It's Coming Home

By caseycan

124K 1.7K 1.2K

Jack Grealish X Love Island Fan Fiction set during Euro 2020 with lots of throwbacks 2009 Aged 14, Jack is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47 - The Final Chapter
Bonus chapter

Chapter 41

1.9K 32 36
By caseycan

**Breaking News- Jack Grealish has arrived in Manchester for medical ahead of signing for Man City**

Twitter was filled with so much speculation about what was going on with Jack. People had even gone so far as to track their private flight to Manchester online, which Amy found a little strange.

'Stop looking at it' Jack scolded her playfully. They were in the back of the car from the airport to the hotel where they'd spend the night before his medical, and Jack's nerves were building.

'It's just insane, I've never seen so many pictures of you in one news feed, look' she scrolled up and it was picture after picture of him.

'Yeah, I have. You should see some of the Grealish fan accounts. Now that's a lot of photos of me' he laughed. 'They pick the good ones though, not the goofy ones you always like'

Amy looked at him and rolled her eyes playfully.
'I like the ones that remind me of the Jack I know, not the one that people think they know' she corrected him.

'Seriously though Aims, I wish you'd put your phone down. Then you can look at my face in person, and tell me how much you love it' he smirked. She knew he was putting up a confident front, but she decided to indulge him. She put her hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes.

'I love it, and you, to the moon and back' she reassured him. Then kissed him gently.

'I'm glad to hear it' he said, burying his head into her neck, where he stayed for the rest of the journey, until they arrived outside the hotel. The street outside was packed with photographers and fans in City strips. The hotel had even put out barriers and employed security guards to keep them back. When the car pulled up they all began to jostle with each other, and they both could hear their names being called before the doors had even opened.

'Seriously, how do they know our plans before we do?' Jack sighed. 'I swear they've got me on find my iPhone'

'They know we're here, let's just hold hands, be polite, smile sweetly and we'll get through this together, okay?' She squeezed his hand.

He nodded. She was always able to put things into perspective for him.

'Aims, you're literally my person in the world' he said just before he opened the car door. Those words meant so much to her, and she knew by the firm grip he had on her hand that he'd meant it.


Jack had tossed and turned nervously all night ahead of his medical, but he was up and ready to go early. Whilst he was away doing that, Amy was planning on going shopping to distract herself from everything. Her bank balance was looking pretty healthy thanks to the work she'd been doing and she'd decided to treat herself, but Jack shook his head.
'Take my card. Buy whatever you want. I'm serious'

She tried to argue, but gave up when he reminded her of how much his new weekly salary was going to be and this was going to be their lives from now on. It was a strange concept to get her head around, especially considering she was planning on returning to her basic student flat in just 5 weeks time. After Love Island and now everyone at Uni knowing she was Jack's girlfriend, she wondered how that would go.

Shopping with no limit was fun, and Amy did treat herself but it felt so surreal; going from high street fashions to a spree that included a Louis Vuitton bag, Gucci shoes, a dress from Versace and lots more. She just wished that her friends were there to shop with her. It wasn't as much fun on her own, especially when she frequently had people pointing at her, or trying to sneakily take pictures of her through the clothing rails. Almost as if Laura had read her mind, she text Amy.

Laura: I hope you didn't buy that yellow dress, it's minging.🤢🤢🤢

Amy: I bought a blue one. 💃🏻

Amy: Wait, how did you know? 😮

Laura: People are posting sooooo many pics of you on social media, I almost feel like I'm there with you, instead of at work inside this shitty bank. How's Manchester?⚽️🥅🏟

Amy: Good so far, apart from the photos. I don't understand why people are so bothered by me. Can't believe we're going to be living here soon though. 😱

Laura: Me either bestie, but I'm buzzing for you both. Tell Jack I send my love and I'll see you both soon. Apparently I need to get off my phone and do some work 🙄

Amy put her phone back in her pocket, but it immediately rang again.

Super Jack calling.

He'd changed his name in her phone again. At least it was an improvement from his first choice 'Sex on Legs'.

'Babe, I'm done with the medical so I'll be back at the hotel soon. Everything went well, so it looks like it's definitely happening tomorrow'

'That's great news' Amy said excitedly.

