By CrescentRWBY

74.8K 2.4K 1.2K

"Why I want to be a hero...? What kind of hero I want to be...? I... I... I'm not sure myself... I don't know... More

Chapter 1 (S1)
Chapter 2
Sleeping Kuuga
Chapter 3
Kuuga and Jiro
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (S2)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
not a chapter
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (S3)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
New chapter?
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thanks for 2k
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Sayo: "Yoohoo!
πŸ’žSave The World With Love!πŸ’ž
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 1🎞
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 2🎞
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 3🎞
Zero: Q&A and Feedback section
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 4🎞
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (S4)
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Announcement (important)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Gear check!
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 (S5)
Surprise! (Special Chapter)
Status update (not a chapter)
How original
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Not a chapter update
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
In All of Our Hearts
Competitive Bowling (Zero OVA)
Chapter 68
Photo issues (not a chapter)
Chapter 69
Father's Day Special Chapter
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Plans and Curiosity
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 1
Advanced happy new year
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 2
New Art
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 3
Meet the characters
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 4

Chapter 37

536 17 2
By CrescentRWBY

Izuku: "Everyone, let's keep going like this!"

Class 1-A: "Yeah!"

Makabe: "Most are getting repelled, huh?"

Shindo: "I guess we shouldn't be surprised that something like this won't take down U.A…."

Makabe starts kneading his hands.

Makabe: "But well, I think I see now…"

Makabe releases his hands, showing four hard-looking objects as the voice of Present Mic introduces him.

Present Mic: "Ketsubutsu Academy, second-year, Shikkui Makabe! Quirk: Stiffening! He can make objects he kneads or scrapes with both hands super hard! However, it does not work on living things!"

Makabe: "I'm leaving it to you!"

Makabe tosses the objects at his ally, who catches it.

Toteki: "I'll take it from here. But I might just end up finishing ahead of you all. I hope you let it pass because it means you have less people to go up against. Target Lock-On…"

The solid-objects starts to glow purple as he throws it at the U.A. students. The solid-objects then moved under the ground, creating a destructive slope from behind as it moved forward to Class 1-A's position.

Toteki: "Boomerang: Crescent Moon Trajectory. (Mentally) The targets have been determined. Since their trajectories are hiding underground, you won't be able to react."

Present Mic: "Ketsubutsu Academy, second year, Itejiro Toteki! Quirk: Boomerang! He can throw objects in his hands at any trajectory he wishes! He can even throw them underground!"

Izuku: "What in the world are they?!"

Annya: "It's going to pop-up from the ground, we need to stop it."

Jiro ran in front of them.

Jiro: "Get back! I'll take this!"

She plugged her Earphone jacks into her amplifiers on her wrists and placed it on the ground.

Jiro: "Sound amplification… Amplifier Jack… Heartbeat Distortion!"

The ground suddenly broke apart towards the Ketsubutsu students.

Toteki: "She's digging up the ground! But-"

The now solid balls in the air changed trajectory and went straight for Mineta.

Mineta: (panicking) "They're coming for me!""

Ashido: "Maximum viscosity and solubility… Acid Veil!"

Ashido launched some acid towards the balls and melted it in an instant.

Mineta: "Thanks! That's a great move."

Ashido: "It's a defensive move that puts up a melty wall!"

Annya: "Black death under the sunlight… Seven-Hundred spears!"

The shadow under her and her classmates formed into spears with orange balls on its end and launched towards her old schoolmates. Destroying the ground again.

Tatami: "Amara is insane!"

Annya: (growls) "It's Annya!"

Tokoyami covers himself with Dark Shadow.

Tokoyami: "Black Abyss!"

Izuku: "It's easier to say, and cooler, too!"

Tokoyami: "Piercing Twilight Claws!"

Tokoyami: "Piercing Twilight Claws!"

Dark Shadow's hand extended towards Tatami who dodged by pulling her upper body into her lower part. Her head pops out from her waist before all of her upper body pops out completely.

Tatami: "So strong!"

Present Mic: "Ketsubutsu Academy, second year, Tatami Nakagame! Quirk: Telescopic! She can fold her body into itself like a turtle. It'll make you faint if you see it on a dark road at night!"

Shindo: "I see. This isn't the Class A from the sports festival. They've grown a lot."

The speakers turned on again, revealing Mera's tired voice.

Mera: (speaker, tiredly) "There's still a stalemate in all quarters… No one has passed yet. Oh, when we get any reports, I will announce them all from this broadcasting area."

