The Genius Above Elites

By UnderHocide

73.1K 2.1K 354

"Every journey has a meaning, we shouldn't give up just because all of us are unequal. Otherwise we might jus... More

Vol.1 Prologue
Vol 1 Chapter 1.1
Vol 1 Chapter 1.2
Vol 1 Chapter 1.3
Vol 1 Chapter 2.1
Vol 1 Chapter 2.2
Vol 1 Chapter 2.3
Vol 1 Chapter 3.1
Vol 1 Chapter 3.3
Vol 1 Chapter 4.1
Vol 1 Chapter 4.2
Vol 1 Chapter 4.3
Vol 1 Chapter 4.4
Vol 1 Chapter 4.5
Vol 1 Chapter 5.1
Vol 1 Chapter 5.2
Vol 1 Chapter 5.3
Vol 1 Chapter 6.1
Vol 1 Chapter 6.2
Vol 1 Chapter 6.9 (Solaris ๐Ÿ‹)
Vol 1 Chapter 7.1
Vol 1 Chapter 7.2
Vol 1 Chapter 7.3
Vol 1 Chapter 8.1
Vol 1 Chapter 8.2
Vol 1 Chapter 8.3
Vol 1 Chapter 9.1
Vol 1 Chapter 9.2
Vol 1 Epilogue
Akasuki Masaki - SS
Kurenai Rayla - SS
Sugihara Solaris - SS
Kaneko Masako - SS
Vol 2 Prologue
Vol 2 Chapter 1.1
Vol 2 Chapter 1.2
Vol 2 Chapter 1.3
Vol 2 Chapter 2.1
Vol 2 Chapter 2.2
Vol 2 Chapter 2.3
Vol 2 Chapter 3.1
Vol 2 Chapter 3.2
Vol 2 Chapter 3.3
Vol 2 Chapter 4.1
Vol 2 Chapter 4.2
Vol 2 Chapter 4.3 (Rayla ๐Ÿ‹)
Vol 2 Chapter 4.4
Vol 2 Epilogue
Akasuki Masaki - SS (2)
Kurenai Rayla - SS (2)
Sugihara Solaris - SS (2)
Kaneko Masako - SS (2)
Vol 3 Prologue
Vol 3 Chapter 1.1
Vol 3 Chapter 1.2
Vol 3 Chapter 1.3
Vol 3 Chapter 2.1
Vol 3 Chapter 2.2
Vol 3 Chapter 2.3
Vol 3 Chapter 3.1
Vol 3 Chapter 3.2
Vol 3 Chapter 3.3
Vol 3 Chapter 3.4
Vol 3 Chapter 4.1
Vol 3 Chapter 4.222222222222?
Vol 3 Chapter 4.1
Vol 3 Chapter 4.2
Vol 3 Chapter 4.3 (??? ๐Ÿ‹)
Vol 3 Chapter 4.4
Vol 3 Chapter 5.1
Vol 3 Chapter 5.2
Vol 3 Chapter 5.3
Vol 3 Chapter 6.1
Vol 3 Chapter 6.2
Vol 3 Chapter 6.3
Vol 3 Epilogue
Vol 4 Chapter Prologue
Vol 4 Chapter 1.1
Vol 4 Chapter 1.2
Vol 4 Chapter 1.3
Vol 4 Chapter 2.1
Vol 4 Chapter 2.2
Vol 4 Chapter 2.3
Vol 4 Chapter 3.1
Vol 4 Chapter 3.2
Vol 4 Chapter 3.3 (Rayla ๐Ÿ‹)
Vol 4 Chapter 4.1
Vol 4 Chapter 4.2
Vol 4 Chapter 4.3455555555555555?
Vol 4 Chapter 4.1
Vol 4 Chapter 4.2
Vol 4 Chapter 4.3
Vol 4 Chapter 5.1
Vol 4 Chapter 5.2
Vol 4 Chapter 5.3
Vol 4 Chapter 5.4
Vol 4 Chapter 6.1
Vol 4 Chapter 6.2
Vol 4 Chapter 6.3 (Rayla ๐Ÿ‹)
Vol 4 Epilogue
Vol 5 Prologue
Vol 5 Chapter 1.1

Vol 1 Chapter 3.2

1.7K 62 10
By UnderHocide

Ladies and gentlemen! It's just getting started!