'Yeah, I know. I mean I knew it was just a formality but really now that's done it's just really hitting home with me what I'm leaving behind. Look, I know we said we'd go out for dinner tonight, but can we just stay in, watch movies and have dinner in bed?' asked Jack

'I haven't heard you come up with a better idea in ages' she laughed, knowing fine well what he meant.


Jack got back to the hotel before Amy. When she struggled through the door with all her shopping bags she found him lying on the bed, fresh out of the shower with just a small towel on.

'Did you have fun? I thought there would be more bags' he winked.

'It would have been better with you there, but yeah it was fun'

'You gonna give me a fashion show then?' He asked.

'You just saw the lingerie bag, didn't you?' She laughed.

'Yep, now go and show me. I told you earlier, I want dinner in bed tonight, and then I'm really hungry' he instructed, pulling back his towel, now who was she to argue with a proposition like that?


'Today's the day Aims' Jack said stretching out in bed next to her.

'Did you get any sleep?' she asked. He'd still been awake at 3am when she last looked at the clock.

'Yeah actually. I think you tired me out last night, I just hope Ive got enough energy to lift the pen' he laughed.

They both started to get ready to head to the Etihad together. She wanted to make a good impression for Jack's sake. She'd googled all the other wags, and they all looked so groomed, she didn't want to be the token scruff at Jack's games. She picked out a knee-length, navy blue dress from the clothes she had bought the day before. Jack nodded in approval as she paired it with some gold flat sandals and her new LV bag. They stood next to each other, looking in the full length mirror.

'We look like a right pair of shaggers ay' Jack laughed.

'Come on, let's go' she said, giving him one last kiss on the cheek before they left.

The moment they arrived Jack was whisked off somewhere whilst she was warmly welcomed by so many people that she could barely take it all in. It was almost as if she were signing for City herself. Eventually, after a tour around the stadium, she was shown through to a room where Jack was in his new kit, just having finished a photo shoot.

'What do you think? Think it suits me?' He asked, pulling at the shirt, and pouting like he was still in front of the camera.

'You look amazing', it felt so strange to see him im anything other than an England or Villa shirt.

'I'm feel a bit overwhelmed. I just keep telling myself that sometimes you've got to take the leap. I mean if you hadn't, we wouldn't be here together right now' he pushed her hair behind her ear gently.

She smiled. 'And hasn't it been worth it?'

'It's time Jack' a woman called.

'This is it, time to sign my life away' he laughed. He took her hand and they walked into the room hand in hand, she only let it go so Jack could sit down behind the table. The cameras went crazy as he signed the contract.

'Excuse me Miss, would you like a glass of champagne' asked a waiter, who was handing them out to everyone.

'No thanks, do you have anything non-alcoholic instead' asked Amy, and a champagne flute full of orange juice was quickly brought to her. She'd have loved the champagne, but she'd taken the doctor in Majorca's warnings seriously, and stopped all alcohol.

'Aims, come on, get a picture with me' Jack called her over. They stood in front of the famous Man City back board, clinked their glasses and smiled at the camera.

'That felt a bit matrimonial' she whispered.

'You what?'

'Weddingy' she laughed.

'Oh yeah, but when we sign that contract, it will be for a lot longer than 6 years'.


If social media was bad the day before, the day after he signed was crazy. Grealish was the name on everybody's lips.

'Would you pay £100m for me Aims?' He called jokingly from the bathroom where he was getting ready for his first training session.

'Depends, I might need to borrow your bank card again for that' she laughed, standing in the doorway to watch him.

'So what are you going to do today?' He asked in the middle of brushing his teeth.

'I've got a few things on, but the main one job interview actually' she replied.

'What's it for?' He asked.

'It's to discuss me writing a weekly column in a woman's magazine. I can do it wherever I am, so I thought why not?' She shrugged.

He walked over to her and put his hands on her waist 'I'm so proud of you Aims' he said, before kissing her neck.

'That feels too good' she moaned as he nibbled her ear. 'How long before you need to leave?'

'5 minutes ago. Sorry' he laughed, grabbing his boot bag and running out the door. 'Make it up to you later' he shouted before the door slammed.

