π•Šπ•’π•—π•– & π•Šπ• π•¦π•Ÿπ•• (𝔸𝕝π•ͺ...

By carterradams

23.7K 1.3K 570

{TW: Mentions and contains homicide, suicide, rape, sexual harassment, gore, violence, etc} We call ourselve... More

twenty eight


482 33 5
By carterradams

A smile lingers on my lips as I slip on my pants. I could feel Alycia's eyes on me so I glance over locking our eyes as I bend over a bit and grab my shirt.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask standing up straight flinching a bit.

"I don't know, just because I can," Alycia responds and I roll my eyes, slowly putting my shirt on.

"Well, then I guess I can do this-" I pause walking over and bending over, pecking her lips before standing up. "Just because I can."

A smile rises to Alycias lips as she rolls her eyes. A chuckle escapes my lips as I bend over and pick up Alycia's clothes gently placing them on the bed.

"You should probably go and talk with your team, make sure you know the game plan," Alycia speaks sitting up in the bed, making sure to keep the blanket covering her. I nod my head up and down slipping my boots on.

"Yeah, but hey-" I pause and stand up straight looking to the girl. "Find me before I leave. I don't want to leave without a goodbye." Alycia bites her lip nodding her head up and down slowly. I nod back giving a slight smile before turning and heading to the door. I grab the knob and twist it, opening up the door. I walk out and make a left heading down the hall.

A smile stays dancing on my lips. The image and the events of what just happened playing through my head like my favorite song on repeat. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip to hid the smile some but it won't go away. Not until I make it to the main room and feel eyes on me.

"Y/N, you ready?" Jax asks my eyes locking with his. My smile had vanished and I was left nodding my head, walking towards all of them and looking up to the big screen. There I see a layout plan of the building we're going too.

"You guys found the layout?" I ask, stopping and crossing my arms over my chest. Out of the corner of my eyes I see all of them nod.

"Yep. Lily actually helped. Kid's got mad hacking skills," Billy said, causing me to nod then looking around the room realizing Lily's not even in here.

"Where is Lily?" I question.

"Tessa came and got her. They're still figuring some things out. That's what everyone's going to be doing-" Rovvie pauses turning and bending over a bit, typing fast. I tear my eyes from him and to the other screens seeing him pull up the communication screen. "Rae's going to be on comm's with Cherry. Ducky will be on stand by. Lily, Tessa and Alycia will be in here too or in the room next door working on any information they can still find."

"Exactly since we have no idea what the hell we're walking into," Jax adds and I nod.

"Alright. Sounds like we have somewhat of a game plan-" I pause a moment, dropping my arms from my chest. "Let's get hooked up and get our weapons. We might as well head out, seek out what's going on there before we go in." Everyone nods and we scatter. Jax and Billy stay by the computers while Rovvie motions for me to follow him. I nod and follow him to a different area of the room. Both of us stand by a table where we usually help the tac team set up and put on their technical equipment.

Rovvie grabs a piece and hands it to me. "Slide that up your shirt and hook this piece to your bra," Rovvie says handing me the pieces. I do as he said and can feel he wanted to ask something else.

"What is it Rov?" I ask, reaching my hands up my shirt.

"You tell Alycia?" Rovvie asks and I nod my head up and down. "How'd she take it?"

I sink my teeth into my bottom lip as I pull my hand out from under my shirt before looking to the guy. A questioning yet knowing look spreading across his face.

"Yeah no she didn't take it well," I respond nodding, looking away and reaching over to the table grabbing an ear piece.

"It didn't go well but by the look on your face something sure as hell did." I shake my head a bit, putting the ear piece in and shrugging my shoulders.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't know what I'm talking- Okay come on fess up. What happened?" I look up to Rovvie and see his eyes looking back and forth between my eyes. "Did you two confess your dying love for one another? Did you two kiss? Oh my god... Did you two..."

"Oh god! Stop," I say quickly, glancing to where Jax and Billy were looking over plans. A chuckle escapes Rovvie's lips and I look back to him shaking my head before reaching one hand out and pushing his chest. He stumbles only slightly shaking his head.

