By CrescentRWBY

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"Why I want to be a hero...? What kind of hero I want to be...? I... I... I'm not sure myself... I don't know... More

Chapter 1 (S1)
Chapter 2
Sleeping Kuuga
Chapter 3
Kuuga and Jiro
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (S2)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
not a chapter
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (S3)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
New chapter?
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thanks for 2k
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Sayo: "Yoohoo!
💞Save The World With Love!💞
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 1🎞
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 2🎞
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 3🎞
Zero: Q&A and Feedback section
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 4🎞
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (S4)
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Announcement (important)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Gear check!
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 (S5)
Surprise! (Special Chapter)
Status update (not a chapter)
How original
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Not a chapter update
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
In All of Our Hearts
Competitive Bowling (Zero OVA)
Chapter 68
Photo issues (not a chapter)
Chapter 69
Father's Day Special Chapter
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Plans and Curiosity
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 1
Advanced happy new year
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 2
New Art
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 3
Meet the characters
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 4

Chapter 36

706 22 10
By CrescentRWBY

Kuuga closes his eyes as the surrounding area suddenly becomes covered in black mist. Rumbling is heard as the mist quickly disappears as the area reveals the tall concrete structures have collapsed, surprising Midnight and Ectoplasm.

Midnight: "What..?"

Kuuga opens his eyes, with a single small drop of blood falling out.

Kuuga: "Sovereignty…"

Ectoplasm: "That's a good destructive move. It's better used in non-urban areas."

Kuuga suddenly heard Bakugo yelling.

Bakugo: "Hey, look out!"

Kuuga saw a huge piece of concrete falling towards All Might. He began running.

Kuuga: "Move, All Might!"

He was about to use his quirk when Izuku suddenly appeared out of nowhere and kicked the boulder mid-air, destroying it. Kuuga sighs and slowly walks over, encountering Kirishima and Kaminari.

Izuku stood up from his crouching position.

Izuku: "Are you all right, All Might?!"

All Might: "Yeah!"

Kaminari: "What was that, Midoriya?! You just waltzed in there and showed some amazing destructive power!"

Kirishima: "I thought you were a puncher!"

Kuuga: "That's the first time I've seen you use your legs for an attack."

Izuku turns around, smiling at them before showing the soles of his boots.

Midoriya: "Kaminari, Kirishima, Kiriu. The destructive power was thanks to the soles Hatsume suggested for me. I learned how to use my body from Iida and changed my fighting style. I've only figured out what direction I want to go in, but it's still a stopgap, and I don't have anything I can call an ultimate move yet…"

All Might: "No, I think it's already more effective than just a stopgap. Especially for the provisional license exam."

Aizawa walks over to All Might.

Aizawa: "All Might, it's dangerous, so don't get too close."

All Might: "Oh, excuse me! Young Bakugo, I'm sorry!"

Bakugo grits his teeth before covering himself in his blast.

Bakugo: "Watch yourself, All Might!"

All Might looked down in thought while Izuku ran towards Kaminari, Kirishima, and Kuuga.

Izuku: "You guys made improvements to your costumes, too?"

Kuuga: "Only added a wrist watch."

Kaminari: "You noticed? Did you?"

Kirishima: "You're not the only one with a new style! The others are making changes here and there, too. This is no time to lose focus!"

Kaminari shows off his support item on his elbow.

Kaminari: "But my change in style is huge! You're in for a surprise! You wanna see? You can! It's seriously amazing!"

Kuuga: "It will avoid you going dumb, I assume?"

Kaminari: "Oh, come on! Back a bro up!"

Kuuga: "Anyways, how did you and Sayo go?"

Kaminari: "Oh, she just spent a good ten minutes hugging me and Mr. Ectoplasm couldn't do anything to stop her. Thanks for the back up!"

Kuuga: "I had to, you scared idiot."

Vlad King: "That's enough! Class A!"

