Club Echo

By camrenruinedmylife

871K 24.3K 60.6K

(Book 1/3 of Club Echo) Y/N is a very well known DJ at a popular club in LA. What happens when one day a cer... More

Where Have You Been
your text
Turn Me On
Hungry Heart
I Melt With You
love is so hard!
It's You
Come On, Come On
Break My Heart Again
I Kissed A Girl
Cherry Wine
Hands To Myself
So Weightless
Be the Song
Lover of Mine
Not Afraid Anymore
Supermarket Flowers
Missing Piece
Falling Apart
Off My Face
Love Like This
we fell in love in october
What They'll Say About Us
maybe we need a break
Like I Want You
In My Dreams
Everything Has Changed
Chasing Cars
Daddy Issues
Meant To Be
Winter Things
I See the Light
It was nice while it lasted
La Vie En Rose
you were good to me
Love Is Gone
No Time To Die
Strangers, Again -

I'm Nothing Without You

12.4K 346 806
By camrenruinedmylife

I'm Nothing Without You by Dylan Gardner



As lazy as we are, Lizzie and I cuddled up together in front of the tv watching The Office. After Thanksgiving, it's been a great week. We've spent a lot of it going on multiple cute dates and spontaneous late-night food trips. My days with Lizzie seemed to be getting better every day and I wouldn't have it any other way. Everything is perfect, and the future I've longed for is finally shaping up in front of me. This is my reality, and I'm happy that it's with Lizzie. I can't wait for our future together.

"Do you think we'll get married like that one day?" Lizzie asked as the scene from Jim and Pam's wedding from The Office plays out. "I love the spontaneous decision of them getting married in Niagara Falls. I think it's sweet."

I smile like an idiot thinking about pulling something like that, "That can be arranged. It's nice over there. Canada is such a great place."

"I wouldn't know."

"What do you mean?"

"I've never been to Niagara Falls, let alone Canada," Lizzie confessed. "I've always wanted to go. I just never got around to because I'm always busy."

"Well, in that case, let's go."


"We should go tomorrow." I thought of another idea. "Better yet, let's go on a road trip. I know how you've been wanting to go on one for a while, so let's do it. Let's go to Canada by car. What do you say?"

Lizzie's facial expressions were almost unreadable at first. It was like she's trying to process everything that I've said in the past second. But, eventually, the blank expression turned into something that makes your heart flutter. The excitement running through those eyes of hers is to die for.

"I would love to go on a road trip with you." Lizzie cheered like a little kid.

"Great, then it's settled. We're going on a trip tomorrow." I grinned so wide that my jaw started to hurt a little. "We should go shopping for stuff that we need for the trip. Like, camping stuff. Oh, and we're not using your car to drive there. Leave the transportation up to me because I've got just the thing for this trip."

I noticed that Lizzie is staring at me with probably one of the brightest smiles I've ever seen in my life, "What?" I asked curiously.

"I love you," Lizzie uttered softly, her gaze touching my soul. "I love you so much. Probably more than my heart could handle."

I held her face closer to me, "I love you too, baby. Forever and Always." I seal her lips with a kiss that touches both of our souls, letting the world know whatever challenges might carry us apart, our bond is strong enough to withstand any of it.

In the beginning, I thought that butterflies were swarming my body every time Lizzie would say or do something. But, I was wrong. It wasn't butterflies. I thought that it was a sense of excitement that made me fall for her. It was far from that. I was way off. I fell in love with the way she made me feel calm and still. With her, I feel complete.


I'm truly having the best time of my life. I can't help but admire the way Lizzie is skipping through the aisle with so much excitement picking the stuff that we need and putting them in the cart. She's like a little kid inside a candy shop. I was so occupied with watching her that I wasn't as involved with putting any sort of input according to the stuff that we need for the trip. By the end of it all, her car could barely withhold all of the stuff that Lizzie bought out of impulse and excitement all together.

"Was it really necessary to buy two surfboards? We could've just rented one over there." I point out.

"Yes, for memories." Lizzie scoffed, inserting the key in the ignition. "You surf right?"

"Kind of. I dabbled on it during college but I'm not a pro."

"Even better. We could have a good laugh at how terrible we are by the end of it."

"That's a good thought process I guess." I chuckled, intertwining our hands together. "Maybe we should've gotten a life vest too. You look like the type of person that would drown easily. Can you even swim?"

