Lydia Raves: Dauntless The Br...

Autorstwa infinitive-ly

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In the new world of 2215. The world has changes since the storytelling tale Beatrice( Tris )Prior, The first... Więcej

Past Future Present
Happy Cuckoo Land
Last Sunrise
New Meaning
Lydia Trust Me...
I'm Yours
Dauntless Traitors
Beyond The Fence
Promise Me
Take One For The Team
Hold On To Me
I Love You Lydia Raves
Where Am I?
Waiting is Painful
We'll Wait For You
I'm Always Here
Safe and Sound

Trust No One

83 3 0
Autorstwa infinitive-ly

Lydia was writing everything down of what she knows and now known when a knock on her door startled her for a moment. "Lydia?" Jackson was behind her door, wanting to talk to her. "You dressed?" He called out again. She began scrambled everything away and hid her notebook under her bed. "Come in, Jackson." Jackson walks in, smiling at Lydia. "You ready?" He asked happliy.

"What?..Oh right. Our testing. I forgot for second there." She lied a little. Jackson eyed Lydia supsiously. "Alright what are you up to?" She laughed nervously. "Nothing, Gosh, Stop being weird Jackson, No one is being weird, Stop acting so weird." She grabbed Jackson's arm and dragged him out of her room. "Go outside and wait for me." He smiled and said:"Yes sir!" NThey both laugh as she shut the door on Jackson. "Go Jackson!" She said still laughing.

Her parents came into her room a few mintutes after Jackson to say good luck on her test. "Lydia. We're very proud of you." Her dad smiled at her. "I know. Just little butterflies. That's all." She lied.

These were no little butterflies. More like huge butterflies ready to throw up in my mouth! Lydia thought to herself. Both of her parents nodded and hugged her tightly. Her dad was done but her mom wasn't. "I can't breath, mom." Lydia half joked. Her mom hugged her more tightly. "I don't care."

She looked at her daughter, Catching every detail of her face. Her big hazel eyes, Her natural rosy cheeks, Her cute baby-like dimples, Her beautiful smile that lights up the world. Her mom sigh as she examined her. "Mom..Can you let go of me.. I have to go." Lydia said annoyed and rushing. "Okay. Go, Good Luck." Her mom smiled. Lydia smiled at her parents. "Thanks."

Jackson and Lydia were walking side by side in silent when Jackson just smiled. Lydia glance at him and smiled back. They both made it to their tests and Jackson mouths: "Good luck" to her and winked. She laughs softly. "Thanks" She mouthed back.

As Lydia was escorts to a room where she'll do her test. Starting to get nervous again, She calm herself down and sat down to wait. Remember from what she heard before she left from her faction meeting that the test was much different since the last 60 years. She bite her bottom lip, realizing that they will be using one of her fears as a test when suddenly there was a hologram of a Erudite women walking towards her.

"Hello." The hologram speaks. "My name is Ms. Stone, I will be helping you pass your aptitude test." She held out a vial of serum and inject it into a needle. She tapped it twice to clear the bubbles and held it out to show her. She looked real since she was touching everyone but just a hologram.

"I'm going to inject this in your neck and you'll only feel a tiny pinch." She said calmly. Lydia laid back and tried to relex. Taking a deep breath and was ready to go into the similation. "I won't be here when you wake up. I'm supposedly not to see what's your result." She said calmly again. "Ready?"

Lydia nods her head as Ms. Stone inject the serum in her neck. She didn't feel the pinch as everything went fine for a minute. Then everything went dizzy and faded. Suddenly, Everything went black.


Lydia's eyes were still close, but she can hear everything. All she hear was movement of feet and water. But it mostly sounds like bodies of water. She opened her eyes and only see darkness. She was blindfolded and her hands tied up behind her back. To what though? Her fears being tied up or kidnapped.

Seconds, She felt a great big push and headed straight towards water. She started to panic and trieds to scream but only water kept coming in her mouth.

She spit out the water and felt something weighing her down at her feet. Cement blocks. Tied up tightly around her feet too. Feeling the pessure of water buliding up on her. She thinks quickly. Using her shoulder to take off the  blindfold, she can finally see. But blurry with tons of water. She looked around quickly and realizes that she in the bottom of water already. She began to look for a sharp rock to cut the rope off her hands and feet.

Laying down and picking a sharp rock, cutting away the rope between her hands. It finally came off. Doing the same with her feet. Quickly losing air in her lungs, She started to swim up. It felt like hours for her arms and legs to keep swimming. She see the top and starts reaching for it. Swimming for air, to live. She made it to the top and took a deep breath and woke up in the testing room.

Wildly looking around the room, she realized that she is done and Ms. Stone is gone like she said. Lydia got up shaking, slowly, Walking to the computer screen to see what was her result. Nothing was there. She sat down and pout. She thought if she failed or the computer wasn't working when Ms. Stone comes back in person.

A calm look came upon her when she look at Lydia. "Are you Lydia Raves?" Lydia nervously nod her head. "I've only came back to tell you about your test." "Did I pass?" She asked. Ms. Stone calmly said yes. "Yes. You passed the test, But the faction." She shook her head no. "What are you trying to say? I have to stay in Amity, become factionless?!" Lydia said worrying.

"Yes and no. You're factions is all. Erudite, Amity, Dauntless, Abnegation, and Candor. Only Divergents get that many. "Divergent." There's that word again!She said to herself. "You have to keep this a secret, nobody can know about this. Not even a best friend you trust so dearly. Katherine is senting people to kill all the Divergents and if she finds you. She'll kill you and with the help with James. Got it?" She said softly to Lydia. She nods in understandment and gets up, but stop and asks her a question. "How can I trust you?''

Ms. Stone turned around and smiled softly. "I work against the Goverment. Assigned to keep the existing Divergents alive. So we can overthrow Katherine and bring back peace and orders again. And before you go pick a faction so I can type it on the result." She also added.

"Dauntless" Lydia said without heisting. "Alright. Now go. Your friend is waiting for you." Ms. Stone hurried her.Lydia eyed her spuriously then walked out. Her mind kept repeating Trust No One in her mind as she walked home without Jackson.

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