No Angel


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Mesmerizing. Hypnotizing. Enchanting. Those three words were the adjectives that were constantly listed off f... More



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In this story, Demi didn't go to rehab. It is 2014 and DEMI (the album) never happened. Demi also does not self harm, have bipolar disorder, or have alcohol and drug problems. So clear those things from your mind and happy reading 😘😘😘

Underneath this pretty face is something complicated

I come with a side of trouble but I know that's why you're staying

Mesmerizing. Hypnotizing. Enchanting. Those three words were the adjectives that were constantly listed off from the people who came in contact with Demi Lovato. There's just something about her. Something about the crooked smirk, the one where only one side of her mouth comes up into a sly closed mouth smile and her eyebrow tilts upward and she gives you a look as if to say "I know exactly what you're thinking right now." And she does know. She knows the exact effect that she has on people. She knows that she possesses some type of unidentifiable trait that makes everyone who comes in contact with her instantly fall in love with her. She used that to her advantage, but what she didn't realize was that it was also her weakness.

The morning after walk of shame was a trip that everyone had to take at least once in their lives. Demi Lovato had taken it many times before and the pictures still haunted her. The worst had been when she was leaving this guy's house the morning after Halloween. It was embarrassing but it was a bit better because the guy that she had sex with the night before (and early in the morning too) walked out with her, so she wasn't the only one who got caught. After that, Demi vowed that the walk of shame was a trip that she would never take she left before the paps could even think about showing up outside of the house where they had followed her to the night before after a concert or a party or anything else like that.

This morning was no different. Her alarm went off at five am and though it was such an ungodly time that she felt as if she should be apologizing for even being awake that early, she still rolled out of bed and began to look for her discarded clothes on the ground. She wasn't going to wear them because ew, but she still needed them because she had to return the dress that she had worn last night.

With a cashmere blanket wrapped around her body, Demi tiptoed into the ever familiar closet and sorted through the designer clothes in there. He was always picky about what brand he wore, which Demi could somewhat relate to. But she was never picky like him. She wanted to be comfortable so she grabbed a pair of his sweatpants that usually showed off his dick print which resulted in them being shoved down and kicked to the floor, with a loose black tee shirt because she wasn't wearing a bra and her nipples tended to get hard in the morning. Dropping the blanket, Demi grabbed a pair of his boxers as well before slipping into the sweatpants and the tee shirt, deciding that she was all ready to go. She grabbed the Uggs that she always kept here just in case and slipped those on as well. Now all she had to do was get away before he woke up and got into his feelings because he hated when she left without saying goodbye.

"You couldn't have stayed just an hour longer so that we could wake up and have breakfast?" She heard him mumble from the California king size bed. He was obsessed with big beds even if it was usually just him sleeping in them.

"Oh no sweetheart, that would mean that we're in a relationship, and we both know that we aren't," Demi replied with a sarcastic smile on her face, not that he could see it.

"Demi, it's not a crime for us to actually wake up together and have breakfast and do things that friends do in the morning," he breathed out, sitting up and causing the sheet to fall down his chest and reveal his chiseled abs. If she didn't have to go home right now they would definitely be repeating last night's actions, but sadly, she had to go.

"You always do this. Stop making things difficult. You know how I am. I'll call you later Trey." She rolled her eyes as she exited his bedroom and let herself out of the house. She and Trey had known each other for years, longer than anyone actually knew that they had known each other. It all started about four years ago when she admitted that she thought that he was cute in a live chat, so he slipped into her DMs. The rest was history.

Her phone buzzed in her Dolce and Gabbana bag as soon as she got into the car. She reached over the console and dug through the bag, mentally reminding herself that she really needed to clean it out later, before she extracted her phone and swiped the answer button to the left.

"I know it's early but I woke up and I couldn't go to sleep. We're still on for breakfast today, right?" That sweet accent that she had grown to love filled her ears and it almost made her smile. Almost.

"Yeah, of course. In fact, I was already out for a run this morning so how about I just come over to you now and get ready over there?" Demi suggested, chewing down on her bottom lip as she started her car up.

