By FannyJosefina

250K 13.2K 2.8K

The sight shocks her. It shocks her more than someone should shock a girl from a small conservative village... More

1; Sailing through storms
2; Deep in the forest
3; Down the hill
4; Into the palace
5; Home to the temple
6; Over the river
7; Inside the bathhouse
8; Down by the altar
9; In my nightmares
11; Painfully different
12; Butterflies
13; Athena
14; Push and pull
15; halfway mark
16; How does it keep getting better
17; West of the mountain
18; Crash and cry
19; Little febuary
20; Tall and short
21; Violence and hatred
22; Outsider
23; Returning home
24; Over the sun, under the rain
25; Ultimatum
26; Summer nightmares
27; A brave promise
28; Matrimonium
29; My first and last
30; Lazy tears
31; Cold silence
32; Crossing the river, again
33; Prisoner
34; Escape route
35; Summer tide
36; Restricted or held
37; A final dream

10; Beneath the statue

7.1K 396 80
By FannyJosefina

"These girls are crazy"


⚠️ sexual actions ⚠️

The bells of the temple ring loudly. Irene frowns.

Her head is still fuzzy and sleepy, just like every morning. Her eyes are heavy when she tries to open them, but the loud bells don't stop ringing. She hears rustling and sighing around her, people walking around and talking. Clothes are thrown everywhere, the clinging of jewelry being thrown around, of people yelling with hushed voices. When she opens her eyes, it's still dark inside the big bedroom. Quite a contrast to how she woke up the day before.

The only light in the room are faint candles hanging by the walls. Irene can only make out the figures of the girls in the room. Some are putting on makeup by the big desks, others are getting dressed carefully. Their dresses look fancier than usual, with more gold and diamonds and decorations. Two girls are sitting on the bed next to the one where she is laying, braiding each other's hairs. Another one is frantically pulling her long blond hair into a high ponytail. Irene wonders with her heart thumping, why they are getting ready so early, and why the bells are ringing through the temple. Is it some sort of alarm? Danger? Fire? Or is it just for them to wake up? She doesn't know anything.

The two girls next to her get ready first. Irene has no idea how to put on her white dress, or how to do her hair or makeup here, so she just waits with a baffled expression, hiding partially under the covers. It seems like she doesn't have to worry though. After Aoede has gotten ready, with her hair in a ponytail, golden stars in her hair, makeup light but sweet, and dress fancy but revealing, she motions Irene to come over. She helps the girl get dressed, and soon after, Evadne helps too. Through her confusion and fear over this place, Irene has to admit that everyone has been very nice. Maybe a little annoying sometimes, and teasing, but overall nice.

Evadne and Aoede decide that Irene shouldn't wear too much makeup. Her naturally cuter face is already special and the girls at the temple want to see her natural face. They are all curious of course. Curious about the outsider. They dress her in a more revealing dress than before, and Irene forces herself not to think about it too much. Go with the flow. Try to learn some new words today and not focus on their weird traditions. But they still give her a pair of golden earrings, and some cute decorations in her hair, which they keep loose and naturally curly.

"Ten minutes left, let's start heading out"

Irene can only guess that the red haired girl standing in the middle of the room is their dorm leader. Or whatever they call it. She's often talking loudly and with a commanding voice, and the girls do what she asks them to. After the red haired girl has spoken, everyone finishes up what they are doing and start walking towards the door, with her in the lead. Aoede grabs Irene's hand and leads her out of the room, following the rest of the girls. There is a stream of white clothed women walking down the corridors with them. Irene is confused but doesn't dare to make a sound, following Aoede without making trouble.

They walk down to the dining hall below. It's completely full, chattering and all kinds of other sounds spreading out. No matter where she looks Irene will spot someone, standing around or sitting by the tables. Everyone is trying to find a place to sit, and Irene sees hundreds of people she didn't see the day before. She holds onto Aoede's hand as well as she can, terrified of letting go and being lost in the big crowd. It's still quite dark outside, but the light from the sun is peeking behind the hills.

After a few minutes all the girls from her bedroom have found tables to sit at. Irene is next to Aoede, but Evadne is nowhere to be seen, lost somewhere between the crowd. Instead she is surrounded by a whole bunch of unfamiliar faces, and scoots closer to the one girl that she knows. Despite everyone's focus being on the stage in front of them, she can still feel their stares on her. Everyone is watching the outsider. Everyone is curious. Of course they are. Irene simply bites the inside of her cheek and stays quiet, also focusing on the stage.

