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You let out a loud, frustrated groan as you saw Isaac enter Scott's house. You laid back on the couch, glaring at Scott before he rolled his eyes.

"Please just don't start anything, (Y/N). We need all the help we could get," you heard Stiles mutter.

"Why is he here? You do remember he tried to kill Lydia, right?" you groaned.

Isaac glared at you, crossing his arms.

"You got your fucking revenge, or did you forget about shooting thirty arrows into me and Derek?" you pushed yourself off the couch, walking towards Isaac in anger before Stiles walked between the two of you.

"Enough. Right now, we all have a common enemy. The alpha pack, this Darach. Put aside this little feud and act like friends," Scott said.

"I can do it if they can," Isaac replied after a moment of silence.

"Yeah, well I can do it even if he can't," you crossed your arms, hearing Scott sigh as Isaac clenched his fist. This was going to be one hell of an experience.


You never forgave Isaac for trying to kill Lydia, even if he was a part of your pack now, and even if everyone else had already forgiven him. He acted like a dick, in your opinion, and had done nothing to redeem himself. You forgot you used to be friends with the blue-eyed boy, long before he became a werewolf. The two of you drifted apart once high school started, not for any reason he seemed to remember.

You knew you could never hate him completely, instead, you pushed down all your other feelings and emotions and kept on a mask. It was the relationship between the two of you and it's how you liked it, no matter how much everyone else complained.

You were Allison's first friend at Beacon Hills, which introduced you to Scott, Stiles, and the rest of the pack. Most of the time, they would forget that you're only human.

"Knock knock," you poked your head up, frowning as Isaac leaned against your doorframe.

"What are you doing here?" you asked.

"Scott said that you needed some weapons," you noticed the duffle bag in his hands while you stood up off your bed, walking to him.

"I told Scott I have two perfectly good weapons at the ends of my arms," you crossed your arms, looking up at Isaac.

"Well, they kind of don't want you to get killed tomorrow night," he dropped the duffel bag, before crossing his arms.

"Oh, and you couldn't care less?"

"Did I make it that obvious?" you saw a small smirk on his face before you rolled your eyes, walking away from him.

"Try not to die tomorrow," you leaned on your bed.

He smiled softly, before nodding his head.

"Try not to get in the way of me trying to save your ass," he smiled, you felt warmth in your chest before you cleared your throat, looking back to your homework as Isaac led himself out through your window.


You felt Kali's claws dig deep into your stomach, as you groaned, jumping in front of Isaac, who was cowering on the floor. Blood dripped from his wounds, it was taking longer for him to heal.

Your vision blurred as you fell to the ground, watching as Kali ran off, seeing Derek and Ennis both hold each other, both falling to their deaths.


"(Y/N)!" Isaac ran to you, pulling you up in his arms as you winced, letting out a small cry of pain.

"Why the fuck did you do that?!" he yelled.

Isaac Lahey One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now