Save Me

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TW: self-harm, angst, very very small fluff

You cried silently, running to your room in the loft. You were the only human there, so you couldn't hear any heartbeats, but you were pretty sure you were home alone. You closed the door behind you, forgetting to lock it.

What the hell is wrong with me

You ran to your bathroom, finding a razor. Your head and chest were pounding. Were you really about to do this? Again? No, you weren't. You looked at the razor, before setting it back down on your drawer. You covered your mouth, holding in a loud sob. You sat on the ground, your back against the bathroom door.

Why do I screw everything up? Why can't I help anyone? Your mind shouted at you, causing you to feel worse.

Then, you took off your jacket, looking at your arms. Looking at all the scars on it. Different cuts and bruises all over them.

What's wrong with me?

It's gonna be okay

You'll feel better if you do it. Come on, just one more time. I deserve it.

You couldn't fight it. You slowly pushed yourself up, using the counter as support. You looked at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were bloodshot. You were messed up.

You took your razor out with shaky hands, placing the cool metal on your skin. You let out a shaky breath, before pushing it against your skin and moving it upwards slowly. You felt the sting of the gash, and the warm blood start trailing your skin.

"(Y/N) what the hell are you doing?!" Isaac yelled, running into your bathroom, forcing the door open.

You jumped back and put the razor down, before covering your arm with your other hand.

"Isaac, what the hell? I could've been using the bathroom!" you yelled at him. Your voice was shaky, you prayed he wouldn't be able to tell.

"Stop lying! I could hear you crying, I could feel your heartbeat, I-I could smell your blood." he said. He looked more worried than mad.

"I-I'm fine, Isaac. Go away," you said, your voice going a little low.

"Move your hand." he crossed his arms.

"Why?" you asked nervously.

"Move your fucking hand (Y/N),"  he said.

"Isaac, just stop. I'm fine, okay?" you said.

"Fine." he quickly ran to you and forcefully pulled your hand from your cut.

His eyes widened as he held your arm in his hand.

"What the heck?! You had no right to do that!" you yelled, yanking your hand out of his grip. Your eyes watered.

"(Y/N), please, listen to me." he said, his voice kind.

"No! This is my privacy! Just leave!" you yelled at him.

"(Y/N)," he started.

You started pushing him out of your room, then locked the door after him. You heard him punching at the door but you didn't open. You ran to your bed and stuffed your face in a pillow as you let out a loud sob.


"(Y/N)." Isaac said. You jumped, turning to him. You looked at your door, seeing it was broken.

"Sorry about that, I'll fix it later,"  he said.

"Isaac, please leave me alone." you sighed.

"I will,  just let me tell you something. I'll leave you alone after that." he said, sitting next to you on your bed.

You slowly sat up, nervous of what's to come.

He took a deep inhale, then rolled up the sleeves of his sweater. You looked at his arms, they were also covered in scars, just like yours.

"W-Wh-", you started.

"I did too. Some time ago. They never healed, even when I became a wolf. I didn't have anyone to help me with it, I was all alone. I didn't have my mom or brother, and I didn't have my dad. But, (Y/N), you have me. You'll always have me. I know what you're going through, you feel like crap, you think everyone hates you, you think you screw everything up. But, it's not true. (Y/N), you're the strongest, smartest, sweetest person I know. Everyone that knows you adores you."

Your eyes watered as Isaac wrapped his arms around you.

"How did you stop? I can't... I-I need help", you cried.

"It's gonna be okay, because I'm here for you, okay? I'll always be here for you. I'll help you through this. It took me so long, I guess part of it was because I met you guys. I was just a loner, a freak with an abusive father. Then, I became a wolf and everything changed." he explained.

You cried silently as his arms around you. You didn't realize it, but you had somehow fallen asleep. Something about Isaac. You felt different. Maybe he was gonna save you.

Isaac Lahey One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें