It's Coming Home

By caseycan

127K 1.7K 1.2K

Jack Grealish X Love Island Fan Fiction set during Euro 2020 with lots of throwbacks 2009 Aged 14, Jack is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47 - The Final Chapter
Bonus chapter

Chapter 33

1.7K 32 8
By caseycan

July 2021

'Hello and welcome to Love Island week here in Majorca, I'm Amy Shaw and I'll be bringing you all the gossip from here in Magaluf in the run up to the all important final. Remember to download the app and vote for your favourites to win'

'That was great Amy' said the producer giving her the thumbs up.

'I'm glad, honestly I was so nervous, its so different talking to the camera on purpose rather than just talking to another person' she admitted.

'Don't worry at all, you killed it' he reassured her. 'Now, next stop the beach party'

Amy jumped into the car with the production team and headed towards the beach. It felt strange being back with all the other Love Island contestants, not only had she walked out on her own accord, but now she was getting paid to be there and co-present the week whilst they were there unpaid. It was obvious that not all of the girls were as happy for her as the others, but that was their issue. Amy had to keep reminding herself.

'So the beach party is for the Jet2 competition winners' the production assistant explained. 'You'll go in and basically get them warmed up, the DJ will be playing whilst they have few drinks and then you'll play some Love Island style games. Everyone else will be there to help out, but a lot of it will be live-streamed so basically just think like the camera is on you the whole time, and you'll be fine'


Even though the pool party in Mykonos was in full swing, Jack was looking forward to seeing Amy on the livestream. He was enjoying himself, but he wished she'd been able to come with him. The livestream kicked off at one, and Jack tuned in via his iPad. He smiled proudly as Amy's face filled the screen, she looked incredible. He immediately noticed that she was still wearing the bracelet that he had given her and that made him smile. It looked good with the bright electric blue bikini top and her favourite denim shorts that she had on. There was just something about her, she was glowing.

'Hello to everyone joining us via the ITV website, and welcome to the exclusive Love Island x Jet 2 beach party. The DJ already has the tunes pumping, but what I need to know is ARE YOU READY TO GO WILD?' she shouted to the crowd


'Woohoo!' She squealed.

She was a natural on TV and he could see how much she was enjoying herself. The camera panned round and showed Brad, who was looking at Amy like a love sick puppy, and the rest of the Islanders, but Brad was the only one he really cared about.

'I can't stand that guy' he told Chilly, who'd come over to see Amy.

'I know, but we both know Aims has got this' said Chilly confidently. He knew that now she was back with Jack, she'd 100% be faithful. That's just how Amy was.

'Alright everyone' said Brad 'The first game for you is suck and blow. We've got 4 teams and each team has to pass this beer mat between each other just by sucking and blowing. No hands just your mouth. Amy can you help me show them?'

Amy smiled but deep down she wanted to punch him. Sharon was stood right next to him, there was no reason for him to have asked Amy.

'Okay, Brad will pass to me and then I'll pass to Sharon' Amy agreed grudgingly.

It felt strange being that close to Brad as he passed the mat to her. Then she passed it to Sharon.

'See guys nae bother, Amy's always been good with her mouth' Brad joked.

'What the Fuck man' Jack shouted at the screen.

'He's clearly doing it to wind you up, he'll know you're watching, she looked horrified, so don't worry' Chilly tried to reassure him.

'The guys a prick' Jack sulked.

As the beach party went on, the drinks were flowing and Amy found herself tipsy, to say the least. Sharon kept handing her shots that were going down a little too easy. One thing that always happened to Amy when she drank was that she would lose her inhibitions. She got rid of the shorts and began to dance beside all of the party goers. All of a sudden there were men all round her.

Jack saw Brad smirking and his blood boiled.

'I swear I'm going to throw that iPad in the pool' shouted Dec.

'I'm going to dispose of his body in the sea if he's not careful' Jack said, fuming.

'Okay everyone, next game was a challenge we did on the show' Amy began. Jack knew immediately what it was. 'We're looking for the sexiest dancer of the Love Island pool party. We've got 4 girls and 4 boys who reckon they've got this'

'Just a warning boys, take it from someone who knows, your swimming shorts won't be able to hide your excitement. Just ask Amy' she blushed.

'I can't help that I'm a good dancer' she shrugged playfully.

Jack turned the iPad off.

