Drabble Request #4

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Request: H with isaac from the fic alphabet? thank you for writing 😊

H: Hurt/Comfort

"He's in his room," Scott let you into his house, leading you up the stairs to Isaac's room.

He had been in there for longer than a day. Scott informed you that Derek had kicked him up, and invited him to stay at Scott's house with him.

You knocked at the door, putting your ear up against it to try and hear anything.

"Isaac? It's (Y/N)," you called out.

There was no response as you frowned slightly, knocking once more.

"Isaac," you turned to Scott, asking if he had any key, to which he replied no.

"Old fashioned way it is," you muttered, pulling out a bobby pin from your pocket.

You picked the lock, opening the door slowly to see all the lights off, and the window opened.

Your heart jumped, immediately thinking to the worst possible scenario before you heard him sniffle, with his arms wrapped around his heads as he sat on the floor.

You closed the door behind you, sitting next to him.

"Hey," you said softly.

You pulled his hands off his head gently, lifting up his chin.

"You couldn't take the locked door as a hint?" he scoffed, pulling away from you.

"Oh, so he speaks," you replied sarcastically.

"Go away," he shook his head.

"What happened with Derek?" you asked.

"He kicked me out," he replied.


"He got Cora back... he didn't need the hassle," you could feel him holding back as you reached for his hand, immediately filled with worry.

"You're shaking," you said softly.

"Sorry," he looked at his hands, before running his fingers through his hair.

"What else did he do?" you sat in front of him, putting your hands on either sides of his face.

More and more tears rushed to his eyes, shaking his head.

"Isaac," you repeated.

"It wasn't anything I didn't deserve," he replied softly.


"I swear to god if that stupid motherfucker hurt you," Isaac looked away from you, trying to keep his tears in.

"I'm going to kill him," you clenched your jaw.

"I-I was being naggy and I kept annoying him," he stuttered.

"What did he do to you?" you asked.

"He threw a glass at my head," Isaac replied weakly.

You wrapped your arms around his shaking figure tightly, feeling him crying as tears fell down his face. He buried his face into your neck, crying softly.

"I'm going to kill him. I'm going make him wish he was never born, I'm going to-" you threatened him before Isaac stopped you.

"He's my alpha," Isaac tried to defend him.

"He hurt you!" you exclaimed.

"I deserved it," he replied.

Your eyes went red, holding in your own tears as you looked at him carefully.

"Nothing you can do, no matter how annoying, o-or naggy, you do not deserve that," you shook your head.

He continued holding onto you, before you wiped his tears, helping him stand up.

"Come on, it's time for you to go to bed," you nodded softly.

He stayed quiet, while you walked him to his bed, laying down next to him.

"Stay tonight?" he asked softly.

"Yeah, of course," you pressed a small kiss to his forehead, before wrapping your arms around him. You felt him fall asleep, while you slowly let go of him, sneaking out of the bed.

You looked back at him once more, before sneaking out of his room, getting ready to make your way to Derek's.

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