Under Bright Lights

By Shelberto247

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Brooklyn Avery Richardson is a powerhouse football player who moved to California from New York, her family s... More

Chapter One: The Move
Chapter Two: First Day Issues
Chapter Three: Official games and girls
Chapter Four: Thoughts and Tutoring
Not an Update: Character check
Chapter Five: Secrets and Suspicions
Chapter Seven: A String of Bad Events
Chapter Eight: Discovery pt 1
Chapter Nine: Discovery pt 2
Chapter Ten: "Perfect Family"
Chapter Eleven: Tarnished Rep and abandonment
Chapter Twelve: Everything is falling apart
Chpater Thirteen: Game Day
Chapter Fourteen: Aftermath Pt 1
Chapter Fifteen: Aftermath Pt 2

Chapter Six: Bullshit

750 36 10
By Shelberto247

Brooklyn's POV

I wake up to my alarm and groan, I check my phone to see no good morning text from Tiffany causing me to sigh in annoyance, its been a about a month since Tiffany came over and we haven't been doing well

She's been trying to take things to the next level and have sex but I've turned her down every single time, I've told her I'm not ready and she cant seem to understand that and on top of that she seems to have an issue with my friendship with Monica, I rub my eyes and decide to just ignore it 

I wanna cheer myself up a bit and to do that....I gotta look good, I go to my closet and pull out one of my favorite outfits and put it on (the outfit above) 

I head to the bathroom and do my routine before heading downstairs, I go to turn the corner but I hear my Dad talking to someone and I stop, his suspicious exit from the Gaye's house  has been on my mind and I have a bad feeling, I listen in on his conversation

"Well Tanya went on a business trip a few days ago and wont be back for a bit so we'll have some privacy, ok well the kids are here so i may have to sneak away, Ok see ya, yea bye" My Dad says as he hangs up the phone

What the hell is he planning, and please tell me this isn't what it seems, I round the corner and he sees me and perks up as I sit down  on the stool in the kitchen 

"Hey champ, what's the plans today" My dad says as he looks at me and drinks his coffee

"Well the same ole same ole, go to school, than tutoring then practice and come home and study some more" I say blandly 

"Well you practice hard today and is Tiffany coming over today" He says curiously 

"I don't think so, were kind of not talking right now" i say awkwardly, not really wanting to talk to him about this situation I'm in 

"Well everything will work out and hey worse coms to worse, you can always give her some if you know what i mean" he says causing me to cringe 

"Dad I don't wanna have sex with her right now and can we please not talk about this" i say uncomfortably

"I'm just messing with you but I definitely suggest giving her what she's missing, wrap it up always" He says taking a condom out his pocket and tosses it to me 

I awkwardly take it from him as my siblings come downstairs, my dad looks over at them and specifically towards Victoria whos again smiling at her phone

"What's got you so happy Vic" My Dad says 

"nothing just a post on Instagram" Victoria lies as she puts her phone in her pocket 

"Ok.... Hey Brandon, why you wearing that" My dad says nodding toward Brandon's outfit 

He's waring some skinny jeans and a button up that's not all the way buttoned with some Jordan 1 lows that show a bit of ankle 

"I wanted to look nice today" Brandon says looking down at his outfit then back to our Dad 

"Look nice or look gay, I wont judge but you look a little feminine" My dad says making Brandon look down 

"Alright lets go to school" I say breaking the very thick tension in the room as i get up with my bookbag 

My Dad walks out while giving my siblings weird looks and we hang back a bit while Brandon looks at his outfit again 

"You look good Bran now lets go" I say looking at him, He smiles and I look towards Victoria as she types away at her phone 

"Tell Todd I said hi" I say supportively as we walk out to the car and Victoria looks at me happily 


I walk into tutoring and sit in front of Monica as she reads her book, she's always reading which I like,  she doesn't notice me so I decide to scare her 

"OH MY GOD A SNAKE" I say loudly causing her to jump on her chair and everyone to look around paranoid but they soon see nothing and go back to what they were doing 

Monica looks at me with a glare as I laugh, she throw her book to me and I catch it and look at it, goosebumps, nice 

"Why do you always have to scare me, you could give me heart issues" Monica says annoed yet laughing as she tris to catch her breath

"You read horror?" I say smiling a bit 

"Yea I love goosebumps and RL Stine" Monica says as she takes her book back 

"What's your favorite book" I say challenging her as I lean forward 

"Night of the living dummy, yours" Monica says leaning forward as well 

"I like the same one" I say as I glance down at her lips, i soon realize how close we and and lean back as does she 