Sayo: "No one has passed yet!"

Shindo: (clasps hands together) "All right! Get away! Their defenses seem strong!"

Shindo puts both of his hands on the ground.

Shindo: "Break!"

Annya's eyes widened.

Annya: "Oh no…"

Shindo: "Maximum Force! Tremoring earth!"

The ground began shaking, imitating an earthquake.

Iida: "Everyone, run!"

Ashido: "What the heck is this?!"

Sayo: "An earthquake!"

Mineta: "This is crazy!"

Uraraka: "Deku!"

Everyone in Class 1-A got engulfed by the dust

Shindo: "We've got ultimate moves, too, of course."

Present Mic: "Ketsubutsu Academy, second year, Yo Shindo! Quirk: Vibrate! He can make the things he touches vibrate! However, aftershocks based on the strength of the vibrations transfer to his body, making him unable to move."

The scene changes to Todoroki and Kuuga walking beside each other in an area with pipes, but stopped when they felt the ground shake a little.

Todoroki: "Tremors? An earthquake?"

Kuuga: "No. It's probably a quirk. Possibly nearby or just strong enough to feel it this far. Anyway, we should continue and be alert."

Todoroki: (nods) "Yeah."

The scene changes to a city-looking area as multiple examinees witness some of the mountain structure move.

Examinee 1: "What kind of quirk is that?"

Examinee 2: "Which school is it from?"

Examinee 3: "Don't lose focus! The enemy's close!"

On top of one of the buildings, Inasa and Murasaki are seen overlooking the hundreds of examinees.

Murasaki: "This looks very greedy, Yoarashi."

Mera: (speaker) "Now, there should be one or two who've passed by now…"

From below, the multiple examinees felt the wind rising.

Examinee 1: "Wind?"

The wind pressure increased, making everyone's balls fly away.

Examinee 3: "Huh?!"

Examinee 2: "Hey, our balls!"

Examinee 4: "Just the balls are getting pulled up!"

The scene changes to Inasa floating as a wind tornado surrounds him.

Inasa: "I think heroes need passion! All of your fights are so passionate! I love passion!"

Murasaki: "Stop sharing everything you love, Yoarashi!"

Inasa: "I'm sorry!"

Murasaki: "Tch… whatever, just give me the signal."

Examinee 5: "Shiketsu High School! Only two of them?"

Examine 6: "What are they saying? I kinda get it, though…"

Examinee 7: "Wait, now that they got our balls, we can't…!"

Inasa: "Takara!"

Murasaki: "Okay! Amethyst Rain!"

Multiple amethyst crystals emerged from the sky, blocking everyone's escape route as they all stood in the middle.

Present Mic: "Shiketsu High School, first year, Murasaki-Suisho Takara! Quirk: Amethyst! He can produce Amethyst crystals from thin air in any size! Talk about getting rich with your crystals!"

Murasaki: "Make sure I get some of them eliminated! (Coughs) I think some idiot just said my crystals can make me rich! They're worthless!"

Murasaki produced small amethyst crystals and stuck all the balls in his arsenal to it and lets it get sucked up by the wind tornado.

Inasa: "Okay… Please let us join in your passionate fighting! We're looking… forward to it!"

All the balls launched down towards all the examinees on the street, eliminating all of them.

Mera: (speaker) "Oh, finally, someone passed… What?! Th-There were 120 people taken out?! Two people took out 120 people and passed!"

Inasa: "All right! We won! Takara!"

Murasaki: "Shut up! You took your sweet time!"

Mera: (speaker) "Um, well, I'm so surprised that I'm awake now. It looks like they'll just keep coming now. Everyone, please do your best as quickly as possible."

The scene changes to Annya sneaking around all the debris. She peeked through an opening, seeing Izuku standing in front of a female examinee from Shiketsu high school but quickly saw the Ketsubutsu students staring at the two. She quickly hides behind a boulder, and peeks through a tiny gap.

Toteki: "Man, Shiketsu's here, too. I don't like it."

Annya: "At this rate, I can't get to Izuku… Everyone seems to be separated…"

The ground under Izuku explodes but the broccoli hair manages to dodge all of the projectiles and attacks thrown at him.

"Uraraka": "Are you okay? Over here! Hurry!"

Annya looks at the top of the ruins to see "Uraraka" extending her hand out to Izuku.

Annya: "I need to regroup with them…"

One of the examinees launched a water attack at "Uraraka," knocking her over the edge. Izuku quickly blasts off towards her, catching her mid-air.

