My Ant and Dec One shots

By wolflv2

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Ant and Dec one shots. *Recent Upload* - 🀍 My Demon King Almost always AU. Mature content is labelled M in... More

❀️ Baby Boy [M]
🧑 Mr Nice-eyes
🧑 Mr Nice-eyes Pt 2
🧑 Mr Nice-eyes Pt 3
🧑 Mr Nice-eyes Pt 4
πŸ’› Pet Shop
πŸ’› Pet Shop Pt 2
πŸ’› Pet Shop Pt 3
πŸ’š Santa Baby
πŸ’™ Bad Guy [M- Skipable]
πŸ’œ Gold
❀️ The Rich Boy's Bodyguard
🐺 Wolf - Part 1
🐺 Wolf - Part 2
🐺 Wolf - Part 3
🐺 Wolf - Part 4 - Heat [M]
🐺 Wolf - Part 5
🐺 Wolf - Part 6 [M]
πŸ’› Confidence [M]
πŸ’š Something Better [M] (Age Gap)
πŸ’š Something New [M] (Age Gap)
πŸ’™ Forget She Ever Touched You
πŸ’œ Puppeteer (M-mild)
❀️ Nurse x Paramedic
🧑 A Parent Person
πŸ’š History Repeats Itself
πŸ’™ Primadonna I [M]
πŸ’™ Primadonna II [M]
πŸ’™ Primadonna III [M]
πŸ’™ Primadonna IV [M]
πŸ’™ Primadonna V [M]
πŸ’™ Primadonna VI [M]
πŸ’™ Primadonna VII [MM]
πŸ’œ The cleaner, the whore and the reverse cowgirl [M]
❀️ Bathtime
🧑 Jaccuzzi Time [M]
πŸ’› Peaky Blinders AU
πŸ’š Is your human a rescue too?
πŸ’™ Son of a Preacher man
πŸ’™ Take me to church
πŸ’™ Hallelujah
πŸ’™ Promiseland
πŸ’œ How I met my husband
❀️ Judge [M-lil bit]
🧑 Firefighters
πŸ’› Master's Maid [M]
πŸ’š Rescued I
πŸ’š Rescued II
πŸ’š Rescue III
πŸ’™ My Demon
πŸ’™ My Demon King
πŸ’œ Wing-Women
❀️ Don't Pet the Professor [M]
❀️ Dont Pet the Student [M]
🧑 Anthony
πŸ’› First time at a Club
πŸ’™ Magpie
πŸ’œ The Driver I
πŸ’œ The Driver II
πŸ’œ The Driver III
❀️ Just lonely?
🧑 Pain ✨Bro-Job✨ [M]
πŸ’› Stay at Home boyfriend [M]
πŸ’š Geordies In London [M]
πŸ’™A Patient Man [M]
🀍 Firefighter 2 [M]

πŸ’› The Escort [M]

900 20 192
By wolflv2

So this 10,000 word one shot starts off with a plot and then it basically just turns into porn 😅 so enjoy.

I actually have 70 unfinished drafts and prompts in this book and it makes me so annoyed I haven't written them all 😭

Please remember this is labelled mature for a reason. I won't give a maturity age because everyone's different but if you don't like reading explicit sex between two men then don't read beyond these warning signs ⚠️⚠️

The Bartender

I polished the same clean glass one more time as my eyes drifted about the room. I rarely did Tuesday nights, it was usually my day off. It was an understatement to say I was less than thrilled to be there.

However, as always,,I found myself in need of a little extra cash so took on the overtime. The tax would be a bitch but I'd have to deal with it if I wanted to make rent this month.

Weekdays were usually dead but this was insane; there must have been an event on somewhere because I'd only made 3 drinks in the past hour. The footy was on, perhaps that was why, I'd much rather be watching that then be in the restaurant that's for sure.

A few regulars to the restaurant milled about, it was only 8 o'clock no one would be ordering anything more interesting than a beer or a screwdriver until 9 when it was 2 for 1 cocktails.

I sighed and put down that glass, choosing another one and leaning against the back of the bar whilst my eyes drifted to the front door. Bernard, one of our more infamous regulars was picking a table. The 70 year old came in here so much he had a bottle of wine in the fridge with his name on it.

More interestingly though, was which escort he'd brought with him tonight, my eyes drifted to the boy stood behind him, his green eyes wandering curiously around the restaurant as he waited for his Client to finish talking to Claire, our manager working front of house tonight.

This one was seriously hot. Like drop dead handsome. With looks like that I was sure he must have been a male model, once my eyes were set on him I couldn't remove them. Somehow, the young lad managed to look innocent as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and followed the waitress to their table, he didn't seem bored or disgusted by being there with the old man. He actually seemed to be willing to enjoy himself. It made a nice change.

To avoid being caught staring, I looked away and cleaned out the Guiness pumps as Claire made her way to me. "He'll have 2 of his usual starter. Open up a tab on his card too while you're at it."

"Yes ma'am." I got to work, mixing up two old fashioned on the rocks just the way Mr Marlin liked them before swinging over to the computer to add those to his tab.

I had a few drinks orders come in from the balcony tables so was happy for the distraction. As the tables began filling up in the restaurant the time started to move faster. One table ordered a round of Long Island ice teas when it was busy and I had to curse them internally but it was part of the job and hey, if you are here to get smashed then that drink is always a good choice.

There was a lull in business when everyone had been served and I took a second to take a breather. It had been a long 2 weeks of no days off and I was starting to crave a holiday or even just a chill night out with my mates. Working all the time sucked ass and although I loved my job and loved the people I met, I was just craving some me time. Maybe a chance to go out and meet a girl. Spend some time at other bars and be the one buying the drinks rather than making them for once.

My focus diverted to the bar stools when Bernard's pretty boy sauntered up, leaning against the bar eloquently with a small smile on his lips.

"A White Russian and a vodka lemonade please."