"I'll have you know that I'm a great swimmer." Lizzie insisted. "What about you? I don't exactly peg you as the type that can actually swim."

"I was on the swim team all four years of high school and attended many school competitions for it. Damn, Lizzie, do you even know me at all?" I pretended like her lack of knowledge about my swimming capabilities hurt me.

"My mistake. I'm sorry baby." Lizzie showered my knuckles with sweet kisses. My heart flutters at her display of affection making me want to hug her so tight and have her as close to me as possible.

After we got back from hours on end shopping, Lizzie occupied herself with creating a color-coded itinerary for tomorrow's trip and all the stops we'll be making on the way to our final destination. I, on the other hand, just got off the phone with a buddy of mine that has the transportation that I want for this trip. I'm getting way too excited thinking about her reaction tomorrow when she sees it. Everything is really working out for me and for us. I'm so happy.

I find it adorable that Lizzie spent at least two hours making our itinerary for tomorrow. She was so focused on what she was doing that she didn't even notice how bad I was staring from afar. Her soft mumbles to herself were more than entertaining to me and every time she would make a mistake, Lizzie would adorably scrunch her nose and continue on. She's in her own little world and I love it.

Every once in a while, I would give her something to snack on while she gets lost in her research further. I'm surprised that she let me plan the things we'll do when we get there. She volunteered to plan the states we'll be stopping instead, which is fine by me. It's probably for the better though considering she's never been to Canada.

"Another bite, please." Lizzie popped her mouth open, waiting for me to feed her, her sandwich. When I didn't comply right away, she gave me what has to be her cutest pout ever, "Pleaseeeeeee." She drags, driving me insane with all of these fluttery emotions.

"Here." I finally complied.

Lizzie takes a big bite off of her sandwich before diverting her undivided attention to the screen of the computer. Being as in love as I am, I continue to admire her with my elbows propped against the table, my hands supporting my face. The smile I have on my face shows how much I'm truly enjoying myself. I can't help but keep telling myself how lucky I am to be breathing in the same air as her. I will never get over the fact that someone like her chose to be with someone like me.

"Do you like what you see?" Lizzie teases me.

I breathe out longingly, "I do. Very much." I leaned in for a quick kiss, which Lizzie reciprocated almost instantly. "Why? You got a problem with that?"

"No-no, by all means, stare at me all you want. I love it." Lizzie scrunched her nose, planting a few more kisses on my lips.

"Good because I wasn't planning on stopping."

Lizzie let out an adorable giggle as she continued to type something into the computer, occupied with her research once more.


I was the first to wake up because I always get super excited when it comes to going on trips. I barely got any sleep last night because all I could think about was the trip, especially right after I got a text from my friend about him dropping off the vehicle in front of my apartment. It's good that I woke up early though because it gave me time to put everything in the car so she would see the car for the first time when we leave. Despite having a lot of stuff to put in the vehicle, I was able to get it done in fifteen minutes, giving me enough time to shower and make breakfast. Lizzie woke up just in time too.

"Good morning baby." I greet her. "I made breakfast."

"Good morning love." Lizzie gave me a soft smile. "What time did you wake up?"

"Like around five in the morning."

"Why so early?" Lizzie asked, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"I wanted to get a headstart on putting all of our stuff in the car," I told her. "Everything is secured and ready to go."

"Oh, you didn't have to do that. I could've helped you."

"I know, but you looked so peaceful when you were sleeping, so I didn't bother waking you up."

"Have you forgotten that you're still injured?" Lizzie tilted her head, piercing her emerald eyes at me. "Last thing I want is for you to hurt yourself. So, please, wake me up next time."

"Yes ma'am." I swallowed the lump that took form in my throat. Suddenly, the air feels a little thicker than usual. "How's the waffles?" I tried changing the subject.

"It's good." Lizzie sliced herself another piece, popping it into her mouth. "I could get used to this, you know. Waking up to you making me breakfast."

"But, I always make you breakfast though.."

"Oh, I know, I was just saying like in the future, when we're married and have like three kids and at least two dogs, I wanna be waking up to this; you making breakfast."

I quirk a smile, listening to her talk about our future, "I wouldn't have it any other way." I held her hand, squeezing it gently.


I couldn't keep my excitement together as I held her hand as close to me as possible because I asked for her to close her eyes for the surprise. When we're finally in front of the car, I slip my hand off of hers, quickly shuffling my feet toward the vehicle in front of us.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." I stood in the corner, feeling a little nervous. "I hope you like it."