Vlad King's voice gained everyone's attention as the man himself entered the TDL along with Class B.

Vlad King: "Today, Class B is scheduled to use this place in the afternoon."

Izuku: "Class B?"

Izuku: "Class B?"

Kuuga: "Tch… very annoying."

Kaminari: (annoyed) "Man, what terrible timing!"

Vlad King: "Eraser, hurry up and get out of the way."

Aizawa: "We still have almost ten minutes. You're not good at using time wisely, Vlad."

Monoma: "Hey, did you know? The provisional licensing exam has a 50% fail rate. All of you should just fail!"

Izuku: (mentally) "He comes right at us with how he feels, huh?"

Annya: "May I ask if he's mentally ill?"

Sayo: "He's creepy…"

Kuuga: "I'll make that 50% into 90% for you if we encounter each other in the exam, you unoriginal bastard."

Monoma laughs crazily, leaning back.

Monoma: "Why don't we see exactly who's better?"

Kaminari smiles stupidly and points at Monoma.

Kaminari: "Wait, is that Monoma's costume?"

Kendo: (quoting) ""Since my quirk is Copy, there's no need for anything especially eccentric" he said."

Kaminari: (sweat drops) "That's him not being eccentric?"

Kuuga: "Kinda similar to mine, but his just looks plain stupid."

Tokoyami: "Still, his opinion is reasonable. As long as we're taking the same exam, it is our fate to crush each other."

Aizawa: "That's why Class A and Class B applied to different locations."

Vlad King: "The hero licensing exam takes place each June and September in three different locations across the country at the same time. In order to avoid students from the same school fighting each other, all schools subscribe to the theory of splitting up their students by time or location."

Monoma: "Whew… It's unfortunate that we will not be able to fight each other directly!"

He begins laughing again.

Kirishima: "He said "Whew," didn't he?"

Kuuga: "He did."

Kaminari: "I wonder if there's a diagnosis for the type of mental state he has…"

Kuuga: "It looks hopeless."

Sero: ""All schools," huh...? That's right, I didn't really think about it that much, but we'll be fighting against other schools to pass."

Izuku: (nods) "And in our case, we're accelerating the process of getting them…"

Aizawa: "In addition, there are very few first years in the country trying to get their provisional licenses. In other words… The test will have those who've trained longer than you, with quirks you don't know about that they've polished up until now. The actual contents of the exam are unclear, but what is clear is that you all will have a hard time. It's not good to get too hung up about it, but keep that in mind."

Everyone: "Yes, sir!"


The outside view of the TDL slowly changes to 1-A Alliance Dorm with all the girls hanging out at the common area couches in their comfortable clothes.

Ashido: (groans) "We're working so hard every day…"

Hagakure: "It's not called intensive training for nothing, huh?"

Yaoyorozu: "Even so, there's less than a week left before the provisional licensing exam."

Hagakure: "Yao-momo, how's your ultimate move coming?"

Yaoyorozu: "There's something I want to do, but my body can't keep up yet, so I need to develop my quirk a little more first."

Hagakure: "What about you, Sayo?"

Sayo: "I haven't thought about anything, but it will be a surprise!"

Hagakure: "Ooh! A surprise! What about you, Tsu?"

Tsuyu: "I've perfected a move even more frog-like than before. I'm sure you'll be surprised, Toru"

Ashido: "What about you, Ochaco?"

No response.

Tsuyu: "Ochaco?"

Tsuyu taps Uraraka by the shoulder, surprising the gravity girl.

Uraraka: "Huh?"

Tsuyu: "You seem tired."

Uraraka: "Oh, no, I'm not tired at all. I'm just getting started! At least, that's how it's supposed to be, but, how do I put it…? Recently, my heart's been feeling all stirred up…"

Sayo: "Oh! Same!"

Ashido: "It's love!"

Uraraka: (blushing) "Wh… What? Glove? Shove? Dove? I don't know what you're talking about!"

