Ran Away (DRAFT)


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Heather was abused continuously when she lived with her family, but when she finally, gave in to the temptati... More

Ran Away, Now I Can Kick Butt
Chapter 1 - New Friends
Chapter 2 - What to do With Her?
Chapter 3 - New Pack
Chapter 4 - Finding the Dead Alpha's Daughter
Chapter 5 - Answers That Refuse to Come
Chapter 6 - Finding Her...........Again
Chapter 7 - The Fight
Chapter 8 - New Position
Chapter 9 - Training
Chapter 10 - Revenge on James
Chapter 11 - What the Hell!!!!
Chapter 12 - Run......Dinner Time
Chapter 13 - Revenge on Heather
Chapter 14 - Should I Accept?
Chapter 15 - Becoming Alpha
Chapter 16 - New Positions and Surprises
Chapter 17 - Home Sweet Home.......NOT!
Chapter 18 - Nasty Surprises
Chapter 19 - What a Morning
Chapter 20 - The Date
Chapter 21 - Someone Call 000
Chapter 22 - The Ride Home
Chapter 23 - Emmerson's Awkward Moment
Chapter 24 - Emotions Show
Chapter 25 - Mate, I've got One Thing Left to Say...Piss Off!
Chapter 26 - Jordan's Confession
Chapter 27 - Yes or No...And Fighting?
Chapter 28 - Patrol With Emmerson, Not The Best Idea
Chapter 29 - The REAL Hulk
Chapter 30 - Rouges
Chapter 31 - Falling
Chapter 32 - Ray and Ellie aka. Mum and Dad
Chapter 33 - Unknown
Chapter 35 - Run Gaby Run
Chapter 36 - Don't Piss off a Werewolf
Chapter 37 - LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!
Chapter 38 - Where the Hell am I?
Chapter 39 - Bring it on
Authors Note
Another authors note sorry
Chapter 40 - Rouges Vs Packs
Chapter 41 - For Better or for Worse
Chapter 42 - Death and Destruction
Chapter 43 - Rouges
Chapter 44 - Pack House Welcoming
Chapter 45 - Just the Beginning

Chapter 34 - This is Slightly Random......

3K 43 5

sorry bout the wait again guys, just been a bit tired and PLEASE  let me know what you think of the book and the characters!


Emmerson's P.O.V

"GET OFF ME YOU HIPPO!" I screamed at Drake who had me pinned to the ground. I could literally FEEL him smirking behind me and that just got me all the more angry!

"But what if I don't want to?" He asked cockily. I squirmed under his weight, making him groan slightly when I kicked him.

I jumped out from under him and dusted myself off from imaginary dust...at least, I think it is imaginary.  Without wasting more of my valuable time I raced off further in to the forest while trying to do two things at once. 1) Run away from Drake and 2) track down that bitch of a friend named Gaby.

I stopped running when I heard the movement in the bushes, I swear to god if that is Gaby again I'm going to kill her. I stepped towards it cautiously, while desperately trying to keep my mind focused on the bush and not the fact the Drake could appear at any given moment.

"Gaby?" I called out nervously, honestly hoping that it was her that was hiding behind there. No-one answered which only made me more nervous about what might happen. Right now, my very 'pleasant' imagination was playing images of me being beaten and murdered right before my  eyes, so I just shooed the thoughts away.

I growled at the bush and quickly jumped in to it, while tackling a person to the ground. I looked down at the person's face and immediately started to calm down slightly, seeing that it was Trent. Wait a minute? TRENT! I jumped off of him almost as quickly as I had tackled him and  death glared my mate who was pouting at me with them adorable puppy eyes of his.....WAIT! NOT ADORABLE! WHAT AM I THINKING?! Can someone please call a mental hospital for me now? 

"Awwww, why'd you get up Emmerson?" He asked; still pouting with them irresistable eyes of his. I looked away from him angrily and I flipped him the bird. That should be enough of an answer shouldn't it?

I heard him chuckle and I quickly shot my eyes towards his figure again. He was giving me a look filled with love and lust and I just decided to give him the finger again. Wow, at this rate I'm going to have to buy myself a bird cage.

While I was contemplating what size of a cage I should get I failed to notice that Trent had gotten to his feet and had his face a couple of inches away from mine. I stepped away from him and he took a step forward, it continued to go like that until I got annoyed and tripped him over.

"Are you turning in to a stalker now?" I asked him with disbelief evident on my features. Trent just chuckled again as he slowly rose to his feet.

"Yes," He answered proudly. Should he be proud of that? "Got to make sure you are friends with people that won't hurt you."

I silently gagged in my head at his comment, but managed to keep it to myself. Why is he being such a possessive brat for?

"Listen. Now!" I barked out; catching Trent by surprise, "I am not a toy, I am not a possession and I am certainly not about to be controlled by you! And if you have a problem with that then you should just leave."

Trent stared in to my eyes with a determined expression sketched on to his face. I swear he looks like a cartoon right now. "No, I don't want to!" He said stubbornly, making me pissed off all the more. I clenched and unclenched my fists in anger. Right now I need to save my energy for Gaby, not for this idiot. 

"You really don't want to argue with me at the moment Trent," I growled through clenched teeth. He stepped back from me slightly and I did a small happy dance in my head.....DISCO! BABY DISCO! Oh no, I'm getting distracted again aren't I?

He threw his hands up in the air in defence and smiled slightly. "Not my fault you have anger issues," He said smugly, making me want to tear his throat out. Before he realised anything was happening I had Trent pinned against the tree by his throat. His hand grabbed mine and he tried to pry my fingers away from his neck but I just tightened my hold in anger.

"Take that back. And I will lt you go," I said slowly, like I was talking to a child who didn't want to give up his lolly pop. Yummy lolly pop......NO! Don't get distracted.

"Fine," He breathed out through my death grip, "I'm sorry," I let go of him and he fell to the floor while clutching on to his neck for dear life. I gave him yet again, another bird and walked off in to the forest, hopefully towards the pack house.

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