Lizzie didn't say anything. Not at first at least. I watch as she begins to walk around the car, staring at every corner, taking it all in.

"Oh my god, baby, this is amazing. Where'd you get something like this with the little time that you have?"

"I know a friend." I answer. "Do you like it? I hope it's not much. I figured, since we're going to be on the road for a while, we might as well ride comfortably and in style."

Lizzie wrapped her arms around my neck, "I love it. You're the best. Do you know that?" Her crooked smile touched my soul.

"Only for you." I tell her with a smile on my face, lifting her up in the air and twirling her around. "My baby."

"That's right, your baby. No one else." Lizzie fluttered her eyes at me. "You know what I'll do if someone tries to steal you away from me right?"

I chuckle at the memory, "Yes. You'll go Scarlet Witch on their ass."

"That's right. It's good that you know. Now, come on, let's get this trip started." Lizzie skipped to her side of the car excitedly. I had to compose myself for a second because her simple excitement did something to my heart. "Are you coming?"

Lizzie and I have been on the road for almost four hours, and it's been great so far. During those hours, we indulged ourselves in some funny sing-alongs in my playlist. It was mostly Lizzie doing her dorky dance moves while she sings her heart out. It was entertaining nonetheless.

"Alright, first stop in one of our many stops, Las Vegas," Lizzie announces, parking the car within walking distance from the sign. "Let's get off for a bit and take pictures."

I followed her lead as she pulled my hand toward the sign eagerly. Surprisingly enough, there weren't a lot of people around. Probably because it's still a little early and everyone else is still sleeping. I was so occupied in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that Lizzie asked someone to take a picture of us in front of the 'Welcome to the fabulous Las Vegas' sign.

"Alright big smiles." The man said, situating himself in the middle.

Lizzie and I did a few simple poses and a bunch of goofy ones before we were finally satisfied with ourselves. We looked at the photos, content with how it turned out.

"I'm definitely making this one my lock screen," Lizzie mumbled to herself, walking a little bit ahead of me. Again, I find myself needing to stop to compose myself because of the fluttery emotions she's giving me. "Come on baby, let's get back on the road."

I don't know how Lizzie is doing it, but, we've been on the road almost ten hours in total and she still has the same energy when she started driving. I insisted on driving but she ended up giving me a lecture about how my doctor said I'm not supposed to drive until she gave me the say-so. It was an argument that I was inevitably going to lose in the very beginning.

Looking outside the window, and noticing the canyons, I realized that we're In Utah. Lizzie parked the car at the designated spot before running to my side to open my door.

"After you, m'lady." Lizzie bows, offering her hand for me to take.

I blush at her chivalrous act, "Why, thank you." I imitate a Victorian accent. "Where are we?"

"Bryce Canyon. We'll be here for a little bit because I'm starting to feel a little cooped up in the car."

I listened and followed her around. Lizzie spent a good half hour giving me the historical background of the place and showing me all the breathtaking canyons. She was like my own little tour guide. It's obvious that she did her research on this place because she sounded so sophisticated talking about it. By the end of it, I've learned so much about the park. We also took a bunch of pictures that we'll later look back on.

Halfway through the drive to Nebraska, Lizzie and I decided it would be best to stay at a hotel since it's almost dark out and we're both tired. Our day ended a little early than usual, but that's to be expected. The next morning came and it was pretty much the same. We had breakfast before we got back on the road.

Plenty of hours passed by and we found ourselves in Nebraska for a quick pit stop to buy another tourist shirt for souvenirs. We took a lot of goofy pictures and videos before we were finally satisfied with ourselves and decided to go back in the car to continue our road trip.

I have lost track of time, but according to google maps, we're only a couple more hours away from Chicago, IL, our final stop until Canada. As usual, we went around the city like a couple of tourists taking a bunch of pictures at every spot that we deemed interesting. We also ate to our heart's content and by the end of it, we felt like if we put any more food in our system, we would definitely explode.

"How many more hours do we have left until we get to Ontario?" I asked, situating myself in the seat of the car.

"Seven, almost eight," Lizzie answered. "We'll make it there before sundown."

