Carlac- A Luxsoka Fanfic

By Rainbow-Rocker

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After Ahsoka and Lux discover that they are bound by a prophecy known as a Legat the two friends relationship... More

Chapter 2: Peace Talks
Chapter 3: Rescue
Chapter 4: Conflict
Chapter 5: Frustration
Chapter 6: Infiltrating
Chapter 7: Betrothed
Chapter 8: Healing
Chapter 9: Promises, Promises
Chapter 10: Terrorists
Chapter 11: Fighting Talk
Chapter 12: Crash Landing
Chapter 13: Ice Cold
Chapter 14: Past, Present and Future
Chapter 15: Home Free
Chapter 16: Family Lost, Family Found
Chapter 17: Tensions Rising
Chapter 18: 'Till Death Do Us Part
Chapter 19: Padawan Old and New
Chapter 20: Don't Worry, We'll See Each Other Again
Chapter 21: Welcome Home
Chapter 22: Danger
Chapter 23: Worry
Chapter 24: The Plan
Chapter 25: Light, Dark, Balance, Peace
Chapter 26: Love or Liability?
Chapter 27: Love Fruit
Chapter 28: Threat
Chapter 29: Master Gone
Chapter 30: The Bounty Hunter
Chapter 31: Grieving Jedi
Chapter 32: A Criminal
Chapter 33: Information
Chapter 34: Division
Chapter 35: The Truth

Chapter 1: Persuasion

126 4 0
By Rainbow-Rocker

Junior Senator Lux Bonteri was awaking from a night full of turmoil. Coughing and groaning as dust, damp and dirt surrounded him; the flat he was residing in was in pretty poor conditions however it served its purpose. As a Senator his family did have a lot of wealth but at the moment Lux wished to keep a low profile and right now only had five hundred credits on him. The rent was fifty credits a night which was extortionate considering the conditions but Lux was willing to pay up. Onderon, Raxus, Coruscant were planets that Lux couldn't return to; at least not yet. Onderon and Raxus were trapped in Separatists claws under the control of Count Dooku whom Lux despised with a burning passion. Over the last six months the Republic had been experiencing harsher resistance from the Separatists making the battle field more even for both sides. Lux didn't identify with either cause but he was always looking on the Holo-net for any news about Ahsoka.

"Kova! Get up! It's time to pay rent!" Dim Taik was the landlord who owned these run-down living quarters and had a very explosive personality. His temper and insulting tone combined with his rough fighting style was a result of the war on Mandalore. Many people had ended up in tight situations and those with a sharper edge succeed the weak. Kova had been his Mother's maiden name before she had become a Bonteri. It seemed like a useful disguise for Lux to take as he resided on Mandalore.

Groggily, Lux made his shirtless way over to the door. Lux did have a mirror in his flat and whenever he saw his physique it made him glad that he wasn't with Ahsoka. His chest had the outline of abs but Lux wasn't active enough for them to develop further. His arms weren't thin but they weren't decorated with muscles either; so far he could manage fifteen press-ups before collapsing. Lux's wallet rested on a counter beside it where he pulled out thirty credits. Dim may be an angry person but he wasn't the sharpest weapon in the armoury so Lux had been giving him twenty credits less in rent. Shoving the crumpled pile of money underneath the door he slouched away over to his pile of clothes. A black top was shoved on along with a lighter shade vest. Suitable for rather cold weather. Another person knocked at the door and Lux felt himself snap. "GO AWAY! DIM, I SWEAR TO FORCE!" He stropped over to the door and wrenched it open.

On the other side of the door was a young Twi'lek post women. She was lilac with blue spots along her lekku and bright orange eyes. Her uniform was green with yellow bright strips along the edges to identify her in traffic. Her name was Vizzal Shala who had become a friend to Lux over the last few months. Vizzal was the one person whom Lux had revealed his true identity to. She smiled and laughed at Lux's outburst. "Apologies Lux, I didn't realise that you weren't a morning person. Has Dim worked out your little scheme?" Lux felt himself blush at the mis-timing of his morning.