Ashido: (grinning) "Is it Midoriya, or Iida? You're always with them, aren't you?"

Uraraka: "No, no, that's not it!"

She buries her face with her hands, activating her quirk and begins to float.

Ashido: (mentally) "She floated."

Hagakure: "Who is it? Which one? Who is it?"

Jiro: (teasing) "Spit it out. You'll get a lighter sentence if you confess."

Uraraka: "That's not it, really! I really don't know anything about that stuff…"

Tsuyu: "It's not good to force an investigation, you know."

Yaoyorozu: "That's right. More importantly, we have an early start tomorrow, so we should turn in. Kiriu said he's making breakfast again tomorrow."

Ashido: "What? No way! I want to hear more! Even if we don't know anything important, I want to force it about romance!"

Annya: "Then I'll start it."

Annya is seen holding up her tea cup.

Annya: "I like Shoto." (Sips)

Everyone: (mentally) "How straightforward!"

Sayo: "Um… Um… K-Kaminari!"

Sayo turns into a ghost and floats to the back of the couch.

Everyone: (mentally) "Another one!"

Ashido then nudges Jiro and leans near her face.

Ashido: (teasing) "How about you? You like Kiriu, don't you? Say it, say it!"

Jiro blushes and glances around, seeing Kuuga baking something with Sato with the two talking like scientists as baking ingredients are layed down on the counter in front of them.

Kuuga: "The instructions from the back of the box aren't ideal. Sato, our egg-to-flour ratio should be…"

Kuuga notices Jiro and Ashido looking at him from afar.

Kuuga: "What do you two want? Staring like that is creepy."

The two girls turn around as Jiro smacks ashido's arm.

Jiro: (whispering) "You idiot! We're lucky he didn't hear us!"


The scene changes to Class 1-A exiting the bus as they arrive at the National Dagoba Arena, where the provisional Licensing exam will take place.

Jiro: "Ah, I'm getting nervous!"

Sayo: "The atmosphere is heavy!"

Kuuga: "How? I prepared Salmon and eggs, green tea, and dark chocolate for everyone. It's supposed to reduce anxiety… That was according to an article I read last night…"

Jiro: "That's enough internet for you but the food was good…"

(A/N: "I actually researched that so you don't have to)

Mineta: "I wonder what we'll have to do… I wonder if I can get my provisional license…"

Aizawa leans down over Mineta's height.

Aizawa: "Mineta, it's not about whether or not you can. Go and get it!"

Mineta: "Right! O-Of course!"

Aizawa: "If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will become chicks… You'll hatch into semi-pros. Do your best."

Kaminari: "All right, I'll become a chick!"

Kuuga: "All of us should."

Kirishima: "Let's call out the usual! Ready, seat- Plus…"

Inasa: "Ultra!"

They turn around to see a plain-looking man, wearing a black hat from another school. Kuuga and Todoroki's eyes widen a bit.

Kuuga: (mentally) "Yoarashi…?"

From behind the boy, four other students with the same outfit as him stood. A boy with purple hair spoke up.

Seiji: "You shouldn't just barge in on other people's huddies, Inasa."

(New OC) A boy with black hair and red eyes, showing similar features of Annya, spoke up.

Murasaki: "You should stop that friendly habit of yours, bastard! Our seniors don't approve of it!"

The boy spots Annya among the U.A. students.

Murasaki: "Tch! What are the odds?"

Annya saw the boy glaring at her and looks down with a saddened look and Todoroki noticed this.

Inasa: "Oh, no! I am… (stiffens up) very… extremely… sorry!"

Inasa violently bowed, his head making contact on the ground.

Kaminari: "What's with this guy trying to get by with just his enthusiasm?!"

Aizawa looked at his students and saw Kuuga with slightly wide eyes.

Aizawa: (mentally) "He is…"

Jiro: "Wait, that uniform…!"