My eyes flickered to the old man's card in his delicate hands and I chuckled, "You passed the first test then? Ought to order something a little more expensive though. God knows Bernard can afford it."

A sweet blush tinted the escorts cheeks and he nodded, biting his lips and entitled his pretty eyes to linger over me for a moment before deciding, "Okay make that two White Russians... but swap the cream for baileys in one."

I grinned but it was so sly it came out like smirk, I nodded my head in approval as I started pouring out the drinks, "Good choice."

Measuring out the drinks, I felt the shorter man's eyes on me, the pressure wasn't intimidating, in fact I liked the attention. I only hoped he liked what he saw.

"What did you mean? Passed the first test?"

"Bernard." I gestured my head to the old man who was currently flirting quite inappropriately with one of our younger members of staff. "He buys drinks for the boys he wants to keep talking to and then food if he really likes you."

The escort's eyes followed mine and he studied the man, seeming to think it through. If I were him I definitely wouldn't want a 70 year old to grow even more fond of me but then I was clearing missing a piece of the puzzle because the brown haired lad asked, "How do guys get to the food part?"

I chortled and placed the two drinks on the bar, leaning in so we wouldn't be overheard, not that the old bastard could hear us. He was as deaf as a doornail in one ear and needed a hearing aid in the other. Maybe I just wanted to see what he smelt like.

"Ask him about his trip to Bali and act like you're interested."

Turning his head, our eyes met and I was kind of starstruck by our proximity. He was truly breathtaking and had me caught in a rabbit hole just from falling into those silky forest green orbs.

Completely effortlessly, grinned with a wink as he took his drinks and turned away, "Thanks handsome."

The rest of the evening was uneventful, I served drinks to sober people and then chucked them out when they weren't sober enough anymore.

As i was wiping down surfaces, my attention somehow went to where Bernard and his gorgeous escort were sharing some kind of sea food dish. Both had big smiles on their faces as they laughed and flirted; the young lad was extremely good at acting. He almost looked infatuated with the old pervert as he giggled drunkenly and played with his thinning white hair. I kind of wished I could hear the conversation, I would have been curious to know how a professional flirts with a man old enough to be his granddad.... Maybe even great granddad.

They seemed to have finished their food and an entire bottle of wine, that's when Bernard pulled himself from the table despite the younger man trying to drag him back. After kissing the young man's lips confidently, the old man shook him off and came practically dancing up to the bar with a wide grin on his wrinkled cheeks.

"I'll pay off my tab now Anthony, whilst I still have the money to afford it. It's gonna be a long night."

"Very good, sir. Expensive one is it?"

"Oh he is but you can see why. Lovely lad. Really intelligent, I can give you his card if you'd like."

I laughed awkwardly and shook my head. "Oh no worries Bernard, not really my cup of tea. I couldn't afford someone like that anyways."

Bernard, who for all his flaws had always been kind and respectful to me, reached over the bar to Pat my shoulder in a familiar gesture, "One day laddy. One day. You keep working hard on that pension and you'll have a lovely little lady fall into your lap."

"Or a different one every week." I joked as the man chuckled sinfully and entered his pin into the card machine.

Most of his escorts charged by the hour and then extra for more taboo requests. For example, the lad sitting on that table would charge his minimum rate for drinks and dinner, but once they got into the bedroom it would go up significantly. Now Bernard could most certainly afford it, but when he meant it's going to be a long night- he meant this escort had passed all the tests and Bernard was willing to pay his hard earned pension on some more pleasurable aspects of the young lads company.

Looking at the handsome boy it did make my stomach turn, he was far too cute to be selling himself to old, rich, white men like that but I also felt I couldn't judge. We'd all done things we weren't proud of to get by, this boy was also making an old man with only a years maybe even months left to live very happy.

Bernard pulled his card free from the machine and pocketed it, once he was ready to go he found himself resting on the bar for a second, looking quite weak and disoriented.

I smiled sadly and poured the old man an icy water, placing it in his hand, "You take it easy tonight Bernard."

He smiled up at me and patted my cheek, "you're a good lad Anthony...." He took a few long sips of water like he seriously needed them and then looked over at the young boy who was staring mesmerised out at the sea view. "You sure you don't fancy joining us?"

I rolled my eyes and whacked him with the towel I kept over my shoulder, "Get out of here you dirty old dog."

Bernard laughed boastfully as he toppled away from the bar, waving me goodbye as I chuckled to myself. He had always expressed his interest in me sexually, even offered me good money for it. Had I been gay it might have been a tempting offer. Oh but there was also the issue of him being atleast 2 generations my senior. 

I laughed to myself as the young lad practically helped carrying the drunk old man out of the restaurant and went to collect their glasses. Surprised when I found a note written on the hanky, "Dear Handsome, you might wanna use this.... 07536 388325   D x"

This really had been a weird shift I huffed as I absently pocketed the number before anyone saw it, and took the glasses back behind the bar.

D... i wondered what his name was.

The Escort

"Fuck fuck fuck Jerry this is really bad! They are sending over police!"

"D. Come on please, don't worry. We've got plans in place incase this ever happens okay? Just wait there for police, tell them you're the old man's carer and you hadn't heard from him all day so you thought you'd stop by. You got a taxi over and when you turned up the old man had died in his sleep. Most of that is true anyway."

I rubbed at my watery eyes furiously and sniffed, "He'd fallen asleep right after putting the key in, I had to carry him upstairs... oh god Jeff this is so fucked up i d-didn't know what to do. He was nice aswell."

"Okay, look kid you're gonna have to calm down. The Ambulance and Police are here to move an old man who died of natural causes from his home. It's a completely ordinary situation and they'll think nothing of it. They probably won't even care who you are or what you do for a living. You're not wanted by the police so have nothing to concern yourself with."

Sirens blared out down the street and I let out a string of expletives before talking down to Jeff, "Okay the ambulance is here I got to go."

