Avalon Isn't What It Used To...

By A_L_untold

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My mother says my endless curiosity and my need to venture is a curse. Though, I know she only says that beca... More

Chapter 1: Avalon to Otherworld
Chapter 2: Stupid Squirrels
Chapter 3: Fae-Ri
Chapter 4: What are 'Shoes'
Chapter 5: Ori-gon?
Chapter 6: Coin
Chapter 7: 2 Months
Chapter 8: The limb
Chapter 9: Grounded
Chapter 10: Grounded
Chapter 11: Moss
Chapter 12: 6 months
Chapter 13: Countdown
Chapter 14: Dancing Hearts
Chapter 15: Too Small
Chapter 16: I Missed You
Chapter 17: Broken Promises
Chapter 18: Secrets
Chapter 19: Recalling the First
Chapter 20: I love you
Chapter 21: Heaven
Chapter 22: Returned
Chapter 23: Consecration
Chapter 24: Sweetheart
Chapter 25: Twitterpated
Chapter 26: Intertwining Worlds
Chapter 28: More like, Peter Pan.
Chapter 29: Alm
Chapter 30: Rob
Chapter 31: Thanksgiving
Chapter 32: The Great Christmas Mage
Chapter 33: Trapped
Chapter 34: Tripped into the Past
Chapter 35: Emotional
Chapter 36: Shrunk
Chapter 37: The Dress
Chapter 38: Meeting Maya
Chapter 39: Vows
Epilogue: 2 Years Later

Chapter 27: Coming Clean

189 6 4
By A_L_untold

"Ri, you just need to go tell them... it's been over 2 months", Owen said behind me as I sat atop his dresser. My back was turned to him as I refolded some of my Fae sized clothes into a neat pile.

"I know I do Owen! But it's only been about 2 weeks there if that, and maybe they'd understand but UGH"!

"I know you're scared sweetheart, but pushing it off even more won't do either of us any good. Remember what Fae think about Humans, and try  to understand. I want to be as respectful to them as possible".

I glanced over my shoulder at him with an impressed glower,  "Don't call me sweetheart". 

He laughed softly before he commented teasingly. "What do you want me to call you? Stubborn"?

Though my spot upon 'dresser' cut off the view of him below his shoulders, I looked him up and down before turning back to my clothes, "Preferably".

"Ri. Really. I need you to do this. If we are going to be together for hundreds of years, I'd really like to start off on the right foot".

My shoulders slumped, For the love of fae, does he always have to be sound of mind?   I stood up and crossed my arms looking down at the pile of clothes I had nervously rearranged about 20 times. I turned around to see his big brown eyes imploring me with tender patience.

"FINE", I threw my hands in the air unable to fight his stare. "I'll go tonight". His smile grew slowly as his eyes brightened with gratitude.

But before he could say anything, I spoke up again, "But remember, if I end up staying there, even two days, it will be almost two weeks here".

He took a step back with a proud grin. "Well, I guess it's a good thing I will now be living another hundred years, right"?

"O-ho, aren't you just so clever", I shook my head with a grin. He gave me a sympathetic smile before he walked up to the dresser, and leaned against it holding out his finger, curling it a few times in invitation. I rolled my eyes as I walked up to his finger placing a hand on top of it.

"Thank you." He said with a pleased expression. "Am I good to head to the bar now"?

"Yes", I said with a low intonation. "I'll be with Shae and Meeks today, and I'll have her drop me off in Avalon before she heads back home". His eyes looked away from mine as he carefully watched his hand shift and fall around me, tenderly running the pad of his thumb across the side of my face.

"Love you", he said with a thankful sigh, his eyes settling on mine.

"Okay, okay", I shoo'd his hand away. "Love you too", I smirked lovingly as I crossed my arms, and watched him chuckle before leaving the room.

Fae help me, I thought as I watched him exit, I love him way too much for my own good.

I brushed off the skirt of my dress and conjured my wings, taking off toward Shae.

