Finish it before the professor comes!" order King Matthew as he stood up and was about to leave for his next meeting with the Ministry of Environmental to looked at the reservoir. Max hit his head on the table hard and cried softly. He wanted to go out and enjoy the afternoon sun but his father refused. He should just shut up that day, he knows that his father will do something like this and yet again his heart betrays him and makes him speak his feelings out.

As King Mattew was walking he saw AJ and Maxis were sitting near the tree in the garden which he did not know was there.

"Is that Prince Maxis?" asked King Matthew. Max heard that, he immediately stood up and looked out of the window and saw his brother was outside.

"Is my brother outside of his room now?" asked Max.

"Yes, your majesty and your highness. It seems so!" replied Butler James who was also surprised to see him out there.

"Father let me see him!" said Max as he just got himself an excuse to go out of the chambers.

"Max..come back.."King Matthew stopped as he knew Max would not listen. But he let it go for now as he just saw his other son is outside of his room which he has been rotting in for the last 2 years.

"He is improving, he stops having nightmares, he starts eating his medicine and now he is outside. I just hope another miracle will make him who he used to be!" said Butler James which made King Matthew smile, he does not know what happened and who has given him this miracle but he just hopes it will not be for a while.


The cartoon volume of the TV was up high, Bella was looking at her favorite cartoon and was dancing to it beat when she heard a loud bang from behind. Bella turned around and saw her mother was walking out of her room with a large suitcase in her hand. Bella went over to her mother excitedly, she did not know they were going for a vacation.

"Mummy, where are we going?" asked Bella happily, they have not gone anywhere and the thought of going somewhere other than there makes Bella super excited.

"Mummy is going, not you!" she said as she took her sling bag which was on the countertop.

"Where are you going mummy? Will daddy and I come after that?" said Bella as she held her mother's leg.

"No...mummy is going alone!" she said again as she pushed Bella lightly, somehow that only made Bella how on onto her leg more tightly, she looked at her and sigh.

"Mummy are you leaving me and daddy?" said Bella as tears started to roll out from her eyes, even though she is young she knows what her mother was saying.

"Yes I am..since you know just let me go...I don't want to stay here anymore!!!" she said without remorse as she pushed Bella away which made Bella's hand release from her leg.

"Mummy..mummy stay...mummy!" begged Bella as she ran to her and begged her to stay but she refused and kept walking to the door. When she opened the door a man her lover was already there waiting for her, he took her bag and told her that he would wait in the car for her.

"Mummy please don't go...I Love you!!" said cried and beg,

"But I don't!! Not you or your poor father!!!" she screams before she pushes Bella away hard, so hard that Bella loses her balance and hits her head onto the edge of the table. She did not realize what she did and walked out of the door before slamming the door closed. As the door bangs close, AJ's eyes open, she sits up and starts to breathe heavily.

"Stupid dream!!" she said softly as she wiped her sweat on her forehead. That dream comes back again after months.

AJ looked at the clock beside her and saw it was only 2 am and she knew that she could not continue to sleep because of that darn dream she just had. AJ stood up and walked out of her room to get herself something to drink and try to walk it off before she goes back to sleep hoping she can sleep.

Once AJ got to the canteen, she walked over to the drink fridge and took out a bottle of milk. She then walks over to the counter and pours the milk into the cup. She places the bottle down, picks up the glass, and glup up the milk in one shot before she gives out a loud sigh when she finishes it in a second.

"Damn dream!!" she curses again as she stares at the darkness. Somehow she just hated thinking about her past, she rather buried it deep down in her heart rather than thinking about that night.

"Pass me the milk will you?" AJ turned around and screamed when she saw Bethany standing next to her with a powder mask cover all over her face.

"Can't sleep?" asked Bethany.

"I thought I would when I go back, now looking at you ma'am I don't think I can!!" replied AJ as she calmed herself down. Bethany grabs the milk and pours herself one too. AJ walked to the sink, washed her mug, and placed it back on the counter before excusing herself to bed. She rather goes to bed than stand with Bethany who is scaring her with the white powder all over her face.

As AJ walking to the door, Bethany says,

"What did you do that made the Prince start to leave his room?" AJ turned around and says jokily,

"I threaten to throw him out of the window by force!!" Bethany looked at her angry as she wanted to know what AJ did that everyone failed to do.

"Okok...I push him hard maybe, annoy the shit out of him and make him realize who he is instead of listening to what he wants. Sometimes he just needs tough love...I think but most of the time just annoy the shit out of him!!" laughed AJ as she walked out from the canteen. What AJ did is something Bethany could not do, she grows up with the royal servant dos and don't. Annoying the royal family is something she can't do but she is thankful there is someone like AJ and hopefully, she would never have to fire AJ because of her disobedience and annoyance anytime soon or at all. 


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