"Wow! It's the pool!"

After lunch finally passed, the long awaited swimming class most of the perverts were waiting for has finally arrived.

Not attempting hide their list, the three idiots from before stood up in excitement. However once they were reminded of what would happen if they chased after the girls's breasts, they shrink in fear as I could hear an audible gulp.

"Come on, let's head in together Sugihara, Ayanokouji!"

"No need to tell me twice!"

Without a second thought, I drag Ayanokouji with me to the locker rooms.

As expected Sudou immediately started changing clothes. His well forged body from years of basketball is very much visible. Compare him to the rest of the class and you can see how strong his body looks.

The students wrap themselves in towels, while me and Sudou just stand there in our underwear, basically semi-nude as we take out our swimsuits from our bag. I can sense people are staring at me in this point of time, must be the scars but I've gotten used to this.

"Sudou, Sugihara, don't you two get embarrassed?" Ayanokouji unintentionally speaks up.

"No, I try to change as quickly as possible. If you try to hide yourself, you become the center of attention."

"What he said! Besides it's a real pain hiding your body with a towel, doesn't hurt to show a bit of nip tips every now and then right?" Besides someone who stealthily tries to change their clothes in a locker room is bound to be make fun of.

"Alright, let's go!" Sudou leaves the locker room, with me and Ayanokouji following behind.

This pool is nothing to joke at, if I were to guess I'd say it's about 50 meters long which at first sight made some of the boys shout. The water's crystal clear! And since it's an indoor pool, there's no disturbance. Man this is a great facility!

My pool at home kinda cries in comparison!

"Ah Ike, Yamauchi and Sotomura. Don't forget what we talked about! This pool has lots of room to swim so leaving three dead bodies wouldn't hurt anyone!" I shout out to them as shivers run down their spines.

It's fun to tease people like this, I don't get the chance to do it a lot.

"I know I know! But what'll happen if I suddenly get a boner?! This world is cruel as fuck man! And I don't want the girls to hate me!"

"Then just hide your one eyes snakes under water! No one's gonna go underwater to sneak a peak at your ding dongs anyway!" I just took my medication so I shouldn't shout so much.

But seriously, if one of the boys were to stare at the girls for too long, they'd be hated up until graduation. The girls would at least beat you up and file charges against you!

I've somehow managed to become friends(?) with Ike and his group. Though friends would be a stretch, it's more like domestic abuse to keep them on the ground. Besides I want to see human growth! Not...well whatever will happen.

I bet if they get hated by the girls, they'd head back to the dorms crying before buffin' the muffin.

"Wow~! This pool doesn't even compare with my middle school one~!"

At last, the women have came out a few minutes after the boys. Girls have it tough when it comes to changing clothes huh?

Although I did domesticate Ike and his two friends, I am rather curious. Specifically about Hasebe, Sakura, Kushida and the others. Though, I am particularly interested in Hasebe's tatas. Still, I'm rather disappointed to see she hasn't come out...

"What is this?! Where are the rest!?" Ike seems to be really upset about this. The rest of the girls are up on the observation deck, perhaps they were disgusted by the fact some of the boys were going to stare at their mountains. If that's it, I don't feel bad at all for the three idiots.

Most of the girls are likely self-conscious especially Hasebe by the looks of things. Furthermore, she seems to be  sensitive on the topic of curious men. I guess girls really are not amused by boys peeking at their body.

"Man.... At least they're keeping quite but do I have the mental capacity to swim? Wait do I know how to swim at all?" I hold a finger against my chin as I mutter that.

"Sugihara-kun? What are you thinking about?" Kushida right?

"Hmm? Nothing, I've never been to the pool before so I'm not sure if I can swim." In truth I seriously have no idea how to swim.

I used to have a private tutor who wanted to teach me how to swim. But I was naive back then so I turned down his requests. Yes, plural. That crazy old man was crazy about seeing my body, bisexual and pedophilic....