"That'd be great. I might fall back asleep so you can just let yourself in. I'll see you soon, Hermosa." She rarely said bye when she was on the phone so Wilmer hung up before she did. Even though her car was started, she sat back in her seat for a little bit to reflect on her life as the sun was rising above the horizon. Most women her age would want to be in a serious relationship or in college, but Demi couldn't see herself doing that right now. She was happy where she was. She was sailing on a boat of never ending success, she was at the peak of her career, she had healthy relationships with people who cared about her, and most importantly; she wasn't tied down to a man. She was free to be with whoever she wanted to be with and that was truly the best part of it all.

"My life is great," she snorted before backing out of Trey's driveway. She would be back; maybe after her breakfast with Wilmer or even way later on in the day, but she would come back. She always did.

Sitting in one of the many conference rooms in her record label's executive building in one of the plush leather office chairs that was seated at the head of the table, Demi fought off the urge to roll her eyes. She had been on her way to Wilmer's house when she had received a call from her manager saying that there was a mandatory meeting that she just had to attend. She appreciated all that they had done for her since she left Hollywood Records and moved to the Def Jam family, but she didn't appreciate last minute calls about what she deemed as unnecessary meetings.

"There's something special about you Lovato." She honestly didn't remember any of their names so she couldn't exactly address him but Mr. Blue Tie was just stating the obvious. She knew there was something special about her. Everyone who came in contact with her did.

"And we have yet to tap into that. Your album, how is it going?" Demi decided to sit up in her seat a little bit so it didn't seem like she didn't wanna be there, even if that was true.

"It's great. Timbaland and Missy are meeting up with me in New York so that we can work on it some more after I do my interview for..." she trailed off because she didn't remember the name of the radio show that was interviewing her later that day and she honestly did not care.

"The Breakfast Club. You are being interviewed by the Breakfast Club. Do you remember why?" Jeff (was that his name?) questioned as Demi nodded, because they had been over this hundreds of times and if this was what their meeting was about then she didn't feel as if it was that "mandatory."

"We are trying to help you reach out to a new demographic. There's a spot open in the R&B genre that you need to fill or we're dropping you," Jeff, she was pretty sure that was his name, stated, doing that thing that rich old men with lots of power seemed to with their hands, forming a pyramid like structure by touching their fingers together and staring into it as if something were actually trapped inside. Maybe it was his soul.

Demi snorted and tried to hide her chuckle but her little noise made everyone in the room turn around and look at her.

"Is the fate of your career funny to you?" He asked and Demi shook her head.

"I understand what I need to do to keep my position on your label. Now, if our little meeting is over, I had other plans before you called me here for this mandatory meeting." Since no one objected, Demi stood from her chair and waltzed out of the room. Since her faithful bodyguard, Max, wouldn't be joining her until it was time for her to fly to New York on the label's private jet, she headed over to Wilmer's house to salvage what little time she had left to spend with him.

Letting herself into Wilmer's house was easy considering the fact that he had trusted her enough to give her a key about a year ago. She quietly walked through his massive house just in case he was sleeping. She entered the master bedroom where she most frequently spent her nights and walked straight into the bathroom. Wilmer seeing her in another man's clothes would break his heart. They weren't really dating but they were technically exclusive, if you wanted to label whatever it is that they had. Demi wanted to call it an open relationship but she didn't even think that she could call it that. They were just...together.

"Is that you nena?" He had cute little pet names for her that no one else did, not even Trey. He was the only one who was allowed to use pet names on her as well. They had all these little tiny rules but it wasn't a relationship, maybe just a confused friendship.

"Yeah, I'm gonna hop in the shower. I'm all sweaty from running!" She called as she turned the shower on and quickly stripped out of Trey's clothes, throwing them in the hamper before stepping under the hot spray of the shower head.

Not even five minutes later the door to the shower opened and Wilmer stepped in. Demi smiled as she felt his arms curve around her waist and his lips press against the sweet spot right underneath her left collarbone.