"I had a feeling. You came in all smiley."

"Is it so abnormal for a person to smile?" I question and Rovvie shrugs.

"It does when that person lost their smile for several months," Rovvie responds. I nod and look away from him and back away.


"Alright, you four ready?" Rae's voice carries through the room. All of us look up to the door to find Rae gripping onto the rail, her eyes scanning each of us. "Come on! The car's ready!"

"Did you go up by yourself?" Jax asks, tilting his head and looking to his sister. Rae shrugs and smirks.

"That's not important. What's important is ending this shit! So come on!" Rae smiles and motions her arm for us to all follow as she turns on her heels and heads out the door. I look to Jax who's shaking his head and grabbing his bag. Him and Billy heading up. I turn my head away from them and look to Rovvie who's shaking his head from side to side with a small smile.

"Time to end this," I say causing his eyes to flick to mine.

"Absolutely," he responds as we grab what we need before heading out with everyone else. When we get to the elevator. Everyone's there. We all say our goodbyes but when I get to Alycia I hesitate, locking our eyes. A small smile spreads to her lips as I nod and she steps forward, wrapping her arms around me. I wrap my own arms around her and give her a tight yet gentle squeeze.

"Come back to me," Alycia whispers into my ear. I squeeze my eyes shut and stay silent a moment before feeling the urge to speak. I turn my head a bit, so my lips were near her ear.

"I love you," I whisper before I pull away. When I do, a shocked expression is flashed over the Australian's face. I nod and give her a small smile before feeling Rovvie's hand pat my shoulder. I tear my eyes from Alycia's and to Rovvie who tilts his head forward, letting me know we got to go. I nod and take one last final look at Alycia who bites her lip. I nod and tear my eyes away once more before following Rovvie, Billy and Jax onto the elevator. I stand in the front next to Rovvie, looking out to everyone else. All of them nodding as the doors slowly shut. However before they do my eyes go to Alycia to see her hand up a bit. Her pinkie, index finger and thumb all pointing out causing a smile to slowly rise understanding exactly what that meant. I love you in sign language.


"Y/N, this is Sargent Linda Hyer," Billy says as we walk over to a couple people in military suits. The woman holds out her hand and I grab a hold of it, shaking it.

"Pleasure to meet you Y/N," Linda spoke and I nodded.

"Pleasure to meet you too," I respond as we tear our hands away. I look up at the building and scratch the back of my neck. "You guys seen anything yet?"

"Nope. It's been pretty dead. We're not even sure if anyone's in there," Linda says looking up at the building also.

"Do you think it's good to move in? Have three groups. Two go in through the back then split off down the two separate halls then one group goes through the front," Billy says. I glance over to him and see him looking around just as Jax and Rovvie walk up.

"Sounds good. How you want the teams?" Linda asks. "Obviously I got my two teams set up, but where do the four of you want set up?"

"I'd say we'll have Jax go with one team and then Billy with the other. They'll go in with the two back teams. Then me and Y/N will go in with the front," Rovvie says causing me to look at him. He eyes me out of the corner of his eye but his eyes remain on Linda who nods.

"Alright Billy, Jax go ahead and head back there. Some of my guys are already there," Linda says. Billy and Jax nod before rushing off with their bullet proof vests on and their big machine guns. I look to Rovvie who motions for me to follow the other team for the front. All of us get to the front and stand there. I'm behind multiple what feels like a swat team, preparing and waiting for commands to give us the go ahead.

"Get ready to breach in 3...2..." Before Linda could get to one I hear Cherry on my ear piece screaming to run. It echoes and rings loudly within my ear but before either me or Rovvie could react I hear a big explosion occur feeling my body fly back, causing my eyes to close immediately feeling my back hit the ground. My gun falls to my side and I feel darkness beginning to settle in. However I try my hardest to open my eyes back up, but it's no use till I just give up entirely letting the dark consume me completely.

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