I feel bad for falling asleep on Lizzie halfway through the ride, but I couldn't help myself. I was tired from all the walking around earlier and on top of that, I was full. When I did wake up, I took a quick glance at our ETA, giving us roughly two hours.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep on you baby." I yawned, stretching my stiff muscles.

"Oh, it's okay. How was your sleep?"

"It was okay. Felt a little stiff but that's to be expected." I grabbed her hand so I could intertwine it around hers. "You have to let me drive though when we get there."

"Baby, we talked about this."

"I know, I just know the place a little better and I think I'm better than some machine telling you where to go." I cracked a joke, hoping it would somehow convince her.

"Let me think about it and I'll tell you what I feel when we get there. Okay?"

I nod, "Of course."

The rest of the drive went by rather quickly because before we knew it, we finally arrived at our destination. I've only been here a couple of times, but my jaw literally dropped to the ground the second I laid my eyes upon the falls. Lizzie and I walked hand in hand toward the railing, taking in the view in front of us.

"This is better than all of the pictures and videos I've seen," Lizzie says in awe. "Truly magnificent."

"It's better in the middle, come follow me." I pull her hand toward the entrance where tickets are being sold. "You remember that scene from Jim and Pam's wedding? We'll be riding that boat."

"Oh my god, we are? I'm so excited." I smiled at her enthusiasm.

After I paid for our tickets, they handed us a blue, plastic coat to cover our clothes so they wouldn't get wet. Lizzie and I stood ecstatically in front of the railing of the boat, waiting for the ride to start. I wrapped my arms around her, our gaze plastered toward the falls.

Words can't describe the amount of happiness coursing through my body, watching Lizzie get excited about the scenery in front of us. I almost didn't pay attention to the falls, but rather to her overflowing joy written all over her face. I did this. I made her smile. I've never felt so accomplished. The ride went on for at least twenty more minutes until it was finally over.

After the boat, we moved on to Cave of the Winds. I bought the tickets electronically in advance, so all we had to do was check-in and they gave us a yellow coat so we wouldn't get wet. This one is by foot, a wooden stairwell leading further down the falls but not close enough to where it would drown you, but close enough to where you feel like it would.

As we hit the lowest level, Lizzie and I took a bunch of photos and videos of each other being a total goofball. I will definitely look back on this one day, and remember how great this day was. I'm hoping I will be looking back on all of the memories with Lizzie. I hope so.

(Pretend it's y'all lol)

Nearing sundown, I drove us to Hopewell Rocks for some more sightseeing. We ended up watching the sunset with a few other people around us. By the end of it, everything about the place is now engraved in our minds. Nature and its wonder are truly breathtaking. I would never be able to understand the beauty of it and how they're made.

When the sun could no longer be seen in the sky, I drove to Point Grondine Park, where we would be setting up for camp. It didn't take too much of our time setting up and it only took us at least fifteen minutes. It's been a long day, so it didn't take that long until sleep took over our body and we were knocked out.

As usual, I woke up first. The first thing I did was make our coffee to start our day because it will be eventful like yesterday.

"Good morning, beautiful." I greeted her with a smile before handing her her coffee. "For you."

"Thank you, baby." Lizzie held her cup with both hands.

We sipped on our coffee silently, enjoying the view in front of us.

"Are you ready for today's festivities?" I wiggled my eyebrows theatrically.

"What do you have planned?"

"Just a couple of outdoorsy stuff. I hope you're up for it."

"Looking forward to it." Lizzie grinned, carefully sipping on her warm beverage.


I struggled a little bit, looking for a place to rent kayaks, but eventually, I was able to find a place. Fortunately for us, it wasn't too far from Lake Moraine so it'll be easier to return it after we use it. I almost felt bad for laughing but seeing Lizzie struggle paddling her boat, I couldn't resist. I would always have to stop every ten seconds to wait for her because she would always fall behind. It was still fun, nonetheless.

Lizzie was a quick learner though because, despite her struggle, in the beginning, she got the hang of it. We chased each other around like children until we eventually grew tired. Lizzie and I ended up having a picnic for lunch before we took a dip at the lake for a swim. We swam for longer than I anticipated, but that was because Lizzie spent the last hour trying to drown me. I have no clue as to why, but her playful antics almost got us kicked out when one of the guards was doing his rounds.

When the next day comes, I'm pretty excited about this one because not only are we going surfing, but we are also going paragliding. The only sad thing about today is that it's our last night.