"So Um lets start the session" Monica say clearing her throat

"Yea let do that" I say awkwardly as I get my books out 

We finish our session in no time before the bell rings, We walk out as we start to talk about our passions and our favorite books and movies and laughing about anything 

"Yea I totally love the Fast and furious series but I love the soundtrack more" I say smiling 

"Yea I listen to all-" Monica goes to respond but soon I see tiffany walking up to me 

"Hey baby" She says as she grabs my hand 

"Hey babygirl, where you been all day I haven't seen you" I say a bit sarcastically because she hasn't texted me nor talk to me all day 

"Oh I had an emergency cheer practice this morning but I'm here now" She says looking towards Monica evilly and turns back to me 

"Ok well you want me to walk you to class, If I'm not mistaken you and Monica have the same class" I say looking in between them 

"Yea we do" Monica says as she gives Tiffany a look and Tiffany sends one right back 

"Lets walk to yall's class" I say putting my arm around both of them as we walk down the hall

Brandon's POV

I get my stuff together as I go to leave Glee club, I feel better about my outfit thanks to Brooklyn but what my dad said still stings 

"Hey Brandon" TJ says as he walks up to me 

"Oh um hey TJ" I say nervously as I almost drop my song sheets 

"You sounded great today, mind if we could practice at my house" TJ says hopefully as he looks me deep into my eyes 

"Sure, I can ask my dad if I could spend the night " I say surprisingly confident 

"Thanks, meet me after I get out of football" he sys and with that he walks out 

I watch him leave as my friend Madison comes up to me 

"You finally talked to TJ" She says excitedly 

"I did it and I'm going to his house today' I say excitedly

we start jumping up and down in excitement when suddenly our teacher looks at us and we leave while whispering about how cute TJ is  

Brooklyn's POV 

I come home from a difficult practice as Dylan was making it very difficult for everyone, he kept smirking at me and making the defense hit me from all sides

I walk into my room and instantly head to my shower, I get out and I hear my father yelling and then a door slam, I quickly get dressed and go out into the hallway to see what's going on, I hear the front door shut and I head to my sisters room since Brandon is at a sleepover 

I open the door to see her crying on her bed and I turn to see her phone cracked on the floor, I o over to her and embrace her as she cries, she instantly holds on to me and we stay like that for a bit till i pull away and look at her 

"He found out about Todd didn't he" I say and she nods 

"Do you wanna stay the night at Ray's house" i say she nods and we pack her bag and head out using my car 

I drop her off and sit in the driveway as I contemplate texting Tiffany, she been acting weird and its starting to bug me, she always get really jealous with Monica, even today she pulled me away from practice to make out and maybe have sex after she didn't text back this morning fbecause of a "emergency cheer practice" which was a total lie 

I decide to say fuck it and head to her house, I ma it there and park at the front and go up to the door, I knock and the door soon opens to reveal her little brother Angelo with a headset on and controller in hand 

"Hey Brooklyn, she's upstairs" He says then heads back to is game, I thank him and head upstairs 

I hear music and figure she's probably studying, I open the door and the sight in front of me makes my heart drop and my fist ball up with anger 

I see Tiffany bent over on her bed while Dylan is fucking her from behind, my jaw clenches as i clear my throat causing them to turn around 

"Oh my god... Brooklyn what are you doing here" Tiffany says as Dylan looks at me with the most smug look ever 

I walk out and leave the house as I hear Tiffany calling after me, I ignore her as she runs out with only a blanket on her and Dylan trailing with shorts on 

I drive off and head back to my house, I can not believe she cheated on me, after everything I went through with her and everything I did for her, she cheats on me with him, her ex boyfriend 

I park in the driveway and slam my car door, I walk up to the door and unlock it and walk in, instantly I smell food and see rose petals on the floor, I walk in the direction they lead to see them all on the living room floor, I see women's panties on the floor 

"Oh hell no" I say out loud and run upstairs 

I get up to the stairs and I hear it, moaning and the headboard hitting the wall, you've got to be fucking kidding me, I walk with purpose over to my dads room and open the door and i see the second worse thing today but the first when it comes to me 

My father fucking our neighbor and Monica's Mom......Tammi

A/N ok that was a lot ill admit but damn things are heating up and not looking good for everyone's favorite football family with the perfect smiles


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