Drabble Request #3

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Request: D or F with Isaac?

D: Drunken Confessions

"This was a terrible idea," you kept your voice down, trying not to wake Scott as Isaac giggled, leaning on you.

You stumbled slightly, trying to hold Isaac's larger frame up before leading him onto the couch.

"Are you joking? I don't even feel anything," Isaac slurred his words, laying down on the couch.

After a lot of convincing and arguing, Derek finally agreed to tell Scott and Isaac how to get drunk. Scott barely drank anything, quitting early, and went back home, while Isaac kept going.

"I can't believe you're the drunk one. It's always the other way around," you muttered to yourself, putting a small blanket over Isaac's body.

"I'll see you in the morning," you kissed his forehead softly, before he complained, reaching for your hand.

"Stay with me please?" he asked.

"Isaac," you looked at the clock, seeing it was already past 2 in the morning. You nodded, sitting down on the couch across from him. You would just tell your parents that you stayed over at Scott's.

"You're too far," you rolled your eyes, pretending to be annoyed with how clingy he was to you when he was drunk.

Your feelings for Isaac were complicated. You liked him a lot, but the two of you had been friends for far too long to ruin it by getting together.

You sat on the table next to him, stroking his head softly as he looked up at you.

"The moonlight makes you look really hot," you scoffed, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks.

"You're hammered. Go to sleep, Isaac," you let out a nervous laugh before he shook his head.

"I mean it. You always look hot anyway," you frowned slightly.

"But I don't just like you for your looks!" he exclaimed, sitting up.

You could tell he got up too fast, feeling slightly dizzy as he took a deep breath, putting his hands on his head.

"You're like a ten in all departments," you laughed nervously, putting your hands on your face trying to cover your blush.

"Isaac..." you started.

"No! Shhhh!" he put his finger on your lips as you frowned.

"I like you a lot, (Y/N)," you could see all the goofiness and smile fade from his face as he looked at you in all seriousness.

"You're smart, you're funny, your hair is really nice too. You always smell good," you bit your lip, shaking your head.

"Isaac, we should talk about this when you're sober," you didn't want to give yourself a false sense of hope.

"Okay," within two seconds, he laid down on the couch, almost instantly falling unconscious.

You sighed, making your way up to Isaac's room.

You jumped in the bed, hearing Isaac slam the door open.

"Isaac you gave me a heart attack!" you scolded, wrapping the blanket around yourself.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Well I wasn't going to walk home alone at two in the morning," you replied.

He frowned slightly, before his eyes widened, taking a seat in front of you on the bed.

He must've remembered the events from a few hours ago.

"(Y/N)..." he started.

"Did you mean any of what you said last night?" you asked quickly.

He shook his head no, while your face dropped slightly.

He sighed, before taking a deep breath.

"Fine, I did. But I don't want to ruin our friendship. I-If you'll hate me... please don't hate me. I don't want to ruin our friendship," he shook his head, while you stroked his cheek softly, as he went quiet.

"I kinda like you too," you replied softly.

He let out a breath of relief before wrapping his arms around you, pressing a kiss to your lips.

You closed your eyes, kissing him back. He pulled you down slowly, laying on top of you before freezing, looking down at you.

"Close the door," you said.

He nodded, running to lock the door before pulling off his shirt, laying on top of you.

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