"Good luck kidda you'll be fine. Call me when it's over and I'll get you a taxi."

Hanging up, I pushed my phone in my pocket but didn't wipe my tears, they were perfect for paying the sad friend of the deceased card.

A paramedic jumped out of the car and approached me with a blanket in his arm, "Did you call the ambulance to this address?"

I nodded and wrapped my arms around my torso a little tighter, "I-I'm Oliver."

The nice man opened up his blanket and smiled at me sadly, "You look freezing Oliver, you wanna come sit over here on the side so we can talk?"

I nodded and followed him, sitting down beside him on the wall whilst his partner started towards the house with a big medical bag, "Is the door open Oliver? Can we get inside?"

Unable to do much more, I nodded and stuttered out, "H-he's in his bedroom, I-it's on the top f-floor to the r-right."

"Good lad okay, how are feeling are you okay? Can you feel your fingers and toes."

I wrapped the blanket around me tighter, squeezing out a few more tears, "I-I'm fine."

"Uhm you look very nice, have you been out partying?"

I realised when he started reading my pulse he was checking me for shock and to be honest I was probably showing all the symptoms for it. I was In shock. That was not how I'd wanted the night with Bernard to end. It happened so quickly, his heart just seemed to stop.

"I-I went f-for a dinner. I-I came b-back because B-Bernard d-didn't give m-me a call."

"What time of night does he usually call?"

I internally swore. They could normally tell the exact time of death. I thought through my answer.

"W-we n-normally call b-before dinner... b-but he said he was t-too t-tired and t-that he'd call me b-back. I-I got worried when h-he didn't call."

The medic rubbed my back gently just as the police car pulled up, I bowed my head and tired to compose myself. I really didn't want to be sleeping in a cell that night and being on the police system was seriously bad for business. My job wasn't illegal, but the links I had and some of the ways we ran the business were. Stupid Jeff being a stupid criminal.

"Okay so I'm going to go and help my partner but this officer is going to take your statement now, so just tell him what you told me. If you feel like you're going to be sick, tell the officer and he'll get you a sick bag so you don't get messy. I'll be right back."

The Police man took my statement, he offered me a lift to my place but I politely declined, saying I didn't live far. I almost threw up as I watched them Carry Bernard out of his home in a body bag.

"Are you sure there's no one we can call for you or for him?" The officer asked one more time.

I shook my head, Bernard had told me most of his family were dead and the ones who were alive didn't care for him since he came out a few years ago as gay. He'd been in an unhappy marriage for most of his life, knowing he was different, pretending to be someone he's not so other people would be happy. "Theres no one. I-I don't know who his next of kin would be listed as. Try them."

"Alright safe journey home Oliver. Thankyou for your cooperation."

Tilting my head as the man walked alway into his police car. I watched, silently sighed to myself. Great. No disrespect but a dead man can't authorise bank transfers. I let Bernard touch me up under the table for nothing. This night had been nothing more than a traumatic experience.

Once the police and ambulance were out of sight completely, I pulled my phone out of my pocket to call Jeff but my heart sank when it wouldn't turn on. "Fuck!" I chucked the stupid lump of metal across the street and buried my face into my hands. I was stranded and I barely knew where I was let alone where the nearest taxi rank was.

The Bartender

I always passed Bernards house on my walk home, we were practically neighbours. Usually the old man would be asleep long before I got home and I'd not even glance at his house. This Time however I wanted to see if I could see a light on... for some reason I wanted to torture myself knowing that they really were going to have sex.

As i walked along the old man's street I struggled to understand what my sudden fascination was with the brown haired prostitute. I wasn't gay. And Bernard had bought in countless guys before him and I'd never spared them a second thought. Why was this guy different.

I turned the corner to Bernard house and stopped still at the police car driving away. I frowned deeply and watched as a short figure sat back against the wall and checked his phone. He seemed angry by whatever was on it because he chucked it half way to China in his tantrum.

Very cautiously, I stepped towards the brown haired geordie who had his face buried in his hands in frustration. Whatever was wrong I felt for him.

"I gave you my number handsome, you didn't have to stalk me."

How had he seen me approach? I choked over my words, nervous as hell and a bit taken aback by the entire encounter. I wasn't as confident in real life as I was behind the Bar, I was always the quiet one of a ground and really preferred actions over words.

Deciding there was no chance I'd be able to run now that he was watching me with those sparkly emerald eyes, I wiped my sweaty palms on my work trousers.

"I-i uh i only live up the road.... D-didn't expect to see you so soon."  I winced at how rude that sounded but it seemed to tickle the younger man.

His giggle was heavenly, "Well my night didn't quite go to plan." The smile left his face and he sighed, swallowing down some kind of emotion. He really was an incredible actor.

"Is uh... is everything alright? Bernard wasn't too much of a perv?"

That got a laugh again and my chest inflated with pride, I wanted to make him laugh more.

Once again however, the smile disappeared and I found myself dumping my rucksack randomly on the side of the pavement to sit next to him. For a reason unbeknownst to me, he sought my comfort and scooted closer.

"B-Bernard.... I'm sorry but he passed away in his sleep.... T-there was nothing I could do. The ambulance was here... they uh... you know... moved him."

The News hit me hard, i hadn't been expecting it and the shock perhaps hurt more than the loss. I didn't know Bernard personally, he was a friend... not even that he was a friend from work. Id miss seeing him everyday; miss seeing the boys he brought in and miss the unique conversations they'd have by the bar.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that."

He let out a breath which curled into whisps of smoke in the cold Newcastle air, "Yeah so am I."

"Are you okay now? You weren't uh... were you guys..."

"No, no he fell sleep before we did any of the things he wanted to. I think I got lucky, PTSD is not something I really have time for right now."

