Club Echo

By camrenruinedmylife

887K 24.5K 60.8K

(Book 1/3 of Club Echo) Y/N is a very well known DJ at a popular club in LA. What happens when one day a cer... More

Where Have You Been
your text
Turn Me On
Hungry Heart
I Melt With You
love is so hard!
It's You
Come On, Come On
Break My Heart Again
I Kissed A Girl
Cherry Wine
Hands To Myself
So Weightless
Be the Song
Lover of Mine
Not Afraid Anymore
Supermarket Flowers
Missing Piece
Falling Apart
Off My Face
Love Like This
we fell in love in october
What They'll Say About Us
maybe we need a break
Like I Want You
In My Dreams
Everything Has Changed
Chasing Cars
Daddy Issues
I'm Nothing Without You
Winter Things
I See the Light
It was nice while it lasted
La Vie En Rose
you were good to me
Love Is Gone
No Time To Die
Strangers, Again -

Meant To Be

11.5K 351 987
By camrenruinedmylife

Meant To Be by Bebe Rexha, Florida Georgia Line



I promised myself that I wouldn't drive myself insane, overthinking about something I had time to prepare for. But, here I am, staring at myself in front of the mirror, overthinking all of the possible ways I could embarrass myself in front of Lizzie's parents. The weeks flew by fast after the Halloween party because it's already Thanksgiving. I most certainly didn't forget that I'm spending the holiday with her parents because MK made sure to remind me of her excitement.

"Ready to go, baby?" Lizzie popped her head in the doorway.

I nodded, "Ready as I'll ever be." I smiled nervously as I followed her to the living room.

"I have your cherry pie all wrapped and ready to go." Lizzie showed me the box. "They will love this. Especially my mom."

"I sure hope so because the last thing I want is to give someone food poisoning."

"Don't be dramatic, Y/N." Lizzie scoffed, grabbing the car keys from the bowl. "I had some last night and it's by far the best pie I've ever eaten."

"You're just saying that because I'm your girlfriend." I lowered my gaze to my feet as we made our way out of my apartment.

"You really need to stop doubting yourself," Lizzie stated. "You should be more confident because it looks sexy on you." She winked at me playfully. I grinned in return, opening the door for her.

I thought I had calmed myself down because as soon as we pulled away from my apartment complex, I wasn't trembling uncontrollably. But, out of nowhere, the thoughts began to swarm my head like bees like it's out to get me, setting me up for failure. Wow, I really dislike this side of me. Overthinking and driving myself insane.

"You're doing it again." Lizzie pulled me out of my thoughts. "You're staring into the void, probably overthinking."

I chuckled anxiously, "I'm sorry. I just can't help it." I rubbed my clammy hands against my jeans, hoping it would somehow calm me down. But, it didn't. I'm not surprised. "I really want your parents to like me. If after today, they don't, I'll be completely crushed."

"I can tell you now, that won't happen." Lizzie squeezed my hand, comforting me. "They're really excited to meet you. Especially my mom. I think you should be more afraid that you won't be able to leave my house after today because she'll want to keep you in there for as long as she can."

I sighed, "I guess that does make me feel a little better."

"Good because I wouldn't want you to pass later when you sing in front of them," Lizzie tells me, catching me off guard.

"Whoa, sing in front of them? I don't remember agreeing to that."

"That's because you didn't. Just think of it as a contingency because more than likely, you will end up singing something. My sisters, especially MK, made it her job to tell both of my parents that you're a gifted singer. You know how she is."

I chuckled lightly, "What is it with you Olsen sisters telling people that I can sing really well. I'm not that great."

Lizzie scoffed, "Oh please, you're way too humble. Your voice is great. You have to give yourself more credit than you're letting."

I shrugged, "I guess. But, anyway, is there anything I should know about your parents beforehand to get in their good graces? Any interests for a conversation starter?"

"Oh, uh, my mom is really into baking so talk about that with her. As for my dad, he's a really big fan of the Green Bay Packers or anything football related so if you get into a conversation with him about that, you'll get him all riled up and excited."

I thought long and hard about everything I could possibly talk about with her parents. I'm the type of person that struggles with starting a conversation, let alone withholding it, so I spent more time thinking about it than an average person would. I just hope that I won't make a complete fool of myself by the end of today.

My nerves shot straight up, sending uncomfortable electricity all throughout my body as Lizzie and I were making our way in front of her doorstep. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest with every step that I take. I held on to Lizzie's hand a little tighter as soon as I found ourselves standing in front of her door, waiting for it to be open.

