MCR Mpreg Oneshots

By gwayisgayy

17.3K 249 1K

yes More

I Love You (Rikey)
Baby Fever (Rikey)
Mothers Day (Frerard)
You Too (Rikey/Frerard)
Anytime You Want (Rikey)
Yeah Its Cool, I'll Be Okay (Rikey)
Sick Day (Rikey)
Mama (Rikey)
Daddy's Arachnophobia (Frerard)
Sleep (Frerard)
Stage Hog (Frerard)
Double Way (Rikey/Frerard)
Baby Killjoy (Frerard)
Daddy's Voice (Rikey)
Dhampir (Frerard)
Family Mornings (Rikey)
Part Of Her Life (Frerard)
Yeah Its Cool, We'll Be Okay (Frerard)
Baby Iero (Frerard)
I'll keep you safe (Frerard/Rikey)
Happy Together (Rikey)
Frank, Worlds Best Husband (Frerard)
Immature (Rikey)
Rainbow (Rikey)
Hazy Shade of Winter (Rikey)
Unique (Rikey)
First Period (Rikey)
"The" Conversation (Rikey)
The Bus (Rikey)
To the movies (Rikey)
The Interview (Rikey)
Perfect Little Family (Rikey)
We're Expecting (Rikey)
Sixteen (Rikey)
Baby Kicks (Rikey)
I'm So Sorry.. (Rikey)
Baby Blues and Beaches (Frerard/Rikey)
Arguments (Rikey)
I'll Never Let Them Hurt You (Jetkobra)
The Worlds Best Uncle (Frerard/Rikey)
The Nursery (Rikey)
Route Guano (Jetkobra)
Negative (Frikey)
Jealousy (Rikey)
Moving On (Frikey)
The Collapser (FunKobra)
Crush (Frikey)

Mom, Dad.. (Frikey)

257 6 19
By gwayisgayy

"Faggot boys, and their faggot parents!"

The twins were used to it by now. Even since the first year of Elementary School, they felt different, Johnny especially. They were treated differently by kids and even teachers, because at the end of the school day, their gay parents would be waiting for them.

It wasn't Mikey's or Frank's fault, but somehow, they felt responsible for how the boys were treated. But maybe the name calling was...a good thing for Johnny to deal with, it made him realise that maybe he was just like his mom and dad.

At eleven years old, kids develop their little childhood crushes and assume its true love. Liam had his eyes set on a young girl in his class named Jocelyn. They were best friends, Liam felt like there was something more. But Johnny...he was obsessed with a boy. But at the same time, he liked girls. Vance and Adeline, a boy and girl in the same grade...he thought they were so cute and like kids, he wanted to date them, either of them.

Vance was a quiet kid, with blonde-ish hair. He wasn't hated, or liked. Most people hardly noticed him. Except Johnny, he watched from a distance and over a few weeks, he realised that it wasn't because he wanted to befriend him; there was something about Vance that made his heart race. What confused him was that...Frank, his dad, always said he felt his heart race around Mikey. Was the same happening to Johnny?

As much as he liked Vance, Adeline certainly caught his eye before she moved away. He felt like he was stuck in the middle of being 'normal' and liking girls, or being the slurs they yelled at him.

"Leave us alone!" Johnny yelled, getting frustrated with the name calling. Liam just shrugged it off. He knew he wasn't gay, he felt like he fit in just fine but still, because of his parents, they tried to judge him. It was like water off a ducks back for Liam, not so much for his younger twin.

"Are you okay? Are they making you upset?" Liam asked his twin brother, earning nothing more than a shrug. "You can tell me and dad will do something about it if you don't want to tell Miss Susan yourself."

"It's okay. I'm just tired, s'all."

"How stupid do you think I am? Everyone knows when you're upset cause you have that dumb expression on your face. I won't tell mom or dad, promise."

For a moment, Johnny hesitated. He couldn't find the words. He had been to a gay pride festival with his parents earlier that year. He didn't feel like he loved boys and boys only,
same with girls. "Vance.."

"What about him? He literally never speaks."

He would've replied if it wasn't for someone grabbing the back of the twins backpacks, dragging them backwards. Liam fell straight on his butt, Johnny managed to keep his balance.