She had known Wilmer for a long time, just like Trey, but she and Wilmer had always been different. They didn't jump into a relationship thanks to their twelve year age difference, but he was just there for her. She had been going through a rough patch for a while, a rough patch that she didn't really talk about, and he was there for her through everything. That was kind of what made their friendship type thing so strong. She didn't know when it had transitioned but it had and Demi was unconsciously hooked to him. She couldn't change their relationship even if she wanted to.

"I missed you last night, where were you?" The feel of his breath on her skin combined with the way that he was holding her sent chills down her spine.

"Record label party, the usual," she lied with ease, turning around in his arms to face him and moving them away from the spray of the water.

"Did you miss me too?" Wilmer's accent made her melt into a puddle every time that she heard it, especially when it was directed towards her. He was a sweet talker. He always had been.

"Hmm," she hummed, closing her eyes as his lips made a trail up to her face. Some people, well most people, would refer to her as a slut if they heard that she had sex with one man last night and was getting ready to have sex with a different man not even twelve hours later. But they just wouldn't understand. Her relationships with the two of them were completely different. Sex with Trey was just sex and it always had been. No one could compare to the way that he made her body feel, not even Wilmer. But with Wilmer, it wasn't just sex. He made her want to get married and have kids and settle down and she didn't like that feeling or enjoy that feeling, but somehow, he made her feel like it was okay for her to welcome it, so sometimes she did.

As much as she would've loved to stay with Wilmer for the rest of the day, immediately after breakfast she was pushed onto a private jet to fly to New York for her interview with the Breakfast Club. In person radio interviews really were not her thing. She didn't see the point of them, but the executives at her label did because she was trying to reach a new audience...that audience being black people. Yeah she had conquered the majority of the teenage population during her Disney days and they had stuck by her for the past six or so years but it was time for her to reach a different demographic. Every producer that she worked with told her that her voice was made for R&B, so now she was exploring that genre and praying that she got accepted by their main audience or else she would be dropped by her label.

Part of her reaching a new demographic meant going on shows that she had never even considered going on before, like the Breakfast Club. She listened to it all the time but she wasn't sure what Charlamagne was gonna throw at her and that made her highly uncomfortable. She was so used to interviewers sending her the questions that they were gonna ask beforehand and then she would be able to tell them what they could and couldn't talk about. Apparently The Breakfast Club didn't roll like that.

The Breakfast Club was filmed and put online, much like how Ryan Seacrest did his interviews, so Demi made sure that she looked good. A short black and gold tribal skirt hugged the lower curves of her body. She had paired that with a simple black shirt under a tan blazer. Her legs looked like they stretched on for miles because of the heels that she was wearing and her shiny auburn hair cascaded down her back in perfect curls. She looked good and she knew it.

Walking into the studio, Demi was instantly greeted by Charlamagne, DJ Envy, and Angela Yee. They all hugged her and told her how good she looked and how excited they were for the interview while she just basked in their compliments. She didn't want to be cocky but she really did look good today. That's what happens when you have great sex.

"I never thought that Mitchie from Camp Rock would be on my show." That was the first thing that Charlamagne said once they went on air and Demi audibly groaned into the mic.

"Can we not talk about that?" She chuckled but she wasn't joking. She was grateful for the amazing start that Disney gave her but she didn't wanna be known as "Mitchie" or "Sonny" forever. She was Demi Lovato and she was all grown up.

"Nah, I'm just joking. We are on air with the stunning Demi Lovato. When I tell y'all that you're gonna want to watch the video for this interview, I'm not joking. Baby girl is looking right!" Chalamagne exclaimed as Demi giggled but covered her mouth so it wasn't as loud.

"Thank you," she beamed, taking a sip of her water as DJ Envy chimed in.

"What ethnicity are you because them curves..." he licked his lips and Demi was used to receiving compliments like that but it didn't mean that she was always comfortable with it.

"I'm like a little bit Latina. I try not to list off everything that I am because then I sound like those typical white people who are like, 'I'm 15% this and 7.5% this.' Just know that I'm mixed," Demi replied, and she was happy when Charlamagne actually laughed at her little joke. She adjusted her headphones and sat up a little bit straighter.

