Thing Of The Past |Dabi x Rea...

By WolfKali

134K 4K 692

He promised to never make her cry, he promised to protect her, he promised he would be there for her. And... More

A/N IK its annoying but please-
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

3.2K 107 15
By WolfKali

"Touya? You almost done? You've been in there forever!" Y/n called from outside the bedroom. Touya gave one last disgusted look at himself before opening the door and walking to the shared bed where Y/n was. She blushed a little at the sight of him shirtless. "You could have at least finished dressing first..." She look away, Touya smirked. "Yeah? Sorry, but sleeping with a shirt on is uncomfortable."

"I guess I can get that, I don't sleep with pants on sometimes cause of how uncomfortable it gets." Touya's mind ran wild with thoughts of what Y/n would look like with her beautiful legs and sexy ass exposed. He shook his head before flopping down next to her. "Why not take em off then?"

"T-Touya! Are you crazy? I can't do that!" Y/n's face turned red. "N-Not with you watching..." Touya leaned in closer to her. "Why not?" Touya hums. Y/n swallows the lump that was forming in her throat, she didn't back away when Touya got closer. "Because...Because I..." She couldn't find the words. Touya was so close to her now, that his nose brushed against hers. His deep soothing voice sent shivers down her spine.

"Y/n...listen to me." He goes on. "If I had to do something, something bad, would you there for me?" He asks. "Something bad? Like what?" Y/n asks. "I don't know...Just something that a lot of people would frown upon..." Y/n was only getting more and more confused. "Touya, I don't understand." Of course she wouldn't. There was no point in pushing her further.

"Ok never mind, just promise me, even if this quirk of mine does end up killing me, even if I loose myself to it, even if I'm not the same as I was, please promise me, you won't ever forget about me. The real me."

Y/n was still confused, but she didn't want to upset Touya anymore than he was. "I promise. Even if all that happens, I'll still remember how kind you were. And how much you cared about me. I'll always remember and love the best parts of you, and I'll still love you, even at your worse." Touya's eyes went wide.

"Love?" Y/n nods and places her hand on his, her face still red, she spoke with that same bright smile Touya loved so much. "Yeah...I guess if we're going to run away together you should know." She intertwines her fingers with his. "I love you Touya. I have for a while but, I was too much of a wimp to say anything. I thought you wouldn't feel the same, and that if I told you, I would ruin our friendship."

"But I do Touya, I love you so much." 

Without a second thought, Touya leaned in, his lips met her own soft ones. A bit surprised at first, Y/n eased into the kiss. Touya wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist and pulled her onto his lap, slowly deepening the kiss. "Touya..." Y/n panted as she pulled back. 

The hell with it, if Touya had little time to spend with Y/n, he might as well finally do this. He would remember her from the way she looked, the way she spoke, the way she laughed, and even the way she looked right now. "I love you, Y/n...Please can I..." Y/n nods before kissing him deeply. 

The two would never forget this night, where they gave in to a night of passion.

However, the start of that relationship was the end of it. Not even a week later, Touya was pronounced dead. Y/n was left alone and heartbroken, two days before he died, he left her without a goodbye. She never knew why he left like he did, why he would say he loved her, then leave her all alone. Was he just playing her this entire time? No, he couldn't have, Touya would never do that to her, or anyone. So...why?

She would never know. 

Days turned to weeks, turned to months, turned to years. She had never truly moved on from Touya, anytime she would try to start a new relationship with someone else, he would always appear in her mind, making it more difficult to live a life with someone other than him.

That is until...he came along....

Y/n awoke alone in her bed, it didn't surprise her that Dabi wasn't there, but after last night she thought he would have stayed longer. It made her a feel something she hadn't felt since the beginning of this "relationship". She was disappointed, she really thought after that night they fought, he would have turned a new leaf. "That's what I get for hoping." Y/n mutters before hopping out of bed. As she got ready for work, she kept wondering why she let him back in. Why she forgave him. Was it because she missed him? It had to be, otherwise she would have never forgiven him so easily. 

Or maybe, it's because of how he acted last night. He seemed so worried, like genuinely worried about her. To the point where he would have left just to kill the man who laid his filthy hands on her. Then thought about if Dabi actually loved her. Dabi, a villain who has no sympathy for anyone, who would kill just to get his way, who would do the absolute worst and heinous acts imaginable simply because he could, was concerned about her. Just some woman who would occasionally let him stay and have sex with her. 

She offered him no real purpose, she was no use to him outside of "reliving tensions". So why bother? Y/n paused just as she put her hand on the front door knob. Then she had this very concerning thought....

Did she love Dabi?

"No...I don't." She said aloud to herself, more as a confirmation than a guess. She didn't love him, she couldn't. The only person she loved, is no longer around, and will never return.  

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