The conversation died and although I usually enjoyed silence this one irked me, I liked talking to the other man. I wanted to keep talking. However no matter how much I wanted it, it didn't change the fact I was deeply out of practice at casual chit chat.

Thankfully, speaking out in awkward silences seemed to be something the shorter man didn't mind as he laughed at himself. "This is gonna sound pathetic but uh... you got any cash for a taxi? My phones dead and I didn't get paid—won't get paid."

"I don't carry cash on me... but there'll be enough for your journey at my place. I can call you a cab there."


The silence fell again and it hit me suddenly that that was my cue to do something.

"Shit Right Uh, follow me. It's not far."

He smiled, the kind of smile you give to a child when they've just figured out something trivial, it made me blush. God I hadn't blushed this much since Highschool and I didn't even finish Highschool so that was a long, long time ago.

"If I'm going back to your place you should probably tell me your name, handsome." 

That suggestion made me hot around the collar and I wasn't 100% sure why. "It's Ant."

He arched a well trimmed eyebrow, "Just Ant?"

"Anthony McPartlin."

A smirk came to his pretty plump lips, "Nice to meet you Anthony."

"D-do you have a name?"


"Your parents just give up after that?"

I made him laugh again, it was angelic. He confidently took my arm in his and we started walking towards my home. It felt weird to have a man hanging off my arm, girls had less muscle for one. The escort clearly worked out, I bet he had a good body.

I pushed those images from my head. Why did I even care what he looked like naked?!

"It's for my safety. I can't give you my full name. D is just an alias. Oliver works too. I don't mind."

"What're you worried I'll do?"

"Not you. Anyone. Find where I live, find my family. Leak my name to the police."

"Sex work isn't illegal..."

"No. But I don't want them snooping around my business."

"I wouldn't snitch on you."

The Young lad leaned into me again, "As sweet as that is, I don't know you. You could be a stalker. You did follow me here after all."

"I can neither deny or confirm that claim."

"Isn't that just admitting guilt?"

"Guilty of what? You're the one following their stalker home? Do you think that's wise?"

"Well I'm at your mercy Mr McPartlin. I'm trusting you to be a gentlemen with me."

At first the flirting had no effect on me, but now that we were so close it felt more serious, more intimate. We weren't joking anymore and that had me in a rut. If I wanted this to stop, I could tell him I was straight and just call him a cab.

It only took two words. I'm straight. But I found my mouth glued shut, unable to tell a lie.

For some reason unknown to me I liked flirting with him, it felt like a safe space. I felt In control of the situation despite having no clue as to where it was going.

Then again I knew where it was going, he was going to get in a taxi and I'd never see him again. I couldn't afford him, I'd never be able to afford someone like him. Sex worker or no. He deserved some one who could treat him like a Prince.

Suddenly there was a tap on my head, "Whats going on in that big brain of yours uhm?"

My eyes fell and met two big green ones shining up at me with innocent curiosity. He had his tongue poked out and it was fucking adorable.

"What im going to eat tonight." I lied.

The smaller man huffed and swung on my arm a bit, "I can think of something...."

I furrowed my brow, "Care to share?"

He chuckled to himself, his shoulders shaking a little in suppressed amusement. I knew he was laughing at me this time, but I couldn't figure why.

"It's probably best if I don't."

I rolled my eyes, "Are you laughing at me?"

"No. I mean... maybe. But I'm sorry for a grown man you're very innocent."

Blinking down at him, I opened and closed my mouth like a fish out of water before huffing. "I'm not good at this kind of thing."

"What, talking?"

"Aye...." I ground my jaw and decided there was really no point holding back anymore, I was already in way too deep "....amongst other things."

A hand travelled up my biceps and the brown haired man grinned, before whispering into my ear, "Dont put yourself down handsome, you're doing great."

My entire throat went dry and made it impossible to clear the lump that had formed there. I was actually relieved when we reached my house because we could finally cut through the thick tension surrounding us.

"This is mine."

"Great... uh do you mind if I use your loo? I didn't go in the restaurant."

I blinked in surprised, for some reason I hadn't considered the possibility of him coming into my home.

"Uh, Y-yeah sure of course. I'll find some cash." We both started taking off our shoes while I pointed down the hall, "it's the door under the stairs there."

I hadn't realised how close we were until we stood up and the pull admitting off him was insane, I wanted to feel beneath his perfectly fitted suit, travel my hands down his chest and then....

Suddenly, when I realised just how fucked up my thoughts were getting, my eyes shot back up to his. If only they had made it that high though as they got completely caught on the motion of his slick, pink tongue gliding over his bottom lip. I shook my head quickly and turned my body away, the blush rising to my cheeks like I was cooking from the inside.

He smirked and followed me with his eyes a little longer before moving away with a slight sway in his hips, "Thanks, handsome."

I watched him go down the hall and once he was out of sight took a deep breath, I could barely string together a thought. What was I doing with him in my house?!

Oh wait, calling him a cab, right. I've gotta have some cash somewhere.

My house was freezing because I couldn't really afford to leave the heating on so I chucked some logs on the fire to get that burning before trudging upstairs to my sock draw where I kept my spare notes. I really hadn't accounted in my budget for buying random escorts taxi rides home but for some reason I didn't even care if that was a meal I was sacrificing.

Once grabbing the cash from my stash of tips I'd earned over the year, I jogged back downstairs towards the landline. I felt my heart tug with... disappointment? I guess I hadn't had company around in along time, and I got on well with the little, brown haired guy. Maybe I didn't want him to leave so soon.

I stood by the phone, resting heavily on the tabletop with a drawn sigh, my heart was pounding in my ears. I knew he was just down the hall, probably fixing his hair before he came out. I could say something to him, tell him I didn't want him to go. I didn't want to never see him again.

There was a click of a lock and footsteps as the other man started towards me from the bathroom. He paused in his tracks for a second, the silence was loud. I felt nervous, I couldn't tell if it was his heartbeat i was listening to or my own. The tension was so thick I could barely breath.

