Isaac Lahey One-Shots

By mersuperwhosmthng

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Isaac Lahey One-Shots, Drabbles, Prompts and requests from my tumblr! More

Drifted Apart
Someone Else
"Goodbye Aiden."
Save Me
Wolf Boy
Needed You
Needed You Pt.2
Drabble Request #1
Drabble Request #2
Drabble Request #3
Drabble Request #4
Drabble Request #5
Drabble Request #6
Prompts 13 & 35

Something Stupid

123 0 0
By mersuperwhosmthng

"Yes, I'm ready to go back to school." you groaned for the millionth time, convincing your brother and mom.

"Okay, but what if something happens?" Scott asked.

"Like what? I'm surrounded by werewolves everywhere I go. I have a knife with me. Derek and Argent have been training me." you said, crossing your arms.

"That doesn't mean anything," Scott said.

"What? Mom, help me out here! I have been home every day for the past 3 weeks. Please." you begged.

Melissa looked between you and Scott. Scott kept you at home because he thought that the Alpha Pack or the Darach was gonna hurt you. You didn't really care, knowing you could easily defend yourself, but Scott didn't agree with you.

"Okay, fine." Melissa agreed with you.

You gave Scott a smirk.

"What? Mom!" he started.

"Nope! No, no, no, no!" you quickly yelled, grabbing your bag.

"Thanks, Mom!" you yelled before quickly running out of the house.


You took a deep breath as you smiled, walking down the halls.

"(Y/N)" you heard Isaac gasp from behind you.

"Oh look, it's the giant!" you exclaimed.

He rolled his eyes at your nickname for him, and ran to you, hugging you.

"I missed you so much." he practically lifted you off the ground, holding you tightly.

You closed your eyes.

"I missed you too," you replied.

You broke off the hug, holding his hand.

"So how have you been?" he asked.

"I texted you 24/7, I'm pretty sure you know," you said.

He put his arm around your shoulder as you started walking to your locker.

"I'm just trying to make conversation. So, wanna hang out after school?" he asked, leaning against the lockers.

"No, I have school to catch up on," you replied, pushing him softly.

"Nerd." he scrunched his face.

"Asshole. I'll catch you later, k?" you said, getting your books out.

"Yeah. Love you." he kissed you and ran off.

Your eyes went wide for a second, realizing what just happened.

Oh dear god


"So where's your boyfriend?" Stiles asked you, sitting next to you on the table.

The rest of the pack gave you a look.

"Shut up. We're friends," you replied.

"That's a lie. And the fact you know who we're talking about." Lydia said, sitting on your other side.

"Look, I don't know and I don't need to know," you said, looking down.

"I heard and saw," Lydia whispered in your ear.

"Ugh" you replied.

"Uhm, what? What happened?" Scott asked, using his werewolf skills to be a protective older brother.

"Seriously, it's nothing." you gave Lydia a look.

"Well, then I'll ask him myself." you looked up, watching Isaac head towards the table.

Your eyes went wide.

"Uhm, I just forgot, I have to go...." you quickly grabbed your things and ran off, leaving a confused pack and slightly embarrassed Isaac.


You avoided Isaac for the rest of lunch, going to class. You waited for Lydia to sit next to you, but instead, Isaac did.

You looked around, trying to find another seat, but everywhere was full.

"(Y/N), we need to talk," Isaac whispered to you.

"No, we don't. Nothing happened." you didn't know what to say. You knew you liked Isaac for a while, but there was no way he meant that kiss.

"Yes, something did. Look, I just wanted to say sorry, okay? It was an accident, something stupid. Let's just forget it ever happened and go back to being friends, okay?" he asked.

You felt your heart shatter.

"Done", you said softly.

"(Y/N), Isaac, detention." you heard your teacher say.

"For what?!" you exclaimed.

"Talking. Class has already begun." you looked at the clock.

40 seconds ago?! Are you kidding me?!