The older twin just got up and dusted himself off. They'd had far worse happen to them; spit balls, punches, hitting, shoving, it was normal by now.

"You were gonna say something about Vance? Is he saying something bad about us or mom and dad?"

Johnny's floppy hair moved as he shook his head. "No...But I think...I think I like him. But like, not in a friend way. Like you and Jocelyn."

The older twin blushed at hearing Jocelyn's name. He'd been crushing on her for a while and was wanting to ask her on a date. "You think you're gay? Like mom and dad?"

He shrugged. "I don't know."


What is it called if I like boys and girls?

Am I gay?

Why do i like boys and girls if i'm a boy?

He quickly shut his laptop when his bedroom door opened. Thankfully, it was just his brother with little Lacey holding his hand. Lacey was the youngest of the Iero family, she was born when the twins were nine. The twins immediately bonded well with her and were excited to have a new baby in the house.

"Mom and dad are going to the store, I'm watching Lacey while they get ready, are you going? Maybe we can stay and talk about Vance?"

"I like him, Liam. I really really like him...Definitely more than a friend.."

The older twin eyed Johnny, as he sat with his head in his hands almost embarrassed about what he said. "You should tell mom first. Mom and dad understand and they'll help you."

He never thought he'd be gay. It didn't feel like pressure from his parents, he grew up knowing that being gay was perfectly okay and that he shouldn't judge anyone. He never thought he'd end up being that way.

But he wasn't gay. He liked Adeline a lot, he had girl celebrity crushes, and boy crushes. He was confused, if he wasn't straight or gay, what was he?

"Thanks Liam. I will."


The night was calm in the Iero household. Lacey was comfortable on Mikey's chest while he lay down to watch a movie, and Liam was sat with Frank. Johnny was anxious as hell, he would've preferred to tell his mom privately; Mikey never judged.

The TV was playing Beauty and The Beast for the twins to watch, but Johnny wasn't watching it at all. He was just trying to think of how to approach the subject. "Mom? C-Can...Can I talk to you alone please..?"

Mikey's heart began beating fast with fear, he was scared that something else had happened in school. Earlier that month, Johnny was jumped and beaten up while walking home from school. He got pretty battered up, all because he wrote his Mother's Day card for a man. "Why can't your dad hear? Is it personal?"

He just shrugged, tears falling down his face and getting stuck on the glasses frame and lens. It was like an instant reaction when Mikey shot up like a bullet, grabbing Johnny under his armpits and holding him as if he was still that young, clingy three year old.

He carried the younger twin to his and Frank's bedroom, sitting him down on the bed and letting him get his emotions out before they started speaking.

"Did someone hurt you again? Please talk Johnny, you're scaring me.."


"Is it something me or your dad did?"

Once again, he shook his head. For the moment, he just let Johnny cry. His arms held his son in a comforting hug, his tears soaked into his mom's tank top and he was even shaking with fear a little.

"I don't know if it helps, but me and dad are looking for a new home...Away from here and from all those bullies. It's really really far away. Its all the way in Los Angeles. It means we won't see your grandma or grandpa very much but I think its best for you boys and Lacey to grow up somewhere away from here. None of you deserve the hate you get."

"LA..? Like Uncle Gee..?"

"Yeah, I told him about what's going on here with school and he found us a nice house in LA. Of course, if things improve, we can stay here. Its up to you and Liam if you feel okay to stay here."

But all Johnny could think about was Vance. If they moved, Johnny wouldn't see him again. He hadn't even had a chance to tell him how he felt.

"But thats not important right now, sorry for interrupting. Should we do a guessing game? I don't think you wanna tell me just yet, do you? Is it something that's going to be disruptive to everything going on?" Johnny shook his head. "Is it something so cool you're crying?" That was a big nope. "Is it Addie? You miss Adeline?"

"A little bit...But that's not it.."

"Sweetheart, you can trust me. Is it something about yourself, your personality?"

Finally, Mikey earned a little nod. Johnny squeaked before he began to cry again. "You can't possibly think you're adopted, can you? You're the splitting image of your dad. Is it friendship problems? Is it...about girls and boys?"