"Heh?! Y-you've never been to the pool before!? But y-your body is so toned!" Although I take it as a compliment, I couldn't bare the idea of not being able to swim.

If I don't learn soon, I may drown in a river or die alone in the middle of the ocean. Now that wouldn't be ideal.

Besides my ability to adapt will come in handy, why not just use it.

Back on the topic of Kushida, her titties have got to be around the size of D or E. They're so much bigger than I anticipated. Her ass is huge too, totally round! However I avert my eyes before she could notice, still the image of her body has been saved into the spank bank.

It's bad if a certain sword were to rise right now. The sword hero will not succumb to such a body! .....Yet.

"It's a nice day isn't, Ayanokouji?" I turn to Ayanokouji who's literally just staring at me and Kushida.

"Yes, but it's troublesome when a certain part of your body reacts." I get you....

"Why the weird expression you two? Having internal battles?" Horikita come up to us to which we nod in sync.

Horikita's figure....not a bad sight. Something worth saving into the spank bank for sure! Her body is incredibly well balanced! But if I'm caught staring I'm doomed, so I'll just pull another and avert my eyes.

Well if I stare at anymore girls, I'll get in serious trouble so I'll just see if I can swim. I've played enough games to analyse we go!

The moment I jumped into the water, I felt myself floating as if I'm swimming through air...well technically that's what's going on. All those swimming games really paid off, I can swim no problem!

"Still I need to learn, I'm no professional yet." I start to swim around to get used to kicking my legs and swinging my arms. It's surprisingly far easier than I thought, it might be me having a an incredible physique.

"Sugihara-kun? Are you sure you've never swam in a pool before? You're really good at this!" Kushida jumped in with me it seems.

"Yeah it's my first time, though I wouldn't say I'm good at this. If anything it's more average, still for a first time this is decent enough."

Honestly I was hesitant at first when the teacher told us we were going to the pool today. I was just worried I would drown a pathetic death but looks like I have nothing to worry about.

For some reason Horikita scans both my and Ayanokouji's body. Also they're just sitting by the side next to each other.

"Do you two exercise by any chance?"

"Hmm? Not in particular, not sure about Sugihara but I'm part of the going home club. Not like I'm proud of it."

"As for me, well I guess I exercise quite frequently, or at least used to. Actually I exercised this morning! It wasn't anything intense though, just sit-ups, push-ups and jogs."

"That doesn't seem to be the case for the two of you.... Ayanokouji, you clearly look like you exercise from your muscles in your arms and back. As for you Sugihara-kun, your muscles tell me you don't only do sit-ups and push-ups, in fact that's supported by the fact that you have scars all over your body." Sharp eye, but I won't tell her that.

I decided to ignore her and continue my swimming lesson, given by myself. Especially the scars, they're a very sensitive topic I wouldn't like to get into at this moment.

"Why are you even asking? Do you have some sort of muscle fetish or something?" Ayanokouji, seeing the atmosphere change jumps in.

"Well if he goes that far to deny it, I won't touch the subject any further." She looks dissatisfied. She has a real discerning eye though.

It's not like I find her particularly interesting, if you work hard enough you might be able to become Horikita Suzune herself! She must have out a shit ton of work, but it looks like she's persuing some goal that she has to work excruciatingly hard for.

Sadly she might never reach that height.

There are multiple reasons why I don't think she will reach that height she longs for. I'll start with the most obvious, she's too childish.

The past me might have seen through this since I was similar back then, but the current one sees this as a fatal flaw. From what I can gather she sees everyone as a person below her, thus her personality to not make friends. I've known she's a smart individual from the first day of class but it's nothing special.

Knowledge which she possesses is not something only she can have. She believes she doesn't need friends to achieve this goal of her's, but a mindset like that will eventually destroy her well-being at some point and she will too go down the realm of self-destruction.

Sometimes I forget reality doesn't give you multiple lives like how games do. You get one life and one only, I've played around too much to the point I can barely distinguished between real life and digital life.