She picked up her phone to have another snoop on social media now Jack wasn't there to give her a row, and the first thing she saw was the headline-

Baby Grealish?
Is new Man City number 10, Jack Grealish, set to become a Dad? His partner, Amy Shaw, was seen celebrating his £100m transfer deal with an orange juice whilst everyone else had champagne. Sources have said that Amy and Jack have been exceptionally close since Euro 2020, could Baby Grealish be the ultimate winners trophy?

Whaaaaat? Talk about jumping to conclusions, she thought. She screenshot it and sent it to Jack.

Amy: look at this

Jack: It's funny. I mean look how slim you are

Amy: No, it's not funny. You do realise that half the country are going to be analysing my waistline every time I'm seen in public now. I'm due my period next week and you know how bloated I get, they'll think I'm carrying twins

Jack laughed to himself.

Jack: Don't worry about it. Twins don't run in my family.

Don't worry about it?. Amy had calls and texts all day, congratulating her and Jack on her pregnancy, and in between that was her zoom interview for the magazine column.

'What is it you'd actually like me to write about?' Asked Amy.

'Anything and everything. Like what's happening in your life, things that catch your eye or even we can give you ideas, but what we really want to hear is your voice, your opinions' the editor explained.

'Sounds good' Amy smiled, as Jack always said, she had opinions on everything. This should be a breeze. 'I've actually got an idea of what I'm going to write about first'

'That's fantastic. If you could have a first draft to me by the end of tomorrow then we can include it in next weeks issue so that would be great' the editor smiled.


After training Jack came back to the hotel to find Amy typing away on the iPad.

'What you doing babe?' He asked kissing her cheek, and leaning over to look at the iPad.

'My first article' she smiled back at him.

'I knew you'd get it' he said proudly. 'What are you writing about?'

'How I'm going to teach Jack Peter Grealish a lesson for kissing my neck this morning and then leaving me horny all day' she laughed.

'Better do something about that then, but go easy on me, that was a hard training session' he said pulling his t shirt off

'Not a hope' she laughed, pulling his trousers down.

'Now I remember why I love coming home to you' he said kicking them off as she got down on her knees.


The next morning, Jack and Amy left early meet the estate agents. She could hardly believe her eyes when he'd handed her the property schedules to look over. Gyms, pools, bedrooms, dining rooms, garden rooms, annexes, wine name it.

'I like this one' said Jack, pointing at the same one as Amy had liked.

'Me too' she agreed.

'The garden is big enough for the 5 a side pitch you mentioned Mr Grealish, and lots of room for little ones to run around' the estate agent smiled at Amy. She clearly thought she was pregnant too.

'No wee ones planned for a while yet, but good to know for the future' Amy said as politely, but firmly as she could.

'Oh, okay. Shall we go and see it then? It's currently empty and ready to move straight into' the estate agent offered.

Amy and Jack both nodded excitedly, it took her right back to when they'd chosen their flat together, but this house was a whole other ball game. Literally. It was completely stunning, everything and more that they'd want in a home; the basement held a cinema, wine cellar and a sauna with access to the pool and gym which were in a separate building attached to the house. There were 5 bedrooms with en suites, and the master bedroom was to die for. The open plan living space was huge too, and never mind a five a side pitch, they could have a full sized pitch in the amount of garden space it had.

'Do you love it as much as I do?' Jack asked opening and closing the white, high gloss kitchen cupboards mindlessly, because isn't that what you're meant to do when you're viewing a house?

'I do. I can imagine us living here, Can't you? Imagine fifa on that cinema screen. That means when I'm working I can banish you to the cinema room for peace and quiet', She could see it all in her mind. 'And then me, you and the dog on the rug in front of the open fire. A big Christmas tree in that corner'

She'd just sealed the deal for Jack. 'We'll take it' said Jack excitedly. 'We want to move in ASAP'

'I'll get right on It' smiled the estate agent, clearly delighted to have sold Jack Grealish a £3.8m house.

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EDITING || ❝ DEAR CAN'T YOU SEE? IT'S THEM IT'S NOT ME! ❞ ( jack grealish x fem!oc ) ( 10.07.21 - 26.07.21 ) GREALISHS © 2021