Legacies and Scalpels

By _cethingz_

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After episode 2 x 27, Meredith was pregnant... with a baby girl... In the season 3 finale, Cecilia Leigh Grey... More

Chapter 1: First Day
Chapter 2: Intern Appy and Drinks
Chapter 3: Regret and Feelings
Chapter 4: The first one hurts the most....
Chapter 5: Elevators go up and down.
Chapter 6: Steal my Heart
Chapter 7: Family Dinner Party
Chapter 8: Meet Carina DeLuca
Chapter 9: Who is Sam and Revelations
Chapter 10: Andrew's Hickey
Chapter 11: Dr. Fields.....
Chapter 12: An Aneurysm and a surprise...
Chapter 13: A farewell to Fields...
Chapter 14: Who's in the hospital?
A/N (Background Information)
Chapter 15: The past
Chapter 16: On the Fence
Chapter 17: Trick or Treat???
Chapter 18: Last Night....
Chapter 19: Shepherd's Rage
Chapter 20: Can things be better?
Chapter 21: Night to Remember⚠️
Chapter 22: Thanksgiving
Chapter 23: Who's in trouble?
Chapter 24: Safety????
Chapter 25: Caught!
Chapter 26: Dinner with Amelia
Chapter 27: Talking
Chapter 28: The Shepherd Family
Chapter 29: Christmas Eve
Chapter 30: Christmas
Chapter 31: New Years
Chapter 32: A visit from an old friend...
Chapter 33: The Fallout of Bello
Chapter 35: Secrets are told
Chapter 36: New Beginnings
Chapter 37: Valentines Day
Chapter 38: The bridge between us
Chapter 39: The peak of it all
Chapter 40: Permissions
Chapter 41: Traveling
Chapter 42: Paris, The city of love
Chapter 43: The Eiffel Tower
Chapter 44: Where are we going?
Chapter 45: Coming home
Chapter 46: When lies catch up to you.
Chapter 47: Andrew's Birthday
Chapter 48: Preparing for the intern test
Chapter 49: The day of the intern test
Chapter 50: The Sex trafficking case
Chapter 51: Stabs and Evaluations
Chapter 52: When they find out
Chapter 53: Grey's and Shepherd's Fury
Chapter 54: Getaway from DeLuca
Chapter 55: A Birthday with...
Chapter 56: Appendicitis or Pregnancy?
Chapter 57: Fishing Trips
Chapter 58: The intern mixer
Chapter 59: The beginning of Residency
Chapter 60: Our Anniversary
Chapter 61: Carina's Bachelorette Party
Chapter 62: Marina's Wedding
Chapter 63: The Shepherd Clan meets DeLuca
Chapter 64: Christmas again.
Chapter 65: New Years with you
Chapter 66: Returning from New York
Chapter 67: My oh my
Chapter 68: Work and Specialities
Chapter 69: The Voicemail
Chapter 70: Fields' Torment
Chapter 71: A step forward
Chapter 72: Declaring a specialty
Chapter 73: A helping hand
Chapter 74: The arrival of Hamilton
Chapter 75: Highway
Chapter 76: Shivering Baby
Chapter 77: Growing up
Chapter 78: The decision
Chapter 79: Morgan
Chapter 80: House Hunting

Chapter 34: Amends

244 6 0
By _cethingz_

Forgiveness, it is hard to forgive someone, especially when they hurt you. You know it wasn't intentional, but it still hurts. How could you forgive someone who hurt you. I mean it's hard, but it's not impossible right? Its been a few days, I've been thinking a lot about Andrew and I.  Only leaving my room to eat, work or do my laundry. My parents were worried so when they asked me what was wrong, I would just say I was fine. I was at work, in Uncle Owen's service. I said "Dr. Hunt?" He nodded and I said "What are we doing today, I need to get blood on my hands" Uncle Owen laughed and said "A little excited are we???" I nodded and said "I just need the thrill" he laughed and a nurse interrupted saying "Incoming trauma five minutes out" Uncle Owen said "Alright Grey-Shep gown up and lets head to the trauma bay" I nodded, followed him to get gowned up and then we headed to the trauma bay.

We waited for five minutes and then the ambulance arrive and Herrera said "24 year old man with a penetrating foreign object in his lower abdomen and with a severe burn on his left arm. Uncle Owen nodded and said "Page Dr. Avery" I said "Is that a?" The unknown man screamed in pain "Fence! SHARP AHHH" Uncle Owen said "Alright trauma room 1" I said "Now this is going to be fun" and I followed Uncle Owen to trauma room 1. We got to trauma room 1 and the patient was groaning in pain. Uncle Owen said "Alright push 2 of morphine..." the nurse nodded and began pushing two of morphine. I saw as the door opened revealing Uncle Jackson and Nick and he said "Alright Hunt, you paged" Uncle Owen said "Severe burn on left arm" Uncle Jackson said "Yeah... I'll need to debride this in the OR along side you Hunt" Uncle Owen nodded and said "Alright then, nurse has any OR been booked???" A nurse said "OR 4 has been prepped for you Dr. Hunt" Uncle Owen nodded and said "Alright! Dr. Grey-Shepherd let's get blood on our hands" I smiled and we headed towards the OR.