Lizzie and I went to Sandbanks, Great Lakes to surf. Thanks to the two surfboards she bought out of impulse, we didn't need to rent one.

"Are you ready to teach me how to surf?" Lizzie asked, letting her feet touch the sand.

"I think the real question is, are you ready to learn?"

"Ready as I'll ever be, now let's go."

Lizzie ran toward the beach,  but stopped before her feet could get wet.

"Now, before you get yourself wet, let me tell you the four different types of surfing waves so you're aware of them," I told her. "Spilling, plunging, surging, and collapsing waves. The ultimate goal here is to keep a great balance and don't jump the gun if you know you're not going to be able to ride it out, especially the big ones. So, let's talk about starting positions." I lay my board down. "You start out in a prone position like this. Then, you paddle like this. Remember, when you're doing this part, slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. Got it?"

"Noted," Lizzie answered. 

"You then glide across the surface of the water until the wave breaks and loses its energy. Standing up and keeping a good balance is the only hard part, but you're a quick learner, so you got this."

"I sure hope so."

"You want me to show you how everything should look like?"

"Yes please."

I nodded before jumping in the water, situating myself in a prone position. Once I caught a good wave from a distance, I followed what my brain remembered from all the lessons that I took. Thanks to muscle memory, I was able to show off a little, showing a couple of cutbacks, making myself look good. By the end of it, I saw Lizzie clapping from a distance.

"That was hot," Lizzie commented, making me blush. "I would rather watch you surf than me doing the surf."

"Nope, you're not getting out of this one. Now, go out there and shred some waves." I push her toward the beach gently. "I believe in you baby."

"I swear, if I drown, I will kill you." Lizzie glared at me.

"Can't kill me if you're busy drowning." I clapped back.

"Fuck you." She huffed, flipping me off.

"I'll do that to you later, honey," I smirked, giving her a wink.

I watched from afar as Lizzie dived into the water, paddling herself toward the upcoming wave. She fell a couple of times before she finally got the hang of it. Lizzie was determined and didn't stop until she could do a simple bottom turn trick. It took her at least almost an hour to perfectly do one and until she decided to pull away from the water.

"For a first-timer, you did great. A-plus." I cheered her on, hyping her up. "It took me at least three days to perfectly do a bottom turn trick when I was just starting out but you made that shit look easy. I'm proud of you babe."

Lizzie smiled widely, "Only because you're watching me and I had to make an impression."

"Well, I'm impressed alright. That was amazing."

"Good because every time I would stand up on the board, it felt like I was going to fall off."

"Understandable. But, anyway, you must be hungry so let's go get something to eat."


Lizzie and I ended up taking a power nap after we ate before going on our last adventure for the day. Paragliding.

"I hope you're not scared of heights because we'll be so high up on this one." I tease her. "Now, stop shaking and get in here so he could strap us in." I gestured for Lizzie to join me in the booth where they gave us a safety brief about the ride.

The safety brief went on for about fifteen minutes until we were finally strapped into our designated para-foil. I volunteered to go first because I know for a fact that Lizzie would not go first based on how she's acting. It's a little entertaining, nonetheless.

I breathe out before giving myself room to run. Just like that, I'm up in the air, floating. Lizzie followed me shortly. It's a lot higher than I anticipated because when I looked beneath me, I felt fleeting fear creeping up in the back of my head.

Every once in a while, I would look back at Lizzie, who looks like she's having fun. We laugh and smile in unison as we glide across the sky easily. I wish I could stay at this moment for as long as I want. For some reason, watching Lizzie smile and be so into what she's doing, does something to me. It's different from the other times I catch myself watching her. Something about this one is different.

The day went on as perfectly as they have been these past couple of days. By the end of it, Lizzie and I laid comfortably in the blanket, staring up at the starry night sky. Then, a shooting star.

"Quick, make a wish!" Lizzie tells me excitedly as she flutters her eyes closed.

I smile before closing my eyes, "I wish for this happiness to last for Lizzie and me."

Third Person POV

Y/N and Lizzie unknowingly made the same wish. Unfortunately, they will have to learn the hard way that the world is not a grant wishing factory. And it will break them. More than they know.


A/N: Kind of a long chapter, but I hope y'all enjoyed it. We're still going strong on the fluff train, so sit back, relax, and have yourself a drink or two 😇

Question of the day: If you can remember, what's your favorite chapter so far? 🙇🏻‍♀️

See y'all in the next!

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