Examinee 1: "An opening!"

Izuku landed, carrying "Uraraka" bridal style, and kicking debris towards the Examinees, destroying another chunk of terrain.

Examinee 2: "Damn it! He's making us lose our footing!"

Some of the examinees ran after Izuku and "Uraraka" but were intercepted by a set of shadow spears and got knocked back into the debris. The scene changes to Annya looking at the site with her arm extended out before running in the same direction where Izuku ran off to and encountered a certain tape guy and the real gravity girl on the way.


The scene changes to Izuku hiding behind some debris with "Uraraka."

Examinee 1: "Man, U.A.'s fast at running away!"

Examinee 2: "Gone! Are they hiding?"

Examinee 3: "I'm sure they're close! Anyway, I was thinking about this earlier, but isn't this kind of inefficient?"

Izuku continues to peek from behind their cover.

"Uraraka": "Thanks. Sorry, I messed up."

Izuku: (not looking at her) "No, it's not that…"

"Uraraka" blushes a bit and slowly pushes an orange ball towards one of Izuku's targets but the broccoli boy manages to slap it away at the last second.

Izuku: "Could you be someone from Shiketsu?"

"Uraraka": "Huh?"

Izuku: "Uraraka has been training with her quirk so that if it's for a short time, she can ignore the side effects and use it on herself."

Izuku took a step back.

Izuku: "But to not even try to use it even though you were in danger… and above all, to show yourself to the enemy with no plan in mind! That's not like the Uraraka I know at all!"

"Uraraka": (giggles) "If you saved me even though you noticed…"

"Uraraka" slowly melts off, revealing the mouth of Camie from Shiketsu High School.

Camie: "...does that mean you were trying to use me, instead?"

Izuku: "I-I didn't think that far ahead. (Tenses up) But I'm glad I saved you then. Because if you're not Uraraka, then you couldn't have floated away. If you kept falling the way you were, then you would've definitely injured your back."

Camie: "Oh? I see. So that's why you did it… I want you to tell me more about yourself."

Izuku: (mentally) "Can't we do this after the exam?"

Camie: "Will you save anyone? Where's the boundary? Where do you draw the line?"

The Uraraka form completely melts, revealing Camie with no clothing, but only the mysterious liquid covering certain areas. (Oh boy, that sounds wrong)

Izuku: "Wait, your clothes! Why are you naked? Please put something on!"

Camie began running towards him.

Camie: "I will after I do what I need to do!"

Camie tries to strike the right side of Izuku's face, but he dodges but ends up scratching his cheek.

Izuku: (mentally) "A scratch? What is the matter with her?!"

Camie tries to run towards him again but a certain tape starts to surround her along with a certain shadow spear preparing to wrap her as well.

Camie: "Jeez."

Izuku: (mentally) "Tape! Shadow!"

The scene changes to Sero and Annya standing beside each other, both their quirks active.

Sero: "Midoriya! What's with this enviable situation you're in?!"

Annya: "Can't the girl control herself during the exam?"

Izuku: "Sero! Kuroishi!"

Annya: "It's Annya!"

Sero: "Uraraka!"

Uraraka appears behind the two floating towards Izuku and Camie.

Uraraka: (clasps fingers together) "Release!"

Uraraka fell down like a missile towards Camie but the shiketsu student managed to step back and dodge her attack.

Uraraka: (mentally) "What amazing reflexes!"

Camie backflips towards a rock and sits on it.

Camie: "Things were just getting good… too bad… I really, really… wanted to talk to you more. But it's impossible like this. It's really too bad… Ochaco Uraraka. He really trusts you a lot."

Uraraka: "Huh?"

Camie turned around and jumped away.

Sero: "Hey, stop, you molester!"

Annya: "That perverted woman should be annihilated!"

The two tried to go after her but Izuku stopped them.

Izuku: "You don't have to follow her!"

Sero: (whining) "Why not?"

Izuku: "It might've been because of her quirk, but she's not wearing her clothes or her targets. There's still a chance she might come after us, but taking into consideration the time we have left and everything, it would be hard to get a point off her. More importantly, you three are the real thing, right?"

Sero: "What are you talking about, Midoriya?"

Izuku: "Well, actually, the girl earlier transformed to look exactly like Uraraka…"

Sero, Uraraka: "Huh?!"

Annya: "I thought the Uraraka earlier was real, but when I encountered you two-"

Sero cuts her off and began shaking Izuku by the shoulders.

Sero: "Was she naked, Midoriya?!"