Sero: "It's from that famous school in western Japan…"

Bakugo: "U.A. in the east…"

Kuuga: "Shiketsu in the west… Shiketsu High School…"

Murasaki grits his teeth and glares more at Annya, wanting to stab her as the girl looks down more, feeling the intense stare.

Inasa: "I wanted to try saying it just once! Plus Ultra! I love U.A. High School! I am extremely honored to be able to compete against U.A. Students! I'm looking forward to it!"

Blood slowly seeps out from his forehead.

Camie: "Oh, blood."

Seiji: "Let's go."

Murasaki: "Finally!"

Inasa spots Kuuga as his eyes gleamed and nods at him before walking away with his group.

Aizawa: "Inasa Yoarashi…"

Hagakure: "Mr. Aizawa, you know him?"

Aizawa: "He's… strong. Last year, the same year as you guys, Yoarashi got the top scores of those admitted through recommendations, but for some reason, he turned down his acceptance."

Izuku: "What?! Then, he's a first year?!"

Izuku glances at Todoroki and Kuuga who both have serious faces.

Izuku: (mentally) "And if he was at the top of those with recommendations… Then, his abilities are above Todoroki and Kiriu's?! Inasa Yoarashi… from Shiketsu High School…"

Inasa: "And now, everyone from U.A., please excuse me!"

He walks away or more on being dragged by Murasaki away.

Sero: "His name's Inasa Yoarashi? Even though he loves U.A., he threw away his chance to enroll. I don't get it."

Ashido: "Right? What a weirdo."

Kuuga: "He is, I'll admit, he's the real deal. It's best if we avoid him in combat."

Aizawa: "Kiriu is right. Keep an eye out for him."

Ms. Joke: "Eraser? It's you, isn't it, Eraser?!"

Eraser got startled from the voice as he witness Ms. Joke walking towards him, waving.

Ms. Joke: "I've seen you on TV and at the sports festival, but it's been a while since I've seen you in person!"

Aizawa's eyes twitch.

Izuku: "She's…"

Ms. Joke: "Let's get married!"

Aizawa: "No."



Kuuga: "What Sigma rule is this?"

Ashido ships them as Ms. Joke laughs off the pain from the rejection.

Ms. Joke: "No? Good one!"

Aizawa: "You're hard to talk to, as usual, Joke."

Izuku: "... Smile Hero: Ms. Joke! Her quirk's outburst! She forces those near her to laugh, dulling their thinking and their movements! Her fights against villains are full of craziness!"

Ms. Joke: (thumbs up) "If you marry me, then we can make a happy family with never-ending laughter!"

Aizawa: "A family like that can't be happy."

Tsuyu: "You two seem close."

Ms. Joke: "Our agencies used to be close to each other! (Blushes) In our cycle of helping and being helped, our mutual love for each other bloomed-"

Aizawa: "No, it didn't."

Ms. Joke: "Oh, I love your quick retorts! You're so worth teasing, Eraser!"

Annya: "Hello, Ms. Joke…"

Ms. Joke gasps and runs towards Annya and hugs her.

Ms. Joke: "Amara! My favourite first year is here!"

Annya: "It's Annya…"

Kaminari: "Ms. Joke, right? Can you try using your quirk on him?"

Kaminari points at Kuuga who is standing beside him.

Kuuga: "Huh?"

Ms. Joke: "Oh, my! He looks like Eraser!"

Ms. Joke tries to make Kuuga laugh but nothing happens.

Kuuga: (tilts head) "Am I supposed to laugh?"

Ms. Joke: "Huh?"

The class looks confused but Ms. Joke felt Aizawa staring at her with his erasing quirk affecting her. She backed off and stood in front of Aizawa, laughing nervously.

Aizawa: "Joke, since you're here, that means…"

Ms. Joke: "That's right. Come here, everyone! It's U.A.!"

A group of students wearing grey polos are seen walking towards them and two of the students share similarities to a certain broccoli boy and an angry possum.