"No no, Vizzal, he is still as dumb as ever. I feel as though I must apologise for my outbust in case I frighten you." Vizzal smiled and shook her head to show that it was okay. Lux grinned. "I assume that you have some post for me?" He asked, gesturing to her bag filled with letters and packages

Vizzal opened the flap of her bag and rummaged through it for a moment. "As astute as always Senator Obvious. If your deduction that someone who wears this uniform is here to bring you post is the potential of your Senatorial abilities than Onderon is in good hands." Clearly she was teasing him and Lux felt like an idiot however it was nice to have a friend here. "A flyer. I've got plenty of these to deliver. All about the Republic-Sepratists peace talks on Wednesday. Huge waste of time if you ask me; war can't be won through talking and many people in the galaxy have been profiteering due to this war. What's your opinion about everything?" Vizzal folded her arms cross her chest, cocked her head to one side and lent on the doorframe. She was particularly nosy for a post women.

Lux thought for a moment before he answered. Had Vizzal asked him this question eight-nine months ago he would've said that the Separatists were trying to free the galaxy of the corrupt Republic's grasp. Once upon a time, Lux had been adamant about the Separatists winning the war and supported them proudly. Now that was not the case since his Mother's death and the friendship he had formed with Ahsoka. She had believed that the Republic was strong, generous and that the Jedi were golden heroes who did nothing wrong. Ahsoka had been taught that the Separatists were crazies who wanted a dictatorship. Both teenagers had been proven wrong and their beliefs towards the fighting factions were shifted towards more neutral territory. It was one of the reasons for why Lux had chosen Mandalore to live on. "I don't know if I'm honest Vizzal. There are heroes on both sides and they both want what's best for the galaxy. I was raised in the beginning of the war to fight against the oppressive rule of the corrupt Republic however now I've begun to see that the Separatists fight dirtier and have a more ruthless streak to them. In truth, I don't really want either side to win."

Vizzal nodded, thoughtful by his answer. In many ways she agreed with him and she was honoured that Lux had been trusting of her enough to share his past with her when they had first met. He wasn't unattractive either which never hurt but Vizzal only truly saw Lux as a friend and Lux seemed smitten with a Togrutan Jedi called Ahsoka Tano. She didn't seem like a person you would want to be on the bad side of. "OI! LETTER LADY! ARE WE EVER GOING TO GET OUR LETTERS OR ARE YOU AND KOVA GOING TO KEEP FLIRTING WITH EACH OTHER?!" An irritable Rodian whom Lux didn't know the name of shouted at them. Many other people Lux considered his neighbours joined in and Vizzal smiled as she waved goodbye to Lux and continued with her job.

Lux gave the Rodian and a few others a glare before shutting himself in his flat. He really disliked how some people treated others; as a Senator it was one of the things he planned to enforce on Onderon when the time came. Remembering the flyer that Vizzal had given him, Lux opened it and read through. It wasn't very interesting and it contained nothing that Lux didn't already know however there was some information at the bottom which interested him greatly. The Republic Senators were being chaperoned by Senate soldiers which was no surprise but Ahsoka Tano would also be accompany them. It was possible that they might see each other again. That thought made Lux very happy. Then he read the next but of information and Lux's happiness rapidly turned into grief and rage: Senator Mina Bonteri was at the helm of bringing peace between the Republic and the Separatists and in her memory the Separatists extend hand of friendship once more to the Republic. Count Dooku is said to make an appearance via hologram and say a few words about the Onderonian Senator who was taken from us far too soon as we approach the six month anniversary of her death.

Lux's body shook with rage and he ripped the flyer into little pieces. "HOW DARE THEY! DOOKU DOESN'T CARE ABOUT MY MOTHER! HE ORDERED HER DEATH! LIES! ALL LIES!" He shouted into the abyss of his room and fumed. Suddenly his holo-transmitter beeped to let him know that someone was trying to contact him. Lux picked it up. "Hello?" A hologram of Mandalorians filled his vision and the male leader began speaking to him.

"Hey kid, we got some info that you're no friend of Dooku. Neither are we. How would you like to get revenge for what he did to your Mother? Might get you a name for yourself as well; I'm sure a certain Padawan would be very grateful if you took down one of her most powerful enemies. Are you in?" His voice had a rough edge to it but Lux was only interested in the words spoken rather than what they sounded like. He nodded his hand eagerly.

This time a female Mandalorian spoke to him. "That's great. Welcome aboard, Lux Bonteri. Now here is the plan..."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I really enjoyed writing it and it was quite long as well. I'll update soon probably. Bye, bye.

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