We had gotten to the OR, we were halfway through the operation. It was difficult seeing as the penetrating object was a part of a fence. The liver was practically destroyed. Uncle Owen said "Damn it! There's no way in saving this liver" I said "Is it too late for a transplant?" Uncle Owen said "If we can keep heart circulation then it isn't to late..." Dr. Avery said "I'll get in touch with UNOS" As Dr. Avery left, we waited. I looked at Nick as he debride the burn. The monitor started beeping indicating that the man was crashing. Uncle Owen said "Grey-Shepherd run the code!" I passed the suction to the nurse and another nurse handed me the paddles. I said "Charge to 350!" Everyone got their hands out of the way when I said "Clear!" There was no change so I said "Charge again..Clear!" I saw no change and I said "Charge to 400.....Clear!" Nothing happened, it was a flatline... Dr. Avery returned and said "We have a liver, its about to get on a plane-" Dr. Avery saw that the patient had passed, Nick said "I'll finish the debridement, so the family can see him well..." Dr. Avery said "I'll help you and teach you an effective way after I call UNOS" Dr. Avery left to call UNOS to stop the transport and Uncle Owen said "Lets close up Grey-Shepherd" I nodded as I passed the paddles to the nurse and helped Uncle Owen close.

After we closed, I went to the gallery and saw that Dr. Bello was operating with Dr. Altman. I sat down and watched, I was there because of Altman, the technique she was performing was flawless. But I hated that Dr. Bello was there, couldn't she get her ass back to Switzerland? Andrea sat next to me and said "The technique Altman is doing is flawless" I nodded and said "I know right..." we were just in silence watching the surgery until a voice said "Imagine the embarrassment Bello must feel..." another voice rang out saying "I heard almost all the attendings have shun her" The same voice I heard earlier said "Of course they would, Deluca is one of them.." I heard the voice of my resident say "I heard Deluca hasn't returned to work since it happened" the second voice said " I heard the girlfriend broke up with him..." I heard the first voice say "Probably drinking away his problems like last time" I turned around and saw Dr. Schmitt, Dr. Helm and Dr. Parker and I spat "Some people are trying to learn, if you want to go gossip, I recommend the cafeteria respectfully" I turned back around and Andrea said "Are you okay Ceci?" I nodded and said "Im fine..." I focused my attention back at the surgery with many questions.

I was in the area of the offices, I walked to Uncle Owen's office and knocked. I heard a voice say "Come in" I opened the door and said "Hey Uncle Owen...." He said "Cecilia, well this is a surprise! What can I do for you?" I said "I need to talk to you about something..." Uncle Owen said "Lia... if this is about your health I can't promise to keep this to myself..." I shook my head and said "No it isn't...I just want to ask you about something that happened to you..." Uncle Owen said "Alright! have a seat Grey-Shepherd" I sat down and said "Uncle Owen how did you forgive Dr. Altman after she cheated on you with Dr. Koracick?" Uncle Owen looked at me and said "Why do you want to know about this?" I said "I just... I'm just curious" he looked at me with a face saying that it wasn't the full story, but he said "I was very angry with her.. I wasn't even planning to, but I talked to your Aunt Amelia and she made me realized that it didn't matter what she did, she loves me and I have loved her for decades without realizing it....I wasn't going to let myself lose the one thing I have wanted for years...." I smiled as I looked at him and said "That's really big of you...." Uncle Owen smiled and said "What else do you want to know" I said "I think, I have all I need for now" Uncle Owen nodded and I said "Thank you Uncle Owen" I stood up and left his office.

I went to the locker room, I saw Nick there and he said "Lia...I heard the gossip...." I looked at him and said "I don't know what to do..." Nick looked at me as I continued and said "I know he didn't kiss her... but why does it feel like he cheated" Nick said "Maybe because you saw his lips on another woman" I nodded and said "I want to forgive him, but his lips were on Sam's...." Nick said "I can't relate... I really don't know what you'll do, but I'm going to tell you something..." I looked at him as he said "I don't want to defend him, but if this was Amy and I... she was able to overlook the fact that I slept with a lot of women before I committed to her... I don't know how Amy could still like me so much after I rejected her, because I wasn't ready to stop sleeping around". He continued and said "Just let him explain his side of the story and then you can decide what you'll do" I saw as he grabbed his jacket and left the locker room, leaving me wondering what I should do.