Shindo: "Oh, it's the real thing!"

Tatami: "Wow, that's amazing! I've seen them all on TV! Oh! Is that Amara from the first year?"

Shindo: "I think she is. Hey, Amara!"

Annya: (mutters, annoyingly) "It's Annya…"

Annya's sad expression suddenly turns into a dark one as she crosses her arms, making Todoroki step back.

Ms. Joke: "Ketsubutsu Academy, second years, class 2! They're my class. Please be kind."

Kuuga: "You heard her, Bakugo."

Bakugo: "Shut up! I'll kill you!"

Kuuga: "You seriously look like a soundboard."

Shindo approaches and holds both of Izuku's hands.

Shindo: "I'm Shindo! U.A. this year had trouble after trouble, so it must've been tough!"

Izuku: "Huh? Ye…"

Annya: "You're weirding him out, Yo."

He then went over to Jiro, Kuuga, and Kaminari, and took the Pikachu's hand and Eye bags' hand.

Shindo: "But even so, you all are still aiming to be heroes like this, huh?"

He then teleported in front of Jiro and held both of her hands.

Shindo: "That's wonderful!"

He let's go and strikes a pose for the class.

Shindo: "A heart of fortitude is what I believe all heroes should have from now on!"

Sayo: "Oooh! Sparkles!"

Kaminari: (mentally) "He's too bright! He's totally a charming pretty-boy type!"

Kuuga: (mentally) "My eyes hurt."

Shindo: "From among you, there's Bakugo and Kiriu who experienced being the center of the Camino incident. You two have especially strong hearts. Today, I'll do my best while learning from you two!"

Shindo offers his hand but Bakugo slaps it off.

Bakugo: "Stop pretending. What you're saying doesn't match the look on your face!"

Kuuga: "I'm afraid I have to agree with him."

Bakugo and Kiriu glare at Shindo who just stares in return.

Kirishima: "Hey! Stop being so rude! Kiriu! You're being influenced by him!"

Kirishima looks at Shindo and bows.

Kirishima: "Sorry for their rudeness…"

Shindo: "It's fine! It just proves how strong their hearts are."

Tatami runs over to Todoroki and Kuuga

Tatami: "Hey, Todoroki, Kiriu! Can I have both of your autographs? You two were so cool at the sports festival!"

Todoroki: "What?"

Kuuga: "Huh?"

Annya appeared out of nowhere and clinged onto Todoroki's arm.

Annya: "He said no."

Todoroki: (slightly) "H-Hey."

An Earphone jack suddenly strangles Kuuga.

Jiro: (close-eyed smile) "He said no as well."

Kuuga: (struggling) "A-Air…"

Kuuga begins waving his arms around and trying to break free from the hold.

Toteki: "Stop being such a fangirl."

Mineta: "You can have my autograph, too."

Aizawa: "Hey, change into your costumes and go to the orientation. Don't waste time."

Class 1-A: "Yes, sir!"

Kuuga is seen leaning by Kaminari as a support as he takes deep breaths beside Jiro who has a smile on her face.

Jiro: "It's like… contact with people outside of school reminds me…"

Kaminari: "U.A. students are actually pretty famous, huh?"

Kuuga: "Being famous is bad, anyways."

Kaminari, Jiro: "Huh?"

Kuuga: "Think of the obvious."

He walks ahead, leaving the two as Aizawa slowly follows.

Ms. Joke: "Could it be…? You didn't tell them, Eraser?"

???: "Eraser."

Aizawa stops walking. Turning around he saw a man with long hair, red eyes, an eye patch on the right, and wearing a black suit.

Aizawa: "Kuroishi?"

Silhouette: "Call me Silhouette in public. I already talked to your principal about this."

Aizawa narrows his eyes as Silhouette points at Murasaki who is hanging around with his Shiketsu schoolmates.

Silhouette: "I would like to discuss things for him and his transfer to U.A., Eraser. Him and Annya have powerful quirks, and I wish for Murasaki to be in the very best school in my eyes."