It seems like forever, the girls chattering and talking loudly, before someone walks up to the stage. Everyone goes dead silent, as the people on the stage put offerings under the statue. The first girl carries a white vase, decorated with painted pink flowers, and it's filled with flowers in different colors. She pours the contents of the vase over Aphrodites feet. Then she leaves the stage, and another one gets up instead. Her vase has a picture of a golden dragon, and she pours down a bunch of golden necklaces, earrings, jewelry and clean coins. They make loud clinging sounds as they fall down by the goddesses feet, next to the flowers.

The next girl carries a light blue vase. Pictures of different goddesses are painted on the vase. She pours down a mixture of different gems and diamonds, shining in all the colors of the rainbow. Irene's eyes widen at the amount of expensive things they have as offerings. In her village people bring whatever food they are willing to sacrifice, or maybe some nice rocks they found. Here they seem to have an endless amount of gold, jewels and pretty things. When the third girl leaves the stage, she is followed by someone Irene can actually recognize.


The leader, from what she has gathered.

Ariadne turns around, facing the goddess, and bows down three times. Then she also lays an offering, but it's different from the rest. She puts a necklace around the statue's marble neck. It's a golden necklace that holds a big, shining ruby. Irene is surprised yet again. She has never seen a gem that big. After she is finished, Ariadne mutters something in their language before turning around and facing the crowd.

"It is said that Goddess Aphrodite is the most beautiful woman in the world"

Her voice booms through the room, and although Irene can't understand, she's absolutely captivated by everything that Ariadne is saying.

"Those who are fools believe that she looks a certain way, but we all know why she is the most beautiful"

There are nods of agreement around the room. Everyone seems to have huge respect for Ariadne, listening to her every word and staring at her with admiring eyes. Some are lustful with their gazes. Whoever Ariadne picks to spend the night with her during little February will become the most popular girl for a very long time. It's a huge honor. They spend a big part of their life chasing after the leader of their temple, trying their best to be close with her, spend a night with her. Very few succeed.

"Appearance is a matter of preference, and we know that the Goddess can change her appearance to match your utmost desires"

Irene doesn't understand what she is saying, but she is fascinated by her strong aura. Ariadne's strawberry blond hair, shining eyes, strong body and tall figure all draw her in. Ariadne is completely her type, although she doesn't really know that yet. Irene has never explored feelings like love or lust before, she hasn't gotten the opportunity or time. But Ariadne is someone special, waking up something inside of her that she never knew before.

"But as simple mortals we cannot change our appearances like our divine goddess. So we must take other measures"

Momentarily Irene wonders what it would be like to be kissed by Ariadne. Those soft, pink lips that she has, are almost taunting. She has already kissed the girls that she sleeps next to, a few times the day before. But it's nowhere near the same feeling that she is getting now.

"So this little February, I advice you all to be open minded with your preferences. Try something new, explore your interests. As servants of Aphrodite we need to do our very best to please her, and we can't do that unless we try. So as a goal today, spend time with someone you don't know, kiss someone you haven't spoke to before, talk to someone you've never dared to speak to before. That is how new relationships, new love, and new lust is formed"

The girls in the room agree with their leader. They look at each other and whisper praises. Talking about how good their leader is with words, and how smart she is. Some just stay silent, continuing to stare at their leader with those intimidating, lustful and admiring eyes of theirs. Irene thinks that she would cower and run away if she had to stand on that stage, but Ariadne seems to thrive from the attention and admiration. She is the most extroverted person Irene has ever met.

"Little February is about loving each other, in order to worship our goddess Aphrodite. As usual each and every one of us will lay offerings by the feet of one of the ten statues on the temple grounds. At eight pm dinner is hosted, and tonight our special guest is leader Thea from Athena's temple. Spend your time wisely today, and do your best to worship her gloriousness Aphrodite. Now, let us begin the ceremony"

Everyone stands up when Ariadne finishes her speech. Irene stands up as well, her body well hidden behind all the tall girls around her. Ariadne raises her hands up in the air.

"Today we worship you! Send down your glory upon us! Three bows for the goddess of love!"

The temple bells ring once again, and everyone starts to bow down. Irene looks around in confusion for a second before copying them, not wanting to be the odd man out. Ariadne doesn't bow, instead she keeps her arms raised in the air. When the bells finally stop ringing, the bowing comes to an end. The girls start heading out of the room, but it takes awhile. There are hundreds inside and only one main opening. Aoede stays seated patiently, so Irene does the same. When she looks back at the stage, Ariadne has disappeared out a different exit. She wonders if she'll see the leader at all today, or will she be somewhere else, like yesterday.

