How To NOT Be Straight✓

By salemmiles_

19.3K 2.1K 1K

🏆Featured on Wattpad ×4 ************** "She's weird." "She isn't the same person she was years ago." "She's... More

Author's Note
1: All-White, You're Not Invited
2: Meet Cute...Kind Of
3: Rules Baby
4: Rule 1: Stand your fucking ground.
5: Daddy Dearest, Don't Worry
6: Rule 2: Make Sure You Look Normal Though
7: Okay
8: Rule 3- Don't be afraid
9: If You Want A Change, Be The Change
10: A Stone
11: Run It Up
12: Rule 4- Be Strong
13: Clubbing...Right?
14: Ha, Best Friends For Life!
15: Seems Rosy
16: All Roads Lead To..
17: Falling For Ya'
18: '#Camis!' Really People?
19: Rule 5- Not Everything Needs Your Attention
20: Confessions of A Black Lesbian
21: Let's Wrap It Up
22: Rule 6- Always Be Kind
23: Flowers Make Me Sick
24: Wish They Knew
25: Bullying Awareness Campaign
26: Rule 7- Help them understand that we're all human
27: I wouldn't have done it to you
28: Hark The Demons... Sorry, Did You Mean Angels?
29: Rule 8- And that humans make mistakes
30: The Fool
31: Rule 9- Then take time to process your feelings
32: Rule 10-make a conclusion based on your emotions/intellect
33: I Don't Heart(Hate, I mean)You
34: Cruel summer
35: So It Was You
36: What Would You Do?
37: Fuck you and your cruelty
38: Justice Is Served...Kinda
39: Tell them
40: 'Support'
41: Pain
42: You aren't alone
43: #Camis is Real... I'm not Kidding
44: I'm Still Your Daughter(Part 1)
45: I'm Still Your Daughter (Part 2)
46: Fake It Till You Make It, I guess
47: Rule 11- Remember Your worth
48: Prom Problems?
49: Rule 12- And Remember To Always Be Yourself.
50: My Chance at An Okay Ending
Final Author's Note
BONUS CHAPTER: Have A Holly Jolly Christmas (Part 2)
Author's Note

BONUS CHAPTER: Have A Holly Jolly Christmas

187 23 2
By salemmiles_

(Authors Note: still set in the future lol)

"You didn't tell me that you wanted turkey for dinner instead of chicken teriyaki, Charlie." I frowned, serving my baby girl her food.

"It's because you like Alexa more, and listen to her better." She pouted, making Alexa spit out her spinach.

"She doesn't, you dumbass!" She yelled, and I looked at her in shock.

I then looked at Alexis. "Did you...?"

"Nope, don't blame me for this one, Cam. I'm not involved." She put her hands up.

"Then how the fu-"

"Now you know where their language comes from." Alexis flicked my forehead. "You should really stop cussing in front of our kids."

It was my turn to pout. "But, I can't help it. It literally happens unintentionally. And I don't get why I can't say certain words here."I frowned." If I can say sex on live television and not get flagged for it, then I should be able to say fu-"

She pulled me closer to her and whispered. "Continue this and I swear to God I'll tie you up to the bed and fuck you endless."

I gulped. "I hate you."

She pulled away and served the rice for Charlie. "Love you too."

"Mommy, why didn't Auntie Rose come over?" Alexis asked, shoving some chicken in her mouth.

"Well, I think it's because Uncle Terry decided to take Auntie all the way to Paris for their Christmas. I think it's to also have you know, the se-"

"More salad, Alexa?" Alexis interrupted me, much to my disapproval.

"Me!" Both twins exclaimed, and Alexis and I switched places, giving the twins food.

"Did you make the muffins?" She whispered in my ear.

"I did, substituted honey for sugar." I kissed her cheek, sitting down in my place.

She sat down and began to eat. "This is divine, who made it?"

"Well, Alexa and I made the salad and you and mommy made the chicken!" Charlotte grinned.

"Good job!" I clapped. "Who made the rice?"

"Definitely not you, because you almost ruined the dinner." Alexis cleared her throat.

"I did not."

"We were supposed to have spaghetti if someone didn't leave the stove to lip sync to Lil Nas X." Alexis rose a brow.

"Look on the bright side." I said mouth full of rice. "We're happy, you're happy."

"Mommy, swallow first, that's unladylike." Alexa reprimanded me, and Alexis laughed so hard as I swallowed in embarrassment.

Sometimes I forget I'm a mother.

"Thank you baby." I smiled at her. "So, did you like your presents from Greece?"

Every gig I go to I make sure to bring presents for Alexa and Charlie, so that they can go to school and shine like the stars they are. I do but things for Alexis, and she appreciates them, but mainly wants me home in time for important things in our little Family's life. Because of my job, I wasn't home much, and that meant that Alexis had to be there for our children more than I could be. Nevertheless, our children loved us equally, and I don't think they'd ever blame me for wanting them to have the best life ever. My wife and kids are my top priority, always.

"Yes mommy!" Charlie wiped her mouth using her sleeve. "I loved the Egyptian hat you gave me."

Alexa frowned. "It wasn't from Egypt silly, she gave you a branded hat from Greece, Charlie."

"My bad." She burped a little. "I'm stuffed, thank you."

"Charlotte honey." I stood up, leaving to get the batch of muffins. "We made blueberry muffins."

Her face lit up. "Blueberry? That's my favorite!"

"Our favorite." Alexa corrected.

"Yeah, but nobody cares about you." Charlotte waved her off. "Can I have one?"

Alexis and I looked at Alexa, who had her arms crossed and head down. Alexis nudged me, and I sighed, putting the batch down and kneeling to talk to my 6 year old replica.

"Charlotte." I began. "Apologize to Alexa."


"Or no muffins for you, TV time will be cut off by 2 hours per week, and your weekly supply of M&Ms will be stopped." I threatened.

She gave in. "Okay." She walked over to Alexa and put her arm around her. "I'm sorry, Alex."

Alexa nodded, and Charlie looked at us, not knowing what to do. I gave her a stern glare, and she put her arms around Alexandria, hugging her. Alexa responded, and hugged her sister back, while Alexis and I watched them with the muffins in our grasp.

Charlie and Alexa walked over to us. "Muffins! Muffins! Muff-"

There was a ring of the doorbell, and I frowned, looking at Alexis. She shrugged, not sure of what was happening. I handed her the batch of muffins, taking one off and heading for the door.

"I'll get it then." I smiled nervously.

When I got to the door and opened it, my muffin fell to the floor as I looked at the person on the receiving side. Their outfit was raggedy, and they looked as if they hadn't showered in decades. My eyes met theirs, and I finally let out a cool breath before answering.



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