I made up my mind, I needed him gone or I wouldn't be able to control whatever force wash pulling me towards him. I wasn't gay... and yet I'd never felt this attracted to another human before.

I reached for the phone, my heart in my throat and tears in my eyes from the amount of shame I felt for being so cowardly. Why should it even matter if he was a guy? If he was a girl I would probably be down on one knee already. Was I seriously looking to throw away an opportunity to be with something I actually liked because I was worried what strangers would think of me?

Suddenly, like something out of a movie, his hand caught mine before it reached the phone. My eyes flickered up to sea-green eyes and my whole body rose in temperature at the hungry look he was sending my way, "Don't do that."


"I think you know why."

"I-I'm straight."

"Who cares what you call yourself?"

"I-I..." he was right, it was just a label, why should I let that control me.

Pulling my hand away from the phone with the most gentle of touches, the man who called himself 'D' stepped completely into my personal space, his spare hand tentatively resting on my waist as he fluttered his eye lashes at me in a way only a professional could. I felt the air get caught in my lungs and my hands twitch to touch him more.

"Are you attracted to me Anthony?"

His eyes were so open, so easy to read. I felt like I could tell him anything. He was good at this, so smooth. He knew he had to be gentle or else he risked scaring me off. I was balancing on a knife edge, I could tip one way and fall right into his arms or I could fall the other and find myself landing in a world of regret wishing I'd just told him to the truth.

"You can tell me handsome, ya divvent gotta be afraid like."

I huffed at his how he switched so suddenly to a strong Geordie dialect. Somehow, we hardly knew each other for an evening and he already knew how to push my buttons.

His hand lifted from my body to my cheek and my chest rose and fell at such a rate I was worried I was on the edge of a panic attack.

Like a deer caught in headlights, I nodded. I was attracted to him. A lot.

"So then would it be alright for me to kiss you?"

Would it? How would I know until I tried?

"O-only If you want to. I-I've never... y'know with a guy... I'm probably not what you're used to."

"No, no you're perfect." His hands smoothed up and down the few creases on my black shirt. "I mean You're Not 70 Are you?"

"N-no im 30."

A grin lifted his cheeks, "thought you were younger than me."

That snapped me out of whatever daze I was in, "seriously?"

"I have a baby face, it makes me look deceptively young. But you look young too. I was guessing 27ish."

I laughed and shook my head, "No way are you older than me."

"Dont laugh asshole. Aye. I'm 31 as of last month."  

I loved how proud of himself he seemed. It was cute. Worried the moment was over, I held eye contact, trying to read him and for all my trying I definitely couldn't have predicted what he did next.

It hurt a little, the older lad was a lot stronger than he looked so when he pushed me back against the wall I grunted at the pain but nothing hurt for long once his lips covered mine. It was like someone breathed new life into my lungs and then lit it on fire.

My hands sought to steady them selves on something and after smoothing down the smaller man's trim sides they anchored onto his perfectly shaped hips. He gave me the best kiss I'd ever had, it was slow but fast all at the same time, aggressive but passionate, he made my head-spin and like opening a packet of sweets he somehow had my mouth opening up to him with so much ease.

I tried to fight him for dominance but maybe I still wasn't sure how this was going to plan out... he was kissing me. I usually dominated in all my previous relationships but he was a guy. Did that make it different? Would he mind  if I took control? It felt like he'd could force me into submission if he wanted to. But why did it feel like he didn't want to? He was so strong and yet he was holding back, like he wanted me to bite.

I closed my eyes again as our tongues danced against each other, gliding and teasing the others senses. I was so lost in what was happening, I was following my instincts as i flipped our positions, taking his thin wrists in my hands and pinning them against the wall by his head.


A grunt broke from his chest as he peppered increasingly more urgent kisses from my lips down to my jawline whilst my hands dove into his soft brown tresses.

"I'd so let you fuck me for free right now."

Those words sent a shot of fever to my cock and I pulled him I closer by his ass so he could feel how excited I was.

I panted out my disbelief for the split second I could free my lips from his, "Y-You would?"

The smaller man moaned into my mouth and scratched his blunt nails through my black hair, "Uhm, You're so fucking handsome, handsome."


He buried his lips over my collarbone, sucking and nipping at the tanned skin there until he was satisfied before slowly sinking lower onto his knees with that same confident smile he'd shot me at the bar.

"Can I suck you off?"

I could barely look at him down there, looking so pretty and devilishly innocent on his knees, it made me so close to cumming and he hadn't even touched me yet. "Be my guest." I quipped before feeling bad, "...b-but only If you'd like to."

"You have no idea," he breathed, he pulled his hands behind his back and leaned in to capture my fly between his teeth, slowly dragging it down. Fuck how the hell did he do that. I cursed in my head, taking my initiative and helping him out by undoing my belt and button, he crawled a bit closer, his hands on my hips and thumbs just toying with the waist band of my boxers whilst teasing my erection with little seductive kisses through the material.

"Fuck." I breathed, my hand leaving where it had been holding onto the table beside us for support to bury into his silky smooth, ruffled hair. "More." I panted and whimpered as he used his teeth again to pull down my boxers slowly, letting my hard dick spring free to greet him.

"Handsome and big. Lucky me." The escort smirked, taking his time in licking a languid trail from base to tip with his eyes closed like he was enjoying his favourite lolly pop.

I moaned when he took the head into his mouth, sucking and rolling his tongue around the edge before gradually taking in more. He hollowed his cheeks as he got half way down and I jerked in surprised, only held down by his hands on my hips. "Easy tiger, I'm just getting started."