Aizawa: "Can I ask why?"

Silhouette: (smirks) "Simple…"

The scene changes to Annya looking down as she sees Murasaki glaring at her with some purple gem forming on the boy's jawline.

Murasaki: (mentally) "I can't believe you decided to live with him… you traitor of a sister…"

Silhouette: "... He's Annya's twin brother."


The scene changes inside the orientation room with around 1544 students, showing off their costumes. From the stage, a tired looking man in a suit stands by a microphone and looks like he's ready to pass out any minute.

Mera: (tiredly) "Um… Well then, let's do that provisional license thing… I'm Mera from the Heroes Public Safety Commission. The kind of sleep I like is non-REM sleep… Nice to meet you. I've been so busy that I haven't gotten much sleep… We're too short-staffed… I'm so sleepy! With that conviction, I will give you the orientation."

Kirishima nudges Kuuga.

Kirishima: (whispering) "Hey, he's like you back then."

Kuuga: "Shut up."

Mera: (tiredly) "About the content of the provisional license thing… Frankly, all 1,544 examinees here will have to win through a free-for-all exercise!"

Sero: "Seriously? That's not a lot to go on."

Mera: (tiredly) "Our society is currently said to be saturated with heroes, and ever since Stain was arrested, many have shown doubts about the current state of heroes. Well, as a private citizen, no matter what the motivation, to tell someone risking their lives to save others not to seek any reward is… It's the ruthless story of modern times… But anyway, whether it's for compensation or for loyalty and courage… the result of many heroes working hard together to help people and defeat villains is that right now, the time from when an incident begins to when it is resolved is so short it'd make you sick. You all are about to receive your provisional licenses and finally throw yourselves into those rapids. Those who can't keep up with the speed will frankly have it tough. Accordingly, what you'll be tested on is speed!"

The screen behind him indicated "Number to pass 1st test: 100 people".

Mera: (tiredly) "The first hundred to fulfill the requirements will pass."

Sayo: "First hundred?!"

Kuuga: "A hundred…? Tch. What a pain."

Yaoyorozu: "There are a total of 1,544 people taking the exam! Didn't they say half would pass…?"

Tsuyu: "This means, less than 1% will actually pass…"

Annya: "That's barely possible…"

Jiro: "I'm getting even more nervous!"

Kuuga throws a chocolate bar at Jiro's face.

Kuuga: "Eat that, the bitterness should calm you down."

Jiro: "Uh… Th-Thanks…"

Kuuga looks at the inside of his coat, seeing all the small plastic bottles of eye drops.

Kuuga: "Hope these are enough…"

He glances at his wrist watch, seeing the temperature dropping more as some of the students around him are turning pale from nervousness.

Mera brought out an orange ball and some devices.

Mera: (tiredly) "Well, a lot's happened out there in the world, and you know, about luck and everything… So anyway, here are the requirements. The examinees will put three of these targets on his or her body. They can go anywhere as long as it's an exposed area. You can't put them on the soles of your feet or in your armpits. You will also have six of these balls. The targets are made to only light up if they're hit by these balls, and if all three of your targets light up, then you're out. The person who lights up your third target will have it count as their defeat. You get through this round by defeating two people. That's it for the rules."

Kuuga: (mentally) "It's easy. But… (narrows eyes) Most of these students from other schools know the quirks of those in U.A.. Except for Aisaka and Annya… So that's the big disadvantage… We're gonna have to improvise most of the fights… But it shouldn't be a problem for me…"

Some of the staff carrying boxes began going towards the students, distributing the targets and balls.

Mera: (tiredly) "Okay then… After we open, we'll pass out the targets and balls, and then we'll start one minute after we've gotten to everyone."

Todoroki: "Open?"

The building they're inside suddenly unfolded, revealing an Arena with multiple terrain.

