Drabble Request #2

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Request 1: Isaac and reader break up for whatever reason and the pack takes isaacs side and blames u for the break up. And it's everyone just being jerks except for malia who takes your side and asks what's wrong and you can chose whether it has a happy ending or not

Part two: Hi can u please write option one from this but w a sad ending? Maybe the reader dies and everyone is blaming them self cuz she kept on calling them one night and they all ignored her and malia couldn't save her and all

Please. 🥺

You noticed the glares from the rest of the pack as you sniffled softly, making your way to Scott's couch. Isaac stood in front of you, ignoring you completely as he talked with Allison, before putting his arms on her waist.

You felt your eyes water slightly as Malia came to sit next to you, holding your hand.

"What happened?" she asked.

"He broke up with me a-and now the entire pack is..." your voice faded as you attempted to hold in your cries, before Malia wrapped her arm around you, leading you out of Scott's house.

"Ignore them. They're all stupid assholes," Malia said.

"I'm not as strong as you, Malia. I can't just avoid the fact that everyone hates me," you let out a shaky cry while she kept holding your hand.

"Then it looks like we're just going to have to stay away from them, okay?" she asked.

You nodded softly, before resting your head on her shoulder.

You continued dialing all the numbers on your phone, calling Isaac, calling Scott and Stiles, Malia, Lydia, even Allison. No one picked up. They kept declining your calls.

A cry fell from your lips are you wrapped your arms around your head, trying to control your breathing. Your entire life was falling apart and the only person there was to blame was yourself.

You knew no one cared about you enough for anyone to stop what was about to happen, and that this night was going to be your last.

Your heart has been in pain, aching for months non-stop. You just wanted it to end, and you just wanted relief. But you tried to convince yourself that this wasn't the way.

Your faith in your friends, in your pack, began to deteriorate as the clock struck midnight.

Your heart was beating fast, it was the only thing you could hear as you dialed Isaac's number once more, leaning a voicemail.

"I-Isaac... I-I'm so so sorry," you cried into the phone, trying to take deep breaths.

"I'm sorry I ruined everything f-for you and I'm sorry I hurt you and for being such a burden, a-and," you cried loudly, dropping the phone from your hands, before wrapping your arms around yourself.

"I'm sorry," you heard the call drop as you looked down to your blade, your vision blurry as you pressed it against your skin.

You let out a small cry, pausing.

Everyone would be relieved, everyone wouldn't have you as a burden.

You pressed the blade further into your skin, feeling the burn as you cried out.

You could feel yourself fading away before laying on your floor, feeling yourself bleeding out.

"She called me nonstop too last night!" Stiles groaned, slightly annoyed.

The pack gathered at Scott's house, everyone there except for you and Malia.

"She left me a voicemail too. She must've been really desperate for something," Isaac scoffed, turning to face the window before frowning, seeing Malia running towards the house, in tears.

She slammed the door open, Scott could hear it breaking off as her fangs appeared from her mouth, growling at Isaac.

She ran towards him before Scott and Stiles held her back.

"Malia! What the hell?!" Stiles yelled.

"Don't any of you check your fucking phones?!" she screamed at them.

"If this is about (Y/N)," Scott started.

"I'm going to kill you. This is all your fault!" she yelled at Isaac once more, before Scott pushed her back.

"What happened?!" Scott yelled.

"She's dead!" all of their faces visibly dropped as they stared at Malia in shock.

"What do you mean dead?" Isaac's voice stuttered as he felt his heart beating in the back of his head.

"She killed herself. Last night. All of you were too stubborn and stupid to answer," tears immediately flooded Stiles and Scott's eyes, feeling guilt in their chests.

"No, that's impossible. Look, she sent me this message last night," Isaac began to play the voicemail you left for him, feeling his heart break as he heard your broken voice.

They all stood around, frozen. Tears rushed to Scott's eyes before he wiped them away.

"It's all our faults," he said softly.

"Scott, no," Stiles started.

"We all pushed her away. We all kept her out. That's not what an alpha does," Scott ran his fingers through his hair.

Stiles looked to Isaac, who stared the floor, looking away from everyone.

"I gotta go," he grabbed his jacket, running out of the house.

Isaac Lahey One-ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