I'd had many blowjobs in my lifetime, some of them really quite good but nothing could compare to this. He knew his way around my cock like the back of his hand, he used just his mouth to pump me while his tongue drove me into ecstasy with its quick tricks. He had a gag reflex, I could feel it when he'd choke a little, but somehow he'd trained himself to push it aside, make it pleasurable for me and keep going, lower and lower until he was deepthroating my leaking cock with ease, swallowing and humming over the sensitive length until I was moaning loud enough for my neighbours to be be concerned.

My hand massaged his head as he pulled all the way back, swirling his tongue around the tip and then taking my whole cock all the way back in again. I didn't want to force him down on me, but I kept my hand firm on his head so he knew I was with him every step of the way. He felt so small in my hand, he made me feel so good I wanted to kiss him again and again but also never let this feeling end.

He started to go fast and I cried out at the tremors of pleasure running through me, I slammed my eyes shut, so close to release and so desperate to reach that high.

Suddenly, in the bluntest way possible, the escort stole that high from me. He pulled away, his hair a mess and drool running down his pretty lips, fighting against my hand on his head that tried to pull him back.

"Now, as fun as that was there are better ways to end this." He rasped, "You've gotta get me off too."

I felt my heart sink and I stuttered, "I-I dont... I-I don't know how to..."

He stood up suddenly, with a wince for his sore knees and pressed his lips to mine. My eyes widened in surprised, tasting myself on his lips wasn't exactly pleasant but I was so into him that I didn't care.

I started kissing on instinct, down his cheek and over his neck, rubbing my exposed dick against his body in a pitiful attempt to finish what he started whilst he studied the table beside us. "That'll break. Where's your sofa?"

"T-that door." I nodded my head in the right direction and continued nibbling at his neck, marking him as mine although I knew I probably wasn't supposed to. Knew I probably didn't even have a right to.

He pulled away, leaving my lips gaping for something more. I followed his movements as he glanced back to me with a flirty smile as he went to the sofa.

He was a gorgeous the way he danced through my house, completely unafraid and unashamed. I wanted to take a picture of him, make a movie so I could watch it behind closed doors. Roll the tape and relive exactly how he looked in that moment.

"Come on Handsome."

I tripped and tackled with my jeans as I pulled them from my ankles before stumbling after the smaller man who was waiting to ambush me. He jumped onto my back as soon as I'd entered the threshold with the sweetest giggle.

I laughed along, the first proper belly-laugh I'd let out in a long time. He wrapped his arms around my neck and legs around my waist before grabbing my hair, demanding that my head twisted to kiss his lips as I fumbled towards the couch with his weight on my back.

I managed to sit us down and he climbed me like a tree, his hips lifting up my back so he could curl around my body to nibble at my ear lobe. He dragged my hands over the thigh laying across my lap and I felt a strange bump beneath his trouser leg.

"There's condoms and lube on my thigh, you know how to use them right?"

I knew he was taking the mick out of me and I wouldn't roll over and let it happen. So I rolled him over, held him prisoner between me and the sofa. He grinned at me and reached up to kiss my lips, moaning into my mouth. I started to work my way down his body, my hands leaving his wrists so as I slid my tongue down the slick line of his abs, I was able to start undoing his trousers.

He groaned when my tongue dipped into his navel. I didn't know the first thing about pleasuring a dick with my tongue, but this, this I could do.

The smaller man shifted and groaned, lifting his legs to wrap around my upper body, "God don't fucking tease and get on with it."

"You made me wait. Now It's my turn." I growled, biting down at the juncture between his hip and his thigh whilst pulling down his trousers some more. I wanted them off, but I was puzzled about how I could do it with his legs wrapped around my shoulders.

He giggled at my stupid look and helped me out, using what I thought was extremely impressive flexibility to free himself of his trousers before changing positions a bit to wrap his legs around my hips.

His boxers weren't a problem because he wasn't wearing any. I paused and looked at him In surprise, I hadn't braced myself to be looking at another man's member but for some reason it only turned me on more, he was fascinating and gorgeous all at the same time. Perhaps I spent too long contemplating the level at which I needed to touch every inch of his body because the man below me let out a whine of impatience.

"God please just do something!" He begged and I nodded quickly, fuck the foreplay.

My hands slid down his now naked body down to the blue Lacey band holding, like he promised, atleast 5 condoms and lube. I took both while he tugged me down for a kiss, breathing deeply, "I don't need that much prep. Just lube me and you."

I nodded quickly- urgently- my heart pounding in desperation to get impossibly closer to the man below me. "S-Show me what to do... I-I don't want to hurt you."

He smiled kindly and sat up, gripping my unbuttoned shirt collar and slowly pushing me back until I fell with him landing on top of me, I corrected my legs to lie flat completely at his mercy. He took the condom and tore it with his teeth, sliding it down my length so easily I was almost embarrassed by all the fumbling it usually took me.

Next he followed up with the lube and as soon as his small, slick hand pumped me I was in ecstasy, crying out desperately on the couch. All that pent up frustration coming to surface.

My hands went to his hips and ran over his flat chest, pale milky white skin.

"I want to know your name."

He smiled angelically down at me as he rose up, his hands on my chest to keep him steady, "It's Dec... Declan."

I felt a tear come to my eye as he leaned down to kiss me passionately on the lips, his tongue slipping to meet mine in time with the slow tortuous pace he fell onto my cock, letting it slide past each of his rings with a slutty moan.

"Declan." I whispered in euphoria as he sat there adjusting to my size and feel. The heat was so intense I almost came.

Dec felt amazing around me, perfect, so tight and so warm. I was clawing at the sofa trying to be still for him to get comfortable. His chest glistened with sweat and his brow was heavy from pain, I waited patiently.

Not knowing it then, but waiting for a single word fall from his plumped, bruised lips.

"Move." He whispered and i took his hips, raising him up and pulling him back down, "Jesus, Anth."

I loved how he breathed my name, his perfectly formed face completely overwhelmed by pleasure. He started bouncing on me, pleasuring himself on my dick but I felt bad, why was I making him do all the work.