I was in my car driving, One Direction was playing in the background, but I wasn't paying attention to it. I was turning to the street, I had come familiar with. I checked the driveway and his car was the only one there. I parked my car and headed to the door. I looked for the spare key, which he hides it in the lamp. I got the key and unlocked the door. The house was dark, I turned on the lights and saw the mess. As I walked forward, the living room and kitchen looked like a mess. As I walked, I picked up the mess he had done. To wrappers, to cups, to bags of chips, to cereal boxes I picked up and threw it out. I went towards the kitchen and cleaned up the mess. After I cleaned up, I headed towards the stairs, the stairs were clean, at least he isn't dumb enough to leave trash in the stairs so he would slip. I got to his room, there were plates and cups in a corner. He was in his bed, sleeping I thought, but his eyes had eye bags. I looked at his face and gently sat next to him as I waited for him to wake up. I didn't have the heart to wake him up after he hadn't sleep for days, I didn't realize, I was falling asleep until I did.

I woke up by a gentle soothing...I slowly opened my eyes and saw Andrew. I saw him smile lightly at me, It felt nice, but I remembered what I came here to do. I looked at Andrew and said "We need to talk...." Andrew said "I know we do... But do you want something to eat before we talk?" I was hungry, but I didn't want to wait for the conversation that needed to be done. But I saw his eyes and I melted and instead of saying no, I nodded saying yes. He stood up and I closely followed behind him. We got downstairs and he said "Im sorry for the-" He looked to see that the house was clean. I said "I cleaned it up for you..." Andrew looked at me and said "You didn't have to do that..." I looked at him and said "I wanted to...." We just looked at each other and he said "I'll make us some grilled cheeses..." I nodded and went to the kitchen and got some cups to serve us some water. I prepared the table while Andrew cooked for us some grilled cheeses. After a few minutes, he came back with two plates, he passed me a plate and we just ate our grilled cheeses in complete silence, just looking at each other eat.

After we finished eating, I went to the couch while Andrew washed the plates and cups. I was thinking about what I would say.... I didn't know where to start. My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Andrew coming to the living room and he took a seat in the other couch where I would be able to look at him, while we talked. Andrew began saying "I know you are mad at me and you have every right to be mad... whatever you need to ask me, I'm going to answer truthfully..." I nodded and said "I've heard many sides of what happened in the scrub room from nurses to my own aunt, but I want to hear it from you..." Andrew nodded and said "After the surgery, I was talking to Amelia... I asked her if it was the right time to try to make amends with Sam... she said I could try now which that was suppose to be the plan. I was scrubbing out and when I was drying my hands, I began apologizing for how cold I was being and how I wrong it was of me to be mad at her for leaving when it wasn't her fault and before I knew it her lips were against mine, I pushed her away immediately and began screaming at her..." he looked at me and continued "Lia I'm telling you the truth, she began the kiss and I do not want her lips against mine never again, I would never cheat on you...." I nodded and said "I know you would never cheat on me, but her lips were against yours... you didn't try to hurt me, but you still did...." Andrew said "Lia please... I don't want Sam, her lips were against mine, but I didn't want that, I want your lips against mine. I want you... God couldn't you see what a mess I've been since it happened.... My house was filled with trash if you hadn't picked it up!" I said "Andrew...." He interrupted me while standing up and getting closer to me saying "I-I could have lived without Sam in my life, because what we had wasn't real... it wasn't love... But I can't live without you in my life, because these months with you, have been the best of my life... You showed me real love Lia... Don't you see... I love you Lia, not Sam, god how could you not see it. Yes with Sam things would be easier, but I don't want easy if it means that I can't have you... I rather wait till it's the right time for us to be public about our relationship ... I love you and only you...." My heart was beating fast as I heard the 3 words that I thought I was the only one feeling. It was mutual, A smile crept into my face and I sighed saying "It won't be easy, you really hurt me, but I don't want to live without you in my life" He smiled and looked at me asking for permission. I nodded and his lips molded with mine, I reciprocated and my hands went around his neck. I felt him pecked my lips, before pulling away with a smile. He kissed my forehead and I sighed saying "It's getting late...I need to go home...." Andrew nodded and said "Alright..." I said "Do you want to go on a date over the weekend???" Andrew smiled and said "Yeah I would like that..." I smiled as I picked up my purse and as I was about to leave, I turned to look at him and said "Andy?" Andrew looked at me and said "Yeah?" I smiled and said "I love you too...." I saw the wide grin plastered on his face and I said "Bye!" I went outside and closed the door. My face had a wide grin, as I went towards my car and drove home.

I got home and parked my car. I went in and saw my Aunt Amelia, Mom, Dad and Uncle Alex sitting in the couch. Dad smiled as he saw me and said "You look better!" I said "Yeah, I'll be okay...Uncle Owen really helped me today..." Aunt Amelia smiled and said "I'm glad he could put a smile to your face..." I smiled and said "I'm going to sleep...." Uncle Alex nodded and said "Alright! You need to tell me who's ass I have to beat" I laughed and said "No ones!" Mom smiled and said "Forget your Uncle Alex, go sleep!" I laughed and said "Night!" I went upstairs, got to my room and went to take a shower after the long day. As the water fell down my face and body. I felt okay, I knew that I would forgive him, like Nick and Uncle Owen said when you love someone you can overlook what happened, because you choose whether you want them in your life or you don't....

-Hope you guys enjoyed it!!!! Love you❤️

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