When the room is almost empty, Aoede and some other girls at their table get up. Irene follows the black haired girl, trying not to get lost. Aoede is no longer holding onto her hand, and Irene can only assume that they have nowhere they need to be. She's free to go as she wants to. But she doesn't want to walk freely. The girls here are terrifying, staring at her from every corner that they can, curious, lustful, amused. And the temple grounds are so huge, Irene already knows that she's going to get lost. However, she hates to feel like a burden, and when Aoede drifts away with some other girls, she stays put inside the temple hallway.

Irene stays still for a few minutes, not daring to go anywhere. It takes awhile before she has gathered her courage to walk outside, on her own. The sight is even more dirty than before. Irene is starting to understand what this tradition is all about, when she sees how "close" everyone is getting. She quickly rushes through the open grounds, ignoring some of the staring eyes and lustful gazes, hiding in one of the many outdoor hallways.

Despite everything that's going on, it's very beautiful at the temple. The morning sun shines down on the temple wall, and it's a perfect temperature. Not too hot like usual, and not too cold like in the morning. Vines with beautiful, pink and purple flowers grow by the walls. Grass grows between the marble tiles on the ground. It smells amazing, everything mixing together. The salt from the sea, brought by the gentle breeze, the beautiful flowers and sweet plants, the mystical smell of the building and the oils and perfumes that the girls wear all drift through the air. Irene smiles at the beauty of it all, forgetting her situation for awhile, and wanders through the hallway.

It doesn't take long before she spots two girls by the hallway wall. As she carefully looks closer, she notices that they are in fact, making out. It doesn't really surprise her anymore, but it still makes her timid and nervous, and maybe a little curious. One has blond hair and the other one is a brunette, the latter one being taller. The blond one easily accepts all of the brunettes touches, her body practically melting like butter, looking so beautiful and perfect. Irene thinks that they look so in love, so perfect, but she guesses that they are only kissing casually, not a couple type of thing. That is something that she probably will never understand.

Irene wonders if she could just casually walk by and they won't spare her a glance. After building up a little more confidence, she does exactly so. Her steps are soft and silent, her entire body is small and she guesses that they won't hear her at all. But the opposite happens. The two girls stop kissing each other and turn to look at her, one with a smirk and the other one smiling kindly. Irene wonders which one she should trust more. The one who displays her feelings openly, or the one that could be hiding something devilish behind that angelic smile.

"That's the outsider, right?"

The blond haired smiling girl nods at whatever her smirking friend has just said. Irene is frozen. She has turned to look at them politely, but she can only stare with fear, wondering what they are about to do. It would only be awkward to run away. Or even worse, what if they would start to follow her? Irene can only be still in confusion.

"She looked curious earlier, poor thing is all alone"

And with those words the brunette is beckoning her forwards. Irene gulps but doesn't see any point in disobeying. It's not like she has anything else to do, and if someone is willing to be with her, who is she to say no? These girls seem to come and go, spend time with her, assure her and then leave her like nothing happened. Irene is beginning to think that it's what they do here. Spend intimate, loving moments with each other, and then move on to the next like there was nothing between them in the first place. As an outsider, she doesn't quite understand it. But being desperate to be under the protection and lead of someone new, after Aoede abandoning her, Irene gladly walks up to the two girls.

The taller hooks her finger under Irene's jaw and connects their lips, faster than what Irene had first expected. She lets out a gasp of surprise into the kiss. The brunettes tongue threatens to push inside of her mouth, but she doesn't go quite there yet. Instead they just keep kissing, and just like how Aoede and Evadne did, the girl teaches her what to do as they go. It's simple and sweet, with a few tingles and sparks of pleasure. Irene doesn't even notice that the shorter blond girl is gently tracing her waist with her smooth fingers, until she is pulled to her side.

The kiss between her and the brunette is broken, and without getting time to breathe properly, the blond connects their lips instead. She is held by the waist, her body pressed close to the other girl. The kiss is similar to the other one, sweet, confident, overall very nice. But when she lets go, Irene feels overwhelmed and embarrassed. It's too much. When she spent time with Aoede and Evadne, they took their sweet time, going so slow that Irene had time to run five hundred marathons in her head, thinking it through before they kissed. But normal kisses are faster, they are more impulsive, and Irene is probably not ready for that.

At least, Irene feels like she's not ready.

And all she can do is run away from them, not looking back, a deep blush over her cheeks.

So when the gates to the outside suddenly appear in front of her, about to be closed, Irene can only think of one thing. She has to get out of here. These girls are crazy.


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