As soon as I heard footsteps coming our way, I breathed out slowly, trying to gain control of my nerves for once. When the door opened, relief washed over my body as Ashley and MK stood in front of us.

"My favorite person, oh my god, I've missed you." MK engulfed me in a tight hug, making my eyes pop out of my sockets. "How are you? Has Lizzie been treating you well?"

I returned the embrace almost immediately, "I'm great, MK. And yes. Lizzie has been treating me like a queen these past couple of weeks."

"As she should!" MK exclaimed. "But, anyway, come in. Our parents have been dying to meet you. Kind of my fault though because I've been hyping you up to them. I hope you don't mind. I'm just really ecstatic that you get to spend Thanksgiving with us."

"She wouldn't shut up about you," Ashley added, closing the door behind us. "I'm going to apologize on her behalf because I know how that might put a little bit of pressure on you."

"Oh no, it's okay." I flashed them a crooked smile.

I helped Lizzie take her coat off, hanging them on the coat rack. As soon as we walked further into their living room, the sweet smell of freshly baked rolls swept me off my feet. Suddenly, my stomach is telling me that I'm starving and that I need to eat.

"Mom! Dad! Lizzie and Y/N are here." MK bellowed.

I couldn't help but admire the trinkets and decoration of the house. The interior design pulls me in. Everything about the living room feels homey and cozy. The family portraits that surround the table and a few that are hanging on the wall adds to that feel. It's actually making me feel calm looking at everything that catches my eye. I was so lost admiring every piece of decoration of the room that I didn't even notice that it's no longer just the four of us.

"Lizzie, baby, I'm so glad that you could make it!" Her mother pulled her in a warm embrace, making me miss my own.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world," Lizzie said. "Mom, this is Y/N, my girlfriend."

"I'm happy that I finally get to meet the woman that's been making my baby happy." Lizzie's mom offered her hand for me to shake. "I'll forever be thankful for blessing my little girl's life."

"Oh, it's my pleasure, Mrs. Olsen." I shook her hand firmly. "Lizzie is amazing and I'm lucky to have someone like her."

"Oh please, call me Jarnette." Jarnette beamed me a smile. "Lizzie and MK have told me a lot about you and I must say, they made you sound very dashing."

"Well, in that case, I hope to live up to any expectations that you might have of me." I chuckled nervously.

"Only a couple, but you'll be fine." Jarnette cracked a joke. "How's your hand injury treating you?"

I looked at my cast, completely forgetting the fact that I'm still wearing one, "It's good. Sometimes, I forget that this is even here because they don't hurt anymore."

"That's good. I'm glad that you're healed. We were worried when Lizzie told me that you got into a motorcycle accident."

I licked my lips together, having minor unpleasant flashbacks of that day, "I'm stronger and better now." I made a lighthearted joke, shedding some light on one of the worst days of my life. "Oh, and before I forget. I baked a cherry pie for dessert. I hope that's okay." I handed her the box, my hands trembling a little bit.

"This is perfect, thank you so much." Jarnette graciously takes the box off my hands.

"Where's dad at?" MK asked.

"He's outside trying to figure out how to get the grill working."

"He's been at it for hours," Ashley added, crossing her arms together.

"What's wrong with the grill?" I asked out of curiosity.

"It's not turning on," Jarnette stated. "He tried everything but it's still not working."

"I think I might be able to help," I uttered confidently. "I'm not a technician but my dad likes to grill a lot, and the problem he's having is common so I might be able to help."

"That's great, please help him out there." Jarnette chuckled lightheartedly. "He needs all the help he can get."

I nodded before walking myself into the backyard. As soon as my eyes landed on him, tossing and turning around the grill, I composed myself before heading over there.

"Need a hand, sir?" I offered, standing a few feet away from him.

"Oh, you must be Y/N, nice to finally meet you." I shook his hand firmly. "I'm David. And yes, I do need a hand over here. The grill doesn't seem to start whatever I do."

"What type of grill is this?"

"A push-start igniter."

"I think I might know why it won't turn on," I tell him. "The igniter is clogged, which can easily be fixed by doing this." I reached over to remove the cooking grates, cleaning them a bit before inserting them back into their place. "There, try it again."

David nodded before starting the grill once again. Happiness washed over his eyes as soon as the grill started to work.

"Oh my god, thank you. You're a lifesaver." He gave me a high-five, making me feel accomplished. Okay, today might not end as badly as I thought it would.

David and I really hit it off. We conversed about our love for football and our teams. Surprisingly enough, we didn't end up arguing on who's a better team. It was merely a harmless and fun conversation about the upcoming season and how we're hoping for a good season on both teams. Needless to say, we agreed on a lot of things.