"I missed you too", I giggled as I landed inside my apartment, that now seemed so small. I started to clean up my old space and put some items away that I had left out. The moss provided a wonderful carpeting, and I decided to leave it as I reorganized some of my things. As I did, Shae told me she got a message from my brother, telling me he missed me, and that my father was growing on him already. After another hour of talking...

"What do you mean, when am I going to tell them"? I said and paused my cleaning.

Shae creaked.

"Oh for the love of Fae, have you and Owen been talking"?

Shae creaked slightly.

"Oh", I giggled, "that's right". I laughed remembering that Humans can't talk to trees. "In any case Shae, I'm going to try and go tonight".

Shae shook a little.

"Okay, okay. I get it. I'm sucking it up".

Shae shook with a delighted moan.

"Did you just say 'Mer-Alert'"? I belted out a laugh at Shae's comical jargon, and I flew out the entrance to see Meeks, swimming up to the shore of the pond.

"HOW GOES IT"? I yelled from above her. She turned quickly and her face lit up when she saw me.

"Hey Ya-ya," she said with a giggle pulling herself from the water, "Going great, what about you"?

I flew down to Shae's root and watched pull her water-proof bag from the water and proceed her dry herself off with Druid magic. The Mer had intense control over water, but Druid magic was second only to celestial magic. "All good here, sort of. I see your training is going well"!

"Yeah! It's amazing, although it's getting pretty difficult to hide it from my dad, it seems he knows me better than I thought".

"I get it. Actually, Owen is exceptionally talented when it comes to knowing how I'm feeling. I'm actually starting to wonder if there's more to it".

"How is he by the way"? She asked slipping her dress on over her human form.

"He's good", I shrugged, "But he keeps bugging me to tell my parents about us".

"You really should though", she glanced at me before she stood up to come to sit next to me.

"YEAH, I KNOW THANK YOU! ... Can you drop me off there before you leave"?


"—I mean if you have something to do, we can just do it another time".

"Uh, No-o, I don't have anything better to—"

"—Are you sure"?

"YAH-YAH! I know your nervous, but really..." she laughed out her words.

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the root, "Okay... So, what's new"?

"Well I got into a fight with Mark last week after I saw you".  She looked at me to see me gesture to continue, "He got jealous because my ex washed up to see me".

"THE KEPLIE"? My posture perked up.

"M-hmm", she said with an eyeroll. "It only took him 72 years to figure out what a Shipwreck I am".

Shipwreck: the mer-term used for saying how wonderous and great something is; the greater the treasure the greater the shipwreck. Relating to the days when Mer would compete in wave competitions to take down a ship, though it has been outlawed by the now for the last 200 years. I believe I heard Owen use a similar phrase but saying "catch" instead of shipwreck.

"What a loser", I scoffed. "He gives kelpies a bad reputation".

"I know! Well, anyway, I told Marks its been over for 70 years and if he's going to give me grief about someone else's actions, then we were going to have issues".

"Oh, Please tell me he apologized right then and there"!

"He did", she giggled proudly, "He knows there's nothing between Korig and I".

"Oh good", I said with a smile. "You know. I really do think Mark is great. There were times I came looking for you and he was a very good friend to me", I added, remembering the 2 weeks I spent with Mark and Meeks before Owen and I rescued my father. 

"I know," she smiled proudly. "He told me, and I was so thankful he did that for you".

Meeks and I talked there for a few hours. About Mark and Owen, her training, and how my parents may react to my mating. We talked about the trading's she's been doing with her father, and how more than anything, she'd just like to go explore the oceans.

When finally, it came time for her to take me to Avalon. Of course I resisted, but it wasn't that hard to suck it up. Especially knowing how Owen wanted more than anything to start off in their good graces. We crossed through the portal and quickly she lifted me out of the water and I sprung into flight before anyone would notice. Luckily, night was already engulphing the realm making my entrance easily hidden. I flew the hour flight to my parents, trying to keep my speed under control. The last thing I needed was to draw the attention of the Avalon Guard, who would then start to wonder why their records show that I was currently in the Otherworld. 

