Carlac- A Luxsoka Fanfic

By Rainbow-Rocker

3.8K 83 6

After Ahsoka and Lux discover that they are bound by a prophecy known as a Legat the two friends relationship... More

Chapter 1: Persuasion
Chapter 2: Peace Talks
Chapter 3: Rescue
Chapter 4: Conflict
Chapter 5: Frustration
Chapter 6: Infiltrating
Chapter 7: Betrothed
Chapter 8: Healing
Chapter 9: Promises, Promises
Chapter 11: Fighting Talk
Chapter 12: Crash Landing
Chapter 13: Ice Cold
Chapter 14: Past, Present and Future
Chapter 15: Home Free
Chapter 16: Family Lost, Family Found
Chapter 17: Tensions Rising
Chapter 18: 'Till Death Do Us Part
Chapter 19: Padawan Old and New
Chapter 20: Don't Worry, We'll See Each Other Again
Chapter 21: Welcome Home
Chapter 22: Danger
Chapter 23: Worry
Chapter 24: The Plan
Chapter 25: Light, Dark, Balance, Peace
Chapter 26: Love or Liability?
Chapter 27: Love Fruit
Chapter 28: Threat
Chapter 29: Master Gone
Chapter 30: The Bounty Hunter
Chapter 31: Grieving Jedi
Chapter 32: A Criminal
Chapter 33: Information
Chapter 34: Division
Chapter 35: The Truth

Chapter 10: Terrorists

115 2 0
By Rainbow-Rocker

Yippee! I'm very pleased to announce that Carlac- A Luxsoka Fanfic has over 100 reads! Thank you to all of the readers! Now on with the story!

R2 came trundling into Ahsoka and Lux's tent after a busy night of loud terrorists packing and whiny droids to repair. The Death Watch members were about twenty minutes away from leaving the camp and Ahsoka and Lux would miss them if they slept in any longer. They were holding hands in a criss-cross pattern and Lux's head was resting between Ahsoka's monstrals. He nudged Ahsoka with his claw hand and ran into the bed and the two teens started to stir. "R2, buddy? What's wrong? What time is it?" Ahsoka asked him blearily.

He began to beep loudly and quickly to tell his story and by the end of it, R2 was beginning to overheat. Ahsoka and Lux were suddenly wide awake and getting ready, packing up his belongings as Ahsoka didn't have any. Ahsoka put on her fur coat and went outside to wait for Lux when she heard raised voices coming from the south east of her. Curiously, she began to creep towards the voices and tucked behind a snow-covered crate.

Standing in the middle of the clearing, blatantly arguing, was Bo Katan and Pre Vizla. "I don't trust that Togruta one bit! The longer she is around, the harder it is for us to keep Bonteri believing in us! She needs to go, one way or another. You know that." Bo Katan told her boss sternly and folded her arms.

Pre Vizla sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I know that she opposes our views but if she dies while under our care then Bonteri will turn on us. We need him to succeed with this plan and frankly I don't want to kill him. Plus, what's the worst possible thing that she could do? Hara is a housewife who got worried about her fiance and found us. A coincidence. You know that!" Vizla stated, smug in the belief that he had won this arguement.

Bo Katan still remained unconvinced of Ahsoka's supposed harmlessness. "I suppose your coincidence explains the Republic ship we discovered her and her droid in?" She was getting bored and agitated now but Vizla was eager to prove he was right and get the last laugh.

"As a matter of fact, it does. We've never once outrightly asked Bonteri who he aligns himself with, only that he is disillusioned with the Separatists Alliance. We know nothing of Hara's occupation so for all we know she could be a military person for the Republic. We have no proper quarrel with them even if they don't like us." With that said  he stalked away from her. Bo Katan growled with fury after he'd left and kicked a large mound of snow in frustration. She than stomped after him, leaving Ahsoka reeling at the new information she had just overheard. Never in her life would Ahsoka have guessed that Pre Vizla, the leader of Death Watch, would be defending her; albeit when he thought that she was Lux's fiance named Hara. It counted.

"Hara? Hara, where are you?" Lux called out, being careful not to use her actual name. Ahsoka walked out into the dazzling sunlit snow-covered camp which was a million miles from some of the military bases she'd been in as Jedi Padawan Commander Ahsoka Tano. Lux smiled when he saw her. "There you are. What were you doing back there?" Ahsoka really wanted to tell Lux what she overheard but out in the open like this it would be easy for someone else to eavesdrop on them.

She turned into his neck and whispered. "I'll tell you later." Lux nodded and understood. Together they walked hand-in-hand towards the set of speeders that were being loaded with belongings and people. Once Lux had helped Ahsoka onto the speeder he got on behind her, loading his suitcase into the back of the speeder. The other members started to rev their engines and the Ming Po people were sat up at the front of the group with Pre Vizla and Bo Katan as their drivers.

Wrapping his hands around Ahsoka's own, taking control of the handlebars, Lux bent down and whispered to her. "Ready?" Ahsoka nodded and felt rather giddy at the intimate attention that she was receiving. The speeders were all prepped and ready and soon the entirety of Death Watch was off!


An hour or so later and the Mandalorians- bar Lux and Ahsoka- were in the centre of the Ming Po village. "Pre Vizla! I thank you and your team for cooperating and returning our woman to us." Chief Pieter was filled with joy and gratitude for them and a large amount of dread began to bubble in Ahsoka again. She noticed a few members flying in on jetpacks and arriving later than the main bulk, on rooftops.

Pre Vizla grinned evilly and pushed Tryla towards her grandfather. "Yes, here is your granddaughter as promised." What happened next was a blur to everyone but Ahsoka would come to remember it very vividly. He whipped out the Darksaber, a treasured weapon of power and legacy among the Mandalorians, and literally stabbed Tryla in the back with it. She screamed as the blade pierced her and collapsed on her confused grandfather. Dead. "Burn it all men! You know what to do!" He ordered and his team of terrorists got to work. The Mandalorians with jetpacks activated their flamethrowers and started to burn the rooftops. The other members started to do the same but with the main structure building. Ming Po people ran around screaming and crying, dying at the hands of merciless killers. It was chaos!

Amid all the pain and suffering, Ahsoka managed to reach her dying friend and held Tryla's hand. "Go Ahsoka, save my people." Tryla whispered her last breath. Ahsoka felt a wave of sadness and anger rush through her but she found the strength to stand up and look around her. She would defend these people from Death Watch until her last breath honouring her friend and being who she was: A Jedi.

I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. Once again, I thank every reader of this story. I will update soon, as always. Bye, bye.

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