Lizzie's POV

I feel like a creep staring at the window, watching my dad and Y/N hit it off. I have no clue what they're talking about but they are so into their conversation. It's heartwarming to see it because I know how nervous she was about meeting them. I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear at their interaction.

"I think it's safe to say that dad loves Y/N," Ashley said, making me jump. "I don't think I've seen him talk that much."

"Neither do I," I mumbled under my breath. "I'm glad that they're getting along. Y/N was super nervous about meeting them."

"Tell your girlfriend she has nothing to worry about." Ashley tittered, standing beside me. "She's getting all the brownie points."

I looked back at them, agreeing with Ashley. My heart flutters once more, defining this pure moment of impact. I know that in the deepest part of my soul, I will always look back on this day, and remember that it's one of my favorite heartfelt moments.

After a while, Y/N came back from outside, part of her face covered with a few charcoal smudges.

"Come with me baby, let's get you cleaned up." I puckered a smile, gaining hold of her hand.

"No funny business in the bathroom you two!" MK teased, making me roll my eyes at her.

As we were finally left alone, I turned on the faucet, dampening the rag that was resting on the sink.

"It looks like you two are getting along." I start, letting the water run on the cloth. "I told you, you had nothing to worry about."

"Yeah, you were right. Your dad and I actually have a lot in common." Y/N tells me with excitement fluttering through her eyes. "We talked a lot about sports and where we stand with the season coming up. He even invited me to watch a game with him once it starts."

"That's great baby, I'm happy for you." I flashed her a smile as I began to dab the damp rag on the spot she had smudges on. "I was thinking, you want me to give you a quick tour of my room after this?"

"Uh, hell yeah!" Y/N cheered excitedly.


I open the door to my room gently, "So, this is my room from when I was just a little kid up until after high school."

I watched as Y/N entered my room carefully, her eyes wandering around at every corner.

"Oh my god, can I keep this?" Y/N gave me her puppy dog eyes. "You look so cute."

I blushed, "Of course you can."

"Great, I'm going to put this in my wallet so you're always with me." She eagerly situated the picture in her wallet. "And just know that you're always going to be a part of me."

Y/N wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me in. Her gaze plastered on me, and for a second time stopped. A crooked smile formed on her lips before she sealed my own with a kiss. I slung my arms loosely around her neck as we moved in sync, matching each other's vibration.

"There's no one else like you, Olsen." Y/N mumbled in between kisses, making me smile.

"There's no one else like you, Y/LN." I returned the favor.

When we joined the rest of the family downstairs, MK couldn't help herself and gave us teasing looks as if we did something. I ignored her playful antics, indulging myself with setting the plates on the table.

"I think your dad needs help with something, so I'll go and help him out." Y/N quirked a smile before disappearing into the backyard.

I put all of my focus on the plates and utensils, making sure that they look perfect. I also helped place some of the side dishes on the table, leaving space for the main entrees.

"I love how well she's getting along with him." My mom pulled me out of my focus. "I like her for you, Lizzie. She's good for you. I see the way she looks at you. The life glowing in her eyes, you're her entire world. It doesn't take a second look to notice that."

I diverted my undivided attention toward her, "I love her so much mom. She treats me with utmost kindness and respect. There's not a day where she doesn't make me feel special. When she loves me, I feel like I'm floating."

"Well, anyone who makes you feel like that automatically gets an 'a' in my book."

"Mines too." Ashley chimes in.

"And most definitely mine." MK added.

"I think it's safe to say that your dad would also agree with us." Mom pointed out as we watched the two laugh about something the other had said.

"There's no shame in this, but I would like to put it out there that if Lizzie ever breaks Y/N's heart, I will be picking it up and making her mine." MK cracked a joke, making us huff in annoyance with her playful antics.

"Why are you so keen on taking my girlfriend away from me?" I gave her a questioning look.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because she's sweet, talented, can cook, hot, and oh she drives a motorcycle. It truly doesn't get better than that does it?" MK exaggeratedly threw her arms in the air to prove her point. "Don't say I warned you when we're together."

I rolled my eyes with a smile, "I can't stand you."

"Then sit down. There's a chair right behind you." MK shot another joke. She just doesn't quit.

A couple of hours later, everyone is gathered around the dining table. After saying our prayers, everyone fell into soft murmurs about which food they would want to get a piece of first. I took a quick peek at Y/N beside me and the nervousness that was once eating her from the inside is now replaced with this. Carefree and comfortable. I don't think she even notices it, but she's naturally falling into a conversation with my family so casually. I couldn't help but admire the scene unfolding right before my eyes.