'I can't watch any more of that'

'The guy is a twat, he's doing it just to wind you up' said Dec. 'We all saw you and Amy before we left, trust me when I say you don't need to worry'

By the end of the beach party everyone was pretty drunk, both guests and islanders alike.

'That was amazing wasn't it?' Amy asked Brad.

'You were amazing you mean, you did that so well, a proper natural'

'I appreciate you saying that so much, you're a good friend to me'


Jack was chilling on a lounger by the pool surrounded by his mates, now he'd calmed down from watching the livestream, mainly thanks to Chilly, he felt like this was the life. As much as when it came to football, Jack loved to work hard, he also needed to play hard to let off some steam.

'So tonight we're going to head back into town, everyone up for it?' Mason asked.

'Obviously' laughed Jack.

'Good, cause I've asked them girls to come with us too' Dec pointed over to a group of around ten girls sat by the pool. They all waved over and giggled when they realised the boys were looking at them. A blonde girl caught Jack's eye, but he turned away and reminded himself that the last time his eye had wandered it had wasted two years of his life waiting to put it right. The girl however had no intention of letting him get away with that. She walked over and introduced herself as Mia, and rather than take the empty seat, she squeezed herself onto the bottom of Jack's lounger.

'Your calves are amazing' she said running her finger down his leg. Wow, this girl was forward.

'Thanks, funny that's exactly what my girlfriend says too' he replied, trying to be subtle but at the same time let her know that he was, in fact, taken.

'Yeah, well she's in Magaluf, and you know what they say, what happens in Mykonos, stays in Mykonos' she laughed, using it as an excuse to touch his thigh. This girl was trouble with a capital T.


Amy was frustrated, Jack had told her to call him at 10pm, and she'd been trying for ten minutes but he wasn't answering. She decided to DM him instead, that way she would see once he'd read her message. Opening up her Instagram, she saw Mason had posted on his story about the pool party they were having, and lo and behold there he was, Mr Jealousy himself with a woman's hand on his thigh. Hell no, this wasn't happening again, not after 2 days apart.

Amy felt overwhelmed as the old feelings of insecurity came back. She'd though that she'd put his cheating behind her, but right now it felt as raw as ever. There was only one thing for it, she was going out and she was going to party until she forgot his name.

'We all good to go?' Amy asked the rest of the group who were waiting for her in the hotel lobby.

'Lets do this!' whooped Sharon, she was ready for a repeat of the night before.

'You okay?' asked Brad quietly, sensing something wasn't right with Amy.

'I will be as soon as I get me into the club' she laughed falsely.

'You can always talk to me Amy, just know that' Brad reassured her.

'Guys, wait, we should film us outside the club' Amy shouted before they walked in.

'I'll do it' said Brad pulling his phone out, and pressing the live button.

'Hello everyone, Brad here, just about to go clubbing in Magaluf for the first time as a full team and I am buzzing for it, what about you Amy? What's you plans for the night?' he draped his hand over her shoulder.

'To drink and dance until I can't feel my feet' she laughed, and couldn't stop laughing.

'You heard it here first guys' Brad laughed too. 'Have a good night whatever you're doing'

'Or whoever' Amy butted in. She was still laughing, but it was aimed squarely at Jack.


It felt like Mia was just parading herself around Jack, like some kind of bird doing its mating call. She would lean over so he could see her cleavage in her barely there pink dress, that only just covered her bum. Jack was trying his best to ignore her but she was making it as hard as possible. A few months ago he wouldn't have hesitated in giving her exactly what she wanted, but things had changed, he knew what he wanted and this was not it.

'I cant believe its already midnight' Chilly said, barely able to keep his eyes open, he'd drank so much.

'Midnight? Shit, I was meant to phone Aims' Jack tried to find his phone. 'I can't find my phone, Chilly, give me yours so I can DM her and apologise'

He took Chilly's phone and went to message her, but he could see she'd added Brad's video to her story. What did she mean by that? Whoever? This whole situation was a mind fuck. It shouldn't be this difficult to be with the woman he loved.

'Jack, come and dance with me' called Mia.

'No thanks, I'm just going to head home, I think Chilly needs his bed' he said, turning her down as gently as possible.

'I could always come back with you and help?' She asked, but he wasn't interested.

He went to bed alone that night, hoping that Amy was too.

In Magaluf, Amy lay alone in her bed thinking about Jack, she looked at her phone, should she call him? She put it back down. She'd speak to him tomorrow when she was sober.

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