Mera: (tiredly) "I believe you all have terrain that you like and dislike. Use your quirks well and do your best. Anyway, we arranged for the terrain to be announced like that… But yeah, it's unnecessary. It's because of this that my sleep was… I hope the developments are speedy so that I can rest as soon as possible…"

From the top of the Arena, Silhouette, Aizawa, and Ms. Joke are seen sitting beside each other.

Ms. Joke: "Eraser, your fly's down…" (giggles)

Aizawa: (mentally) "Why is everyone around me so noisy?"

Ms. Joke: "I can't believe you still had twenty-three students, though. It's unusual for you to have expelled anyone and even added more. You like your class this time?"

Aizawa: "Not really."

Ms. Joke: (laughs) "Don't be so embarrassed! That's so lame! Go out with me!"

Aizawa: "Shut up."

Ms. Joke: (laughs again) "But then, it's strange… There's no way you don't know about that."

Silhouette: "Eraser, you should observe Murasaki as well."


The scene changes to Class 1-A standing together.

Izuku: "Everyone, don't get too separated! Let's move as a group!"

Uraraka: "Okay!"

Bakugo: "Yeah right, this isn't a field trip!"

Bakugo starts walking away.

Kirishima: "Idiot, wait up!"

Kirishima went after Bakugo.

Izuku: "Kacchan!"

Iida: "Kirishima!"

Todoroki: "I'm going on my own, too. It's hard for me to use my power in a big group."

Kuuga: "I'm coming with you."

Todoroki: "Huh?"

Kuuga: "You're gonna need someone to watch your back. Besides, my quirk can be more powerful near something cold, with your ice, our goal should be easier."

Todoroki: (nods) "Let's go, Kiriu."

Kuuga: (nods) "Yeah."

The two began running away from their classmates.

Izuku: "Todoroki! Kiriu!"

Mineta: "Midoriya, there's no time! Let's go!"

Izuku: (nods) "Right!"

The remaining students of Class 1-A began running as a group.

Izuku: "I don't think it's a good idea to go off on our own, though…"

Mineta: "Why?"

Izuku: "Because you know! Everyone already knows what powers we have."

Uraraka: "They already know?"

Iida: "I see, the sports festival!"

Sayo: "If my old schoolmates are here, then it'll be trouble! Seiai..."

Annya: "Same with me. Ketsubutsu…"

Izuku: "The other schools should also have figured out what I said earlier about the way to win. I think it'll end up being a battle between schools. Which means, they'll start thinking about which school to go after first."

Ashido: "Does that mean…"

Jiro: "Don't tell me…"

A horn was heard as the speakers turned one.

Speaker: "First test, start!"

Class 1-A stopped running as they saw the Ketsubutsu students in front of them.

Izuku: (Mentally) "I knew it!"

Annya: "Them first? Really?"

Shindo: "I saw it on TV! The superpower that also destroys yourself!"

The students began throwing multiple orange balls at Class 1-A.

Shindo: "Well, if a nail sticks out, then you've gotta hammer it down!"

Izuku ran forward and jumped towards the balls, kicking all of it back with the strong air pressure. Annya followed, using shadow spears to intercept the balls mid-air.

Annya: "I can't use my moves yet."

Tokoyami followed as well, letting Dark Shadow cover him and catch all the balls.

Tokoyami: "Dark Shadow!"

Dark Shadow: "Got it!"

Uraraka floats away while Sayo turns into her ghost form and summons four ghosts of dead heroes, letting them intercept the balls. Sero follows with his tape, capturing all the balls near him.

Sero: "All right!"

Ashido followed by melting some of the orange balls with her acid. Yaoyorozu makes a metal riot shield, covering her, Hagakure, and Tsuyu. Iida decides to run around, dodging the balls with his speed while Mineta uses his grape balls to catch the orange balls.

Mineta: "Take that!"

Izuku: "Everyone, let's keep going like this!"

Class 1-A: "Yeah!"


4,312 words

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