Izuku: (dizzy) "That's what you're concerned about?! She was wearing her costume!"

The scene changes to the four of them calming down.

Sero: "So that molester's quirk is to transform into others, huh?"

Izuku: "Probably."

Sero: "The other schools really know a lot about us, huh? If they even know you and Uraraka are good friends…"

Izuku: "Maybe it's because we were on the same team for the cavalry battle at the sports festival."

Annya: "It's a good point. I was watching the festival at that time."

Uraraka: "Oh, I see."

Izuku: "More importantly, how did you three find me?"

Sero: "Annya found us and led us here, there I saw a fight and rushed over. I also met up with Uraraka before encountering Annya."

Uraraka: "I'm glad we made it in time!"

Izuku: "Yeah, thanks."

Uraraka: "We've got four for now, right?"

Annya: "Yes. For now."

Sero: "I wish we could meet up with the others who got separated, though."

Izuku: "But 27 people have already passed the first test. We have to hurry. It'll hit a hundred before we know it!"

The scene changes to an area full of pipes where Todoroki and Kuuga are seen hiding behind the shadows.

Todoroki: (mentally) "The other guys are moving around in groups of ten or more. We could attack first, but it would be annoying if there are people with quirks the both of us are weak against. Ideally, the other teams would fight each other and bring each other down before we launch an attack, but…"

Mera: (speaker) "Let's see, things have been moving quickly. The current people who have passed are 49- No, 50. They just keep on coming. Since there were people who took out more than two people, there are now 230 people who have failed. And just now, the 51st person has passed. Less than half left now! By one… Hurry up! Finish!"

Kuuga: "We can't wait around, Todoroki. Let's go."

Todoroki: "Yeah."

The two began running but suddenly two orange balls came flying towards them.

Kuuga: "Two on our left."

Kuuga uses his mist to redirect the direction of the ball while Todoroki blasted it with flames, incinerating it.

Seijin 1: (unseen) "That was pretty good."

Kuuga and Todoroki found themselves in front of ten students from Seijin High School who were all standing on some of the metal pipes and tanks.

Seijin 1: "As expected of the two runner-ups of the U.A. Sports festival… Todoroki and Kiriu, right? I can't believe you two are only acting together. That's amazing. You two must be really confident."

Seijin 2: "But even if they're from U.A., acting almost alone'll get you two in trouble, don't you think?"

Seijin 3: "It's two-on-ten, you know. What're you two going to do?"

Todoroki: "Thanks- for saving us the trouble of finding you."

Kuuga: "It made us a bit comfortable since we don't have to find someone to defeat."

Seijin 1: (chuckles) "Aren't you two cool."

Some of the Seijin students jumped towards them and throwed their orange balls but Todoroki formed an Ice buried while Kuuga made a mist barrier, deflecting the ball, Kuuga pulled up his scarf to his mouth as mist surrounded some of the Seijin students' feet. Todoroki follows the same and froze some of the other's feet. Immobilizing all of them.

Seijin 4: "Damn it, I can't move!"

Kuuga: (sighs) "Everyone's captured."

Kuuga and Todoroki are seen holding orange balls.

Todoroki: "You guys… Are you sure you watched the sports festival?"

One of the Seijin students brought out a Hex nut and threw it at them.

Seijin 1: "Of course we watched it!"

The Hex nut suddenly increases in size but Todoroki launches an ice attack and stops the Nut from advancing. The ice threatened to break but Kuuga's mist cushioned the front of the ice, minimizing damage.

Kuuga: "Quirk that makes things bigger… interesting."

Seijin 1: "That's not all!"

He began throwing more nuts and even nails, but Todoroki and Kiriu managed to block them with ease.

Kuuga: "My mist won't hold for long, so as your ice, we should reposition."

The ice suddenly shattered as another enlarged hex nut flew towards them. Todoroki uses his fire in an attempt to melt it but it fails.

Kuuga: "That must be tungsten, move!"

Kuuga uses his mist to throw Todoroki and himself out of the way.

The Seijin students who were held with mist got out of the hold since Kuuga deactivated his quirk and helped their schoolmates out of the ice hold.

Seijin 1: "They're not made out of ordinary metal. They're made of tungsten which can take super high temperatures! Didn't I tell you, Todoroki, Kiriu? Even if you are U.A. students, acting with only two… shows you two are overconfident."

Todoroki and Kuuga only stare up at them.

Kuuga: (mentally) "But, they haven't said anything that can work against my quirk… maybe they can't find one…"


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