If you screw up in life, you're not gonna be given another chance. Life is cruel to everyone and everything, there are no exceptions, no favourites. If gods truly exist, then would it be weird to say they don't care about our lives at all? It's almost as if we're chess pieces being played in reality, I've had such thoughts many times before.

Similar to life, humanity is equally as unforgiving if not even more. Humans want you to act "normal" like any other person. But have we really stopped to consider what's normal to each person? How can those with disabilities be normal?

Humanity sets expectations for you on the day you're born, no they set said expectations before you come into this cruel world in the womb. It's a struggle until death, it's no wonder why people commit thousands upon thousands of suicides per year.

Look, this might be a sensitive topic to some but does it really matter? If you want death to come looming over you then be my guest, but remember your next life will be worse than this one and after that the next is far worse. I have no proof of such, but it's just the most plausible thing.

You think about those who will sob because of your death, but do you ever think about the next life you will live? Will it be better than this one? Will it be worse than this hell? Is it....really a gamble worth taking I wonder?

That's why I'd rather stay here, it doesn't matter to me if I make friends or not, I just want to live the life of a normal kid my age that's it. Every time you have thoughts of death remember those who you've shared joys and sorrows with along the way, have they not been facing the same or more feelings as you?

My skin crawls, I unconsciously grit my teeth, my body feels cold.....

My head feels like it's about to rip any time now, it hurts.....

It hurts

It hurts....

It hurts.......


The pain is unbearable! I can hardly think properly yet I'm having complete thoughts!

I was close to death once, death is a terrifying thing....knocking on death's door is even worse. Why do people pass on? Where do they pass on to? No good, these wounds show it all. It shows what comes after death, it's nothing but pain and misery!

So let me ask you again, is this life truly worth throwing away like it's trash?  Whatever your answer is, it's exactly what I thought....

Choose to live, and you become another slave in society.

Choose to die, and you face much more painful fates than you have now.

You know what I say? I'm the middle man, the walker between life and death. I choose what my destiny will be no matter the god that stands in my way.

"Everyone gather -"

The one who snapped me out of my thoughts is the PE teacher who seems to be bringing everyone together to start class at last. He may be a teacher but I can tell he's the type to attract girls, my total respect!

"18 people I see.... I expected more, but I guess this system hasn't set in with all of you yet." There shouldn't be any students skipping class, all the boys came but I guess the girls just don't want to be seen in a swimsuit.

"It might be a bit sudden, but I'll be examining your physical abilities after you're done warming up. You guys will be swimming as you guessed." I'm sure almost no one's guessed, actually most of us have a malfunctioning brain.

"Umm, sensei? I can't swim..."

"Don't worry, as your teacher it's my job to teach you so you'll be swimming freely by summer at the very least!" For those who don't want to learn how to swim, I feel bad for them.

It doesn't matter if you won't be heading to the beach or hang around a river, learning to swim is an essential part of life and a pretty neat survival skill! It's a shame I've never shown interests in it until now but this is my time to shine!

Besides I have the basics down already.

"Sugihara-sama? You were deep I. Thought earlier, were you ok?" Masaki slides next to me and whispers that into my ear.

"Yeah I'm fine, just wondering when these wounds will heal so it wouldn't be so awkward when everyone is staring at me. I'd rather not knowing the reason why people stare." I'm self-conscious about my scars sometimes so it gets uncomfortable when people stare for too long. Even now it's embarrassing.

"Fine, but do you even know how to swim? You've never been to a swimming pool before." Fun fact, although I've never been to a pool before, Masaki has been to more than I can count thus she's more athletic.

I just spent my days with games in the past so I had no time to do shit.

"Of course I can! Well I just recently learned and is still on the basics but I can hold my own! Games teach better than teacher's you know?!" I raise my voice slightly, not enough for the others to hear though.

"Whatever you say, Sugihara-sama." Now that I look at it.....not bad Masaki! Your tits are shown off very well in a school swimsuit, that ass as well and I love how your hair is tied into a ponytail! Damn you ponytail fetish!!!

Still I can use this opportunity to sharpen my skills! Alright time to get serious!

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