I flew over the bustling market, lit with wisps, Fae-brights, and the assorted glowing colors of winged Fae as the nightlife of central Summtertide awoke. I whipped around the trees and towards the grove of Magnolias where my parents level was located. 

"Mom? Dad?", I said landing on the terrace. I walked inside as my dad jumped up to greet me.

"RI"! He said before jogging to embrace me in a big hug. "What did I tell you Maya? I told you She'd visit Often"! My dad said as my mom walked down the hall and into our living area with a huge smile. But before she could reach me, she paused and shook her head.

"Oh, Ri", she said, her voice filled with disappointment. "You didn't".

"So what if I did, mom. Are you really not going to hug me"? I peered at her, my heart already as disappointed as her features. She pulled me into a hug regardless, though I could still see it in her eyes.

"Look", I said as we pulled away, "I'm not sure how you knew—"

"—What do you mean! You're my daughter, how could I not  know"?

"Is someone going to tell me"? My dad chimed in innocently.

My mom let loose a large sigh with a slight head shake, "Kesh, our daughter has mated".

"TO THE HUMAN"? My dads voice was loud and surprised.

"SHHHH"! I hushed loudly, "Tree's may gossip"!

"I didn't expect this from you so soon." My Mother stated with another shake of her head.

"Yeah, well if it was up to me, I wouldn't have told you for at least 50 years". I crossed my arms.

"What? Ri-ae-ya! Why wouldn't you tell me"?  My mother placed her hands on her hips.

"Maybe to avoid that look of disappointment I get every-time you hear something about my life"? I shook my head at her, "If Owen hadn't told me to tell you... I wouldn't have".

"Maya, remember time there is different", my father chimed in trying to calm the tension, "And Ri, thank you for coming to tell us".

I nodded towards my dad. "I need you guys to sit down", I said. My tone was unemotional, and cold.

Though I didn't show it, it broke my heart every time my mom was disappointed in me. They sat down at the table my dad eager to hear what I had to say, my mom however was nervously holding her hands atop the table, twirling her thumbs.

I stood in front of them and crossed my arms as I spoke, "I promised you both that I'd tell you if I could; and I can. Because I have been made a keeper. Dad, you were right".

"A keeper"? My mom questioned softly, looking at my dad with questioning eyes before turning back to me.

"This needs to remain secret for protection of the realm—"

"—Avalon"? My mom gasped.

"Just  listen", my tone was stern but patient. I waved my hand mentally repeating the Drui incantation for a Privacy orb to appear around us, so that even the magnolia couldn't hear. My parents looked around the glistening bubble with wide eyes. I drew their wide-eyed attention back to me as I spoke.

"For the past 100 maybe 200 years, I had been apprenticing the Drui".

"No... you've been here", my mom said with a shake of her head, hoping I was just having a mental break down. My dad, however, had a zealous grin draped across his face.

"I have been here. But I have also been traveling to the Grove of Magicians in between my apprenticeships here in Avalon".

Horror struck my mothers face, "You've been with drui--but the Grove is a myth". My dad grabbed her hand to help her calm down, though he didn't take his eyes off me.

"No. It's really not", I said with a light cadence before my tone returned to normal. "I have been traveling there with Meeks, the Mer I got in trouble with? To learn from them. And I... recently I had been consecrated as a celestial". My fathers eyes widened in awe, my mother however seemed to be on the verge of panicking.

"I knew you were too powerful to be using Fae magic", my dad leaned forward eager to here more, "How? How did you get there"?

"No one can. The realm was created as a peaceful utopia, and a safe-haven for those who seek to learn and are worthy of its protection. Unless you are invited by the Dagda, or brought by a Grove Dweller, the only way to get there is if the realm calls you too it".

My mom shook her head her eyes filled with tears, "Ri-ae—"

"—Maya," my dad stopped her, "this is wonderous, and quite an accomplishment if I don't say so myself". My mom nodded at my father's words, understanding that she couldn't fully comprehend the magnitude.

"Thank you, dad. I'm glad you think so", I nodded before I looked at my mom; this time, unable to hide the sorrow that I felt accompanying her disapproval. But I continued slowly.