You rolled your eyes but kept your mouths shut.


You walked into detention, seeing Isaac was there. You took a deep breath and sighed as he motioned for you to sit next to him.

Instead, you sat in front of him, thinking.

There was no way you could be mad at him, you knew the kiss was a mistake the second it happened. But hearing him say it, hurt you. As much as you didn't want it to, it still hurt you.

"(Y/N), Isaac, you can restock the Janitor's closet." you heard your teacher say.

You quickly raised your hand.

"Uhm, does it have to be with him?" you asked.

"Now that I know you'd prefer now too, then yes, it does." he smiled at you.

You rolled your eyes as you walked to the closet.

"(Y/N)," Isaac said to you.

You ignored him, doing what you had to do.

"(Y/N), god! I said I was sorry what more do you want?!" he exclaimed.

"I'm not mad at you Isaac!" you nearly shouted.

"Yes, you are! I can read you, (Y/N)! You're clearly pissed at me because I kissed you! I already told you! It was an accident! It meant nothing!" he groaned.

"I'm not mad-" you sighed.

"Yes you are!" he exasperated.

"I'm not mad that you kissed me! I'm mad because-" you started, before stopping yourself.

"Why? Why are you mad then?" he asked.

You sighed. You could speak, or you could keep quiet.

"(Y/N)," he said.

"I'm mad because you regretted it!" you exclaimed.

"W-What?" he stuttered.

"Can we just ignore it, okay?" you sighed.

"But you can't like me! Me?!" he exclaimed.

You gave him a look before signing.

"I mean, you like Stiles!" he said.

"What?!" you almost screamed.

"You! Like Stiles!" he said.

"What the hell are you talking about?! I don't like Stiles! That's gross!" you exclaimed, the thought of you and Stiles sent a shiver down your spine.

"What?! B-But I thought you'd never like me!" he exclaimed.

"Wait what do you mean?!" you asked, confused.

"Well..... I like you, (Y/N)." you looked up at him.

"Shut up," you replied.


"Because! You like Allison!" you replied.

"I don't like Allison! I like you!" he exclaimed.


As you looked at Isaac, you heard the door slam shut, causing you to jump slightly.

"What? No." Isaac almost immediately ran to the door, trying to open it.

"Isaac?" you said, concerned, walking to him slowly.

"N-No, I can't be trapped.", he said. A few seconds later the lights went out.

"N-No!" he pushed the door, banging on it, trying to open it.

"Isaac, calm down." you put a hand on his shoulder.

"I-I can't be trapped! Help! Let us out!" he yelled.

"Isaac-" you started. You saw his eyes glow yellow. He was turning.

"Isaac, calm down. Just breathe. It's gonna be okay." you tried to calm him, stroking his back lightly.

"(Y/N), stand back, please. I don't wanna hurt you." you could feel him shaking.

"You're not gonna hurt me. I know you won't," you said softly.

He turned, facing you. He stood tall, looking at you. You took a deep breath, looking at him, not sure what was about to happen.

He leaned down, pressing a kiss against your lips, holding your hands.

You closed your eyes, sinking into the kiss.

He moved his hands down to your waist, holding you tightly.

You wrapped your arms around his shoulders.

You didn't know how long you two were together, but you loved every second of it.

Both of you didn't notice the door finally opening, as you continued holding each other.

"Isaac?! With my sister?!" you heard Scott exclaimed, as you quickly broke the kiss, opening your eyes.

Isaac looked at Scott, and opened his mouth, about to speak.

He quickly pressed a small kill against your lips, before running off.

"Oh hell no! Isaac!" Scott ran after him.

You held in your laughs, or your cries, you couldn't tell your own emotions.

"Ha! I knew it! You owe me 10 bucks!" Lydia turned to Stiles.

"You guys bet on it?" you crossed your arms, raising an eyebrow.

"And now it's our turn to run!" 

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