Johnny nodded again. By now, he had been crying for a while. Downstairs, Frank was growing increasingly worried that some bad had happened.

Johnny feared the worst, he thought Mikey would yell at him and tell him not to be gay to copy his parents. Instead, his face softened into a small smile. "Johnny, you know I love you no matter what. Do you have a crush on a boy? Do you think you're gay?"

He shrugged. "M-Maybe...b-but I like girls too. So I can't be.."

"Oh my God, my baby is bisexual? Johnny...I'm so proud of you. Thank you so much for telling me."

The long haired boy began to calm down a little in his mom's embrace. He would've spoke but he couldn't, he was too scared. He was scared that...He didn't even know why he was scared. He had worked himself up too much and frightened himself into thinking his parents would be mad.

He looked up and Mikey with wet eyes and tear filled glasses. "I thought you'd hate me.."

"Don't be silly, Johnny. Nothing could ever make me hate you. You are who you are, didn't I always tell you that? So, who's the lucky boy?"

"It's...the blonde one in my class...His name is Vance.."


Over the next few days, Johnny worked up the courage to speak to Vance for the first time. He was really nice to Johnny, because he knew what it was like to be ridiculed for having a gay family member. His dad was bisexual and people mocked Vance for it, so he became very silent and never wanted to speak.

Mikey and Vance's mom started speaking, too. Mikey told her that Johnny had a crush on Vance, she was more than happy to arrange a 'date' for them. Vance and Johnny went bowling as part of their date, and thats where Johnny finally confessed.

"Vance..?" Johnny spoke to get his attention. Mikey, Frank and Liam were on another lane further away to let Johnny and Vance have their time alone.

"What's up? Can we go in the arcade when we're done."

"Oh, sure. But I need to tell you something.."

Vance put his hotdog back down on the plate of food to listen to what Johnny had to say. Johnny could pretty much feel his heart beating a million times faster, he bit his lip and tried to find the right words.

Frank also encouraged Johnny to confess and told him exactly what to say. It was the same thing that Frank used to confess to Mikey and eventually, marry and have kids with him. Johnny just laughed, but now, he couldn't remember what to say as Vance looked at him with a soft expression on his rounded face.

"I-I told my mom and dad I was bisexual about a week ago cause...I had a big crush on someone and...I-I like you...I have a big crush on you and I was just too scared to tell you...I just thought you were really cool."

"Cool? I never speak, how did you think I was cool?"

Johnny just shrugged, now looking down at his feet. "I dunno, I just did."

"I thought you were cool too...Especially when you punched that boy for saying gays were bad people. I don't think they are, my dad told me never to hate anyone just cause they're different."

"Thats what my mom and dad say, cause they're married and they're both boys...But I started to think I was and now I know I like both genders.."

The two fell silent for a few moments. Johnny sat down on the leather seats on his own. He was afraid of what Vance could possibly be thinking. "Well...I've never thought about it but I think I would date a boy. I don't care about their genders, y'know? I like everyone!"

He eyed Johnny, sitting himself next to him. Johnny's hair looked so soft and fluffy. He just wanted to hug Johnny, it was easy to see he was nervous. "I would date you.." Vance muttered.

"Really? You would..?"

"Sure! Why not?"


At the end of the day, Vance and Johnny didn't want to leave each other. They sat in the backseat of Mikey's car together, practically glued. Johnny was holding Vance's arm, their hands were even touching and they both wanted to hold them like they saw others do.

As Johnny was getting ready for bed after dropping Vance off at his home, he couldn't contain his happiness. "Mom...Thank you for supporting me.."

"Hey, it'd be so wrong of me to tell you you can't even though I married a man. So, are you and Vance dating now?"

With a suppressed giggle, Johnny nodded. "I love you mom and dad."

Frank looked down from the stool he was stood on after hammering the nail into the wall. Now, Johnny had a big bisexual pride flag in his bedroom to remind himself that he was loved and valid. "We love you too, squirt. Now, tell us all about Vance. Look! Lacey wants to know!"

The younger twin giggled, his brother by his side and his little sister climbing her way up the bed. "He's really nice and...I really like him so, if its okay with you...I wanna go on another date with him."

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