"Keepers are powerful. So, I assume I am too. Though, I don't intend to find out how powerful".

"And that's how you defeated the Drui"? My dad asked, my mom glancing at him in horror. I could see by my mothers surprise that my dad never fully explained that we hadn't just escaped that day, but that I had rendered him powerless. 

"Yes. I drained any power he had, and then put a lock on his spirit hindering him from ever possessing magic again".

"Wow", my Dad leaned back in his chair, as my moms eyes started to grow curious.

"You... You really did that"? She asked and then glanced at my dad who responded to her lack of knowledge, "Maya, don't you see our daughter has been blessed as a Cherubim"?

"A cherubim? You're an Angel"?

"No, well... Since I am born Fae, I take low rank as a cherubim, not full celestial". My mother's breathing quickened.

"Ri.. t-that means you're more Powerful than the Queen Herself", her words came out breathlessly. "Sh-she will feel threatened".

"I know, it is why no one can hear this. Not even Marv. It is also another reason why I left Avalon. If Her Majesty found out I was studying with the Drui, in a realm that she believes to be Myth... Who knows how she would react", I continued.

"I-if her majesty finds ou--"

"--If  she finds out, I have safe-dwellings in the Grove I can take you to", I cut her off, and paused before continuing.  "I came to tell you this and that I had decided to mate Owen". I tried to throw out the last part casually.

My mom shook her head at the weight of my words, as my dad stood up to embrace me again.  "And here I worried that you'd struggle without may presence, seems your mother was more than capable of raising you better than I could ever imagine to do myself", he said. "I'm so proud of you". 

I nodded with a soft smile, trying to remain unaffected by those words that were everything I wanted to hear from my mother. But my mother sat there looking down as if it were too much more her.

"Maya"? My dad fished her out of her own thoughts. I tried to not look at her overwhelmed reaction and busied myself with releasing the incantation, and watched the fading orb as it disintegrated around us.

My wide gaze shot back to her as she stood up abruptly with fervor in her eyes, "If you think this means I will stop worrying about you, you are very mistaken". She walked up to me and cupped my face, "You are my jewel". She searched my light brown golden eyes as if trying to find the youngling I once was.

I'm still me, mom. I thought to myself. 

She stood tall and her features grew fierce again. "If you chose this human then, I-I will accept him as my own. But do not for one second, think that I will stop worrying about you. I care not how powerful you are... you need to write to me as often as possible", she gritted the words out sternly.

My eyes teared up, and I hugged her aggressively. Though she seemed to have growled just a moment ago, she softened instantly upon my embrace. She stroked my back as I could feel her breathing soften. 

When I pulled away, my mom turned towards my dad, "Kesh will you give us a few minutes". He nodded and walked to their room, as my mom sat me down at the table next to her.

"Okay," she began, "I know I have been hard on you. But it seems your stubbornness was stronger... and better for it, seeing what you've become at such a young age. But, tell me. Tell me about Owen".

And I did. I told her everything from start to finish, leaving out the mating details of course. I told her how I met him, when I realized I loved him, and when he realized he loved me too. I told her about the things he says to me, and how upset he gets when I take unnecessary risks, and how he somehow always seems to know the right thing to say no matter what I'm going through. 

During my explanations, I made the comical realisation that this was the first time I had told her anything about my life without holding back. Though, it admittedly hurt whenever she was disappointed in my decisions, I was no longer in fear of losing her or my family because of my adventures. 

She listened intently, though I could see her skepticism. Part of me felt she was only skeptical because she hadn't met him yet. I told her about how he handles my moods and patiently deals with my attitude as my mother laughed at some of the situations I explained.

"RI"! My brother yelled running inside from the terrace, my mother and I turned around at the announcement of his arrival.

"What's this? Are you in trouble again"? My brother pried, slowly walking up to us at the table.

"No," I laughed, "We were just talking, and I'm here visiting for a couple days".

"Finally", he said bending over and wrapping his arms around me. I embraced him as best I could from my angle before he pulled away, "But if you're just visiting, then why does mom look upset"? He squinted his eyes and pulled away.