He could have taken me to heaven and back in a few seconds, but I wanted this to last, I wanted to make him feel really good. I was committed now, I didn't care that he had a dick I didn't care that he was a guy I just wanted to make him feel good.

I sat up, Declan thought this was to kiss and I didn't protest when he took control of my lips whilst my arms wrapped securely around his waist. I started thrusting into his warm cavern, trying to find that magical spot I'd heard so much about.

"Yesss." Dec moaned, "Just like that, oh my god so good. So so good... Anth... give me more."

I groaned at his begging and flipped our positions so I was stood up and he was laid out amongst the cushions so I could get a better angle.

The effect was instant, Declan threw his head back and screamed. I thrust harder, putting everything I had into hitting that sweet spot over and over again.

"Urg! Ugh! Urgh! Oh my godd so good— inside me... fuck me harder handsome... harder."

My hands had been on the edge of the sofa backrest, but I wanted to feel those beautiful moans against my mouth; I wanted to worship his pretty pale skin with my lips; I wanted to make him orgasm, see his face as he came.

I used one hand to hold me up by the smaller man's head, whilst the other went down to his hairless chest, smooth stomach and down to his needy erection.

Declans face was one of pure bliss and as soon as I touched him there he arched his back, curving his exposed torso so his muscles rippled erotically.

I moved to tame his lips and we kissed hard, he bit at my lips like he wanted them for his own and I moaned into it, kissing him back with equal fever.

Eventually I decided to take a risk I didn't know if he'd like it but I tried anyway, trailing my lips down his pulse, collarbone and sternum until I reached his small perky nipples. I slowed down my thrusts, wanting to last long enough to explore his body.

My mouth watered a little as I lowered my head  and experimentally flicked my tongue over the buds. They were so sensitive and had Dec moaning in such an X-rated way it eradicated any hope I had for keeping a slow place. After learning this new trick, I used it to my advantage, sucking, kissing, biting and pulling until each nipple was swollen and red.

I was flying high on cloud nine, no alcohol or drugs could ever make me feel so good but I was solely focussed on his pleasure, it made me feel so good to see the effect I had on him. To see him breath a little faster and his pupils dilate as I pumped into him like an horny animal. I felt myself get close watching while his eyes closed and mouth fell open every time I drove into him harder than before.

"You like this don't you? You like me fucking you like this... you like it rough god, should have done this before." I groaned into his neck, starting to get tired but still putting up a storm of thrusts so he'd remember me tomorrow.

"I-I... A-Anth I'm gonna cum."

"Do it." I husked, not slowing down but resting on my elbows so my fingers could gentle guide his sparkling green eyes to mine, "Cum for me Declan."

That was all he needed and as I thrust in for the last time he spasmed around me as he climaxed. Making the most beautiful sound as he came and his eyes seemingly changing colour as the pleasure coursed through them.

When he was finished, I closed my eyes just to enjoy my own high for a long while and remember what if felt to be in him. Just in case it was the last time I'd be allowed to have him like that.

The thought made me sad, i waited a little while longer before i kissed his soft lips one more time and reluctantly pulled from his arms.

The Escort

Anth was gorgeous coming down from his high, I fiddled my fingers through his jet black hair as he just rested in my arms for a moment. I told him my real name, I'd never done that, not with my clients and not with any of my one night stands since I was in college. But it felt good, to have him moan my name instead of some random alias. God the amount of men who had screamed Joseph or D in my ear like it was sexy made me feel sick. Anth was different though, he felt different.

That was the best sex I'd had in years and it was his first time, imagine what he'd be like with training. What that talented tongue could do to me.

I frowned as his expression turned sad. If he was having a come down it happened quick. He let me kiss him one last time before pulling away, I tried to hold onto him, but he broke free and disposed of the used condom.

The house fell completely silent above my heavy breaths but his footsteps echoed loudly on his way to the kitchen. I was worried that was it. That it was all over and he didn't want anything to do with me now that he'd gotten what he wanted.

My heart broke in my chest and I rubbed at my cheeks as soon as I felt dampness there. It was bound to happen, why would he be interested in someone like me for anything more than a free fuck. He only pretended to care. Pretended to like me because that's what all my sexual encounters were. Pretend.

From my laid out position on the couch I had just finished working out where all my clothes were, so that when he broke my heart and asked me to leave I could hold my head high, leave quickly and not look back.

However, when he walked back in he didn't have a wad of cash I his hands like I expected, instead it was a small bowl and a cloth.

I felt my lips lift in a hopeful smile, Ant was a good guy. He sat down beside me, pecked my lips dutifully and stroked my messy hair from my eyes, "Are you okay?" He asked, sensing my sadness and I bit my lip, nodding, waiting for what he'd do next. He was full of surprises, I couldn't underestimate him just yet.

He kissed a stray tear from my cheek and took my hand in his own larger one, it felt nice, "Let's get you cleaned up yeah?"

I sniffed and agreed, letting him take the damp towel to the mess I'd made on my stomach. Ant looked completely beat, exhausted by the 5 star performance he'd just put on but the Geordie barely seeemed to care, he wanted to look after me. I felt like a princess.

It was the same feeling I'd gotten whilst we were one, he was in another world of desire but he didn't care, he still found a way to look after me. To put me first, to pleasure me more than he did himself. There was a small number of men selfless enough to care that much for an male sex worker like me.

"I have a spare tooth brush you can use in the bathroom upstairs."

Anth stood up, still holding tightly onto my hand for comfort. I went to move with him but hissed at the stabbing pain in my back. Maybe I had miscalculated how much prep I'd needed after all.

The dark haired man seemed overcome with worry as he sat back down and pulled me against his chest, "Shit I hurt you didn't I? God I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry I should have been gentler."

I shushed him and only when he finally calmed enough to listen was i able to get a sleepy word in, "You were so gentle. So good. I promise you I'm fine. It's just a little pain, it's completely normal."

