Needed You

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You leaned against your locker, watching as Isaac ran down the hallway with his new friends, passing by you once again, without even noticing. He had a big smile on his face, which was never unusual, even through all his pain and hardships he always managed to stay happy. But this smile was different. It was more of an evil smile, something that made you uncomfortable.

That was only a small change of what happened with Isaac. New friends, new clothes, new attitude. If it wasn't for his hair, you wouldn't be able to recognize the boy in front of you. Someone who used to be your best friend, who you'd rely on for everything, someone that you were there for.

As time went on, you had only assumed you would never lose Isaac. The bond the two of you had was unbreakable. Or so you thought. Your mother used to crack jokes about you marrying Isaac, due to the bond you had with him. You'd never felt that way about anyone else.

Your mind ran past the thought of your mom as you clenched your jaw, taking a deep breath. Your mother was gone, had been for a while. But not that anyone knew.

You sniffled softly, before hearing the bell ringing, while you entered the classroom.

"Partner up," you heard your teacher say.

You kept your head down, before seeing the shadow of someone sitting next to you.

"Partners?" you heard Isaac's voice as you sighed softly.

"Actually..." you started.

"Oh, c'mon we both know that you don't like anyone else," he instantly began to tease you as you rolled your eyes, annoyed.

He was trying to act as nothing happened, and that he didn't spend all those past months ignoring you completely.

"Fine," you replied softly.

You rested your head on your hand before looking at the board, doing the assignment.


"Are you scared?" Isaac's voice was small as the two of you stood in front of Beacon Hills High.

"No, are you?" you lied, looking up at the building.

"No," he replied.

"Are you lying?" you asked.

"Yeah," he sighed.

You reached for his hand, before taking a big breath.

"It's okay, Isaac. Remember, we'll always have each other, right?" you asked softly.

He nodded his head, before the two of you gave a small smile to each other, before opening the door, entering your new school for the first time.


"(Y/N)!" Isaac ran down the hall, making his way to you as you scratched your forehead, before turning around to face him.

"Yeah?" you asked.

"I went by your house last night? You didn't tell me you moved?" he asked, frowning slightly.

You dug your nails into your palms before nodding your head.

"I live with my uncle now," you replied.

"Your uncle? I thought you hated your uncle," he replied.

"He's not that bad," you muttered, opening your locker.

"Well, you told me that he has a drinking problem. And he gets scary and mean," your eyes watered slightly before you rubbed them away.

"I don't really have a choice," you said.

Isaac Lahey One-ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