Mom and I both shared a look agreeing that we didn't need to tell him everything. She quickly stood up from the table and proceeded to the baking area, "Because your sister is Mated, Alm, and I didn't agree with her hasty decision".

"You have a mate"! He turned to me unable to contain his excitement before firing off questions, "What's his name? What's he like? Does he live in the Otherworld"?

I started slowly, "Yes I met him in the Otherworld. His name is Owen. And he's really nice".

"Nice", he noted condescendingly. "You mean.. You mated him and all you can say is 'Nice'"?

"Oh"! I coughed into my hand and cleared my throat before mocking girlish excitement, "He has sparkling brown eyes that shine like the stars, and his smile is as lovely as the Star—". 

He quickly covered his ears in horror as he backed away from me.

I stood up from my seat and continued louder, "When he laughs my stomach flutters"!

He turned and ran down the corridor towards his room and I sprinted after him yelling and laughing, "When he holds me I feel safe! AND I'M SO IN LOVE WITH HIM IT HURTS"!

"MAKE IT STOP"! He screamed!

"Oh don't even start you two"! My mother shouted as I jumped onto Alms bed next to him. "Why don't you guys go fetch me some ingredients for dinner"!

I laughed mischievously as he glared at me. "RACE YOU"! I conjured my wings and darted out of his room before flying through the corridor, blowing past my startled father, with my brother following closely behind as we shot out the entrance of our tree.

"THE LIST"! My mother shouted, and I turned around mid-flight to see my brother turning back for the list before hastily trying to catch up.

I woke late in the night to a deep screaming and the hushing attempts of my mother. I flipped over to see that Alm was stirring with me; He lifted his darkened features before plopping back into the mound. The screaming ceased and I could hear the faint movement in the room down the hall.

"It's dad again", he mumbled.

"Again"? I whispered in question. Alm didn't answer, so I nudged him, "What do you mean again"?

He grumbled before flipping his head to answer me whilst half asleep, "He as night-terrors from the otherworld".

I looked toward the hall and laid back down next to my brother. It was stupid of me to think that he was fine; Of course he has terrors from being held captive.

I tossed and turned the rest of the night, and ended up crawling out of bed before the rest of our level awoke. I grabbed a cup of water, and took it out to our terrace to watch as the wisps faded into the morning light. From here it almost looked like the lake of stars in the Grove, as the glow from early morning Fae whipped around to start their day before the rest of the realm.

The bright white star began to peek through the trees across the horizon, and I jumped at the shuffling that emenated behind me.

"Couldn't sleep"? My dad slowly joined me outside to feel the cool morning, I shook my head and gave him a knowing grin.

"Yeah, me as well", he said matching my position and leaning over the banister.

"How bad was it"? I asked softly, knowing that I didn't want the answer.

He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I was born amidst the end of the Seelie wars, sweetling, I can handle it. Honestly, the hardest part for me was missing your youngling years, and finding out I had a son in my absence".

I looked and him cynically, asking him for the truth.

"Ri-ae-ya," he scoffed before he continued. "It didn't feel like I was imprisoned for as long as I was. The Drui kept me in the essence of health in order to feed off my magic. I keep dreaming as if I'm going to wake from this life to realize it was a dream. That I am dreaming of freedom.. Funny how my need for freedom ended with captivity".

We stayed silent for a moment, before he spoke again. "Your mother has me going to healers, sweetling. I will be fine in time, but for now I wish not to dwell on it any further".

I sighed with a nod and looked down at the grass covered ground that lay between our community of magnolias. I could almost imagine my giant walking up to us with a pristine smile. His giant form excited over the fading wisps, before his loving eyes settled on me. 

"What's on your  mind", He smiled and then nudged my shoulder with his. When I looked up at him I saw his brows wiggle playfully. I laughed quietly and looked back out at the steadily rising star.

"Oddly, I miss the smell of coffee in the morning", I laughed out breathily. And then looked back to see his questioning smile. 

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