"So you signed to Def Jam about a year ago and you haven't put out an album yet but word on the street is that you've been working with Timbaland. Is that true?" Charlamagne asked and Demi nodded and broke into her wide smile.

"Yes, I've been working with him and Missy Elliot because I want my sound to be totally different. I don't want bubble gum pop or radio hits or anything like that. I want a unique sound that is totally mine and I want to experiment with a different genre and Timbaland worked with me on my last album and so did Missy and once they heard I was doing a full R&B album, they wanted to work with me again, and the rest is history," Demi explained with a light shrug of her shoulders.

"Let's change topics because if we're all being honest here, we don't give a hot damn about your album, until it comes out." That caused Demi to laugh so she moved away from the microphone so that the people listening wouldn't have to hear her raspy giggles.

"Now, you are a very beautiful woman and I can see why you've got men practically falling at your feet, but what is going on between you and Trey Songz?" Demi knew that question was coming. It was the only one that she could really count on someone asking her. She deeply exhaled and scooted back up to the mic.

"I've known Trey for years. I consider him to be one of my best friends so we're super close and I love hanging around him. But Trey also has a girlfriend who is my best friend's sister so I would never go there with him." She wasn't surprised at how good she was at lying through her teeth because she had a lot of practice. She lied about a lot of things, but it was all for a good cause so she didn't deserve to go to hell over it.

"Are you ever tempted sometimes? He is fine and the way he sings..." Angela trailed off and raised one of her eyebrows as Demi shook her head even if she wanted to scream yes and brag about how great he was in bed, better than he sang about it in his songs.

"I'm just not that type of person. I know that if something did happen and we both wanted it then I would ultimately be the one who would get the blame for everything and it's just not worth it," Demi truthfully answered. If it ever came out about what her and Trey were doing, none of the blame would be put on Trey. It would just be all her fault, even if it wasn't.

"So you think Wilmer Valderrama is worth it? I've never heard of him but you know I had to do my research on you and he was in your history. What's up with that?"

"He's my best friend too. Obviously we have an age difference but-"

"It's the same gap that Beyonce and Jay Z have, right? About twelve years?"

"Yeah it is but, I don't know. I'm happy being just friends with him. I'm from Texas so most of my friends are settled down with like two kids right now. Sometimes I want that but sometimes I just want to enjoy my life before getting tied down so I'm just having fun right now," Demi honestly answered.

"Well we won't penalize you for that. Now you said Mila J, Trey's girlfriend, is your best friend's sister. I didn't know you were friends with Jhene Aiko," Angela said to change the subject.

"We met through Trey and Jhene is just so cool and we clicked instantly. She's like a sister to me."

"Now if Jhene was into girls, even though she isn't, would you get with her?"

"Hell yes!" Demi exclaimed, causing everyone to laugh again. "I'm not even into girls but trust and believe that if she was into that, I'd be into it too. And she knows that, I tell her that all the time," Demi laughed along with everyone else so that they would know that she was joking.

"So is there anyone else in the industry that you're friends with that we don't know about?" Angela asked after all the laughter had settled down.

"Um, me and Big Sean have gotten kind of close recently. I'm friends with Kim Kardashian so I see Kanye a lot, maybe too much for my liking, but um, he's cool when he's like...calm. And I don't really know like I get introduced to new people all the time or become friends with people that I'm like a huge fan of which is really cool but yeah. If they're nice to me I'm nice to them," Demi replied with a shrug as Charlamagne nodded and took back over.

"Are you nervous to release your first full R&B album?"

"Yes, I'm so nervous because it's something I've never done before and I don't wanna become like...the Iggy Azalea of R&B. I don't want people to listen to my album and be like, 'she's ruining R&B she needs to go back to pop music.' That's like my biggest fear ever. I just want to be original and I want people to enjoy and relate to my music," Demi answered as Charlamagne nodded, impressed with her answer.

"I don't think you'll have a problem with that. There's just something about you that makes whoever you come in contact with just fall in love with you and you have a phenomenal voice. I think you'll be just fine," he said to her, and Demi could tell that it was genuine. Hopefully, everything would turn out just fine.

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