"So, Y/N, Lizzie told me that your parents work overseas." Dad started. "What do they do for a living"

"My mom works as a contractor for a charity that helps out people in need. The Headquarters is in Italy, so that's where she's been for the past eight years. My dad is also there but his line of work is different. He has worked in the military as air traffic control for the past fifteen years."

"They sound like two busy people. How often do you see your parents despite their hectic schedule?" Mom chimed in.

"Not as often as I want to see them unfortunately because they're halfway across the world. It's easier to see my mom because her work schedule isn't as crazy as my dad's. But, even then, it's still a struggle trying to see them."

"I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay. Lizzie has been a great company so it's not all bad." Y/N looked at me with a smile on her face, giving my hand a light squeeze. "Couldn't have asked for a better company than her."

"See? I told you she's sweet!" MK added for a dramatic effect.

"We heard that you sing too, do you think you can sing us a song later?" Dad asked politely.

"Of course. Is there anything any of you guys would like for me to sing?" Y/N agreed confidently, showing no signs of fear.

"Ooooh, sing that one song you sang to Lizzie when you took her to her very own prom," MK suggests.

"Prom?" Dad asked curiously.

"Yeah, when Y/N found out that Lizzie never went to prom, she prepared this really cute prom thing just for her."

"Wow, that's sweet. You sure do know how to sweep a girl off her feet."

"Only because she deserves it." Y/N held my hand, gazing her eyes at me. "Lizzie deserves the world and I'm going to give that to her."

"Oh my god, I'm so single." MK dramatically fanned herself.

"Aren't you engaged, soon to be married?" Ashley cackled, making us laugh.

"I might as well be single based on how that relationship is going." MK huffed. "It's not fair that Lizzie found herself a charmer while I'm over here miserable."

"If he's making you unhappy, let him go."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure the right person will come like the way it did for me." Y/N's comment made everyone adore her even more than they already do.

The rest of dinner consisted of an endless amount of friendly family banter. I wasn't as involved as I wanted to be, but that's only because I couldn't help but dote on how well Y/N is getting alone with my family. The way she would casually get into a conversation with my mom about baking and sports with my dad was something I have to stop myself for a moment to really feel the emotions it's giving my body.

"Oh, don't even touch a single thing." Mom stops Y/N from picking up the plates to bring to the kitchen. "How about you just prepare for that little performance for us in a little bit?"

"Are you sure? I don't mind helping." Y/N insists.

"Yes, now go. Shoo!"

Y/N chuckled to herself as she made her way to the living room, but stopped for a moment to give me a warm smile. After she was finally occupied with tuning the guitar, I diverted all of my attention to the table, eager to clean everything up.

Sooner rather than later, everyone is gathered around the living room, in front of the chimney with the fire crackling, giving us warmth.

"Alright, start us off Y/N." My dad cheered as Y/N stood up from her seat, slinging the guitar strap around her shoulder.

I grinned as widely as I could, watching her get flustered a little bit. She flashed me her cute, adorable crooked smile before strumming the guitar.

"All I knew
This morning when I woke
Is I know something now
Know something now I didn't before
And all I've seen
Since eighteen hours ago
Is green eyes and freckles and your smile
In the back of my mind making me feel like.."

My world stopped spinning as my eyes remained glued to her as she sang her heart out to me. Our eye contact never broke and all I could see from that moment was my future with her and how excited I am to go through everything with her, hand in hand. Even after the song ended, I still found myself adoring her in every way I can as my family practically showered her with compliments that I'm sure made her feel a little nervous. I know how she gets with compliments being thrown at her. It was entertaining watching her get a little nervous nonetheless.

As much as I would like for my family to stop telling embarrassing stories of me when I was little, I couldn't help but also like it at the same time. Y/N was so into all the stories that my mom is telling her that I could feel the excitement through her chest as I remained entangled against her body while her arms encased me like a koala.

"I have a picture of the bear that she always takes with her and a couple of cute pictures with it." My mom excitedly showed the photo album for everyone to see. "Lizzie probably doesn't remember it, but ever since she got that as a gift from a friend that she met when she was four years old, she never let it off her sight. She literally, I mean literally took that bear everywhere." I have little to no collection of this bear and the pictures she's showing.

"What was the bear's name again?" Ashley asked.

"Butter," MK answered. "And if I remember correctly, the other bear that her other friend has, which is the exact same ones, is named Cup."