"Fuck I'm so sorry." He murmured into my neck, rocking my naked body like a babe.

I liked the attention.

"Please don't be sorry I wouldn't change anything about this night. B-but could you help me up?"

"Sure of course I'll help... wait hold on, stay here." He laid me down gently so I was able to rest comfortably and ran out of the room, tugging on his boxers as he went. I sighed as I was left alone again with my thoughts, only this time I remembered what we had done on the very couch I was laying on. Sex wasn't taboo for me, it was a way of life. I'd done some much more kinker stuff on much more obscure pieces of furniture. And yet somehow that vanilla sex had me blushing furiously like a teenager.

God he was so fit, sometimes it was hard to tell with bartenders. Sometimes they let work take over their whole lives and never had the endurance to impress me. But Anthony McPartlin, god that was his first time with a guy? I moaned and shifted just thinking about him.

It took about five minutes but eventually my new favourite thing to fuck wandered down in his tight white boxers, which highlighted every inch of tanned skin around his naval. He moved towards me. I tugged him down by his hair so he could kiss me again, I didn't ever want to stop kissing him he tasted too freakin' good.

Suddenly, handsome had his arms around me and was picking me up, careful of my back. He took his time, let me fold into him when I was ready and then we started up the stairs. I wasn't sure how I felt about being carried at first, but eventually I began to like it, my head was cradled at the juncture of his neck and strong shoulder. I may have been cheeky and nibbled a bit at his skin, but Anth didn't seem to mind, he just chuckled at the feeling and kissed my brown hair.

Finally, after Ant had struggled to get me up the stairs, he carried me into his bathroom. It wasn't anything special but it had a full bubble bath and I was a very happy Declan.

"Do you think you can get in yourself? I don't wanna drop you."

I looked down at the bath and nodded, "stand me up in it first."

Ant did exactly that, with extra care to make sure I was steady. He seemed relieved to give his arms a break and I smiled, kissing his lips, "You should join me."

He swallowed but nodded, no cheeky comment or anything, he just pulled off his boxers and stepped behind me- supporting my back and legs as we slowly lowered down into the water. Eventually we were moulded into each other in the relaxing bath, Ant was spread out, too big to have his legs in the tub so I curled up between them, resting my head comfortably on his chest whilst I toyed with his chest hair.

His hands took the soap and lathered up my body which made me all relaxed and sleepy. I always felt better after a hot bath, he was perfect for looking after me like that.

"Feeling better Decky?" He asked as he took a cup and poured water into my hair to dampen it without making me put my head under. 

I flushed an embarrassing pink at the nickname before purring when he started combing his shampoo through my brown tresses, yay I'd smell like him, "Uhm never been better. Thanks, handsome."

"There's uh.... no where you need to be right?"

My heart fell a little, "I'm sorry handsome, but I can't sleep here. It's against policy."

Frustration growled through his chest at that, "I'm not your client."

"That's not what I meant."

"Well what did you mean? Why can't you just stay with me?"

"Tis against the rules." I mumbled sleepily, kissing his chest, not having the energy to argue, "for my safety."

"You're Safe here. I won't hurt you, I promise... just... stay for the night? Pretty please."

Lazily my eyes swayed up to meet his and those big blues were giving me puppy dog eyes. I whimpered and buried my head in his neck, melting with that image permanently ingrained in my mind, "Fine." I pouted, whacking his arm, "Stalker."

He laughed and it bounced me on his chest, I grinned where he couldn't see me and let my fingers play with the warm water whilst he began rinsing my hair of suds.

I yawned and he cooed- making me blush- he let his hands start washing further down and I knew where he was going, "I'm just gonna finish cleaning you so you're not as sore tomorrow okay?"

I nodded and directed his sharp jaw down so I could capture his lips. If he was going to wash me in such an intimate place may as well make the moment intimate to distract myself.

We spent far too long than was necessary kissing in that bath and once his fingers were inside me, I struggled to not just jump his bones again. I was half-hard again by the time he had finished and by the looks of it so was he. I licked my lips and tried to reshuffle so I could take care of that for him but he swore and restrained me, using all his strength to cuddle me into his chest till I became like a helpless teddy bear for him.

"No, no, no. As much as id like a repeat of tonight, I will break you if we go again."

I flopped in his arms with a childish pout and Ant just laughed at me, kissing me lovingly before picking me up out of the bath and taking a towel to my body to dry me off.

I felt all fresh and new, Anth went to get me some PJ's that might fit but his trackies fell off me and his t-shirt went to my thighs so I Just vibed with that.

I followed him to his bedroom like a lost puppy after I'd brushed my teeth. I was feeling well enough to walk with an uncomfortable limp and not have him carry me but he still had to move slow so I could keep up.

"There you go, feel free to help yourself to anything in the fridge if you get hungry or thirsty. Uh... yeah... the light in here doesn't work but that side light does so just use that."

I blinked up at him as he tucked me in and I suddenly got the sinking feeling he was going to say...

"Right well... I'll be on the couch if you need me... well actually, maybe I'll take the armchair."

I whined and jumped up to latch onto his neck with my eyes closed, I made myself a dead weight so he had no choice but to fall on top of me, "Stupid. Handsome stay." I huffed and he laughed, nuzzling at my cheek affectionately.

"Okay, alright I'll be right here."

I grinned and let go of him so he could get under the covers. Once I'd turned over, he moved to spoon me lovingly. It felt like we were a married couple, just cuddling before a long working day. I felt so safe and loved in his arms, it was a feeling I definitely wanted to get used to.

"Night Declan." He mumbled, kissing the top of my hair.

"Night, Handsome." I smiled, closing my eyes and slowly drifting off to sleep.

The Bartender

Can I marry him already?

So that was fun, it hasn't cured my writers block but I does feel nice to finish something for once. Hope you all enjoyed ❤️

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