"Oh right, it's like a play on word because it's a friendship bear." Ashley recollects the memory. How does she remember this and I don't? "Whatever happened to her friend anyway? Do we know her name?"

"Unfortunately, no. Lizzie and her would always talk in codenames and we never really learned her actual name." Mom spoke.

"Do they have pictures together? They must have pictures together."

"Not one I can find."

"That sucks because you two were inseparable Liz. She was like your best friend at the time. I wonder where she is now.." Ashley said softly.

"You know what though, Y/N kind of resembles a few of her features." MK pointed out, catching our attention. "Like her smile and those eyes. Who knows, maybe you're her long-lost best friend and if that's the case, then you two are meant to be."

"Here goes MK, always romanticizing normal situations." Ashley scoffed.


The rest of the night was nothing but pure bliss. We played a couple of family games and of course, being as competitive as I am, I took a couple of them a little too seriously. They ended up teasing me about it toward the end, and as much as I would normally hate it, Y/N joined in on the fun, making the situation just a tad bit better.

"I hope you don't mind, but I posted you two on Instagram," MK said out of nowhere, showing us her phone. We stared at the screen of her phone, reading her post.


these two are the cutest! #goals
tagged: (your instagram @)
1.5M likes | 36.8K comments

"That's cute. I love that actually." For once she posted something about me that I like. "Send me that picture later."

"Already way ahead of you," MK mumbled to herself as she skipped her way to the kitchen.

"Are you sure it's okay with you that we stay overnight?" I asked Y/N for the hundredth time.

"Yes baby, it's okay. And plus, it's probably better anyway because it's pouring out there. I wouldn't want us to get into a car accident." She cracked a joke, her arms tangling around my waist. "What if you hit your head and forget about me? That will kill me."

"Oh, like the way you did me?" I rolled my eyes at the thought of her messing with me about not remembering me. "You nearly killed me with that one."

"I know, I'm sorry." Y/N pouted with her puppy dog eyes. "Just promise me that you won't forget about me."

"I will never forget about you. Not now, not tomorrow, not in a million years." I tell her truthfully.

"Good." We laugh together in unison, showering each other with adorable kisses like two madly in-love teenagers.



I tossed and turned all over Lizzie's bed. I couldn't bring myself to go to sleep because of the loud thunder from outside. I'm not very fond of the sound and something about it scares me. Even after trying to muffle the sound with my hands, nothing works. I glanced at Lizzie, who was knocked out, which makes me envious of her. I wish that I could do that.

I decided to grab myself a bottle of water from the kitchen because sleep is definitely not going to be coming for me any time soon. Before I could go back to the room, a figure in the living room caught my attention.

"Mrs. Olsen?" I asked carefully not to scare her. "Can't sleep either?"

"Yes. The thunder is a little too loud for my liking." She chuckled lightly.

"I hate them too, that's why I can't sleep." I joined in next to her on the couch.

"I forgot to tell you, but your pie earlier was exquisite. You have to make me more of those or tell me your recipe."

"Of course, I would love to do any of those."

There was complete silence for a split second.

"Your daughter is amazing. I love her so much." I start my speech slowly and steady. "She thinks that she's the lucky one but I beg to differ though. Lizzie has no clue that she makes me want to be a better person every single waking moment. My heart beats for her and I want nothing more than to let her know how deserving she is of every good thing in this world. I'm not a perfect person. I still have a lot to work on, but I will be better for her and for myself. I know this might seem a little early considering we have only been together for four months, but I was wondering if I could get your blessing on asking her to be my wife."

Again, there was a moment of silence between us. I start to feel nervous with every second that passes by.

"I thought you wouldn't ask, and of course. You have my full blessing." Jarnette held my hands together. "I see the way you look at my daughter. I just know that in the deepest part of my heart that you will give her the future that she deserves. You're good for her and I'll forever be indebted to you because you make my little girl happy. Thank you so much." She tears up a bit, also making me cry a little.

"I promise to take care of your daughter through it all."

"I know you will. I trust you."

I smiled and nodded as she offered me what has to be one of the most genuine smiles I have ever seen. I can't wait to start my future with Lizzie.

Third Person's POV

Happiness took over her body, making her feel ecstatic. Electricity runs through Y/N's blood as she begins to drown her thoughts with what their future could consist of. But, little did she know of what's to come her way.


A/N: I don't know what to feel about this chapter. I'm sorry if it's boring 🤧 But, anyway, this story has like 10 something chapters left, so buckle up and enjoy the ride.

See y'all in the next!

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